The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 37

by Macy Blake

  The command was given as an honor, and Loch swung up behind Sawyer, both of them sitting proudly upon Saeward’s form.

  Sawyer had his back straight, and he stared straight ahead as Saeward began to move forward. He appeared to Draco still in his horse form, but he had no doubt that as they grew closer to court, Kavalan would perform the promised glamour which would show him in his full hippocamp glory. If the lake had been astonished by him, no doubt the queen’s court would have never witnessed anything like Saeward. He flew higher, Andvari squeezing his thighs against Draco’s back. Eduard flew beside him, circling, keeping his eyes peeled.

  Draco only knew it was time for the show to begin when the ground beneath them shifted and suddenly Saeward shifted as well. Kavalan had his arms raised, the glamour he built around them shimmering with power. Andvari’s thighs squeezed tighter. Draco spiraled through the air, spewing flames ahead of Sawyer’s arrival. He heard gasps from the ground, from the fae folk who had gathered to witness the arrival of the Chosen One.

  Kavalan’s guards spiraled around them while Henry raised his arms and asked the wind to answer his call. It did and glimmering leaves and flowers began floating through the air, only adding to the spectacle. Sawyer continued to remain steady, unmoving, calm. Regal. The gasps grew more and more excited, trills of sound bouncing around them as they drew closer to the queen’s court.

  When Kavalan began to sink lower, Draco and Eduard followed suit. They were able to walk, the glamour of the water not impeding them but still allowing Saeward to move as though in water. It was the most impressive display of magic Draco had ever witnessed. Sawyer had well and truly arrived. The court had no idea what they were in for.


  Saeward had witnessed many spectacles in his time at court, but nothing compared to the display Kavalan put on for their arrival. Saeward, whose powers still surged from the gifts of the lake, had never felt more at ease showing his true form. His chest had puffed out for the first time in his life, pleased at his size and at the power he gifted to his mates. All of them shone, as Kavalan had intended.

  Many fae waited around the outskirts of the queen’s court, staring in awe at the different creatures at Sawyer’s call. Of those fae, Saeward could only name a few. So many unfamiliar creatures, but all of them with the same expression on their faces. Awe. There was no doubt that Kavalan understood the ways of his people. They were impressed, and from the displays Saeward had seen in this strange land, he thought it must take a lot to impress these folk.

  They were led into a courtyard, where Kavalan had them all return to their human forms. Sawyer stood proudly by his side and even tucked his hand into the elbow Kavalan extended to him. But his mate was not pleased, and that was the only discomfort Saeward felt. They were led through the gathering crowds without introduction. None was needed. All of them knew who they were, or at least who Sawyer was. It was a little odd, now that he thought of it from the safety of their rooms.

  Andvari circled the rooms carefully, and Loch had joined him. Their discussion was low and urgent, each of them determined to keep Sawyer safe now that they no longer had the added security of the clodagh. Pearl sniffed each and every corner of the room, before curling up on a giant pillow Puteri had thoughtfully provided. Kavalan left them not long after they arrived, returning to his mother’s side. Sawyer had barely waited for the door to close before he stripped off the velvet tunic and curled against Draco’s side.

  It brought them all to a standstill, Loch and Andvari included. Saeward slowly approached, drawn to the discomfort he could sense from his mate. He pressed against Sawyer’s back, trying with all of his might to absorb Sawyer’s pain into his own body. He couldn’t, though.

  “Sawyer,” Henry said softly.

  He stepped in close and both Draco and Saeward opened their arms to allow him into their embrace. Andvari and Eduard joined them, all of them curled around Sawyer as he trembled in their hold. Loch was the only one who held back. Saeward looked over their heads and stared at the sylph as he watched. Ward remembered Andvari’s stares from what was only a few days before during their time in the bath. Allowing Saeward to control the moment for himself. Letting him choose to accept them fully. He didn’t understand what was going on around them, why Kavalan had the mark and Loch did not, but only Loch would be allowed this close to Sawyer. If Kavalan returned, Sawyer’s guard would be back up and he would show no such weakness to the prince.

  “Come,” Saeward whispered. He held out his hand and waited.

  Loch hesitated.


  Not ready.

  “I will guard the door. Assure your mate that all is well.”

  Loch turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. Saeward let out a soft sigh and returned his hand to its spot on Draco’s back. They stood there for a long while until Sawyer visibly relaxed against them.

  “You need to sleep,” Draco grumbled.

  “I need my mates,” Sawyer replied.

  The desperate look was still there in his eyes, hurting and confused. Saeward honestly wasn’t sure what had set him off, but it didn’t matter. His mate was hurting, and they had to make it better. Draco stared down at Sawyer, a conversation taking place without words as they looked at each other. Finally, Draco nodded. “Take him to bed,” Draco said.

  Saeward followed as Henry took Sawyer’s hand and led them to a cushioned area similar to the one Puteri had created for them under the ceannbhrat at the lake. Henry and Sawyer began to gently kiss, their bodies tangled together on the bed. Passion. Comfort. Home. He began to understand more and more why this worked, why what seemed impossible couldn’t be more right. The powers that came with being a guardian were powerful, and the bonds that held them together had to be strong. Unbreakable.

  No matter what came for them, the one thing it couldn’t take was their love. Sawyer had brought them all together and forged something magical. Saeward breathed, a small smile slipping onto his face. Eduard and Andvari joined them, their lips tangling and Andvari eased Eduard back onto the bed beside Henry and Sawyer. So much beauty. It shouldn’t be allowed. But it was. Henry was right. They were his gift. His choice.

  Draco stepped beside him and wrapped a strong arm around his waist. His other crept around Saeward’s neck, and he looked down at the dragon. “You understand now, don’t you?”

  Saeward nodded. He did. They were all together and would make something beautiful, a bond as strong as anything that existed in the world. He couldn’t express it in words. He wasn’t even sure such words existed. Instead, he simply said the one word he could think of in the moment.


  Draco smiled at him, a wicked, sexy smile that hadn’t been gifted to him before. He’d seen it; of course, he had. Draco was a sensual creature who loved to touch his mates, to fill them and claim them as his own. Saeward trembled. It was his turn, now. He only had to say yes.

  “I want to make you mine,” Draco said. His voice low and husky. His hand firm and steady.

  And there was only one answer for Saeward. “Yes.”

  Draco grinned. “Get on the bed, mate.”

  Saeward trembled but complied. Draco turned and went for the door, opened it, and spoke low and urgently to Loch. He heard the pop of magic that signaled Puteri’s arrival outside the door. Loch must have called her. Saeward couldn’t take his eyes off the others, though, as they moaned and kissed and touched and loved.

  Draco was only gone a moment, and he returned with a vial of something shimmering and blue. He eyed it curiously as it swished around in the glass, but he carried it back to them. Stopping beside Andvari and Eduard, Draco ran his hand down Andvari’s back and over his ass. Andvari broke his kiss and stared up at Draco with lust-filled eyes. Draco practically purred.

  Saeward’s cock thickened. His body felt alive, filled with electric energy. Draco leaned down and kissed Andvari, hard and fast, his tongue diving into Andvari’s mouth as he gripped the
vampire’s long hair in his fist. When he broke away, Andvari’s fangs were showing and small drops of blood appeared on Draco’s lips. He held the vial out and smiled down at Eduard. “Get him ready,” Draco demanded.

  He handed the vial to Andvari and leaned down further. He placed his hands on either side of Eduard’s head then murmured into his ear. Eduard gasped and wrapped his arms around Draco’s back, clutching him close as Andvari spread Eduard’s legs and knelt between them.

  Draco kissed Eduard deeply then pulled away. He came around the bed to Saeward and smiled down at him. He climbed over him and settled against Henry’s back. Henry straddled Sawyer’s legs and the two were still passionately kissing, thrusting against each other with growing urgency. Draco wrapped his arms around Henry and lifted him up until Henry laid his head back against Draco’s shoulder, panting for breath, his eyes wide and filled with heat and want.

  Draco made another rumbling purr and ran his hands over Henry’s chest, then down to his cock. He stroked it hard and fast, drawing a mewling cry from Henry. Sawyer pushed up and Draco reached for him next. “You want him?” Draco asked.

  Sawyer nodded.

  “Good. Henry, get him ready.”

  Henry scrambled to comply as Draco took the vial from Andvari’s outstretched hand and placed it in Henry’s.

  “Good boy,” Draco murmured against Henry’s ear.

  Henry shivered and let Draco guide him back before they lifted Sawyer’s legs together, spreading them wide.

  Saeward’s breath caught. His cock hardened further.

  Draco nibbled on Henry’s neck while Henry’s fingers went to work on Sawyer’s body.

  But Draco wasn’t watching them. No, he had his eyes on Saeward.

  Saeward reached for his cock, but a stern glare from Draco had him dropping it back to his side. He didn’t know where to look, what to do. The noises around him, the heat of pleasure rising from his mates. It all added together to make Saeward desperate.

  Draco finally moved. He spread Saeward’s legs and leaned over him. His eyes were lit with an inner flame. Saeward trembled. Fire and water. Opposites. Yet he’d never wanted to feel heat more than he did in this moment.


  “I’m here,” Draco rumbled. He leaned in and bracketed Saeward’s head with his hands. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”

  Saeward nodded, unable to take his eyes off Draco’s face.

  “And they are ours.”

  He nodded again, the truth of Draco’s words settling over them.

  “And now, you will be mine, too.”

  Saeward’s entire body leapt at the promise in Draco’s words. Draco leaned in slowly, his grin wicked once more. By the time their lips met, Saeward had reached a level of desperation he didn’t know he could reach. He grabbed Draco’s back and pressed him close. Demanded to be let inside his mouth. Draco complied, their tongues tangling as Draco claimed ownership of him in the best possible way.

  Eventually Draco broke away, and they both sucked in much needed air.

  “You want more?” Draco asked.

  Saeward nodded.


  Draco pushed back and settled on his knees, then held out his hand to Henry. The mysterious vial made its appearance once more, and it finally dawned on him what it had to be. They needed a way to prepare and did not have the oil Eduard made for them. Draco had thought of them and made sure they had what they needed. It made Saeward want him more. He watched as Draco poured the glimmering substance into his hand, and he couldn’t help but smile at the scowl Draco gave it.

  “Is nothing here a normal color?” Draco complained. “Must everything sparkle?”

  “Does it matter if it works?” Saeward asked. Because to him, it did not. He wanted to feel that slickness inside him, joined by the thickness of Draco’s fingers. He wanted to feel the stretch, the burn. He wanted to feel.

  Draco dripped the slick liquid over Saeward’s cock, then further, covering his balls and letting it drip down further. His fingers traced the path, teasing until Ward wanted to cry out and demand and beg. But he didn’t. He clenched at the bed and felt fingers on his. He managed to tear his gaze away from Draco as his fingers dipped lower, and lower, to find Sawyer watching, panting. Sawyer grabbed at his hand and Ward flipped his hand over and tangled their fingers together. Sawyer threw his head back and groaned. Ward moved his gaze down as Henry slid into Sawyer’s body, holding his thighs open as he plunged inside.

  Draco mimicked the gesture by thrusting a finger into Ward. It pulled his attention back to the dragon between his thighs.


  “I know. You’ll be there soon. There’s nothing like it, Ward. When your mate spreads you open.” Draco traced his hole and added another finger. “When your mate fills you.” He pushed them deep into Ward’s body. “When your mate knows what you need, and how to give it to you.”

  His fingers found a spot deep inside, and at the touch, Ward cried out and arched off the bed. Draco grabbed his cock and squeezed it hard, the only thing stopping him from finding his release. He ached, deep inside, and he wanted to feel this promised pleasure.


  He slipped his fingers from Ward’s hole and added more of the slick to his cock.

  “Hold your legs up,” Draco commanded.

  Ward could do nothing but comply. He continued to grip Sawyer’s hand, listening to the sounds he made as Henry thrust into him. Eduard made similar noises at the other side of the bed. Draco’s cock pushed at his hole, and Ward returned his attention to the mate between his thighs. He pushed out as Draco pushed forward, their eyes locked together. It stung a bit… it had been a very long time since he’d allowed anyone such intimacies. Draco paused, leaned down and whispered in his ear. “You’re so perfect, Ward. You feel so good. I can’t wait to make you come apart, for you to truly and completely be mine.”

  He shivered as the sting eased and Draco slipped further inside.

  “I’ll take care of you, watch over you. Protect you. Give you everything a dragon can.”

  “I want that,” Ward husked. “I want it so much.”

  Draco rose up and smiled as his cock finally filled Saeward completely. “Then you shall have it.”

  All of the other sounds in the room faded, and he could only concentrate on his breaths and the gasps that escaped Draco’s mouth as he thrust in and out. He stared into Draco’s eyes, unable to look away, and finally understood why the others were so captivated by this man. He had true magic, and in more than what he could do with his body. That, in itself, was amazing. Saeward had never felt such pleasure, had never been able to lose himself so completely in another’s touch. But the gift Draco gave was the one of safety, security, and certainty. Ward couldn’t look into his eyes and not know how Draco felt.

  He released Sawyer’s hand, and gripped Draco’s muscled biceps instead. His body soared, higher, higher as each thrust took him places he hadn’t known he could feel. Sweat dripped off his forehead, heat unlike any other building between them.

  “Draco,” Ward groaned.

  “I’ve got you. Let go.”

  And for once, he did, knowing there was no way he would fall. He came apart as his body trembled, shook. His release tore from him, a volcano of heat erupting from deep inside. Draco did that to him. He cried out Draco’s name and clamped his thighs around him. He wouldn’t let him go. He couldn’t.

  Draco rumbled, a pleased sound, and lowered himself on top of Saeward’s chest. His thrusts slowed, but continued, waiting for Saeward’s muscles to unclench. They did, after an orgasm so intense, Ward saw stars. He opened his eyes and found Draco staring down at him. His eyes still burned with that intense heat.

  “I’ve got you now,” Ward said softly. “It is your turn to let go.”

  Draco trembled and let out a sigh. “I believe I will.”

  His thrusts picked up speed again, but he kept their chests pressed together. Again, Ward becam
e lost in his eyes, and he knew the moment Draco found the pleasure he’d been chasing. He didn’t even blink, but let Ward have it all. Every ounce of pleasure he experienced as he came, sending his seed deep into Ward’s body, marking him as his own. Laying his claim for anyone to see. Ward shivered, overcome by a moment he never thought to experience. This was what it was. A true mate. The ones above all others who were meant to be yours. Draco had given him the gift of that experience, and he knew that now that he’d experienced it, he’d be able to find it with the others. He couldn’t wait to try.

  Draco leaned in and kissed him gently, then nuzzled his way into Ward’s neck. Ward let out a deep sigh, and Draco began a deep rumble in his chest. Sawyer reached for Ward’s hand again, and he rolled his head to the side to see the others watching them with sated, sexed-out expressions.

  “This is gonna be awesome,” Henry sighed. “Me next, k?”

  Ward chuckled and moved his and Sawyer’s hands so they could add Henry’s to the tangle of fingers. Draco let out a muffled snore and his cock slipped out of Ward’s hole with a gush of seed. It was a less than pleasant sensation, and he couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose.

  “Oh yeah, you’re stuck now,” Henry said with a laugh. “You’re gonna have to wait for him to wake up or he’ll be cranky. But don’t worry, he’ll take good care of you. I hope you’re hungry, though, cause he’s gonna feed you for days.”

  The others laughed and curled up next to them, recounting their own early experiences with Draco and his dragon mating rituals. He let their words drift around him as he held his dragon close. It all sounded perfect to Ward.


  Over the course of his life, Henry had learned to go with the flow. Growing up with a pack and having five siblings meant that he really had to expect the unexpected. Add to that the constant awareness for his own safety, and the fact that the alpha of the hellhounds, the champion of the fire goddess, was basically family and, well… Henry’s life had never been normal and that was putting it mildly.


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