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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 41

by Macy Blake

  “What the freaking hell happened?” Sawyer asked.

  Kavalan’s smile slipped, revealing his true emotions for the first time. “I made… what is the expression? Lemons out of lemonade.”

  “Lemonade out of lemons,” Sawyer corrected.

  “Yes. Mother would have killed Puteri.”

  “I know,” Sawyer said quietly. “I tried to help. I know how much she means to you.”

  “And that is why I am sending her with you. It is the only way I can save her life. I do not agree with what she did… but she did it out of love.”

  Sawyer nodded.

  “My brothers will attend you also. They enjoy their time in the human realm and recently returned from an adventure there. I am told magic in the human realm is in great flux. You will need their strength and experience, I am certain.”

  “And the hellhound owes them a great boon for protecting his mate,” Loch observed.

  Kavalan grinned once more, but this time it was one he knew well. His prince was really a brilliant tactician. “I know. They were gravely injured keeping the hellhound’s omega safe, but they are healed now and are eager to return to the human realm.”

  “Wait,” Sawyer said. “Your brothers are the dryads? The tree guys who protected Meshaq’s mate?”

  “They are.”

  “Wait,” Sawyer repeated. “That means your dad…wait, your father is a dryad?”

  Loch shook his head, amused by the shock in Sawyer’s tone.

  Kavalan merely chuckled. “Yes, Sawyer. My father is the leader of the dryads. My brothers are actually my half-brothers. We do not share the same mother. My mother did not choose to take a mate even though she longed for a child. Theirs was a joining of pleasure and no more.”

  “Whoa. I need to process,” Sawyer said.

  Loch patted Sawyer’s shoulder. “You have much to learn.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m an idiot. I know.”

  “An idiot?” Kavalan asked. “Far from it. Lack of knowledge doesn’t make you an idiot, Sawyer. The more information you possess, the more nuanced your knowledge becomes.”

  “Speaking of information, what’s the deal with you and Diarmed?”

  Kavalan glanced at Loch, daring him to make so much as a sound. He wisely kept his mouth shut. “I have spent many nights with the leader of the satyrs. He has been a steady companion and an amazing lover for many years.”

  Loch couldn’t help the noise that slipped out. He was only sylph after all. He couldn’t be expected to be as wooden as the dryad.

  Kavalan splashed water in his face.

  “Okay, but why announce your mating to him? I mean, are you really mated? Or was that just part of the whole…show?”

  “Diarmed agreed to my plan. We will determine whether or not to have a ceremony to solidify our bond in a decade or two, once we’ve had time to resolve our commitment to one another.”

  “A dec— okay. Sure.”

  “My mate is not the reason I brought you to the lake, Sawyer. I have news that I need to share with you before you return to the human realm.” Kavalan glanced once more to Loch before returning his attention to Sawyer. “My mother spoke to Queen Atarah at the party in our honor. She retrieved her sister banshees from the human realm.”

  “And did they explain why they attacked?”

  “They could not. Powerful magic was used against them, Chosen One. Dark magic. You must be on your guard.”

  Loch couldn’t think of anything powerful enough to bespell a banshee. Their ability was dangerous enough on its own, but to be strong enough to control it? Direct them? Loch looked at Kavalan, who returned his concern. “Does Queen Atarah have anything to add?”

  Kavalan shook his head. “She has recalled her sisters from all realms and plans to keep them here for quite some time. It is the only thing she could think to do to prevent another attack, especially since whatever darkness took hold of them left no clue. My mother agreed and has barred passage for all banshees from our realm. None will be able to attack you again.”

  Loch nodded, already trying to process. It didn’t seem possible, but Loch didn’t doubt the banshee queen’s word. She wouldn’t have dared to lie to Queen Orfhlaith, especially when revealing such a weakness. Atarah must have been deeply shaken by the news. She was right to keep her sisters close. If their magic were unleashed, it could cause great harm in the human realm.

  “They aren’t the first to be infected by whoever is after me,” Sawyer said softly. “I can only pray to the Goddess that they will be the last.”

  Kavalan acknowledged Sawyer’s words before turning his attention to Loch. “I offer you a boon, Loch, to honor our friendship.”

  Loch’s breath caught, and he started to shake his head and refuse, but Kavalan laid his hand on Loch’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze and shake.

  “Do not deny me this. You are not my brother by blood, but you are the brother of my heart. I cannot send you into the human realm to face unknown danger without doing what I can to keep you safe. Your sword, Captain.”

  “My prince, no.”

  But Kavalan only sharpened his gaze and Loch could not refuse him. He drew his sword and handed it to his prince. Kavalan reached for his hair and pulled a single curl forward. He sliced through it with the blade before handing the weapon back.

  Loch sheathed the weapon once more, overwhelmed by Kavalan’s generosity.

  “Give this to Puteri,” Kavalan said as he placed the lock of his hair gently in Loch’s hand. “She will know what to do.”

  Loch’s throat closed. “My prince, you honor me.”

  “Now go. Return to the human realm with my blessing. I was never meant to be the guardian, Loch. Remember that. It was always you. My place is here, with my people. I am where I am at my most powerful, where I can do the most good for our people. With you by Sawyer’s side, he grows strong enough to face any threat which comes your way. And Sawyer, Chosen One, please care for my captain as you do your other mates. He is precious to me and I wish him health and happiness at your side.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that wish, Kavalan.”

  Kavalan nodded and turned his attention to Loch once more. “Lower the shield, Loch. And face your destiny with as much honor and pride as I feel for you in this moment.”

  “You honor me, my prince.”

  The glamour faded as Loch lowered his shield. Kavalan’s beaming smile was back in place, as if it had never faded for even a moment. They swam back to shore and Loch felt one last pulse from the lake. He ran his hand over the surface of the water one last time before he rose and followed Sawyer back onto the sandy beach. The sprites dried them quickly, and they put their tunics back on before joining the others. Kavalan opened the portal. The other fae cheered and waved their goodbyes.

  “Pearl, come!”

  Pearl yipped from down the beach where she’d been giving chase to the imps. She bounded up to Sawyer’s side and yipped at him until he scratched her head. “I know. You’re going to miss them,” Sawyer said. “We’ll come back one day, if the queen allows, and visit our friends here.”

  Kavalan nodded as Diarmed stepped to his side.

  Draco went into the portal first, followed by Henry and Eduard. Andvari, Saeward, and Loch stepped behind Sawyer as he walked through, his pet at his side, with them following close behind. Loch only glanced back one last time, this time toward his prince. Kavalan gave him one last regal nod, but the smile that joined it wasn’t regal at all. It was the smile of a true friend.

  Loch stepped through the portal. He emerged outside the Chosen One’s home, standing in a huddle of the other guardians. He had no idea what had happened, how he had gone from his place as the captain of the fae prince’s guard to the guardian of the Chosen One in the course of several hours. His entire world had changed. He called for his wings and felt them spread behind him. He stretched and felt them respond to his touch.

  “Beautiful,” Sawyer said softly.

  Loch fluttered his wings. He lifted into the air as the others were surrounded. Cecil, Viv, Justine, and Victor had emerged from the house. Vampire guards had come from all around. Puteri, Taraghlan and Uallas passed through the portal and then it closed with a final snap of magic. Loch flew higher, watched Sawyer being embraced by his staff. Welcomed home.

  Sawyer looked up at him and held out his hand.

  He did not command, but then, he didn’t have to.

  Loch landed beside him and tucked his wings away.

  “You must be starving,” Viv gushed. “Loch! I’ll make you honey muffins!”

  Loch couldn’t help but smile. They’d made him feel so welcome before. He nodded his thanks to her.

  “Sawyer, you should have seen it,” Viv said as she dragged Sawyer toward the house. “Everything went nuts. I mean, you and I both know those weird birds are weird, but I’m telling you they went bananas. Flying around, bashing the ward. Freaked me out, let me tell you. And Cecil was all this is troubling so I knew shit had just gotten real.”

  Loch waited for the rest to step inside until only he and Cecil remained. The butler had noticed their newcomers. Loch didn’t think there was much Cecil missed.

  “Cecil, may I present the prince’s brothers, Taraghlan and Uallas. They will add to our safety in whatever way we see fit.”

  “Welcome to the Chosen One’s home. Please let me know what we can do to make your stay with us more comfortable.”

  The brothers nodded to him before turning to Loch.

  “Go. See your friends in this realm. Return by morning, and I will speak to Andvari about your duties here.”

  They nodded and disappeared into the trees.

  Loch turned to Puteri and sharpened his gaze. “Cecil runs the household here, Puteri. Sawyer holds him in the highest regard.”

  “Puteri understands.”

  “No tricks or you face my wrath, do you understand me?”

  She nodded and Loch knelt beside her.

  “No tricks, Puteri.” Loch ran his hand over her head and smiled.

  She sniffed and pressed into the touch.

  “I don’t think we’ll have a problem, will we?” Cecil asked.

  Puteri turned to him and her eyes widened. “N-no. Puteri will be helpful.”

  “Good. Come along. I will show you to your quarters.”

  Loch frowned after them, wondering what had startled her, but Sawyer stuck his head out the back door and drew his attention. “You standing out there all night?” Sawyer teased. His lips quirked up in that smile of his and Loch couldn’t help the little spark of pleasure that went through him.


  Sawyer laughed and came back outside. Loch met him halfway and let Sawyer grab his hand and tug him along behind him for a moment before he stopped. Sawyer looked back over his shoulder and Loch stepped closer. “I understand now why I am so drawn to you,” Loch confessed. “I would never have betrayed my prince, but I grew more confused by the day.”

  “Tell me about it,” Sawyer whispered.

  “I—” Loch paused, his thoughts a whirl.

  “What? Tell me.”

  “I would very much like to kiss you now. Because we can, and not because we are forced to by magic.”

  “Okay,” Sawyer said. He stepped close and Loch wrapped his arms around him.

  “I am Loch, imp of the lake and sylph of the fae realm. I swear allegiance to you, Sawyer, my Chosen One.”

  Sawyer’s breath caught and he leaned in. Loch closed the distance between them and their lips met once more.

  For once in his life, Loch focused all of his attention on himself. He’d never been able to lose himself in a moment, to feel the touch of someone else on his skin. He’d devoted every waking moment to the prince. Now, his life had taken on a new path, and with it, the ability to devote himself in a new way to someone else. To more than one someone. The guardians had pulled him in as well, each intriguing in their own way. Only in his deepest thoughts, away from everyone else, had even considered what it might mean to be part of the Chosen One’s circle. But now, with Sawyer in his arms, their mouths tangled together, Loch poured every ounce of his pent up desire into the kiss.

  Sawyer groaned and pulled away with a gasp. “Whoa. I’m kinda weak in the knees.”

  “I will not let you fall,” Loch swore.

  “I didn’t think you would.”

  He couldn’t help but stare at Sawyer once more. “I want you to tell me what happened in the room, how you helped me. You shared your gift with me and made me stronger. And yet you say you have no power.”

  Sawyer ran his hand up under Loch’s tunic and brushed the healed skin of his back. Loch trembled at the touch. No one ever touched him there, not since the wounds had healed.

  “Sawyer,” Loch groaned.

  “I don’t have power,” Sawyer said. “Not exactly. I don’t know. We should tell the others about it, though.”

  “Don’t have power,” Loch scoffed. A slight shuffling of the breeze caught his attention and he turned his eyes to the distance. “Someone approaches.”

  “Oh man, seriously? Can’t I catch a break?”

  Loch snorted. “It is your brother and his mates. They are flying extremely fast. I believe your brother is eager to check on you.”

  Sawyer groaned again and leaned into Loch. “And here I was hoping we could go upstairs and get to know each other better.”

  “We have time,” Loch said softly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Sawyer smiled at him before leaning in and kissing him gently. “No, you’re not.”

  “Another one!” Mikey climbed off Asher’s back and stormed across the yard. “What happened to the prince? And what happened period? Tell me everything!”

  Sawyer’s brother grabbed him into a tight hug. They began walking into the house as Sawyer explained their adventure in the fae realm. This time, Loch followed, eager to experience Viv’s talents in the kitchen once more. The guardians gathered around the dining room table. They’d left a seat empty for him, and he sat in it with a smile. Viv placed a plate of buttered honey muffins in front of him before bumping her arm against his.

  “I knew it was you,” she whispered. “It had to be.”

  Loch smiled up at her as he stuffed a muffin in his mouth. She gave a delighted laugh and went back to her duties.

  He looked forward to finding out more about this home, and doing his part to help Sawyer continue on his journey as well as to all the rest that came their way. He’d wanted a family for so long, but had never considered it to be an option. But already, here with Sawyer and his mates, he knew he belonged.


  Sawyer woke with his toes in damp grass and couldn’t help but smile. Of course, she’d come visit after all that had happened. He glanced around, but didn’t see her anywhere. He walked around the side of the house and down the drive. It was the spot he’d first seen her. But it was empty. The ravens were restless, drawing his attention up to the trees. They normally quieted at night, but even through the darkness, he could see the movement as they grew louder.

  “Shh,” Sawyer said. Not that it would do any good. It wasn’t exactly like he could speak to ravens. He looked around once more, but didn’t see her anywhere. “I must be sleepwalking. Draco’s gonna handcuff me to him if this keeps happening.”

  He smirked at the idea and turned back to the house. And then he felt it. Something behind him moved. Sawyer spun around, his senses in overdrive. Warning. Warning. The ward rippled. He normally couldn’t even see them, even though he knew they were there. He’d been able to see something when Henry worked on it, but it wasn’t something he could explain.

  And then he heard a cracking noise, and a man stepped through the ward. A man he recognized. He was the same man who’d blown poison into his face when this all began. The man who flickered.

  “Shit.” Sawyer turned to run, but wind picked up and blew against him, a tornado pounding against him and kee
ping him from moving. “Loch! Henry!”

  Anyone who could control wind to this extent would need one of his air elementals to stop him. And what was the opposite of air? It only took him a moment to remember. Earth. Andvari. “Andvari!”

  But just like in the fae realm, he knew his calls hadn’t been heard.

  The man got closer, his face drawn into a sneer. “You hide behind wards like a sniveling coward. Did you not think I would find a way through?”

  Sawyer didn’t think anything. He pounded against the wind trapping him and tried to get free.


  The voice he least wanted to hear. Mikey.

  “Mikey! Run!”

  But his brother couldn’t hear him. Instead, like the brave idiot he was, Mikey ran toward him. The moment he caught sight of the man in the yard with them, Mikey froze. He began to tremble and the protective pendant he wore around his neck began to glow. Mikey’s eyes rolled back in his head, and as the pendant exploded, Mikey collapsed. His body shook in violent spasms. Sawyer screamed and tried to break free.

  “You always underestimate me,” the man said. He knelt beside Mikey’s form and smirked when he trembled once more. “Humans are so… fragile. But you would know, wouldn’t you?”

  The wind changed and suddenly Sawyer couldn’t breathe. He tried to suck in air…air that this man controlled.

  “You failed, Chosen One.” The man scoffed out a laugh. “Chosen, indeed. You really thought you could trick me, didn’t you?”

  Sawyer gasped for air, his hand at his throat. His face got hot and black spots appeared before his eyes. He tried to call his guardians but he couldn’t. The ravens began to scream and hurl themselves against the wards.

  “And to think, you had seven of them. So close. But don’t worry, I have lucky number eight, safe and secure where you can’t get him. You really never learn, do you? Did you think I would just allow you to gather them? To fix everything I’ve so carefully unwoven?”

  Sawyer dropped to his knees, his body weak. He needed help. Someone had to help him. He screamed in his mind and saw a flicker of movement behind the man. Yellow eyes crept forward and crossed the ward with ease. Sawyer didn’t know what to do. Friend or foe? He clawed at his throat, trying to get in another breath. His chest hurt so badly. His lungs felt shrunken.


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