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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 56

by Macy Blake

  “I’ve got you.”

  The magic disoriented him, but Cody’s voice snapped him out of it. “Sol!”

  The pull of magic that he’d felt was them being dragged through a portal. They’d been separated from their pack. It had been only him keeping Cody away from a gruesome death.

  Sol turned to face the beast once more. He wasn’t going to be able to fight the aswang in his human form. He wouldn’t have the protections his beast provided him. But Cody didn’t know. His moment of hesitation nearly cost him dearly. The aswang struck again, and Cody’s panicked scream nearly broke him. He waited until the magic dissipated once more, even though it hurt like hell to retain his human form. He pushed Cody behind him, keeping Cody at his back. He let the red haze come over his eyes as his hands shifted into claws. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”

  The aswang didn’t seem to care for small talk. It was already preparing another burst of magic. The fucking things weren’t supposed to be able to do magic. It was like it had somehow merged with a mage. Fucking hell. One more thing to worry about with the weird ass magic going on. Sol took in as many details as he could, knowing he’d be grilled by Shaq and Zaire later. The goddess would be able to see his thoughts and memories of the experience and make her own judgments.

  “Shit, Sol. What’s happening?”

  “Stay back,” Sol growled.

  He leapt forward as the magic formed again. He landed on the aswang and swiped his claws against its neck, but it shifted into its ghoul shape and became nothing but mist. Sol snarled as it reappeared a moment later, a dozen steps away and already forming more magic.

  “The alpha hellhound thinks to escape by leaving this realm with his mate. But we will find him and destroy them both. The hellhounds have grown soft, starry-eyed with their mates. You may think with your dicks, but we are not swayed by such human emotions. The time of the aswangs is now.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Sol snarled. “You’re welcome to try.”

  He ran forward again. The magic hit him dead in the chest, and he screamed his rage as pain seared through him once more. He fought to control his beast, but for the first time in as long as he could remember, he didn’t have control. The shift was torn brutally out of him. He didn’t give himself time to agonize. He slammed forward again, putting the full force of his hellhound form to work. He had his jaws clamped around its neck and tasted the tang of its sour blood before it vanished once more. This time for good. The ghoul would return to its alpha, broken and bloody. They would devour it, as they did their other victims, but the alpha would gain the insights of the ghoul he’d sent as well. It was the game they played, and why they’d been so successful in their threats before the goddess had limited their powers. Some of those powers seemed to be back, and Sol needed to alert the goddess quickly.

  Sol shifted, determined not to terrify Cody more than the already had. He’d find an explanation, find some way to make Cody understand. He looked down, confused. He hadn’t shifted. He focused again but nothing happened. His hellhound form always receded at his command. He howled his rage, demanding his beast to step back and allow him to comfort his mate. His mate. Cody.

  Sol looked at him and moved forward, only for Cody to back away, his eyes wide and terrified. Sol wouldn’t let anything hurt him. He stepped forward again, focused on providing what comfort he could before he sought help.

  It took a second for Sol to realize that what Cody was actually terrified of was him.


  “You’re not a vampire.”

  Cody’s ass hit the grass and he crab walked backward a few paces before a low, utterly terrifying growl made him freeze.

  “Nope. Not a vampire. Or a super-secret-super-serum soldier.”

  The huge black dog walked forward. Its eyes glowed with flames and steam rose from its fur.

  “Or maybe you are? Is this a side effect of the super serum?”

  The beast— which he knew was Sol because he’d seen him change with his own two eyes and either he was totally and completely insane or that was Sol standing right there with the red eyes and the flames—walked closer.

  “What are you?”

  Cody didn’t know why he was asking Sol!beast what he was because clearly he wasn’t going to get an answer. Or not so clearly. Could he talk?

  “Can you talk?”

  Another growl. He was going to take that as a big no to the talking question. Except…

  “You can understand me, can’t you?”

  Another step forward.

  Cody scooted backward again.

  Sol growled again.

  “Look, quit stalking forward and growling at me or you’re going to actually and literally make me piss myself, okay?” Cody snapped.

  Sol!beast sat down. And then tilted his head like a confused puppy. If it weren’t so completely terrifying, it would be adorable.

  “I’m processing. And really fucking scared, Sol. Have you seen you? Because it’s really fucking terrifying.”

  Sol!beast lay down and not so subtly puppy-crawled closer so his ridiculously cute and steaming yet oddly not actually hot nose touched Cody’s ankle.

  “Okay, so you’re a dog creature of some sort. But not a werewolf, obviously.”

  That got him a pleased little chuffing noise.

  “You’re way too cool to be a werewolf, Sol. I’m not that crazy. So… flames. Black dog. Holy shit. Either I’ve watched way too much Supernatural, or you’re totally a hellhound. But those fuckers were scary… and so are you. I’m so confused right now.”

  Sol!beast scooted closer. He was ginormous. He’d seen a picture once of this lady walking a dog that was bigger than her and he’d been very worried for her safety. The thing had to be as big as a horse and she was walking along with it on a leash like it couldn’t just chomp down and eat her head off.

  “You’re not going to eat me, are you?”

  Another chuff, but this one was annoyed. Cody reached out and tentatively touched Sol!beast’s nose.

  Sol!beast licked his fingers.

  “Okay, not going to eat me. Or take me to hell, right?”

  Another lick.

  “You only take bad people to hell. So you’re a hellhound and you… what? I don’t know. Can’t you change back?”

  A low growl. Another no.

  “Okay, so whatever that thing— and Sol, I demand you tell me so many things about exactly what the hell that thing was because there were fangs and it actually smelled like death and I don’t know if I actually need answers but you’re going to tell me anyway— did made you shift and now you can’t shift back. That’s not good. And my heart isn’t racing quite so fast so I’m pretty sure I’m not going to die of a heart attack. But no sudden movements because I’m pretty sure my heart can’t handle another shock.”

  Sol!beast scooted forward. His nose brushed the skin of Cody’s belly.

  Cody laid his hand on Sol’s head and stroked the black fur away from his eyes. “So this is the big secret, huh? This is what you can’t tell me.”

  A huff of warm breath hit his stomach.

  “Yeah. I mean, I get it. It’s not exactly like you can just say, hellhound here! Surprise! Although, hey, does this mean everybody knows?”


  “Okay, not everyone. Drew, obviously. Because Shaq is totally a hellhound, am I right?”


  “Yeah, I knew it. Oh, do you guys have a pack? Like werewolves?”


  “Okay, not like werewolves. But a pack, right?”


  “Makes sense. I want to know more. But I think the big thing at the moment is figuring out what that guy did to you before he freaking vanished. Because I know you were trying not to change and I didn’t see where exactly he went. But he made you shift and you didn’t want to so that’s not good. And I know you’re not going to hurt me—”


  “—so we need to find our way back to the
others. But how do we do that? Can your super senses lead us or something?”


  “Seriously? Cool. Okay. I’m… not going to panic and you’re going to let me up.”


  “Sol, quit being an asshole. Let me up.”

  Disgruntled huff.

  “You know, it’s ridiculous that I can understand what you’re saying even though you’re literally a beast from hell right now.”


  “Umm, okay, maybe I can’t understand you because I’m not sure what that no was about. No, I can’t understand you?”

  This time, Sol!beast looked at him like he was an idiot as he stood. He bumped his head against Cody’s chest. It knocked Cody backward.

  “Sol, human here. You ass. And not one who’s had a super-serum. Oh my God. You’ve been laughing at me this whole time, haven’t you?”


  “Yeah, right. I’m laughing at me. I thought you were a vampire, Sol. Which, actually…I wasn’t that far off, right? I mean, at least I was in the supernatural creature category because hellhounds wouldn’t exactly be anyone’s first guess.”


  “Well, yeah, now that I’ve actually seen you and know you’re real it would be my first guess. Sheesh, Sol. Don’t be such a baby. I can’t guess something I don’t know about, okay?”

  Cody stood, then realized he was having a complete conversation with a giant black dog who had flames and steam and fucking claws and fangs and he couldn’t breathe. Sol immediately pressed against him. His freaking head was the same height as Cody. Granted, at five-eight, he wasn’t exactly what anyone would call tall, but still, the freaking giant hell beast was huge. He sucked in a breath and let it out. “Sol isn’t going to eat my head. Sol isn’t going to eat my head.”


  He grabbed the fur on the side of Sol’s neck and leaned into him. “I’m freaking out right now.”

  Sol didn’t move, but Cody felt better leaning into him a little and catching his breath. If he just pretended it was a big fluffy puppy, he could pretend he wasn’t going to throw up. Or hyperventilate. Or hyperventilate while throwing up. All over a hellhound. Which would be bad.

  Sol!beast made another noise, but this time it was more of a get your shit together and move kind of noise. “Okay. I’ve got this,” Cody said. “You lead. I’ll follow.”

  He got a look, this one a little more difficult to interpret, before Sol looked forward again. Cody heard a weird swooshing sound before a freaking circle of flames appeared in front of them.

  “Oh, hell no.”


  “I don’t care. I am not letting you take me to hell, Sol. I’ve seen what they do to humans there. Dean was never the same when he came back and—”


  “Fuck. Shit. Damn. Fuckity fucking shit damn.”


  “Don’t laugh at me, you asshole.”

  Sol stepped forward and since Cody still had hold of his fur, he moved forward, too.

  “So, best case scenario, there are friendly hell beasts in hell and you’re taking me to like, some super-secret hellhound cave where the rest of your pack is. Oh, is that were Shaq and Drew went?”

  Growl. Another step.

  “Yeah, that was a dumb question. Drew would so not do well in hell. He’s way too pretty. Come on, Sol. Give me something. A clue. I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.”

  That earned him a look.

  “Right. The best clue would be to walk through the fucking huge flaming circle thing and…I don’t wanna.”

  Sol huffed and took another step.

  “I’m only doing this because I trust you. If this ends badly, I’m blaming you.”

  Sol somehow managed to move so he was behind Cody and herding him forward.

  “Flames, Sol. Flames.”


  “Okay. I trust you so I’m doing this. But I’m closing my eyes. Wait. No, I’m not. Shit. Fuck.”


  The flames were right there and one more step and…Cody closed his eyes and walked through.


  Achim and Teague were beside him, looking as freaked out as Cody felt.

  “Hellhounds,” Cody gasped before he collapsed against them. His knees just wouldn’t hold him up anymore.

  They shared a look.

  “Scary, scary hellhounds.”

  Teague helped him sit down on the grass outside of the cabin.

  “What happened?”

  “Magic floaty scary ghost guy thing did some other shiny thing and made Sol…” Cody waved his hands around, encompassing Sol in all of his hellhound glory.

  Achim looked at Sol!beast and were they…communicating? It certainly seemed like it and…

  “Can you talk to him?”

  Teague glanced his way. “We need to get you to the others.”

  “What about Sol?”

  Sol huffed.

  “Don’t tell me not to worry about you, Sol. I am worried about you. I don’t know what’s going on and I want you to tell me but that means you have to change back and I know you can’t right now so I’m a little on edge, okay?”

  Sol!beast leaned his head in and pressed it against Cody’s chest. “I don’t care if you’re being all cute and terrifying right now. I want you to change back and talk to me.”

  “He can’t,” Teague said softly. “So we need to get you to the others, okay?”

  “Not okay, Teague. Not okay at all.”

  He held on to Sol’s head and breathed, pretending he wasn’t about to hyperventilate and that the guy he’d had incredibly hot sex with wasn’t actually a giant dog right now.

  “Sol.” So what if his tone was a little on the begging side. He needed Sol. He needed to see his eyes and his face and he needed Sol’s arms around him and he probably needed to pass out soon.

  Teague and Achim each grabbed an arm and helped him stand. Sol stayed right in front of him and Cody couldn’t help but look into his flame-filled eyes. Terrifying but also… familiar. “Fuck, you’re so scary.”

  Sol huffed.

  “Don’t be proud of that, you idiot. You almost made me both pee myself and throw up all over you, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to pass out.”

  Another huff. This one disapproving.

  “No, seriously. I don’t think I can stand up on my own right now. Yep. Those are my knees. Shaking.”

  “We’ve got you,” Teague said gently. “Come with us, okay?”

  “Where are we going? And where is everyone else?”

  Another of the flaming circle things opened, and Cody stopped.

  “No. Dude. Just no. Nope. Not again. No way.”

  Sol growled.

  Achim picked Cody up and carried him through the ring. Cody punched him in the arm. Hard. Achim scowled at him.

  “Don’t do that again,” Cody yelled as Achim set him down. It took a second to look around and realize they were in the woods outside the bar. Yep, that was the back of the bar. The dumpster was over there and he parked over there and…he was so confused. “Where…I don’t…”

  “Come on. We need to go inside.”

  “No, Teague. I don’t want to leave him and I know he’s not going to go inside looking like that. And I know that’s probably stupid, but I’m just…stop being all gentle like I’m fragile or something. Sol can tell you. I’m tougher than I look. Tell me what we have to do to get him back.”

  “We need to find Shaq. He can help.”

  “And where is Shaq?”

  Teague and Achim shared a glance.


  They both glanced at Sol.

  Cody turned to him as well. “You said you wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “He won’t,” Achim said. “Sol says for you to go inside. He’ll be back in a little while. Trust him.”

  Cody growled. “Don’t pull the trust me card, Sol.”

  Sol pushed up against him, his
hot breath steaming against Cody’s neck. “That’s kinda gross.”

  Sol huffed. The annoyed one.

  “What? You want steamy dog breath on your neck?”

  Cody couldn’t resist the urge to bury his fingers in the fur of Sol’s neck once more. He leaned in close. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

  “He’ll be back soon. He says he’ll explain more then, but he’s really not happy that he can’t shift and it’s making his control shaky. And Cody, we don’t need Sol with shaky control.”

  “Yeah, well, that makes two of us that are shaky right now. Fine,” Cody said. “But you get back here fast and I want to see your actual face, okay?”

  Sol huffed.

  “And one of you are going with him, right?”

  Teague and Achim shared a look.

  Cody turned to Sol. “You can’t shift right now and we don’t know why. Don’t be an idiot. Take one of them with you to whatever scary hell place you’re going.”

  Sol growled.

  “Don’t argue with me, Sol. Yes, I get it that you’re Mr. Tough Guy. Do it for me.”

  Sol huffed.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come on,” Teague said. “He wants me to get you inside. He’ll be back as soon as he can.”

  Cody stroked Sol’s fur once more and looked into his flaming red eyes. “You be safe and hurry back.”

  Sol huffed.

  Teague led Cody inside, and he only looked over his shoulder once as they reached the rear entrance to the bar. Sol!beast was staring after him and only when Teague opened the door did one of the flamey circles appear. Sol and Achim disappeared into it. Cody went into the bar and Teague closed the door behind him.

  “Well… that was unexpected,” Teague said.

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Izzy and Soph are pretty shaken up. We’ve got some friends here for backup, so don’t freak out if you see their weapons.”

  “What are they?”


  “Ha! They do exist. What about vampires?”


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