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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 63

by Macy Blake

  “You okay?”


  Sol turned around and wrapped his arms around Cody. “What can I do?”

  “Not get clawed up, for starters.”

  “Hmm. I can’t promise that, actually. It kinda comes with the territory.”

  Cody put more body wash in his hand and ran it over Sol’s chest. “I don’t like it.”

  “I know. I don’t particularly like it either.”

  “Then stop doing it.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  The majority of his overflowing feelings were the result of exhaustion, but it didn’t stop Cody’s heart from racing. The thought of something happening to Sol, of one of those claws doing damage that kept him from coming home, took Cody’s breath away. His breath hitched and he wrapped his arms around Sol, squeezing him tight, vowing to never let him go.


  They could hide away here forever, inside the safety of the wards here. It would be—

  “Cody. Look at me.”

  Cody lifted his head and looked. Sol’s eyes blazed with more flames than Cody had ever seen, and that included the time he’d seen him shifted. It sent a tremble down his spine and he clung tighter.

  “Sorry, I’m just—”

  “Look at me.”

  Cody looked. And looked.

  “The goddess herself blessed me, gave me the gift of her power to defend this world. Yes, I can be taken from it, but know that I would find a way to claw out of hell itself to come back to you. That is how much I care. That is the extent of my power. Do not doubt me. I forbid it.”

  It took a second for the words to sink in, and when they did, his heart calmed. Then he poked Sol in the rib. “You can’t forbid it, Sol.”

  “Sure I can. I just did.”


  “Don’t pfft me.”

  “I just did.”

  “So much sass, Cody.”

  “Yeah, well, you picked me. You’re stuck with me now.”

  “Yeah. I am.”

  But instead of sounding put out by the fact, Sol sounded stunned. Like he’d somehow finally realized that it went both ways. He turned off the water and reached for a towel. His eyes never left Cody. They still glowed, but this time, the heat in them was different.

  “Uh, Sol? Don’t you think we should rest now? You’re injured and—”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Yes. Yes, you are.” And goddess forgive him, he wanted Sol. He should be a good boyfriend-mate-partner-whatever and let Sol rest and recover, but he wasn’t that guy. He wanted what he wanted and what he wanted was his filthy-mouthed HellBent to give it to his GoldiLad good and hard.

  Cody reached for another towel and began quickly drying off. Sol never stopped stalking him, step for step, as he began hopping toward the bed, trying to dry his feet and legs before they got the bed all— fuck it. He didn’t care. He tossed the towel aside and jumped up, wrapping his legs around Sol’s waist and his arms around his neck.

  “There better be lube in here,” Cody said before he claimed what was his. He took Sol’s mouth in a bruising kiss, but Sol clearly didn’t care. He bit Cody’s lip and then pushed his tongue inside. He walked the last few steps to the bed and climbed on with Cody still wrapped around him.

  “So fucking strong,” Cody gasped.

  “That’s right. Remember that.”

  Sol let him go and moved into the bathroom, but returned before Cody could find the words to protest. He’d been too busy enjoying the view. Sol had the most perfect ass on the planet. Ten out of ten, easy. He didn’t get to enjoy the rear view for long before he got to enjoy the front. And speaking of ten out of ten, Sol’s cock was perfection, too. Not that he got to see it for long. Sol reached the bed, then reached for Cody. He had him flipped over onto his stomach with his feet on the ground and his ass in the air before Cody had the time to gasp his name.

  “Gonna be hard on you this time, Cody. I’m not holding back.”

  Cody groaned. “Bring it, tough guy.”

  Sol smacked his ass even as he opened the lube and dribbled some over his hard length. Of course, Cody was looking over his shoulder and still checking him out. He was horny, not insane. But then Sol put his dick against Cody’s ass and pushed and Cody couldn’t look anymore. His eyes closed of their own accord and he made a filthy noise, a groan from deep inside that he hadn’t even known he could make.

  Sol wasn’t fucking around with him this time. He pushed inside, barely giving Cody time to adjust. “You’re mine, Cody. Say it.”


  “That’s right. Mine. And I’m going to take such good care of you. No more of this bullshit you’ve been putting yourself through. Now you’ve got me and my pack.”

  It shouldn’t have mattered, but it did. Sol knew exactly which emotional buttons to push, even as he brought Cody’s body immense pleasure.


  “I know. But you’re one of us now, Cody.”

  Sol punctuated his words with several deep, hard thrusts that pushed Cody deeper into the mattress and closer to the incredible pleasure he knew waited for him.

  “But more than that, you’re mine. Mine to fuck. Mine to love. Mine to claim. And I’m going to do all that and more, Cody. It’s gonna be amazing. We’re gonna be amazing.”

  And something inside of Cody burst, something he hadn’t even known he’d been holding back. He reached behind him and Sol grabbed his hand, pushing it to the mattress before covering Cody’s body with his own. The thrusts never slowed, and Cody had never felt more in his life. More pleasure. More desired. More owned. More everything. For the first time, he believed the words, all the way to his core. Sol wasn’t going to let him go, wasn’t going to leave him or hurt him or treat him like trash. He wasn’t going to make Cody leave his family behind, because his family was Sol’s family, too.

  Sol breathed against his ear as he fucked him hard and fast. Cody keened, his body racing to release as everything inside him demanded Sol make good on his promises. Sol bit down on his neck and shoved his cock deep inside. He felt the pulsing release in his ass as his own body erupted. He humped the mattress, seeking more pleasure even as Sol continued to come inside him, pushing his come deeper, deeper, until it filled him up and he couldn’t think anymore.


  Sol kissed his neck, his throat, his ear, and his temple. “All mine.”

  He said it with a sigh, and Cody couldn’t help but sigh in return.

  “Yeah,” he whispered. “I suppose I am.”

  Sol grinned and kissed him again.

  “But you’re sleeping in the wet spot.”

  Sol laughed and Cody couldn’t help but smile. It morphed into a yawn, and Sol pulled out of him, leaving him a sweaty, sticky mess. He’d get up in a minute to clean up. He just needed to close his eyes for a….


  Commotion outside woke Sol, and he decided pretty quickly that he was going to have to kill someone. He untangled himself from Cody, who didn’t even budge, and went for the door of the cabin. He didn’t even bother putting clothes on. If it was a real emergency, he’d shift. If it wasn’t, he was going to punch someone in the face before going back to bed. There wouldn’t be a third option.

  But of course there was a third option. Which involved his nephew and all of his mates, plus Mikey and his mates. There were way too many mates, and all Sol wanted was to climb into bed with his.

  “What happened?”

  Draco had Sawyer in his arms, while Asher held Mikey. Both dragons were snarling, angry beasts. It had been a shock to learn the dragon and manticore were mated to the Chosen One's brother. That information could have been useful the day he showed up to judge them.

  “Something attacked us,” Henry said. “It was so strong. The magic…we don’t know. They’re hurt, Uncle Sol,” Henry babbled as they rushed toward the clinic doors.

  One of the guardians grabbed Henry and pulled him inside the clinic.
They weren’t letting anyone out of their sight. And there was a new one, too. “Go back to bed, Solomon,” Nana Jerrick said quietly once the doors closed behind them. “There’s nothing you can do. I’ll send someone for you if we need you.”

  Solomon looked toward the clinic. He’d get dressed and—

  “They aren’t going to let you anywhere near the Chosen One, Sol. Go to bed.”

  “Fine. But if Henry needs me, come get me.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Half of his pack stood behind him when he turned around. “What’s going on?”

  “Keep everyone clear of the clinic. Sawyer was attacked and you know the guardians will not be in the mood to negotiate.”

  “Shit,” Calli said, quickly coming to the same conclusion Sol already had. “It was on purpose, wasn’t it?”

  “That’s what I’m thinking. Distract one side and attack the other.”

  The timing was too convenient. His pack under attack within hours of the Chosen One being attacked? Sol hadn’t even known Henry and his mates were back from the fae realm. They were meant to be incapacitated with a battle of their own so they couldn’t come to his aid. But they hadn’t been called. And speaking of called, how had they gotten to the clinic?

  “Who went?”

  “I got them,” Achim said quietly. “Henry called Meshaq, but it didn’t go through, so he called me next. I guess I was first alphabetically.”

  “What is going on, Sol?” Jedrek asked.

  “I don’t know, but I think my two days are just about up. I’m going to go see the goddess.”

  Sol opened a portal, but Calli’s hand on his arm stopped him. “You should probably put on pants first.”

  Jedrek snickered and turned away. Sol groaned and closed the portal. He returned to the cabin to get dressed and found Cody sitting up in bed blinking at him in annoyance.

  “You weren’t here.”

  “Sorry. Something’s come—”

  “No. Noooooooo.”

  Sol sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Cody’s hair. “I swear, it’s not usually like this.”

  “What’s wrong now?”

  How the hell was he supposed to explain Henry and his mates?

  “You remember Henry?”


  “His mate is… important. And he was just attacked. I want to go see the goddess and talk to her about what’s going on. We need Meshaq.”

  “You should put pants on.”

  Sol sighed. “I know.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  He wanted nothing more. “Not this time. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Cody grabbed Sol’s arm and held on. “Shaq and Drew went to see her and they didn’t come back.”

  “I will.”

  “How do you know? What if she—”

  “Because she’d never ask me to leave you without saying goodbye. My heart is yours, and my goddess knows it.”

  “That’s… that’s better than I love you.”

  “Probably not.”

  “Don’t argue with me, Sol.”

  “But I like arguing with you.”

  Cody groaned and fell back against the mattress. “I’m going to sleep for like a day and a half. You better be here when I wake up, Sol. Or else.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  “And don’t forget your pants.”

  Everyone with the pants. He grabbed a pair of sleep pants from the drawer of in the cabin. They kept a bunch of generic clothes there in case they needed them, and quite frankly, Sol couldn’t be bothered to put on anything else. He went outside, but listened to the sound of Cody’s breathing for a moment before opening another portal.

  When he walked through it, he was shocked as hell to find his alpha and alpha-mate sitting in the clearing by the gate, leaning against a tree.

  “What the hell?”

  “It’s about time,” Meshaq said. “Tell me what’s happening.”

  “A million and twelve things, Shaq. And I don’t even know all of them.”


  “Why are you here?” Sol asked.

  “The goddess told us to wait. That you’d be here soon.”

  “Where were you?”

  “It’s a long story. Tell me, Sol.”

  Sol sighed. “It’s been a hell of a day. Let me sum it up for you in one word: aswang.”

  “No. Those nasty fuckers.”

  “Right? She didn’t tell you?”


  “And I had reason not to.”

  The goddess had appeared without the usual pull of magic they felt on her arrival. Both Meshaq and Solomon dropped to their knees. “Rise, my champions. We have much to discuss.”

  They stood once more and Meshaq gripped Solomon’s shoulder. He couldn’t help but lean into the touch. It was so good to have him back.

  “May I?” the goddess asked Sol, holding out her hand.

  He bowed his head and she touched him gently, replaying the events as Sol experienced them.

  When she finished, she sent a pulse of magic through him and he’d never felt stronger or more powerful. “It has happened,” she said quietly.

  “What?” Meshaq asked.

  “The time has come for us to make a change, my champion. The upcoming battle is going to divide many of us, but your mate is the hope we need to hold them together.”

  Meshaq didn’t respond, but he gripped Sol’s shoulder harder.

  “And I find myself in need of someone with your skills, champion. There are many who will not understand the changes, who will lose faith in us and our ability to keep this world safe. You must go to them, with your mate, and show them that all is not lost. That hope lives on. We will need them to stand their ground and to ready their own warriors to defend them against the fight to come.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “My sisters and I have already gifted you with the power, Meshaq. You are now more than you were before. Did you not feel the difference? We only waited for another alpha to take your place. And now, one has stepped forward, proving himself able to lead the hellhounds as you begin your new quest.”

  Sol shook his head. “No. I didn’t—”

  “Of course, you didn’t, Solomon. And Meshaq will always be your alpha. The alpha of alphas. The leader of all of our kind in this realm. He will need you more than ever in the coming days. But your paths must diverge for a while. Solomon, will you accept this duty that I offer to you? Will you lead my hellhounds and the other champions I send your way? Will you maintain peace in this realm as we approach this time of turmoil?”

  “I… I will do as you wish, my goddess.”

  He felt another flutter of magic through him.

  “Meshaq, what of you?”

  “I will also do as you wish, my goddess.”

  “Good. Go home to your pack, Champions. Meshaq, you will return to me at dusk tomorrow. And now, I must go. My brother is awake.”

  She blinked away and Solomon turned to Meshaq in confusion. “Her brother?”

  Meshaq squeezed his shoulder again. “I have much to tell you. But first, let’s go check on the pack. I find I must see for myself that they are okay.”

  “Wait a second,” Drew said. “Don’t you think we should talk about the fact that he’s glowing first?”

  Solomon glanced down, startled, wondering what the goddess’s magic had done to him. If he was glowing and Cody saw him, he’d never hear the end of it. But he wasn’t. He looked up at Drew, confused.

  “Not literally glowing, idiot. Glowing, glowing.”

  Solomon frowned at his alpha. “Huh?”

  “I believe he’s trying to say you look happy. Things with Cody worked out?”

  Solomon couldn’t help but grin, and he suddenly understood exactly why his alpha always looked like such a dope around Drew. He was doomed. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Tell me about it later.”

  “No, tell me now,�
� Drew demanded. “Oh, and we should totally bring doughnuts. Maybe some from that shop in New York, you know, the one—”

  “No,” Shaq said.

  Drew laughed. “Are you actually telling me no? Sol? Did he actually tell me no?”

  “I’m pretty sure he did.”

  “Hmm. Well, Cody was telling me that he’d never had doughnuts like that before and that he’d always wished he could—”

  “You’re making that up.”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you, Sol.”

  Sol twitched.

  Meshaq did, too.

  “We’re going to get doughnuts, aren’t we?” Meshaq asked.


  Drew cackled and held out his hands. “Come on, boys. This is going to be fun.”

  Of course, they arrived at the Jerricks’ with boxes of doughnuts. Shaq and Drew were immediately swarmed. Sol pushed his boxes in Calli’s arms as Jedrek scowled down at his sigil.

  “Really? I don’t even get a doughnut?” Jedrek complained.

  Sol twitched and a sudden insight came over him, one he’d never experienced before. “It’s the old farmhouse. Where we found the kids,” Sol said. “Another coincidence?”

  “Probably another hiker,” Calli said. She stuffed a jelly doughnut in her mouth.

  Sol wasn’t sure, but he didn’t feel like anything else was going on. It was weird. He’d have to talk to Shaq about it. His alpha always seemed to know what was going on, to have stronger instincts than they did. This was probably part of it.

  “Go, Jed. Let me know if you need me, okay?”

  It took a second, but Jed figured it out. “Yes, alpha.”

  Calli choked on her doughnut.

  Sol stole the top box of doughnuts and went to find his mate. If Cody found out about this from anyone but him, there’d be hell to pay. No way was he letting that happen. Besides, he’d brought the special doughnuts so he should get a few good mate points for that at least. He crept into the cabin and found Cody in the same spot where he’d been when Sol left. The sun was rising, though, so several hours must have passed. Time did work differently in the goddess’s realm sometimes.


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