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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Secrets (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Secrets & Seduction Book 4)

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by MJ Nightingale

  Table of Contents

















  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Stoker Aces Production, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Special Forces: Operation Alpha remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Stoker Aces Production, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  MJ Nightingale


  I want to dedicate this book to strong women, and to all the Susan Stoker fans who love her heroines as much as I do. Susan Stoker’s heroines are strong women, but not perfect. They are you and me, and they struggle. They have issues. Lots of them. But what amazes me most about them is that they are survivors. Every single one of them. They don’t give up. They don’t hold back. And mostly, they inspire. That’s why I love writing in her world and writing about her characters. They inspire me to keep living my dream and to keep on keeping on.

  So to all you women out there—to women everywhere who feel like you don’t have any strength left, just remember you can be strong. You can be indomitable. And in the words of the incredible Eleanor Roosevelt, “A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Message to Susan Stoker Fans

  Books by MJ Nightingale


  About the Author


  “ . . . And that is why I say there are no victims, and only survivors.” Monica Ciccone’s words were understated, yet full of the emotion she felt. She stepped back from the podium and listened to the polite applause that was for her. It was the result of the speech she had just given and the story she had just shared. Her story. Some of the women in the front row had tears in their eyes. Many had their own stories too. But they nodded and applauded as she stepped down the few stairs to join the crowds circulating around the stage and the dozens of large round tables set before it.

  The next speaker was already addressing the crowd as Monica spotted her husband, Victor. He was talking to Commander Patrick Hurt. They would be working together all week on a new PT regimen for new recruits.

  The hall was not overly crowded, a few hundred people only, but the people who were present for this occasion were there for a great cause. They were there to celebrate the grand opening of the Riverton Rape Crisis Clinic.

  Monica hadn’t expected to give a speech that morning when she got off the plane in sunny California. She planned on having a relaxing week, and exciting nights with her husband. It had been an impromptu vacation for her although her husband would be on the base nearby learning from a California division. Victor had invited her to tagalong. He thought it would be great to spend a little alone time with his wife. They’d have uninterrupted evenings together. Having two toddlers in the house was quite a handful, and he’d thought of this as a second honeymoon. The following weekend they would celebrate their fifth anniversary so the timing had been perfect.

  They hadn’t had a real vacation away together in nearly 5 years. Definitely not since the boys had been born. She smiled thinking about her two sons at home with her sister and her sister’s husband, along with her four-year-old niece, Jessica. Ana would have her hands full. But it was just one week, she reminded herself. She was already missing her adorable toddlers a great deal. And it had just been one day, albeit a busy one.

  Perusing the crowd at one of Riverton’s beautiful convention rooms on the naval base her husband was touring and learning from this week, she spotted the camera crew who had filmed the event. One of the producers gave her a thumbs up indicating they must have gotten everything they needed from her. Victor waved at her and smiled broadly, but he was still engulfed in a conversation with Commander Hurt, and another military person she hadn’t been introduced to yet.

  She searched the crowd and Julie’s face was beaming at her from across the room, so she headed that way. She was the Commander’s wife. Standing with her father, a Senator from Virginia, and a local congressman she did not recognize, Julie beckoned to her and so Monica picked up her pace. After all, she was the reason why Monica had just given the speech.

  She and Victor were guests of Julie and Patrick Hurt while on the military base. But they also had taken a suite at a nearby Hilton for some privacy. When Julie Lytle-Hurt picked them up from the bustling military airport in Riverton this morning, she’d dropped Victor off at Commander Hurt’s Office on base for his first training seminar, and then whisked Monica off to lunch at an adorable sidewalk bistro along the pier overlooking the bay, before taking her to the hotel suite Victor had booked for them.

  During lunch Julie got a call that sent Monica into overdrive. The petite brunette had been full of apologies explaining how she had a big grand opening ceremony to host that night, and her keynote speaker had bailed. When Monica heard what the cause was, she’d volunteered off the cuff. The cause was very close to her heart. A rape crisis clinic that would house a hotline and women’s shelter was something every woman should have access to in times of crisis.

  She wished she’d gone for help earlier. For many years the rape she experienced had taken her self-esteem and led to a decade of terrifying nightmares and self-imposed isolation. She told Julie her story and Julie had given her the details of her experience in the jungles of Central America. They quickly formed a bond, as women did who had been raped.

  Monica joined Julie and her father. He introduced her to the man standing next to him, who turned out to be another politician. He looked to be the Senator’s age, quite distinguished, and handsome. His silver hair threaded with black.

  Monica took the silver fox’s hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet both of you, Senator Lytle, Congressman Reynolds.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Ciccone.” The congressman returned her greeting. “So, Julie roped you into her cause on your first day in town, I hear.” His tone was teasing.

  “I was glad to do it,” Monica confirmed. “It’s a cause I very much support.” The congressman’s green eyes were kind and gentle though Monica sensed the man was lonely as he observed the affection between Julie and her father. Maybe he was missing his family.

  “I was
glad to be included as well. The Senator and I go way back and when I heard he was going to be in town for this event, I very much looked forward to catching up with him.”

  Monica couldn’t help but wonder if he was here to hang out with a buddy, support the cause and gain votes, or if this issue was something that had touched his life in some way. She didn’t know many politicians personally, and hated doubting the man’s sincerity, but it was the times now. Political turmoil was all you ever heard about on the news these days.

  “The Senator was also telling me,” the congressman continued, “that your husband is here to learn some new training techniques from Commander Hurt to implement on his base in Tampa. MacDill Air Force base is one of our countries top naval bases and I know what he learns here will definitely be useful to our military.”

  “That’s what Victor hopes,” Monica replied. “I was excited I could come along on this trip with him.”

  Julie reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m so glad you came. I really would have been in a bind, and your speech was perfect,” Julie stated with enthusiasm putting her arm around Monica’s back. “Many of our donors are here tonight. I’m sure they have not regretted their donations after hearing your story, and knowing the good this clinic will do.”

  Julie’s father spoke next. “Yes, my dear, the speech you gave was wonderful and your introduction of Monica was eloquent, too.” He included his daughter in the complement and Monica noticed Julie beamed under her father’s praise.

  Julie laughed. “Well, I am a politician’s daughter.” She could see the love in Julie’s eyes for her father. Monica couldn’t help but miss her father who had passed away just last year from a bad bout of pneumonia, complications from his diabetes.

  Two other stunning women suddenly joined their little group. “Wonderful speech, Monica,” one of the women chimed in. “Thank you for helping our friend.”

  Monica saw the pretty blond woman speak as the other woman beside her kept her eyes down cast. The other woman was taller and exotic looking with her tan skin and flawless complexion. Monica recognized the signs though. She was a survivor, too.

  “I want you to meet to a really good friend of mine. This is Caroline,” Julie nodded toward the blonde woman, and then with a nod toward the taller woman, “and this is Fiona Knox. She will serve on the clinic’s board of directors.”

  “I would have spoken tonight but public speaking is just not one of my strengths,” Fiona put in, overcoming her shyness. “I guess being a teacher helped you to overcome that fear.” She was referencing something Monica had stated in her speech.

  Monica nodded. She’d been a teacher for over a decade before she married her husband and gave up her job so she could raise her children and help her husband further his career in the military. She did volunteer work on-base now, but mostly loved her life as a stay at home mom. “It did.” Monica politely accepted the complement from the other woman.

  She couldn’t help but notice how quiet the congressman became when the two other women approached. But her thoughts escaped her when she saw Commander Hurt walking toward them with her husband by his side. He still took her breath away. They hadn’t had an easy road in the beginning, but he had finally chosen her.

  “I hate to break up the party, but it’s been a really long day AND night for us, and regretfully I do think Monica and I need to head to our hotel.”

  Monica melted into her husband’s embrace, glad he made the excuse for them so quickly. She was exhausted.

  Victor pulled his wife closer. He could see from her eyes how weary she was. It had been a long flight and an even longer day, full of activities for them both.

  Commander Hurt couldn’t blame the younger man, but he snickered knowing full well what Victor Ciccone had in mind for his wife at their hotel. He’d been with him all day and Victor mentioned his wife several times as they were going over new training procedures and PT routines for the recruits. He stated this would be a second honeymoon of sorts for them.

  “Go ahead. Steal your wife and I’ll see you first thing in the morning, Sergeant. And thanks again, both of you, for doing this for my wife.”

  “Yes, thank you again, Monica, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow afternoon,” Julie reminded her.

  Julie had promised to take her shopping the following day while their husbands worked. In fact, she owned a little boutique that sold high-end fashions and business attire to benefit local teens in trouble. She was a dedicated humanitarian and philanthropist. It had been during lunch that Julie had given her a rundown on her story of being a spoiled politician’s daughter. But after being kidnapped, she had turned her life around and dedicated herself to helping others. Monica couldn’t help but admire the energetic pixie of a woman. From what Monica could see, she was truly selfless.

  Before they could escape, several massive men approached group. This time Monica’s husband did the introductions.

  “This is Commander Steel, and this is Hunter aka Cookie Knox. They’re some of the men I’ve been training with today.” Monica smiled at the two incredibly massive man. Each of the men took a position next to Caroline and Fiona. They must be their husbands, she assumed. Their stances were very possessive, but the women didn’t seem to mind in the least. Victor was Army, and he was large in his own right due to his regimen of exercise, but these two men towered over him by at least 6 inches. Did the SEALs have a height requirement, she wondered. She’d have to ask because so far all them she’d met were well over six feet.

  “We want to invite the two of you out tomorrow night at Ace’s. Nothing fancy, bar food and beer, but you’ll get to meet the rest of our team.” It was the man named Cookie who had spoken. He was beside Fiona, his arm encircling her waist.

  “Absolutely!” Monica liked meeting and hanging out with Victor’s friends and co-workers. They always knew how to have a good time. A few hours with adults in a relaxed environment sounded great.

  “Definitely. That sounds like a great plan. But for now I’m going to escape with my wife, and let her get some rest.”

  Monica was tired. It had been an enjoyable evening, but she was definitely ready for some one-on-one time with her husband. She smiled and waved as he pulled her away from the group. She knew her husband too well to know they would be just resting.

  * * *

  Percy Reynolds stood at the bar and watched as Monica and Victor left the facility. But then his eyes turned back to the group he had left in order to go get a drink. A drink he desperately needed. He had come here to meet up with his old friend, Senator Lytle, whom he hadn’t seen since his college days back in Boston. What he hadn’t expected was to meet up face to face with a ghost from his past. But that was exactly what had just happened.

  He observed the group surrounding the senator. They were close. Tight. That was clear. He hadn’t had that in a very long time. He envied it. But it was Fiona who had startled him the most. She was a ghost. To him. The young woman was tall and slender with long dark hair, but her features triggered something inside of him. Something he buried long ago. Or someone. His hand shook when she placed her dainty slender hand in his; he felt a connection. It was immediate. The hairs on the back of his neck rose.

  He’d felt there was something there. Something important. And when her eyes lifted to his, it hit him. Right in the gut. It was like looking into a mirror. Green grey eyes. Dazzling.


  The memories never escaped him. That’s why he had come here. To California. To escape. But while watching the stage party, he knew he never could. He watched as the woman named Julie introduced the dignitaries present. The woman named Julie was cute. Petite. Brunette. He liked brunettes. Then she introduced Fiona. He got hard. That woman was stunning. Her long dark hair fell past her shoulders in thick dark waves. Fiona didn’t speak, but just nodded at the crowd gracefully. She was introduced as a board chairperson for the new rape crisis center that was opening up on the base. And lastly, Julie introduced t
he woman named Monica. He nearly had a heart attack. Another brunette. Beautiful. Gorgeous. He’d fuck any one of them if given the chance. All three were his type, but it was Monica. The last one he was here for. Fate had thrown them together again. She was the one who had gotten away. His first, but not his last. There had been many after her. Many bodies scattered across the country. From Maine to California.

  It was fitting somehow that she was here. Like manifest destiny. Or rather his destiny. The temptress come back to haunt him. Reveal his dirty little secret at last.

  He’d traveled west to hide his desires, his secrets. But here she was. He wouldn’t let her slip through his fingers again.

  He circulated in the crowd trying to get closer to the trio. He wanted to smell them. The pixie was talking. She was cute. She would be first. Maybe. Because then there was the tall one. Sexy as hell, but with doe eyes. Haunted eyes until they lit up when the massive SEAL he’d heard men call Cookie approached. He stood by the bar and resisted staring. Though it was hard not to. He was hard. Thank goodness he had on tight pants and the long white serving jacket to cover the evidence.

  When the group began to disperse, it was like a knife wound to the gut as he watched Monica look at her husband. See the sparkle in her dark brown eyes as he led her to the exit. He knew what she was thinking. The slut. The seductress. Her black dress clung to her curves and her breasts. He wanted to reach out and touch them. Just like he’d done all those years ago.

  He began to circulate into the crowd once more. He went near the group Monica had just left hoping to over hear a bit of information that could be useful. Get him close to her again. A military man with lots of brass plucked a drink off his tray. He tried to hear what they were saying, but his thoughts began to run back to Monica and the man she had left with. What would they soon be doing together? Lust filled him. And rage. It had always been her. Each time he had taken what he wanted from a woman. It was her face he saw. Her who he imagined. Her he had wanted.


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