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The Dragon's Mate (Ancient Dragons Book 1)

Page 8

by Serena Simpson

  “Each dragon element gave birth to their children in different places?”

  “They did. It was long before I was born. I have stood here more than once and wondered what this place looked like with the eggs of my kind decorating it.”

  Feeling a bit of courage even though she was naked, she walked until she was no longer standing with water circling her feet. What was there to see after all this time? She walked anyway. Thinking back hundreds of years ago when Rilan first walked this beach. Then she went backward to a time when the planet was filled with dragons that changed into men.

  “Was there ever a time when the planet was filled with just dragon or man?” She called out as she walked over to a dimmer place in the cave.

  “No. history, religion, or maybe just legend says we were made in the image of the creator.”

  As if religion would ever see the creator as anything except a white God sitting on his thrown in a room full of riches. She knew better, but she also knew her people.

  “God is many things to many people,” she told him carefully not wanting a fight.

  “It is his beauty and our downfall.”

  She nodded agreeing with him. The fights they entertained over God was HIS fault. They lay squarely on the shoulders of those who choose to believe he was more than he ever called himself. At least, that’s how she felt.

  She moved to a part of the cave that required her to go to her knees to get through. In a small room, she found patchwork so beautiful that she called Rilan to come to see.

  Chapter Twelve

  They were sitting around a fire as the temperature dropped and darkness came calling. Rilan and Magnus went fishing when they came back from the cave to provide food for dinner. She still had her trusty rations, but the fish was better.

  “Shouldn’t we have brought the patchwork quilt with us?”

  Rilan shook his head again. “They have been safe there for hundreds of years I don’t want to disturb that. If it is to be their last resting place, it is a beautiful place.”

  She had to agree with the last part. Neither of them knew for sure what they found, but it reminded her of the quilt in the palace. He seemed to think it was hundreds of dragons in their dragon form. Mostly female because that’s who was called to the sacred cave.

  She stood and stretched catching a look at Magnus through the fire. When she and Rilan came back, he made her clothes. She was wearing a sarong that made her feel sexy and beachy at the same time along with a bikini top she knew she couldn’t pull off. Turns out she was the only one worried about the top.

  Magnus had walked up to her scenting the surrounding air. She had to stop Rilan from attacking him. He mumbled “Yes, but no. Right, but wrong,” before walking away. This wasn’t the first time. She wanted to ask what he was talking about but the very air of sadness around him kept her questions at bay.

  “It doesn’t feel like whatever was stalking us in the city followed.”

  “Dragons travel fast as you found out today. We need to keep our guard up. My king, how is your reserve?”

  “Close to full. We will be safe.”

  “Then I will call it a night.” Magnus changed into his dragon form leaving them to watch him disappear down the beach.

  “Why did he leave?”

  “To give us privacy in case we desired it.”

  “Oh,” she started cleaning up the remnants of their dinner disposing of them the way he had shown her. It kept the beach clean as well as giving her something to do.

  When she came back Rilan had made them a bedroll big enough to hold two. It looked comfortable. Not as comfortable as the bed in Magnus’ house, but this was the beach. Knowing she had nothing to fear except her own actions she went to lie down.

  “This amazes me,” she whispered after Rilan lay down with her taking her into his arms. “I need to see a map, but I don’t believe this shows up on our maps. There is nothing but water here.” She looked up at the sky wondering how it was possible to live in a world where everything wasn’t what it seemed on the surface. Shouldn’t someone stand up and say sorry, just playing?

  “I wouldn’t blame you for thinking I was an alien.”

  “Thanks, that makes two of us.” She gave a light laugh. What bothered her was how easy she gave that theory up. True, she never believed in it before. Now she had evidence that whatever Rilan and Magnus was it was different from her. Hence the alien theory, but she knew. It kicked around in the deep part of her brain that she had trouble reaching. It lived in the part of her heart that was shut down for repairs. They weren’t aliens, they had just as much right to this planet as she and all the others like her.

  That would be the fight. Some would believe they were aliens, but as the scientific data came out, and it would come out. There would be those who felt like their time was over. They were the old guard and now it was time for the new guard to take over. No one would justify the systematic killing of children or even the moral action of selecting against them. They would pretend that part didn’t happen.

  “You’re thinking too hard.” His finger was tracing the lines of stress along her forehead.

  She couldn’t tell him she was trying to find a way to keep him alive. The thought of living without him was one she couldn’t bear. Instead, she smiled and relaxed in his arms.

  “Soon I’ll have to go back. I’ll… I’ll miss you.” She couldn’t think of living without him and all they had done was trade kisses.

  “Then maybe you will choose to stay.”

  He was looking deep into her eyes. She wanted to say yes like her life depended on it. But she knew that she may be what brought The Interior to its downfall if she didn’t go back. Would her father use her disappearance as a well-placed chance for bombing this place off the face of the map?

  “You are gone again. Concentrate on me. We have time for the other later.”

  She nodded. He was right. Her hand reached up to cover his on the side of her face. Times like these were going to be fleeting, and she didn’t want to miss them by being mired in the future she’d never escape.

  “Would I be wrong if I wanted to kiss you or touch you?” She whispered not knowing how far sound traveled when it came to dragon ears.

  “Only if you think it’s wrong for me to want to do the same.”

  “You want to kiss yourself too.”

  “You,” he gave her a huge smile.

  “Me,” she murmured before she leaned in allowing her lips to caress his. She loved the feel of his lips the whole silk and steel thing was working for her. They were so firm but at the same time silky smooth.

  Rilan deepened the kiss pushing his tongue between her lips. The first taste drew a sigh of appreciation from her. His taste was sweet and tart at the same time. It was a flavorful combination that she wanted to taste the rest of her life.

  She opened wide drawing him in, sucking on his tongue. Her heart beat increased while she felt her body try to melt. There was something about the way he touched her that made her feel like she was made for him. Special, he made her feel that way.

  His lips traveled to her throat causing her to shiver with delight.


  “Am I moving too fast?” His rumble of a voice made her lower region clench. A moan came from her.

  “No,” she stuttered on the word. Why had she called his name? Did she want this to stop? “What does this mean?” Her brain was telling her this wouldn’t just be sex.

  “It could be the beginning of my courting you or it could be the end and we could mate tonight.”

  No mating, she knew that would be bad. For the life of her, she couldn’t remember why.

  “How does the mating work?” Her hands were caressing up and down his back. The more she touched him the less she was thinking of anything except a naked dragon in her bed.

  “A mating bite.”

  His teeth sinking into her. She shivered, her body could get behind that.

  “It ties us together?�

  “It does.” He licked her shoulder like he wanted to bite her.

  “No biting, we don’t know each other well enough.” Her voice was nervous.

  He gave a bark of laughter. “You are a funny mate, but I will follow your rules. No bite, at least not tonight.”

  With that settled she could let go. Her body moved and twisted around his wanting to get closer to him. Hands moved on arms that were thick with muscle as her fingers played a game with him.

  “You’re playing with fire mate,” His voice was a deep groan as he moved down to the bikini top she was wearing.

  “Don’t rip it.” He grabbed the band bunching it up in his hand.

  “I’ll make you another one tomorrow.” He pulled, and the material dissolved like it was never there.

  That was amazing, she should think about… his mouth licked at her nipple.

  “Yes, please.” She begged wanting to feel the rough edge of his tongue on her again.

  He sucked her nipple into his mouth. His teeth clamped down as he sucked. Her body arched off the ground. How did she miss this pleasure before? When did her nipples become this sensitive?

  Her hand crept up to pinch her other nipple wanting it to feel as good as the first. Her hungry pussy was riding his leg looking for satisfaction or at least an orgasm.

  His hand came down and smacked her ass.

  “I’m in charge of your releases, not you.” His voice rumbled in her ear making her need him more.

  Her ass smarted, but the pain brought a pleasure she hadn’t known was waiting for her. He bit down on her nipple making it more sensitive before he slowly pulled off. Then turned a smile on her as his eyes glittered in the moonlight. He dived like a dragon going for the sea before he took the other nipple into his mouth. He brought his hand up and pinched the first nipple making her pussy flood with a minor orgasm enough to titillate, but not please.

  “You’re teasing me,” she accused him.

  He hummed around her nipple agreeing with her. Kisame moved her hands down to the shorts he was wearing. She grabbed his ass before she squeezed the muscles of his globes.

  “I love how you feel, how you look.” She told him, a confession from her soul.

  “Then maybe you can appreciate how I feel about you.” He said after her nipple popped out of his mouth.

  “Not the same, you’re like a dream come to life. I’m me.”

  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I’m definitely beholding.”

  A warm laugh left her lips as he pushed himself up to get a better look at her. She used the time to push his shorts down. A choked sound left her lips as she watched his dick that was already standing tall try to get closer to her.

  “It seems to know what it wants.”

  “Mate,” the word was a guttural growl that turned her on more than it should.

  Soon every inch of his thick dragon cock was going to be buried inside of her, splitting her open. The thought made her legs weak.

  He made quick work of the sarong she was wearing. He touched it and it was gone. Now she was lying like a buffet in front of him. Afraid to try to beguile him with her body but needing to be stretched out. Her breasts lifted and her toes flexed making the muscles in her legs take on more definition.

  “How can a mere man deal with the beauty that is being presented to me?”

  He started with her neck and caressed down her body until he was petting her stomach. It was thick and soft. He touched her like it had been forever since he touched someone. Technically she guessed it had been. Would he still feel this way when the female dragons were awakened?

  “Talk to me.”

  “What?” He had caught her off guard.

  “Your body just flinched. What were you thinking?”

  “I was wondering if you would feel the same way when the females woke.”

  “The females I knew my whole life before I met you? Yes, I will feel the same. You’re my mate, but you’re more than that.”

  “I am?”

  “Your sweet, and kind, with an incredible mind. I watch as you put things together. There are times I am sure you’re one step ahead of me.”

  “Because I know the culture you don’t.”

  “Maybe. We already know you’re sexy. I love the way you trust me, but more than that I love the way you take caring for me as your personal responsibility.

  “Mate,” she growled. Maybe she didn’t understand it, but she knew that he was the one for her.

  His hands traveled down her body until he was cupping her pussy. “I want to touch you here.” He pressed down giving her a little pressure as she tried to rub against his hand.

  “Please, I need it. I need you in me.”

  She wanted to taste him, touch him. Her body was demanding that he connect them together. The need to start that mating process with him was turning her mind to liquid.

  His fingers played in the wet curls at her legs until he spread them wide getting a good look at the pink flesh laid open before him. His tongue came out to lick his lips. Before she could say anything, his tongue was licking her from top to bottom. A sound of pure pleasure came from him as she let out a moan that could be heard for miles.

  Unable to stay still she arched rubbing her pussy against his lips, looking for something hard to press her clit against. He moved back his lips shiny with the evidence of her wetness. A feral smile touched him before he struck capturing her clit. A sound of pure need left her as he sucked on it.

  “Please,” her voice broke as she begged. Hands went into his hair trying to hold him in one spot. His fingers slowly inched inside of her opening her up even as she thrashed beneath him.

  “Let me in,” It was as much of a demand as it was a tortured plea to the woman who hadn’t said yes.

  Kisame rubbed her leg against the arching fullness she felt in him.

  “Give me this, I need it.” She wasn’t lying. If he didn’t make love to her soon, she was going to combust. There would be no Kisame left.

  When he crawled over her, she could see every doubt in his mind. She had a few of her own. He was several centuries old she was thirty. What if he wasn’t clean?

  “I’m on birth control, it’s mandatory after a certain age.” It was the one thing they wouldn’t have to worry about. “I’m clean.”

  He laughed at that. “Dragon’s cannot catch the diseases you talk about.”

  Well, that ended that, but it didn’t touch the doubts in his eyes.

  “We don’t have to.”

  “Yes love, we do.” He took her in a kiss that made her senses roll with desire.

  When she felt the tip of his thick cock pressing against her, she was thankful for the stretch of his fingers. He was big, the kind of big she dreamed of when she was alone but wouldn’t tell her best friend about.

  Her neck arched back, her mouth opened on a groan.

  “I got you,” he whispered as he slowed his pace.

  “I need this, need you.” She made her legs relax more as she opened herself up to him. God, she wanted this. Out of bed, she was a wiz, a wonder, even if she said so herself. In bed, she wanted to be conquered to be his love slave. She wanted to turn the tables on him and make the master the slave.

  “Wicked woman,” he teased her. “Look at how carefully I treat you. Like you are spun glass or the most precious of gems.”

  He was so careful with her until he bottomed out. She gave a shout of pleasure when she finally took all of him. She panted as she got used to his size. Her hips rolled as she felt his thickness inside of her.

  “Move,” she growled deciding she needed more friction.

  “I don’t—.”


  He moved withdrawing slowly and then thrusting down.

  “Hell yeah, again!”

  This time it was harder. She wrapped her legs around him as he took her on a hard and fast ride.

  “It was supposed to be slow and sweet,” he murmured as beads of sweat s
licked his body.

  “This… this is perfect.” A rolling ball of pleasure was trying to entangle her. She felt heat at the base of her spine wanting to rush over her. Waves of need were ready to drag her down the shoreline and out into the ocean.

  “Please… oh God please.”

  His hips moved faster nailing her in place, not giving her room to move even as she tried to match his movements.

  “Let go, baby, let go.”

  A scream traveled through her body before it breached her lips as a volcano erupted inside of her. She couldn’t think only feel. He went still, his body hovering over her before pulsing waves of lava erupted from him. She could feel the heat inside her burning her, making her more than she was. Maybe he was rewriting her DNA. She didn’t know and didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was this moment.

  Finally, she fell into a hot spring and floated on the joy that only Rilan could have given her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Where are we going?” They had woken this morning but didn’t have time to bask in each other’s presence. Rilan told her Magnus was already on his way. She took a fast dip into the ocean as a way to cleanse herself and was dressed by the time Magnus got there. They settled with downing a few of the rations she had with her and immediately set out.

  “We need to get to the barrier.”

  “Why?” She straightened up in the seat her legs trembling just a little.

  “I… how to explain. The border is part of me I can feel it. It’s not alive, but it sends me feelings like it was sentient. Someone or something has attacked it.”

  Someone had attacked the border around The Interior? That made no sense. No one came out here, it was forbidden which is why it took so long for her to get permission.

  “My people don’t come out here.”

  “Then it’s someone else, but someone attacked the border.”

  “Could what you be feeling be from when the war raged?” That made sense right. He was just getting the feeling because he had been sleeping or whatever all this time.


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