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The Dragon's Mate (Ancient Dragons Book 1)

Page 12

by Serena Simpson

  “I wonder if I can wear you out? How long do you think it would take us to walk home?”

  “You think you’re that good?” He grinned at her a challenge in his eyes.

  She turned over and crawled into the middle of the wide branch. “Come closer all those who doubt me.”

  He turned over and crawled to her, the grin on his face getting bigger. Rolling over he laid on his back arching a brow.

  “You’re such a big strong man.” She threw her leg over him before taking her hand and tracing the side of his neck. Leaning over she sucked on the bite mark she gave him last night. A ragged moan came from his lips.

  “So sweet,” she whispered in his ear before she attacked his mouth. He met her kissing with desperation as their tongues collided. She loved the feel of her smoother tongue sliding against his. He had more ridges, it did something for her. She came alive like someone electrified her body.

  Moving down she kissed his jaw before pulling his shirt up and over his head. Her eyes flashed as she watched his nipples. When her tongue came out to moisten her lips, a slight groan of need left him.

  “You may kill me,” he declared in a harsh voice.

  “Not you. You’re a strong man, I’m just a little wimpy woman.”

  “I never said that. Don’t try—.”

  She swooped down and took a nipple in her mouth making him choke on whatever he was about to say. She hummed her pleasure while she sucked on him.

  “More,” his voice was deep with need.

  She sucked harder making his nipple stand up. Her other hand worked the poor nipple left behind until she switched. “Both nipples need love,” she told him.

  She wanted to rub her pussy against his chest. Every time she touched him it lit a fire inside of her. The more pleasure she gave him the more she seemed to feel in return.

  She stopped to rub her cheek against his chest before her hands began to rub down his muscles. Her lips and tongue followed. When she came to the spot his belly button should have been, she sucked hard. That expanse of smooth skin intrigued her. She was sure it always would. For a moment she wondered what their children would be. His hand in her hair brought her back to the moment.

  She looked up at him.

  “Beautiful,” he said. His deep voice touched her making her squirm on him.

  She flashed a naughty grin at him, then her hands went to the button on his jeans.

  “I can’t wait to get inside of you.”

  “Who said you were getting this?” she teased. His hips went up when she tugged his pants down. He helped her get rid of them and his boxers. He was lying in front of her naked in all his glory. Her hands went to his thighs rubbing the separation of muscle.

  His ass was on glorious display. She loved how round it was on the back but the sides were just a little concave giving it a definition that she loved. Her fingers caressed down watching as he flexed it.

  “You’re a beautiful man.”

  “No,” his voice came out ragged as he fought for breath. “I’m your beautiful man.”

  She blinked fast wanting to deny the tears that were trying to fall. No one had ever wanted to be hers and Rilan spoke of it as if there was never a doubt that he belonged to her.

  “I love you,” she kissed up his thigh stroking the other one until she reached his heavy balls, they were hanging low begging to be teased.

  She took them into her hand gently massaging until he hip thrust at her wanting a firmer touch. Her hand tightened. The deep breath of air that exploded from his lungs made her feel good.

  “You are mine.” She leaned over taking the tip of his dick into her mouth. She sucked tasting the pre-cum that made her lose her mind when it touched her tongue. She took more of him into her mouth allowing his scent and flavor to envelope her.

  “So good.” Her hand wrapped around the length she couldn’t take in her mouth. She worked him with her mouth and hand, head bobbing up and down as he tried to thrust deeper.

  His hand stroked through her hair as he held her close.

  “Baby, I’m going to blow if you don’t stop.”

  “Yes,” she moaned around his dick.

  His legs were tensing up even as they were shaking. The muscles in her hands and arms were shaking so bad that she was having trouble sucking him.

  “Want to be in you.”

  She chuckled around his dick sending a new feeling down his shaft to his body. She caressed his balls as she felt them drawing up.

  “Kisame! If you don’t, arghhh!”

  His growl of pleasure made her suck harder as rope after rope of cum hit the back of her throat. She sucked it down wanting to taste every bit of him.

  She relaxed when his hand finally let her hair go. She laid down on him.

  “So, can you fly or are we walking home?”

  He laughed, the sound of it making the air around them reverberate in joy.

  “I might need a small nap first.”

  She curled up next to him. She’d wait for him no matter how long it took.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I’m going to miss this place.” Kisame was making herself comfortable in the vehicle as Rilan took off. They stayed in Tree City for a week. Together they flew the skies and walked the earth. The more she saw the more she loved the city. “I would love to come back here someday.”

  “That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.”

  They had their first fight this morning when she brought up going back to talk to her father.

  “Be reasonable. What are we supposed to do? The three of us just stay here forever until we somehow pass to the other plane?”

  “Do you need more than that?”

  They passed the tree on the hill. Visions of Tree city filled with life came back to her, then nothing, death, and destruction filled her mind making her want to escape from the memory.

  “No, yes! I need you to live. Don’t be naïve, if I don’t come back, they are sending someone here to look for me. No matter what they filled my head with someone knows that it was just a fantasy. I was told to come back with proof of aliens. Someone somewhere expects me to find something. The only chance we have is to get someone powerful on our side. There is no one more powerful in Amerix than my father.”

  “If your father isn’t all that innocent in this cover-up?”

  “Then I come back and we find another way.”

  “It’s never that easy baby. Powerful parents don’t show their belly.”

  “I have to believe, he’s my father. I know he’s not all that loving, but still, he’s my father.” She looked over at Rilan, he was quiet. Not wanting to argue she pushed it into the back of her mind. There was still time, and this wasn’t the time to talk about it.

  “Where are we going?”

  “There’s one more city I want to look at before we go back to the palace.”

  She nodded pulling her legs up to get comfortable in the seat. Closing her eyes, she pretended to be asleep while he flew. They were silent for several hours.

  “Tell me about your mother.”

  His voice startled her out of thoughts of the past. She started speaking without opening her eyes. “My mom was beautiful. She has this smile that makes everyone she meets feel welcome. The minute she meets you, you are part of the family. That’s just how she is. I have her eyes, but my father’s coloring. I have her physique a tad bit on the short side and plumper than the average person.”

  “She sounds nice.”

  “Nice is an understatement. She would love you and be so happy that I met you.”

  “Wouldn’t she be upset that I’m a dragon?”

  “Nope. It wouldn’t phase her at all. She wouldn’t care about the type of man you are physically. She would want to make sure you treat me right and provide for me. Do you love me? Will you love our children? That’s what she would be concerned about.”

  “I like her already.”

  “She’s still alive… maybe. She fell down with a
mysterious virus that was brought from outer space by the aliens.”

  “There are no aliens.”

  “Then how did my mom fall into a coma?” She should have been asking herself that question since she met Rilan. It was her father who told her when she was a teenager what happened to her mother. Since then she had only been allowed to see her mother occasionally the fear of the virus spreading was real.

  “I have a lot of questions and the more I stay here the more I have. My father’s answers seem to be far and few in-between.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  The boom of thunder made her eyes open. “It’s kind of dark out here.”

  The sky was gray with shocks of white lightning. Rilan dropped down but didn’t stop.

  “We are almost there. I’ll fly a little lower but with the aerial shield there shouldn’t be any trouble.”

  “Maybe we should stop love and wait…”

  The lightning came from nowhere striking the engine of the vehicle. They started spinning.

  “We’re going to…” Her words were cut off as she screamed. The vehicle exploded around her and she was free falling. She reached out for her mate wanting to be with him one last time before her life ended.

  A scream came from her mouth when something hit her side. Then she was in the middle of a circle. When she hit the ground she rolled and screamed just to remind herself she was still alive. When she came to a halt, she opened eyes that she hadn’t realized she pressed close.

  A tire was wrapped around her. It was pretty, the green of it was warm on her skin. “Rilan?” A grunt greeted her. He was in his dragon form wrapped around her.

  “Oh my God! You saved my life. We almost died. What was that about?” She crawled out of the protective hold Rilan had on her, then collapsed on the wet ground. Where were they?

  “Love?” When he didn’t move or make a sound she jumped up. She moved up to his head looking for a sign he was breathing. “Please Rilan, wake up.” She was kneeling by his head her hand in front of his mouth hoping to feel a breath of air.

  “Wake up love. I can’t lose you and I don’t know how to treat you in dragon form.” She dropped her head on his long body. A shiver went through him and then he was lying there as a man. Tears that she didn’t try to stop tracked down her face with the rain that was getting heavier.

  “We need to get out the rain, find a tree or something for shelter.” She shook his shoulders until he opened his eyes. “You have to try to get up.”

  He looked dazed but agreed. Together they stumbled to their feet. He was leaning heavily on her. She led them in the direction that small voice in her head was telling her to go.


  “Save your strength we can’t stay out here.” They tripped over a tree root almost falling before she got them straightened up.

  “Your strong baby.”

  “I’ll remind you of that later.” They had to find a place soon because he was heavier than he looked.

  “That shouldn’t have happened. We were low enough that the shield should have protected us.”

  “Maybe it’s failing.”

  “Or they have been working on something to penetrate the shield.”

  He might have a point, but they needed shelter before they could consider it. The temperature was dropping, and the lightning looked like it was coming closer as if it was searching for them. She shook the water out of her face and lowered her head. It was a stupid thought why would the lightning be targeting them?

  “Up ahead.”

  She stumbled to a stop. “Up ahead I can’t even see my hands anymore.”

  “Use your dragon’s eyes.”

  “I don’t have dragon eyes.”

  “We don’t have time to argue. We need to run. Either you use your dragon eyes and we have a chance to live or we die out here. Choose, fast.”

  Why couldn’t he understand that she wasn’t like him? If she had the ability to see as a dragon now would be the time.

  “I’m ready.”

  “When I say run, don’t let go of my hand.”

  “Got it.”

  He pulled them behind a tree. She rested against the trunk trying to harvest a little energy for the run. It was still pitch black and she couldn’t see anything an inch in front of her face.

  “Get ready… run!” They took off over a meadow. Lightning lit up the sky casting everything in stark relief of black and white. The house in front of them was cocooned in yellow.

  She jumped over a root that seemed to come from nowhere as she refused to let go of Rilan’s hand. Her heart beat against her chest as her feet thumped the ground. Almost there, was the refrain that sang through her head.

  Her foot was grabbed just before she reached the porch of that house. Rilan spun around picking her up even as she kicked off her shoe. He made a running leap landing them both on the porch. Whatever was after them stopped at the bottom stairs reminding her of the creature that couldn’t cross the barrier he made around her vehicle. Once the door opened, they stepped inside. The heat from the house wrapped around them.

  “I thought I was supposed to be doing the saving today.” She gave a small laugh as he put her down.

  “It works better when we both do the saving.”

  “Towels and dry clothes would be nice.” She walked around the living room, it reminded her of an old farmhouse she had seen in a book once. It had more to do with the wood and shelves along with a large fireplace. “Why is the heat on?”

  “I hate to be cold. These thunderstorms always bring the cold. It’s the first time it’s brought me, people.”

  They turned around to find a woman standing at the top of the steps.

  “King Rilan,” she bowed her head in respect. “I stopped believing you would ever return.”

  “You have me at a disadvantage.” He gave her a smile in greeting.

  “Please call me Amya and who is the lovely dragon with you?”

  “This is my mate Kisame.”

  “My queen,” she bowed. “The king has finally found a mate worthy of him. Long live the king and queen.” She gave them both smiles of happiness as she came downstairs. “Now that you are awake it is time.”

  Kisame stayed still, she was still dripping wet trying to get a read on Amya. The woman was young and ancient at the same time. An impossibility she would have laughed at before she met a dragon.

  “You need to change,” Amya stretched out her hand creating a blazing fire in the fireplace. Then she erected a screen so they would have some privacy.

  “Thank you,” Kisame’s teeth were shattering even in the warmth of the house. “I didn’t realize it could get that cold here.”

  “The storm is special, it does what it wants.”

  “What does it want?”

  “To kill the remaining dragons.”

  Kisame threw a look at Rilan who was dressing in a dry outfit.

  “Why do you believe that Amya?” He asked as he stepped from behind the screen.

  “The proof is that you are awake my king. Soon the one prophesied will come. Once that happens, the battle for the planet will begin. It may be epic or end with a whimper, but it will end.”

  “Well that sounds friendly,” Kisame said. She stood by Rilan’s side trying to decide if Amya was a little off her rocker.

  “Come to the kitchen I’ll make you tea or hot apple cider. You must be hungry by now.”

  “Apple cider?”

  Amya looked over her shoulder at Kisame. “I actually leave The Interior as your people call it to go shopping.”

  “Are you a dragon?”

  “Yes my dear, just like you.”

  “I am not a dragon.”

  Amya stopped in her tracks. She turned around to look Kisame over before leading them the rest of the way to the kitchen.

  “If you are not a dragon how do you explain seeing my house?” She indicated the chairs around the table for them to sit. It was a scarred wooden table, but sturdy.
The chairs were wood but with thick upholstered seats and backs. Her kitchen was a warm yellow. It looked old and well used. The cabins were wood, but the appliances looked new.

  “Tea or cider?”

  “Cider,” they said in unison.

  “Good choice.” She set about putting water in a pan.

  “Your house was lit up with a yellow glow. It was hard to miss.”

  “I agree with you my queen except for one thing. Only dragon eyes can see that glow.”

  “I assure you I saw it and I am not a dragon.”

  Amya laughed, but she didn’t sound happy. “For years they looked for you. Dragons have spent their lives debating if you were real and you stumble into my house.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “There is no excuse necessary. I know who you are, the reluctant dragon.”

  “I am not a dragon. Let me take it one step further I am no one special. If I were don’t you think I would shout it to the heavens? I would present it to my father as the ultimate sacrifice. Do you know what it feels like to be compared to everyone around you as a failure? To watch your brother strut off with your father's love because he can do no wrong when you keep ending up on your backside. If I were a dragon, I’d fly the waves of the air and demand that everyone look at me. I’d shove the notion that I am nothing and no one down my father’s throat, but I am not. I am Kisame and I like it like that.

  “Then why am I married to a king? There are two people on this planet, those who are dragons and those that are not. Our pairing as dragon and non-dragon will make it easier for the world to come together. Don’t spin tales that are not true.”

  Amya placed their cider in front of them as she began to pull out food to cook.

  “When the world grows dark, and the cold comes in waves, the reluctant dragon shall ride on its coattails. When the dust has come, and all have shut their eyes, the reluctant dragon will open its eyes. When all is lost, and the future is dim, the reluctant dragon’s eyes will glow marking a new day for all mankind.”

  “I have always believed that to be a children’s story,” Rilan told her.


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