Conversations in Real Time
Page 3
And just to ease your mother hen worries – it’s been quiet and Nellie has used it to her advantage to force feed and make the team rest. Me included.
Hope to hear from you again when you get chance.
Tell me, besides reading and racing around Europe on that bike of yours, what else do you like to do?
(I can't believe I just 'outed' myself. I did out myself, didn't I? Oh God, I'm hoping my instincts are right on this. If not, then I've blown it. And I'm already losing my mind here.)
* * *
(So only an idiot could ever begin to forget how sharp James is. And only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would imagine he’d not pick up on what I’d barely hinted at. And did I read that right? I’ve scanned his mail so many times I've lost count, but I swear he’s trying to tell me its okay. I mean it sounds like he really wants to know stuff. Its like he’s really interested. I just don’t want to blow this. Maybe that’s why my hands are a bit shaky as I type?)
Sent: 29 April 2016 22:02
Subject: Greetings from the cold, damp reaches of England
You have a Mustang? I’m impressed, but now I’m wondering if there’s a secret speed freak in your soul that you’re not letting out anywhere near enough?
Right now it’s freezing cold and heaving down with rain that's falling in perfect straight lines, and I’m wishing I was in sunny California where the roads aren’t so narrow and twisty and I can possibly buy a good avocado…
When I’m not reading or trying not to go breaking the speed limit around here, I cook. Admittedly I don’t cook as much I did, and I don’t really have anyone to cook for much except myself, but I like to play around with food, flavors, new ideas. Y’know, get a bit creative?
So who’s the IAB guy who pisses you off so much? Is it a personal vendetta or something? I guess there are always guys who don’t like what others have built, and will do anything to tear it down.
I don’t mind you asking about Andrew. Sounds weird to say it but I’ve not really talked about him for a while. I lost him a long time ago but his memory lives on in my research. I’d meant for it to help him, but fate had other plans in mind. I was young back then, but I learned from it. Even though some people keep a lot of hate in their closet, I’m glad I found someone who can understand, and I know that you do.
Thank you for what you said about me being a good moment in your life. I feel the same way about my decision to contact you. I honestly didn't realize that my research study would make me a new friend along the way.
Well, I’m glad you’ve got Nellie to keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t forget the simple things like eating and sleeping! I think she’d get on very well with the Prof’s wife, Lisa.
If this rain leaves off I just might get some sleep myself tonight.
Talk to you soon,
* * *
Sent: 3 May 2016 08:21
Subject: Is everything okay over there?
Hey JC!
Just wanted to make sure you’re okay. It’s been a while since I heard from you, and even though I know you’re probably really busy caught up in a case, I just thought I’d drop you a line to make sure you’re at least tearing yourself away from work enough to stop and eat.
Oh dear God, I sound like my own mother hen…
You’ve probably got enough people running around as it is, without me getting in the way too.
But if you get chance, don’t forget about your friend stuck in England.
Where it’s still raining by the way!
Take care.
Your friend as ever,
(So that’s really not TOO needy, right? I mean I don’t sound like too much of a lonely jerk with nothing better to do than worry over someone I’ve never set eyes on, who lives 8 time zones and several thousand miles away. Yeah, okay so I do sound that way…)
* * *
Sent: 3 May 2016 22:58
Subject: Talk to me James?
I just saw the news.
I caught the end of it.
The BBC sucks sometimes with their coverage of what's going on over there but I heard enough to know it’s bad.
For the 10 o’clock news to have it already, it’s got to be very bad.
I tried to find more on the Net but there’s not much that’s reliable.
What’s going on over there JC?
It’s what? Nearly 3pm where you are? So, I know that all hell is still breaking loose over there. It's just, when you get this mail will you let me know you’re okay?
I know the shooting was downtown LA, and there’s cops dead. Please just drop me a quick line. I don’t want to lose any more friends if I can help it. I couldn't cope.
JC, I’m worried about you. Not hearing from you like this, I’d just feel more at ease if I knew you were okay.
If I sound panicked, it’s because I am. I miss talking to you and miss the growing friendship we had. If I’m a nuisance I’m sorry. I just want to make sure you’re not hurt.
(Yeah, I’m panicked. No, I don’t care if he thinks I’m being stupid. I have to know he’s okay. What’s difficult about that?)
* * *
Sent: 4 May 2016 08:00
Subject: JC where are you?
There’s pictures of the shooting all over the place. For it to make the headlines here, it’s big, nasty and bloody.
It looks like WW3 broke out.
I found the whole thing online at the LA Times.
But if you don’t email me soon to let me know you’re still alive, I swear to God I’m phoning Rick and getting him to beat your cell phone number out of Keith Lawrence with a 2 x 4! Then I’m getting on a plane and coming over there to kick your ass for putting me through this.
In case you missed it:
And right now I’m scared that you’re hurt in all this and I’ve got no way to help.
Email me please? Do I have to get down on my knees and beg or something?
Your desperate friend in the UK,
(If he isn’t dead I’ll kill him myself for putting me through this worrying. Wait. Yeah, great logic in there Dan!)
* * *
Sent: 4 May 2016 23:32
Subject: Alive from LA
Hi Daniel,
I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner but no one knew to contact you or tell you I was alright, and I haven't had access to my email until now.
As you saw in the papers there was a shootout in Downtown. I was actually in Court giving testimony when it all erupted. It started off as a bank robbery that led to a shootout over five blocks. I swear it was like being back in the riots. Chaos reigned supreme. Innocent bystanders were getting shot, cops were going down. I never want to go through that again.
I am all right.
What I mean is, I'm all right NOW.
To ease your mind, I got home about a half hour ago and thought I'd check my mail before I fell into bed. The pain meds are clearing a little but at least I can sleep in my own room tonight and not have to stare up at those hideous hospital ceiling tiles.
I only took a bullet to the shoulder. They let me come home when I was strong enough to sit up in bed, and to be honest I think they got rid of me because I was making too much of a fuss.
But I retain the right to deny that.
Typing with one hand is a bitch though.
I'm really am so sorry I worried you. Put the 2x4 down and stop threatening Ric
k. I'm fine, just a little sore.
New Instant Message from bikergeek
bikergeek: WTF? What do you mean you only took a bullet to the shoulder!
surfdudecop: Daniel?
bikergeek: Yeah. I know you're on pain meds but who were you expecting? Santa?
surfdudecop: Well you never know. You could be Santa disguised online. How would I know that?
bikergeek: Well he doesn't wear leather for a start, not unless he's swapped Rudolph for a bike. You totally scared the shit out of me, James!
surfdudecop: Didn't mean to. I was pretty out of it and no one would have thought to contact you. I'm sorry that you were worried.
bikergeek: Don't be sorry. Just talk to me. How are you feeling?
surfdudecop: Well once my head clears I'll be happier. Shoulder hurts like a bitch but it was a through and through. It didn't take out anything vital, just some muscle. I'm off work at least a month. Now THAT is going to drive me insane.
bikergeek: A month? Well, you need something to entertain yourself with. I'm just glad you've got someone like Nellie to help take care of you. I don't like the idea that you're trying to get through this on your own.
surfdudecop: I got some reports I can catch up on and some papers I've been meaning to work through, and well, I'll have free time to talk online.
bikergeek: Wait! You've just got home from being shot and you're thinking about work?? Okay Lieutenant, drop those reports and back away right now. No, don't scowl! You have to take it easy for a while and maybe let me be a distraction for a bit okay?
surfdudecop: Okay reports ignored. So how are you going to distract me?
bikergeek: Let’s just say I'm somewhat strangely, and er…temporarily unemployed right now and if you don't mind us talking this way, I can be online when you are.
surfdudecop: Unemployed? I figured some lab by now would've come in and swooped you up. Though considering our mutual circumstances right now, I would enjoy chatting with you.
bikergeek: I'd enjoy chatting with you too. As long as you don't think it's lame. As for work, I do some free stuff to help out the Prof, but let's just say that sometimes the Brits don't quite know what to make of me. I'm not exactly suit and tie material.
surfdudecop: *mind goes back to that one suit you mentioned* Let me guess, jeans and a button down shirt, biker boots. That whole 'I just rolled out of bed' look?
bikergeek: *coughs* Yeah, something like that. Kinda. Add in the one suit. One OLD suit. I'm a little scruffy. I'll admit to that. And I have a tendency to neglect shaving some days, but hey! It’s me. It’s not like I'm pretending to be some Armani clad pompous jackass.
surfdudecop: Not all us suit wearers are pompous jackasses y'know. Though okay wait, most of them are. So you're still living with the professor and his wife?
bikergeek: Yeah I'm crammed into what was his mother's place before she died. It's a 'granny flat' over the garage, with pink rose wallpaper. All I need is a couple of cats and I'll be all set for retirement.
surfdudecop: Okay I admit I have cats. Just two. No more. Both of them are sitting here demanding supper. Lucky Nellie came by to keep an eye on them. They kinda showed up one day and decided to stay. It's nice though, to come home to something at least. Y'know, instead of an empty house.
bikergeek: I'm glad to hear you’re not on your own. Well, not strictly on your own.
surfdudecop: I was married once. It wasn't a good situation. After a while with the job and the intensity it brings, it can be hard on relationships. Most of my lovers couldn't handle the hours or my commitment to the job.
The cats are demanding food and have decided that sitting on my laptop would motivate me...
bikergeek: Cats always know what they want huh?
surfdudecop: back
Yeah they do and they demand it when they want it. But enough about my hungry cats. Tell me about your cooking?
bikergeek: Yeah, I cook. A bit. I mean, I'm not brilliant, but I dabble. How about you? I mean I know it’s hard to get motivated when you're on your own. Just cooking for yourself is no fun sometimes.
surfdudecop: *snort* The local take out places know me by ring tone. I swear the order is ready before I call. Nellie won't let me near her kitchen, or mine really for that matter.
bikergeek: Then one day if I get to LA sometime, I'd like to cook for you. It’s not healthy to live on take out.
Okay, just forget I said that. I spend so much time being mothered, it just rubs off...
surfdudecop: It's not every day I get offers for a home cooked meal. I'm going to hold you to what you just said. I expect a home cooked meal from you one day, and I know I'll enjoy the company.
bikergeek: That's a deal. Maybe there's something to be said for being a bit overprotective sometimes. So tell me something?
surfdudecop: What?
bikergeek: Do you ever manage to tear yourself away from work long enough to have any spare time? I mean, if you don't really cook and you work all day, what do you like to do with yourself? I know you mentioned having a Mustang.
surfdudecop: I play the piano. It's a hidden secret. My one true pride is the baby grand in my living room. Please tell me that's not too dorky?
I live off the beach, and no I don’t surf now as much as I did, but I do like to sit and watch the waves. It's very relaxing after the stress all day.
Oh yes, my Mustang...!!
That is one passion very few people know about, so you should feel privileged.
I rebuilt her from scratch and only take her out when I need to get away from it all.
bikergeek: The piano? Okay I'm impressed. You must have talented hands. I'd not pegged you for a musician though. I'm sure from what you just said that there really is a speed demon in your own soul there somewhere right? I'd love to see her. She must be a beauty.
But the sea...
Not seen the sea in while. I'm land locked here. And guess what? It’s raining again.
surfdudecop: Wait. Rain? What's that then? *chortles* As for the piano, my mom made sure I had a 'classical' education. Over time I found it relaxing. It's the one thing I've kept up with over the years. It's all I have left of her.
Though I do love my cats, I'm denying all accounts of speed tickets and flying down country roads!
bikergeek: Yeah, right! I should get you on my bike one day. Y'know, I do feel privileged JC. It’s kinda nice that you can tell me this stuff. And rain? The scientific name for that is 'wet stuff that falls from the sky'.
surfdudecop: Well, rain in California is usually a Hollywood stunt or some kind of miracle.
bikergeek: *snorts* Sunshine here would be a miracle lately too! And yeah I know I'm turning into a Brit obsessing over the weather. Sorry.