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Page 17

by Sam Ryder

  “Awesome,” I said.

  Vrill’s mother looked at me like I was crazy. So she understood innuendo but not sarcasm. She had more in common with her daughter than I knew. “Hold still while I remove the tooth.”

  I clamped my hands down on the edges of the table. Vrill held one bicep while Eve held the other. I focused on the two women, taking deep breaths until…


  “There. Done. That wasn’t so bad, right?” Delaqua said, as if she hadn’t just sent excruciating pain through the whole of my body, which had shaken like a ragdoll while she’d carved her damn knife into my flesh. She held up a scary-big tooth, sharp as the knife she’d used to extricate it. While I watched, a drop of black liquid—the poison, I assumed—formed at the tip and dripped off, splashing to the floor. “I’ll harvest what I can of the poison. It can be used in small doses for certain medicines.”

  Now that surprised me. “Poison can be used in medicine?”

  “In small amounts it isn’t toxic to the body but is toxic to certain diseases common amongst our people.”

  It was an interesting factoid for sure. “What about the poison that already leaked from that tooth into my body? Is that toxic?”

  Delaqua shrugged. “None of our males are as large as you, so I can’t be certain. Most of our men would be dead already, so perhaps you’ll be okay.” It wasn’t a comforting statement.

  “So what’s the antidote? You have an antidote, right?” The thought of being paralyzed and then dying down in these caves was not my idea of a grand exit from my weird-ass life.

  “In a manner of speaking.” Delaqua and Vrill exchanged a knowing look I couldn’t decipher. Before I could ask what she meant, however, Delaqua went back to her kit and extracted a long metal rod with a metal disk on the end. “For cauterizing the wounds,” she explained.

  Great. This woman brought all the fun.

  “Bring the fire.” Vrill stepped away from my side briefly before returning with a dish from which tongues of flames emerged, as if tasting the air itself. Delaqua placed the disk-end of the metal tool into the flames, allowing it time to heat up, turning red-hot. She pulled it out, the metal smoking.

  Oh damn, here we go agahhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH!

  Yep, I screamed. Loud. It was more like the bellow of a cow giving birth, echoing throughout the space. If I was lucky it would be mistaken for a scream of passion, mixing with all the other passionate sounds being made by those enjoying an old-fashioned orgy in the city streets.

  My scream trailed away as the shot of pain throbbed into a dull agony. “Urrr,” I groaned.

  “One,” Delaqua said, sticking the cauterizer back into the flames to heat up once more. I never thought I’d say it, but I missed goddess spittle quite a lot. Airiel could hock a loogie onto my wounds any day of the week. I planned to tell her that if I ever made it back to Tor.

  When Delaqua’s cauterization count got to six I passed out. Mercifully. Both for me and for the ears of anyone nearby.

  I dreamed of the Viss. They were swarming me from all sides. I fought hard, knocking back dozens of the fuckers until one managed to take a bite of my leg. Another bit my arm. Another my chest. They crawled over me like rats, biting and gnawing, tearing my flesh from my bones, ripping out my—

  I awoke in a sweat, body shaking. Everything was dark, save for a glowing lantern in the corner. I was lying on something cushioned, a pillow behind my head. How long had I been sleeping? I felt cold. No, hot. Which was it? I couldn’t tell. I was shivering but sweating too. A fever then. I remembered what Delaqua had said about the Viss tooth. That drop of black liquid. The poison.

  And then she was there, by my side, her voice heavy with concern. “Sam. What do you feel?”

  I tried to explain but struggled to do so.

  “The poison,” she said.

  Vrill was there too now, brow furrowed with worry. “It’s going to be okay, Sam,” she said. “We’ll take care of you.”

  “You said…before…antidote.” In the back of my mind, I remembered Delaqua had added the qualifier: in a manner of speaking…

  “Just relax,” Vrill said. She reached across her chest and released her armor with a hiss. My body was aching now, like I’d been hit by a truck, but I still felt a stirring down below the moment her breasts spilled out, dark nipples painted orange by the firelight. What was happening? I didn’t even know anymore.

  She grasped one breast and maneuvered it into my mouth. “Lick me,” she said. “Taste me. I can heal you.”

  Was it weird that her mother was watching her own daughter stick her breast into my mouth? A little. Was it also a little hot? Yep. It was.

  But that wasn’t the end of it, not by a longshot.

  As I managed to lick and suck on her nipple, ‘tasting’ her as I’d been ordered, her mother shucked off her own dress, drawing it over her head and exposing her own round tits and the smooth area between her legs. I felt her hands roam down my shirtless chest and abdomen, prying off my pants, her hands teasing my growing manhood as she went.

  I was still a mixture of cold and hot, but the worst of the fever pains were beginning to subside. My mind was still trying to understand how sex, or rejuvenation as the Lri Ay called it, could help combat the poison in my system, but this was one gift horse I wasn’t going to look in the mouth.

  While Vrill continued to encourage me to lick her nipples, Delaqua took me into her mouth. Whoa. I’d always considered Vrill to be highly experienced in the art of seduction, of sex in particular. But now I was finding out that perhaps she’d learned from the best, the additional years of experience her mother brought to the table taking things to the next level. Her tongue made motions I couldn’t even describe, sending sensations to every extreme of my body, from fingertips to toes and everywhere in between. Every so often she would say something as she worked, like, “So big,” or “hard like stone,” which was enough to drive me insane, especially because I could tell she meant what she was saying, in awe of me.

  Meanwhile, up top, Vrill had moved on from her tits, sliding her lithe body further up, her ass above me. I grabbed her with my hands and slid my tongue between her legs and inside her. She released a satisfied sigh, touching her breasts, squeezing them together and fondling her nipples.

  My body was feeling stronger now, less a slave to the poison and more superhero. No, Demigod.

  I’m back, baby! I screamed inwardly, doing a crunch upward while still holding Vrill in the air with my strong arms as I ate her out. I felt her mother’s lips slide off my erection, offering a final, nirvana-inducing suck.

  “He’ll be fine now. I’ll leave you,” she said, and began to pull her dress back on.

  “Mother.” This time it was Vrill who stopped her mother from leaving.

  She stopped, dress covering her bottom but not top, exposed breasts luscious and gleaming in the lanternlight. Both Vrill and I were looking at her, pressing the pause button on our ‘activities.’ “Yes, daughter?”


  Holy shit, that one word unraveled me. It was interesting. I’d never had the whole mother and MILF fantasy thing I knew other guys might be into, but I sure as hell did now. Delaqua licked her lips and deftly let the dress pool at her ankles. She was as lean as Vrill, but slightly curvier, a sign of her maturity and childrearing ability.

  I put Vrill down. She walked to her mother, grabbing her hand to lead her over to me. They stopped before me, naked and smooth and the most gorgeous mother/daughter pairing there could possibly be. Then they turned toward each other and kissed full on the lips, long and slow and breathtaking.

  They smiled when they finished, turning back to me, easing in on either side, tongues flashing as my mouth opened to accept them. Our trio of tongues danced together while their hands found my penis, playing with it together, like a team. Delaqua ground her sex against one hip while Vrill thrust against the other. Each of them sighed with plea
sure, each sound a mimicry of the other.

  Like mother like daughter, I thought, enjoying every second of this surreal experience.

  Vrill mounted me first, but it was her mother who guided my penis inside her. While Vrill rode me, Delaqua touched herself, both between her legs and her chest, panting as she pleasured herself while watching us. I gripped Vrill’s beautiful breasts and hung on as she rode expertly. As her movements grew faster, I shifted my grip to her hips and ass, helping her thrust, the distance between our bodies widening and tightening, grinding tighter and tighter until it was impossible to determine where my body ended and hers began. “I’m getting close,” she whispered, “but I want to be last. Can you hang on long enough for my mother to have a turn?”

  If I was being honest, this was such an erotic experience, I wasn’t entirely sure how long I could hang on. But I was damn sure going to try. “Yes,” I said.

  She grinned, reached down and slid my dick out from inside her. She palmed it with her hand and pumped it several times to ensure it was good and hard and then said, “Mother.” That one word almost made me go insane. Such a word spoken so soon after the throes of pleasure with a mother’s daughter had the potential to give a guy nightmares. But not in this case. In this case, it was all dream.

  Delaqua stopped touching herself and climbed into position. Then, to my surprise, she turned about face and played with me for a few seconds before sliding me inside her. She was wet and ready. She started slow, her ample ass shimmying over my pelvis and abs as my manhood slid in and out of her. She spit on her fingers and slid them between both our legs, adding lubrication to the mix. I held onto her behind, enjoying the healthy mix of curves and firmness. “Enjoy him with me,” Delaqua said to her daughter.

  Vrill didn’t need to be told twice, and so she mounted me higher than where her mother was, so their backsides were flush with each other and Vrill’s pussy was on my chest. I leaned my head forward and flicked my tongue inside her, hoping to keep her turned on until her mother was finished.

  Speaking of which, her mother was riding harder and faster now, grinding each time I entered her, shoving her body into mine as if trying to dig a hole through me. As Vrill leaned forward so I could taste her breasts again, her mother arched her back and cried out, “You’re so big, Sam Ryder. So fucking big!”

  Well, I couldn’t deny that. Most of my upgrades had resulted in growth in all areas, and the last one was no exception. Thankfully, neither of these gorgeous women seemed to have any issue getting me inside them, though it was tight, the friction at the next level.

  I managed to reach around Vrill’s firm body to grasp her mother’s breasts from behind, cupping them in my large hands. I teased her nipples with my fingers and squeezed the flesh around them until she moaned. She cried out again, just a high-pitched scream that was reminiscent of nothing but pure passion. “Oh!” And again. “Oh!” And louder still. “OH!” I was thrusting now, too, lifting my body off the bed and shoving my hips skyward into her sex. At the same time, she was grinding downwards, our opposite motions in perfect sync, like two ocean waves crashing into each other at the penultimate moment to create a bigger, more powerful wave.

  I didn’t know whether this sex-charged society had any rules on noise levels at certain times, but if anyone in the immediate vicinity was trying to sleep, they were awake now. “OH! OH! OH! OH!” Yeah, she was a screamer, something I didn’t particularly mind.

  I was also running out of time, so I was thankful when she released one final shriek of pleasure and then slowly began to catch her breath, each successive scream slightly softer than the previous one. Even still, I was hanging on by a thread that was likely to snap at any second and release the torrent that had been building inside me since I learned the antidote to the poison was our shared passion.

  With a final gasp, she slid me out of her and then—oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot—slipped me into her mouth. In and out, teasing and licking and—

  Vrill joined her. The mother/daughter sex duo took turns sliding my erection into their mouths, circling my shaft with their tongues and the sucking any drops off the tip. I was clenching now, doing everything in my power to hold back the deluge, plugging cracks in the metaphorical damn, thinking thoughts of cold showers and unattractive women and ritual animal sacrifice. Whatever it took. I was committed to hanging on until Vrill the Sequel was ready for action.

  Vrill’s mother finally moved aside, her hunger sated. She lounged nearby, fingers dancing on beautiful hip, a look of pure satisfaction creeping across her lips.

  Vrill spun 180 degrees and sat on my face, continuing to work on the blowjob that had the potential to stop me from achieving my goal. But I stayed the course, focusing on pleasuring Vrill to distract me from my own pleasure. Vrill was quivering with ecstasy as I plucked her clitoris with my tongue like a master violinist plucks the strings with his bow. Finally, after running her tongue the length of my dick from base to tip, she spun back around and straddled me missionary style, pressing her chest against mine. This time my penis required no assistance, sliding easily inside her well-lubricated vagina, which enveloped it in warmth. “Don’t stop until we’re both fulfilled.”

  As if.

  She ground deeply into me, mashing her tits into my chest and French-kissing me, our tongues dancing slowly as we entered into slow fuck territory, taking our time with each movement, making each thrust count, holding them at full extension before gradually backing out and then repeating the motion. Like a slow chant. The flickering lanternlight provided the perfect ambience, not to mention Delaqua’s hungry, smoldering gaze as she watched her own daughter fuck a man she’d just fucked to orgasm. The whole scene was mesmerizingly hot and if I had been watching it on some porn site I’d have had no trouble masturbating.

  In and out, grind, hard nipples flicking off my chest, Vrill’s tongue in my mouth, teasing my own. She dipped her head and bit my neck, licking circles on my skin with her tongue. Out and in, pushing so hard into me I swear I reached the back of her, tip of my penis shuddering, tendrils of pleasure rushing through my throbbing body, blood rushing in, juices hot and ready to—

  “Not yet,” she whispered into my ear.

  I stopped the building climax, barely.

  Even my Demigod body had met its match, but I was fully planning on being up to the challenge. In and out, in and out, her tongue dancing, probing my skin, licking me clean. I reached full around her to cup her ass, grinding her even deeper than I thought possible, semen trickling out with each thrust, adding even more lubrication as we slid over and through each other, bodies warm and wet with sweat and lust.

  Her mother disappeared for all intensive purposes. It was just me and her.

  “Not yet.”

  Her tits in my mouth, taking turns, licking circles around, flicking in and out. Hands roaming to the wet spot between her legs, back around her hips, up her hard abdomen to the swell of her breasts, cupping them. She reared up suddenly, riding harder and faster, the added friction sending waves of pleasure through me. “Not…yet, Sam. Not… yet.” I could tell she was trying her damndest to listen to her own advice but it was growing harder for both of us. Harder and harder and—



  “Fill me, Sam!”

  Oh yeah. I filled her. The explosion was atom bomb monumental, a gush of fluid pouring forth from me into her, even as we continued to push and thrust and grind out every last drop, enjoying the final waves and then ripples of nirvana that this epic night of sex had provided.

  It was worth every second.

  “You’ve learned a thing or two since you’ve been away, daughter,” Delaqua said, reminding me that her mother had been watching the whole time.

  Hot dayum.

  “Yes, mother, I have.”

  “Now tell me the whole story while Sam gets some more rest.”

  As if I could sleep after that.


br />   I didn’t tell them that there was no way in hell I could sleep after that. But it didn’t matter—Vrill and her mother left after each woman kissed me on the cheek. I could still feel the warmth of their lips on my skin. Fully awake now, I borrowed the lantern and set off to explore Delaqua’s quarters and see if I could locate Eve.

  I didn’t have to go far.

  Because she was one room over.

  Sleeping, or so it seemed.

  I entered the space, which was a bedroom of sorts, another plush bedroll arranged in one corner, Eve’s slumbering form nestled into the center. At the far side of the space was another desk with a small, unlit lantern. I placed my lantern next to the unlit one, casting a warm orange glow across the space.

  Eve stirred, her eyes fluttering open, disoriented at first but then focusing as they landed on me. “Oh, hi,” she said. “You’re awake.”

  “So are you.”

  “Yes. I am.” There was something about her tone…

  Like she was acting. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Well, counting this second and the last one, and the three before that…about five seconds, give or take a second.”

  “Funny. You’re funny when you lie.”

  “Fine. I’ve been awake for a while. It’s hard to sleep in this inky darkness. I think it’s a function of never being able to sleep during the Black back on Tor. You know, on account of the monsters?” She was talking too much, more than usual. But if she was awake this whole time…

  Oh. Shit. “So you heard us in the other room?”

  She nodded, giving nothing away with her expression.

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I didn’t want to interrupt. You seemed to be having fun. You know, bonding with Vrill and her mother.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  Eve raised an amused eyebrow. “I’m not angry or judging. I’m fully aware that you’ve had multiple partners including me. It’s not like you and Vrill keep your own sexual escapades a secret. I would’ve joined in the fun, but you know, the whole Vrill-wants-to-kill-me thing kind of sours the mood.”


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