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Paradise Lost: Wasteland (Sons of Destruction MC Book 2)

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by Glenna Maynard

  “Told you I would.” He nods in response and I climb the stairs two at a time eager to find my woman. I know some of my brothers have questions for me but talking can wait. It’s been nearly a week since I’ve been inside her and I’m not waiting a minute more. I find Prissy in my room. The place looks the same as far as I can tell, I can’t keep my eyes off my woman. Been waiting a long time to get her alone in this room. She’s standing in front of the mirrored dresser lighting a candle in nothing but a pair of white cotton panties and an oversized sweatshirt with a kitten and a halo of wildflowers decaled on the front. Kicking off my boots, I then shed my leather and denim. It’s about room temperature in here but I’m about to heat the place up. Priscilla is a fucking vision.

  It almost doesn’t seem fair. The world is on fire and people are dying. Here I am back home with the only woman I have ever truly loved or desired. We deserve a bit of quiet and easy, don’t we? A minute of happiness. I take a step forward as she watches me approach through the dimly lit reflection in front of her. Her teeth dig into her bottom lip. I’m covered in grime from our travels, but she doesn’t care. Planting a hand on her hip, I brush her hair away from her neck with the other. My lips meet her skin and she melts into me. A gasp leaves those sweet lips and I hug her tighter.

  “Been waiting a long time for this, baby. To get you alone in my room and have my way with you. Since the day you went away this is all I’ve dreamed about,” I confess, sliding my hand up under her sweatshirt and palm her breast. “All I ever wanted was you right beside me.”

  “Well, I’m here now,” her voice is raspy and damn sexy.

  “That’s right. You are.” My other hand teases at her clit over her cotton bottoms.

  “Ash,” she breathes out my name, her panties getting wetter by the second with every stroke of my finger. Heaven is being inside her, but I want to take my time. We’ve not really had a night together where we haven’t had to be on guard. I know the place is surrounded but we’re in Paradise now. Maybe I am cocky to believe that for right now, at least for the next few hours, we are untouchable. Whatever is happening outside our gates will stay out there. I need this and so does she. Inside this room it’s just us. There’s no undead. No virus. No threat. All there is, is our soon to be naked bodies and our souls.

  We stand at the dresser for a few more minutes. Me watching her expression as I continue to tease her and suck on her neck. She’s Goddamn beautiful. Full lips and big eyes that say take me now. “Come to bed with me,” I grate in her ear, rubbing my beard along her slender neck. I pull her along with me and turn down the sheets.

  “You make your bed?” She smirks at me like the thought is amusing to her.

  “I used to,” I admit. It was a habit I had been in since I was a kid.

  “When was the last time you changed these sheets?”

  “Like I can remember that. I’m sure they are cleaner than some of the other places we’ve slept,” I grumble, settling into my side. Priscilla is still standing on the other side of the bed, hugging her middle.

  Her brows raise. “Who was the last woman you brought to your bed?”

  “You looking for an excuse to pick a fight and go sleep upstairs with Lana? You don’t hear me asking who or when was the last college boy you boned, now do you?” I slide my boxer briefs down and expose my erection. I stroke my fist up and down my shaft while watching her hungry eyes settle on the sight. “You have any more questions or are you going to come get this dick?”

  The mattress dips with her knees as she crawls up on the bed next to me. “Who says you aren’t romantic,” she teases.

  “Hand to God.” I raise my hand up. “I fucked some bitches while you were at school that didn’t meant shit to me but some pussy, but don’t come up in here acting different now that you’re back home like you weren’t fuckin’ nobody. Three years is a long time, Priss, and baby, we weren’t together. We were far from it. You made it clear that here with me was the last place you wanted to find yourself. But all that shit means nothing now. Cause you are right here with me and you’re mine. Tell me you aren’t,” I threaten.

  “Calm down, cowboy. They were just questions.”

  “I got your cowboy,” I growl, pulling her onto my lap. “Now saddle up and ride.” Prissy laughs into my neck but the moment my dick twitches, pushing against her, she goes still.

  “I love you, Asher. Just being here in your room made me wonder about you and if there are going to be any club girls around here spitting in my food now.”

  “You think there wasn’t a soul in this clubhouse who didn’t know where my heart was? It was away with you while you were getting your fancy education. I wasn’t sitting around with my thumb up my ass, but I never stopped wanting you.”

  “Thumb in your ass sounds a bit kinky but I’m not into playing with your asshole.” She laughs.

  “How about I play with yours instead.” I shoot her a smug smirk and push my cock between the cheeks of her ass over her bottoms. “I think these need to come off now.”

  “Not so fast.” Her fingers skim up and down my torso.

  Leaning up I steal a kiss. Her breath is hot and tasting of cinnamon and I can’t get enough. If there’s a Heaven on Earth, it’s in my bedroom with this woman in my arms. Lifting her sweatshirt over her head, I need to feel her skin to skin. She gets that barrier of cotton that separates us out of the way. Her heat brushes over the head of my dick, teasing me. Paying attention to her glorious tits, I kiss them both, wanting to get lost in her for the rest of my life. Her womanly scent wraps around me, refusing to let me go. She’s my everything. Fuck me, she drives me wild. Her long caramel tresses brush over my chest, tickling my skin as she looms over me.

  Priscilla is a flame burning bright and hot for me, sinking down on my cock to the hilt. Moving her hips in slow motion in a circular motion she rides me until that candle glowing behind us burns out.

  Chapter 6


  Alone in this apartment save the dog, I am trying to do like Priscilla said and make myself comfortable. It’s good of her to give me her room. I could have taken the couch, but I suppose she would rather stay with Asher. Can’t say that I blame her. Stitch isn’t my man. However, four days and nights sleeping next to him has left me feeling a bond there. I feel a closeness to him that shouldn’t be so present with a stranger, but I guess in times of stress things change. I know I have. It’s been four days since I lost my brother and my father, and it has left a hole in my heart I’m not sure can ever be filled or patched even. I’m never going to see my family again.

  Here in Paradise, Stitch has his brotherhood and I am sure a woman or two. A guy like him must have someone who cares for him and tends to his needs. When we were coming through the clubhouse as they called it downstairs, I spotted a few what you might call loose women appreciating his return as they gazed at him with hungry eyes. A look that said welcome home. The response shouldn’t have made feel jealous, but it did. I have no claim on him anymore than he does me.

  What I should be concentrating on is what in the heck is up with Priscilla’s freaky father, Blade I think is his name. In appearance he was everything that Felix had claimed his brother, Phillip to be. Neither living or dead but somewhere in between. Does that mean that the virus is mutating or that there are different strains? Before we went to Salvation, my Dad had said there was talk that the virus was created by the government to wipe out the poor. Said that they filtered something into the water in the poorest towns and cities in the nation, possibly worldwide. By that report we could all already be infected. Some people slowly turn and while others can be fine one minute and the next be showing symptoms. If it is in the water it could be airborne, but all that talk was hearsay and conspiracy theories.

  I open up some of the drawers in the bedroom and pull out a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top. It feels good to wear something as normal as these black pants that say PINK across the butt. After my time in Salvation wearing those h
orrible handmade dresses and returning to reality. Well as close as I can get to it this feels like the greatest thing in the world. Turning down the sheets, I get into the bed and immediately Percy jumps up and lays at my feet. Having him gives me a sense of security. At Salvation we had a false security in that wired fence that surrounded the place. With Philip being kept down in that basement all it would have taken was him getting loose one time. Will Blade one day suddenly turn, or will he remain as he is now—in the middle?

  I should be sleeping but I have so many thoughts running through my mind. So many what ifs and coulda, shoulda, wouldas. I stare around the bedroom wondering what life might have been like had my father stayed in the MC life. Would I have grown up like Priscilla did in a clubhouse? I can’t help but think about Judson Meyers. He’d fit in a place like this easily. Him and his edgy style. If he is out there somewhere, does he ever think of me? Does he ever regret not coming back for me? My eyes flutter as exhaustion takes hold and I am drifting off to sleep when a knock sounds at the main door of the apartment.

  Percy jumps up with a bark, wagging his tail, and running for the door. I slide out of the bed and hug my arms around my chest. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me.”

  “Me who?” I ask mockingly, though I know it’s Stitch’s voice coming from the other side.


  A smile crosses my face and I open the door, stepping aside for him to enter. “What can I do for you? I figured you’d be off by now with one of your admirers being welcomed back.” I stick my tongue out at him slightly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just getting ready to turn in but wanted to make sure you were okay. After you shared your story with me, I should have warned you about Blade. I just needed Priscilla to see him for herself, you know.”

  “It’s cool. I get it. He makes me nervous, but you trust him and think it is safe to be around him, right?” I take a seat on the couch and Stitch sits at the opposite end. Percy lays at my feet like a fierce guard dog.

  “Blade’s solid. If he felt something wasn’t right with himself, he’d let us know.”

  “Good to know.” I let out a yawn and a shiver courses through me.

  “You’re cold. I should let you get some sleep,” he tells me as I watch him out of the corner of my eye.

  I narrow my sight on him. “Why’d you really come up here? Be honest.”

  A sly grin stretches across his mouth and I have to confess it is uber sexy. Stitch has this total bad boy thing going for him. He’s intensely dark looking but when you get to know him, he’s got some softness behind those rough edges. “Truthfully.” He slings an arm over the back of the couch. “I got used to watching over you while you sleep, and I couldn’t close my eyes unless I saw that you really were okay and now that I know that you are, I can go back to my room and crash.” He starts to stand up, but I stop him.

  “Stitch…could you…would you stay until I fall asleep? I’d feel a lot safer with you close by.”

  He studies me for a minute before answering me and it makes me feel anxious. Now that he’s here I don’t want him to go. “Sure. I can do that. I’ll kick back here on the couch. Won’t even know I’m here.”

  “Actually, could you come in the room with me and talk to me until I get tired?”

  “Sweets, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I scoff. “And why not?”

  He strokes his chin. “You want the honest answer?”

  “Always,” the word comes out in a hushed tone.

  “You and me alone in the bed together…”

  “What? You don’t trust yourself? You’ve slept next to me for days and never made any unwanted advances.”

  “No, but we didn’t have privacy and a bed neither. I told you I’m old enough to know better and bastard enough to try. What’d you think I meant?”

  “What’d you really come up here for, Stitch? Don’t give me no line that you want to look out for me neither. I may be young, but I see the way you look at me and I don’t want to die a virgin.”

  He clears his throat and his hand goes to his crotch. “Lana, you don’t know the things that you’re saying…they have an effect on me. Don’t be saying things you don’t mean or understand.”

  “You know what. Forget it. You can go back downstairs and crawl into bed with one of those other girls that all your buddies have probably banged like a screen door in a hurricane.” As soon as the words leave my mouth Stitch is up and looming over me.

  A knee on either side of me, he stares me down then he grabs my face with one hand and squeezes. “You’re asking for a world of trouble talking to me like that. You think you know me because we spent a few days together and killed a few Z’s. You don’t know me like that. You don’t know the thoughts I have about you. All sweet and innocent with the hands of a killer.”

  I start to speak when his mouth comes down on mine with a punishing force that has me gasping for air. He kisses me full of demand, with pure control—dominating me and I like it. Want more of it. I part my lips eagerly for him. His tongue sweeps against mine tasting of beer and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. He pulls back with raw hunger in his eyes. My nipples are hard and pebbled against the ribbed cotton of my tank top. I know he sees.

  “Never mistake me for a nice guy. If I want you, you can rest assured I’ll fuckin’ have you. Telling me you’re a virgin.” He makes a tsk sound. “You know what I could get for you out there on the market right now? More than you can imagine. You know how rare you probably are. Probably the last fucking virgin of age for quite some distance.”

  My hand flies up making contact with his cheek and the dog starts barking.

  Stitch smiles at me. “You a bad girl, huh? Maybe I had you wrong.” He pets Percy to calm him but doesn’t give me any room. He’s staring at me like he wants to kiss me again.

  I lick my lips, still tasting his kiss but not wanting him to do it again. He’s pissed me off. “Guess you did.” I shove him off me feeling so confused. Part of me is angry and the other half of me is highly aroused.

  “Lesson number one. Trust no one. See how easily I flipped on you just now. Never let your guard down. Everyone is a predator. You want to survive protect yourself in here first.” His hand goes to my heart. “Never let anyone know your weaknesses. As far as the world knows you have none, feel me.”

  I nod, gritting my teeth. “So, I guess I shouldn’t trust you either then.”

  He quirks a brow at me with that cocky smile that I’d like to slap off his face right about now. “Especially me.”

  “As entertaining as this all is, I’m going to bed now.”

  “Told you, sweets, that when we got to Paradise, I was going to teach yo ass self-defense. Welcome to class.”

  “Yeah well…school this.” I give him the finger and slam the bedroom door shut. I fall face first onto the bed, burying my face in the pillow, and letting out a scream.

  The door opens and I look up with angry tears staining my cheeks. I don’t even know why I am being so dramatic but he’s pushing all of my buttons at once. “That invitation to join you until you fall asleep still stand?”

  I roll my eyes at him and wipe at my cheeks. “You’re a dick.”

  The dog jumps up on the bed and Stitch kicks the door shut behind him stepping further into the room. He walks to the to the other side of the bed and kicks his boots off.

  I look up at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting comfortable. What’s it look like? I don’t want to sleep with my boots on. Priscilla might beat me up if I get dirt on her bed.” I shoot him a funny look. “Would you rather we do this in my room?”

  “Do what? There is so nothing happening here.” I point between us.

  “You invited me to bed with you not the other way around.”

  “Whatever.” I punch the pillow and lay on my side facing toward the closet and away from his cocky jerk lips I want to kiss again.

  I hear the sound of something being placed on the nightstand and then the bed is dipping with his added weight. I smell his cologne and I smile to myself. He freshened up before he came up here.

  Chapter 7


  After Prez reunites with Priscilla and the excitement at her homecoming has died down he pulls me to the side. “How much do they know?”

  “Nothing. Did what you told me to like a good soldier.”

  “That girl. Is she okay?”

  “She’s good.”

  He grabs the back of my neck and squeezes. “That’s what I want to hear. Go on we’ll catch Asher up to speed tomorrow.”

  I nod at him and duck behind the bar to grab a drink. Wild and Adler are unpacking my gear and supplies. I’m fucking tired and need to get laid. Spending four days cooped up in my truck with Lana was damn tempting and fucked with my head. After the shit she told me she’s been through the last thing she needs is some fucker like me coming in and messing with her even more.

  Veda and Everlee are staring at me like they want to give me a proper welcome home but not even they can break me from my thoughts of fucking Lana. Not to mention they are Adler and Wild’s Old Ladies and I wouldn’t go there. That soft voice of Lana’s and her womanly curves that make her look older than she claims makes me crazy with desire for her. Might make me sound like a dirty fucker but maybe that’s what I am. It’s the end of the fucking world, so why am I even stressing this chick.

  We could both die tomorrow. Hell, I could die five minutes from now and this is the reasoning that has my ass walking up the fucking stairs to the Prez’s private apartment to where I know Priscilla left Lana for the night. I just want to make sure she’s good before I turn in. That’s what I tell myself, but I find myself washing up in the bathroom and changing into fresh clothes before I go knocking on that damn door. A door that has always been forbidden till now. Lana should be off limits, but I never have been one for following rules outside of those of the club. My fist is knocking at the door and then I am sitting on the couch.


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