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Called: A Paranormal Romance (Midnight Huntress Book 1)

Page 6

by Piper Fox

  “Bad?” I laugh. “Killer, it was perfect. You’re perfect.”

  She glances up, barely making eye contact through her lashes. “You’re not lying, are you?”

  “Do I need to make you come again, to prove to you how amazing it was?” I chuckle as my hand slides over her hip to grab her ass. “Because I will. That’s just the kind of panther I am.”

  She bites her lip as she leans up and kisses me again. “You weren’t half bad yourself. I might be convinced for another round.” She laughs. “Maybe.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you, as long as it means I get to feast on that delectable cunt of yours more often.” I grin, pulling her in tight against me. “I think in time, I can work up to at least half good.”

  Ryanne lets out a laugh as she stretches. “I should go clean up, before I make more of a mess of my bed. Stay here, so that I can come back and snuggle before I have to go figure out just how much damage I have to clean up after the impromptu Wild Kingdom episode in my office.”

  I watch as she gets up, admiring her body, enjoying how things jiggle when she stretches and moves. I feel like I could watch her move all day.

  “Your office is clean. I took care of it before I came over.” I smile softly. “You shouldn’t have to deal with the mess that supernatural creatures made of your world. At least not alone.”

  Ryanne’s brow furrows. “What do you mean, you took care of it? There were dead animals. Blood. Broken things.”

  “And now all is right again.” I sit up and pull her close so that I can kiss her again. “I work for the Supernatural Enforcement Agency. We have a team dedicated to cleaning up incidents like this one.”

  She just shakes her head at me. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  I frown, completely confused as to why this would be an issue. “This is what the cleaners are for. They keep the supernatural world hidden, or at least discreet. It hasn’t been that long since witch hunters, vampire slayers, or men killed anything that was different, even in the human world. If you’d called the mortal police, what do you think would’ve happened? Best case, they would’ve laughed your story off as a hoax, or as the imaginings of a creative young woman. Worst case, you would’ve been locked up for being insane, or men would start hunting shifters again with pointy sticks.” I shake my head. “This way, it’s clean. The perpetrators will be returned to their packs or their families, if any can be found, and if not, their bodies will be discreetly buried. You won’t have to worry about replacing anything or returning anything to normal.”

  “Those guys were my skips. Men I put behind bars. They were there because someone helped them escape. Helped them find me again. This isn’t over. If there were clues, something that could lead me to this mysterious woman Billy mentioned, I should’ve been able to look for them.”

  “Let the S.E.A. handle it, Ryanne. We’re trained in this sort of thing. We’re equipped to deal with it.”

  She rolls her eyes and laughs. “And I’m not equipped to just let it go. If you think I’m going to let this drop, you’re insane. They’re coming for me, Gage. Not you, not the S.E.A., not even Tyler. Me.”

  I get up and pull her in tight against me, my hands sliding down to her ass. “Ryanne, I know you don’t trust people, especially ones you don’t know, but believe me when I say that you staying out of this is the best thing for everyone involved. You don’t know the supernatural world. You don’t have the tools, the weapons to track down these guys. Let me handle it. If there’s something you need to know, I’ll tell you.”

  “You did not just say that to me.” She pushes me away and storms into the bathroom, scowling angrily the entire time.

  Fuck. I fucking screwed up. I grab my pants and pull them on before heading to the bathroom and knocking gently. “Ryanne? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I…” I run my hand through my hair, knowing that the only way I’m getting out of this is to open up. Exposing my underbelly has always sucked. “Just come out. Talk to me. Let me explain a few things. Spill a few more secrets.”

  I wait by the door for what feels like an eternity.

  Finally, Ryanne grumbles, “I need clothes.”

  Grabbing her yoga pants and hoodie, I knock again. “I’ve got your stuff.”

  The door cracks open just enough for her hand to snake out and snatch the clothes from me.

  I go back to the bed to wait for her. I’ll sit there as long as it takes.

  When Ryanne comes back out, she leans against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. “Well?”

  I sigh. “I don’t like you getting involved with all this. Knowing about the supernatural is one thing, but those guys aren’t ordinary criminals.”

  “Are you saying you don’t think I can handle myself? They were locked up because of me.” She scowls. “I killed one of them, even though I had no idea they were going to turn into wild animals. Please, keep insulting me. You’re just giving me more reasons to throw you out on your ass.”

  Frowning, I get up and cross the room. “Ryanne, I’m not saying you couldn’t handle yourself if something happens. But I’ve already seen one woman I cared for ruined by this life, broken, destroyed by supernatural creatures. I don’t want to go through that again. I won’t.” Grabbing the pocket of her hoodie, I pull her in close. “Why don’t we order some take out, get comfortable again, and I’ll hold you while I tell you all about my sad backstory?”

  She shakes her head. “Not today, Gage. I can’t…” She pulls away and starts pacing her room. “I can’t do this.” She strides across the apartment and wrenches open the door. “You have to go.”

  “You can kick me out. You can send me away. But I’m not going to stop coming around. I’m not going to stop watching over you. There’s something about you, Ryanne Atwood, and I’m not letting you get away that easily.”

  I grab my shirt and my shoes, and head for the door. “For the record, I’m not going to stop wanting to kiss you either.”

  As I leave, I can’t help but turn and steal one more look at Ryanne. I know there are things she’s keeping from me, things she’s not ready to share yet. But I’m not going to give up on her, and I’m not going to let her put herself in danger.

  Whether she realizes it yet or not, she’s mine, and I’m not letting her go.

  Wolfy Blues


  I groan as my phone rings incessantly, reminding me that I need to take it easier on shifter nights at Molly’s Place. The witch knows how to pour strong and smooth, and after seeing Ryanne with that S.E.A. enforcer, I lost track of the number of drinks I downed.

  With a grumble, I find my phone lying on my nightstand, where I always put it, along with a small bottle of aspirin and a glass of water.

  Looks like Drunk Tyler was looking out for Hangover Tyler.

  I connect the call, putting it on speaker as I pop a few pills. “Hey, Ry.”

  “Tyler? Can I come over? I… I had a weird night, and I could use my best friend.”

  There’s that phrase again. Best friend.

  While I love that we’re so close, and I wouldn’t change that for the world, sometimes I wish she’d look at me like she was with Gage. Or hell, even the way she pretends to look at skips who need a soft touch to trust her enough not to run.

  “Yeah. Give me like a half hour? I need a shower and some food.”

  “Are you hungover?” She gasps. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wasted. How did I miss it?”

  “I don’t know. You were the one who pointedly avoided me last night.” I get up and stumble toward the kitchen, knowing coffee would be imperative if I’m going to see Ryanne. Or function at all.

  “I didn’t…. You saw me?” She curses under her breath. “You weren’t supposed to know.”

  “That you were out hoping to catch sight of Eranear? That you thought you’d just go against my one request and try to nail him alone?” I shake my head. “Ry, if something had happened, I don�
��t know what I would’ve done.”

  “Nothing did. Although, I guess I’m not the only one keeping secrets, am I?” She sighs. “You sure you want me coming over? I’m apparently wearing my bitch pants today.”

  “Just like every other day?” I chuckle, even though laughing sends a new wave of pain through my brain. Damn it, I really need to watch what drinks I take from witches. “Come on, Ry. I know you. You don’t operate on patience or on methodical, planned out schemes. You go into situations with guns blazing. I never really expected you to stay away. Not while you’ve taken on a one-woman mantle of putting criminals from all walks behind bars.”

  “Half an hour, then? I can bring over something to help that hangover.”

  “Ugh. No. I know your recipes for hangover cures. We can order in food when you get here.” I can’t even imagine what spicy, greasy food would do to me.

  Maybe we can compromise and get burgers. At least my wolf would get some enjoyment out of that.

  We hang up and I head for the shower, hoping the hot water will help chase some of the dizzy, nauseated feeling from my head and give me enough respite to put on a good face for Ryanne.

  Half an hour later, on the dot, Ryanne’s using her key to let herself into my apartment.

  I haven’t had time enough to get dressed, so I step around the corner with a towel slung low on my hips. “Hey, give me just a minute.”

  She freezes, and for a second, I’m almost convinced she’s looking at me with hunger in her eyes. But then it fades, and she says, “I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I did bring a few things, just in case.”

  I smirk. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?” At least it looks like she’s gone with salty and sweet options, over greasy and fried. “Make yourself comfortable. Coffee’s fresh.”

  “Oh, you know the way straight to my heart, Tyler Jackson. If you tell me you made it Ryanne strong, I might just love you forever.”

  “Sorry, some of us can’t survive on battery acid.” I shake my head as I head back into my bedroom and quickly throw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I have no doubt she’s still getting herself a cup, or that the pot will be empty before she goes home. Maybe even twice.

  I don’t understand sometimes how she manages to eat and drink like she does, and not give herself all sorts of health problems. Good genes would be my guess. But I’m not the only one who has no idea where I came from, or what positive or negative traits got passed down along the line.

  Ry’s sitting cross-legged on the couch when I come out, a bag of tortilla chips over the ‘X’ formed by her legs, with a bowl of salsa precariously balanced on her knee.

  “Hey.” She grins and holds up a chip. “Thanks for letting me come over. I guess I sometimes miss spending time with my best friend. It’s been too long since we’ve just hung out, not for work, not on a stakeout. Just like, junk food and a movie marathon and cuddling on the couch.”

  I grab a TV tray before I join her on the sofa, hoping to subtly convince her to use the table rather than her lap. Before bright red salsa stains my light grey couch. “Okay, what’s going on? Really?”

  “Why does something have to be going on?” She frowns at me as I lift the bowl of salsa off her knee and set it on the tray.

  “For one thing, you’ve got your sights set on a skip, and I’ve never seen you give up workable hours for hanging out time. For another, you didn’t even try to deny the fact that you were at Molly’s Place last night.” I sit next to her and snag a chip. “What’s up?”

  “You tell me.” She leans back, looking at me with pursed lips. “Why didn’t you ever tell me what you are? Shouldn’t your best friend get to know that?”

  “What do you mean, what I am?” There’s no way she can know.

  Gods, please tell me I didn’t show up at her house howling at the non-existent moon last night or something.

  Ryanne rolls her eyes. “Tyler, I’ve known you for years. We’ve always trusted each other with everything. Why didn’t you think I deserved to know that you’re a wolf shifter? Or at least that shifters are real, and that maybe some of the criminals I put away aren’t entirely human?”

  Shit. “Did Gage tell you?”

  “Not until after a couple of old bounties broke into the office. God, I don’t even want to go in there and see what the cleaners did. Or didn’t do.” She shakes her head and shifts, so that her head’s laying on my shoulder.

  Instinctively, I wrap my arm around her. “It’s not like I didn’t want to tell you, Ry. It wasn’t something I was exactly prepared for myself, and I don’t know half of what someone like Gage does.”

  “Tell me now.” She hesitates. “Please.” She lets out another breath. “How long have you known? Does it hurt? Do you hurt people when you’re a wolf? Can I see you shift?”

  “Only if you want to also see me naked.” I laugh. “I discovered it when I was seventeen. That group of jocks, the ones who broke my glasses. They left me with a bloody face and a few broken ribs. Something about getting my ass handed to me, without you there to keep it from going as far as it did, set my body into overdrive, and woke up a part of me.” I look down at her, nervous about telling her all this. About telling anyone, even my best friend. “My wolf came out before I knew what was happening. I think I scared the crap out of them, or made them think they were crazy, because they never messed with me again.”

  Ryanne looks up at me. “Those punks. If I knew they were still beating you up, I would’ve…”

  “You didn’t have to. Really, I think it came out for the best. I grew out of my gangly, awkward teen phase. I learned how to interact with the wolf, and how to prepare for the shift, so that I didn’t end up destroying my entire wardrobe when the beast breaks free.” I grin. “Every once in a while, it’s come in handy to help keep your ass safe, rather than the other way around.”

  She shifts, so that she’s looking at me again, dead on. “Show me.”


  “Show me your wolf. All I’ve seen of shifters so far are strung out skips who had every intention of hurting me and a panther who thinks I can’t handle myself against supernatural creatures, even though I was the one who took Billy down, not him.”

  “Okay, what the hell happened between last night at Molly’s and now? If telling S.E.A. about you fucked things up…I’ll kill Gage.”

  My wolf snarls in agreement, and I fight against letting him rip free.

  If I’m going to show her, I want it to be calmly. I want her to see that it’s still me. That I’m still her friend.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle. Billy and Max, those bounties I picked up a few months back for breaking and entering charges? Turns out they were a hyena and a jackal. They somehow got out of lockup and decided to pay the office a little visit. Gage used his connections to sweep the whole thing under the rug.” She shakes her head. “At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that they’re literally buried under the rug. Or the hardwood.”

  “Ry, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come over. I would’ve been there.”

  She chuckles. “Well, up to now, I didn’t exactly know that you were a fighter. I thought you just hid behind your computer screens and your Clark Kent glasses.” She stares at me for a second, and then she reaches out and pulls the glasses from my face. “Are these even real? Or are they literally your disguise?”

  I don’t get the chance to explain before she’s holding them up to her face.

  “Tyler Jackson…” She shakes her head. “You really are pretty clever, aren’t you? How’d you pull this one off?”

  “It’s not that hard.” I shrug. “I’m still the nerdy kid who loves computers and comic books. I just…have a secret identity, of sorts.” I take my glasses back and fold them before setting them on the coffee table. “You really want to see?”

  “Yes. Fuck yes.” She grins, but then the corners of her mouth fall down again. “If you’re comfortable with it.”

“I mean, I’ve never shown anyone. Not intentionally. But I’ve wanted you to meet my wolf for a while. Years.” I get up and carry her snack to the kitchen before I tug off my t-shirt. “Last chance to change your mind, before you see all of me.”

  “Yeah, what’s that about? They don’t have magical clothes or something? Billy and Max ripped theirs to shreds to attack us.”

  “From what I can tell, shifters who grew up in groups, whether it’s families or packs or whatever, don’t have issues with nudity. They run together in the moonlight, in their animal forms, and when they shift again, it’s not like they go into bathroom stalls or have robes waiting.” I bite my lip as I hook my fingers into the waistband of my sweats. “Admittedly, I’m not quite as used to it yet.”

  She turns away, and I see her bring one hand up to cover her eyes.

  Maybe she’s not as comfortable with me naked either. I appreciate that she wants to give me a little privacy, but she could sneak a peek or something.

  Regardless, I drop my sweats and set my clothes off to the side. Then, I take a deep breath and focus on bringing my wolf out to play.

  Ry keeps her hand over her eyes until I step around the coffee table again, this time on all fours, and set my snout on her knee.

  When she sees me for the first time, she gasps. She doesn’t seem scared. There’s no change in her scent, other than all of it getting heightened in my wolf’s nose.

  She smells like she’s recently had sex.

  Fucking Gage.

  “Tyler, you’re…” She reaches out, like she wants to pet me, but then her hand pauses, as if she’s unsure.

  Bumping my head into her hand, I give her the go ahead. It’s nice to be touched, to be accepted, not just as a man, but as a wolf, as a shifter. For so long, I’ve hated keeping this secret from her, keeping such a huge part of who I am from my best friend.

  Ryanne scratches behind my ears as she breaks into a huge grin. I lean into her touch. “You’re a fucking wolf.”

  What I wouldn’t give to have the connection of a pack, of a family, or of a mate, with her. I wish I could hear what she’s thinking, how she really feels, unfiltered.


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