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The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 31

by Raymond L. Weil


  “Inbound missiles!” called out Lieutenant Justin, his face turning pale at the numbers. “There’s a hell of a lot of them. Over 800,000.”

  “Defensive batteries and interceptor missiles launched,” reported Commander Haskins. “A lot are going to get through.”

  “Second dark matter missile wave launched,” confirmed Zamdol.

  In space, the two missile waves passed each other and then the Eternal missiles began detonating against the defensive screens of the Originator fleet.

  “Detonation of Eternal missiles,” confirmed Zamdol. “Missiles are in the two hundred-megaton range.”

  “Damn,” said Commander Haskins, looking concerned. “That’s not good. We’re going to lose a lot of ships.”

  The WarHawk suddenly shook violently as several missiles struck her energy shield. Alarms started sounding and red lights began flaring up on the damage control console.

  “We have moderate damage to the hull at junction twenty-two braces seven through fourteen,” reported the damage control officer. “We have eight compartments open to space. We’ve lost four defensive turrets and two gravitonic cannon batteries. Damage control crews are en route.”

  The viewscreen was filled with glaring light from the exploding missiles. The screen dimmed slightly to take the brightness into account. Switching his gaze to the tactical display, Race saw hundreds of his ship icons flaring up and then disappearing as they were destroyed.


  The Eternals had fired in coordination with other ships. Dozens of antimatter missiles were striking Originator vessels. Even the powerful triplex screens of the Originators could not withstand the tremendous explosive power of so many missiles detonating at once.

  The center section of an Originator battlecruiser was struck by an Eternal missile. The ship vanished in a fiery explosion and when the explosion died away all that was left was a twisted mass of wreckage. Another Eternal missile slammed into the bow of a dreadnought, destroying nearly half of the vessel. The rest was quickly ripped apart by Eternal energy beams.

  Hundreds of Eternal energy beams tore open another Originator battlecruiser as its shield failed from the missile bombardment. Compartment after compartment was opened to space as the crew rushed to try to stabilize the ship. It was all for nothing as explosions starting shaking the vessel and then more powerful ones began tearing the ship apart. In one final titanic blast the ship exploded, sending glowing debris flying across space.


  Both fleets were now in energy weapons range and were firing at each other. Missiles were flying toward both fleets and vessels on both sides were dying. The battle was intense and brutal. Any damaged ship soon found itself targeted. If an energy shield failed the ship was destroyed almost instantly.

  “We’re not going to be able to handle much more of this,” said Commander Haskins as he watched two more dreadnoughts die on the main viewscreen. “We’re losing too many ships too fast.”

  Race turned toward Lieutenant Burns. “How much longer until the last civilian ship is though the Accelerator Ring?”

  “Ten more minutes,” replied Burns.

  “We’re not going to last ten more minutes,” stated Commander Haskins as the WarHawk shook from more antimatter warheads striking the ship’s energy screen. On the damage control console more red lights appeared.

  “Admiral, the Accelerator Ring has shut down,” reported Zamdol, his face registering confusion. “The AIs at the ring report there is a fleet coming through.”

  Race looked at the Accelerator Ring. There were no fleets scheduled to come through the ring.

  The viewscreen instantly switched to show the Accelerator Ring, which was once more active. From the swirling blue vortex Originator battlecruisers and dreadnoughts began to appear.

  “It’s your sister’s fleet,” reported Zamdol. “She has 320 dreadnoughts and 3,200 battlecruisers with her.”

  Race breathed out a long sigh of relief. Massie was not to have left the Solar System but her arrival might just allow the rest of the civilian vessels to escape. “Have her fleet join ours. That should allow us to buy enough time for the rest of the civilians to get away.” He would have to have a long talk with his sister when this was over.


  Admiral Qurant watched as more Originator vessels appeared out of the swirling vortex of the mysterious ring. Technicians on board his ship had established the ring was capable of accelerating ships to a tremendous speed in hyperspace, so fast that the sensors on the Eternal vessels were barely able to detect them before they were out of range.

  “How many ships have we lost?” Qurant knew many of his battlecruisers had been destroyed and even more had suffered significant damage.

  “Seven hundred and twelve destroyed and 1,242 have suffered damage,” replied Second Commander Anston.

  “The Humans?”

  “They have lost 1,876 vessels and at least two thousand have been damaged. The new Originator fleet is joining the other fleet.”

  Admiral Qurant considered his options. He could still destroy the two Originator fleets and the defenses around the planet but the cost would be high in the number of ships he would lose.

  “Contact Second Leader Abross. I need his fleet. Pull our fleet back until it’s out of weapons range.”

  The communications officer immediately sent the message.


  Race was surprised when the Eternal fleet suddenly pulled back out of weapons range.

  “What’s going on?” asked Commander Haskins. “They still have the superior numbers even with your sister’s fleet added to ours.”

  “I don’t know,” replied Race. However, we can use this time to work on repairs to our ships and it should allow the rest of the civilian ships to get away.”

  “Hyperspace detection,” reported Lieutenant Justin. “I have a large number of ships inbound. Initial long-range scans indicate around twenty thousand Eternal battlecruisers.”

  “Where did they come from?” asked Haskins with a stunned look on his face. “We can’t take on a fleet like that!”


  Weeks earlier before the Eternal fleets left to attack the Human and Alton worlds.

  First Leader Fehnral was meeting with Admiral Qurant and Second Leader Abross. “I want to ensure our victory over the Humans and the Altons. While I believe the fleets we have assigned to this mission are sufficient, I want a strong reserve force in case the Humans are more powerful than we believe.”

  “How many more ships?” asked Second Leader Abross.

  “Twenty thousand.”

  Abross looked stunned as he tried to think of where the ships would have to come from.

  “Take the ships from the galaxies nearest Originator space,” ordered Fehnral. “They can return once the Humans and Altons are destroyed.”

  Abross narrowed his eyes and then replied. “That might put those galaxies at risk if the Originators launch an attack.”

  “They won’t,” answered Fehnral. “When they hear we’re attacking the Human and Alton worlds I fully expect them to call an immediate halt to all of their offensive actions.”

  Abross nodded. “Who should we send to command this fleet?”

  Fehnral stared directly at Second Leader Abross. “I want you to command the fleet. I feel a member of the council should be involved in this attack to ensure its success.”

  Abross drew in a deep breath. He had commanded fleets before though this would be the largest by far. “Very well. I accept command of the reserve fleet.”

  This satisfied Fehnral. He was confident with the ships he now had committed to the attack, the Human and Alton worlds would fall.


  The present.

  Second Leader Abross studied the tactical display as his fleet dropped out of hyperspace just behind Admiral Qurant’s fleet. Qurant had sent him a report of the battle so far including his desire to capture the mysterious vortex ring active in the system. Abross agr
eed. Capturing the ring was probably more important than destroying the Human system.

  “Have our fleet join up with Admiral Qurant’s,” Abross ordered. “We will then finish off the Originator fleet and then capture the vortex ring.” Abross had the ring up on the ship’s main viewscreen. He watched as Human vessels rapidly vanished into the swirling vortex. Sometimes Originator technology even surprised him.


  Race had just finished talking to Massie. The odds against them were now astronomical and Massie had informed Race there were no other reinforcements on the way. She had taken a calculated risk in simply coming here.

  “Admiral, I have the governor of Jewel on the comm. He’s recommending you retreat. He does not expect you to defend his world against a fleet like the one we’re now facing.”

  Race looked over at Commander Haskins and then toward Zamdol. “What are our chances of victory?”

  “Not good,” Zamdol replied. “I have calculated we only have a .002 percent chance of victory. The numbers are just not on our side.”

  “What if we retreat to the defensive grid and add its firepower to ours?”

  Zamdol hesitated for a moment and then replied. “It only improves the odds to .043 percent.”

  “What about Rear Admiral Merlin’s fleet?”

  Lieutenant Burns asked the governor a few more questions and then turned back toward Race. “Rear Admiral Merlin and his fleet have elected to stay. This is their world and they will stay and defend it. Hopefully they can destroy enough Eternal vessels to ensure in the end the Eternals can be defeated.”

  “The last ship is through the ring,” reported Lieutenant Justin.

  “Admiral,” said Burns. “The governor has now made it an order. You’re to retreat immediately and save your ships.”

  “Eternal ships are advancing,” added Lieutenant Justin tensely. “They will be in engagement range in forty seconds.”

  Race took a deep breath. If he left he was sentencing two billion Humans to death. However, if he stayed he would lose his fleet and his sister’s and the planet would still be destroyed. As much as it pained him to do it, he knew he had no other choice. “Withdraw. All ships are to enter hyperspace immediately. Massie’s fleet will head back to Earth and ours back to New Tellus. Detonate the Accelerator Ring.”

  On the main viewscreen, a number of titanic explosions shook the ring, tearing it apart. Moments later the WarHawk and the rest of the Originator ships fled the system in the safety of hyperspace, leaving a doomed planet behind them.


  Admiral Qurant watched in anger as the Originator fleet escaped into hyperspace and the mysterious vortex ring was destroyed. His nanite-enhanced mind knew what the Humans had done was strategically sound. To have remained would have seen their destruction and they still would not have been able to save the planet.

  “We will advance on the planet and neutralize its defenses,” ordered Qurant. “When we’re in range we will launch a full barrage of antimatter missiles. This battle will be short. Once the defenses are destroyed we will launch our nukes against the planet.”


  Colonel Emily Trevor watched as the Originator ships vanished into hyperspace and the Accelerator Ring was blown into millions of pieces. “I guess we’re on our own now.”

  “We could have left,” Captain Tucker reminded Emily.

  Emily shook her head. “No, our world is under attack. I have family in one of the underground bunkers. I couldn’t leave. What about you?”

  “The same. My sister and her kids are in the governor’s bunker. I can’t leave them.”

  “Eternal ships are inbound,” reported the sensor officer.

  “All weapons are armed and ready to fire,” added the officer sitting in front of Tactical.

  Emily looked up at the large tactical display. It was covered in red threat icons, more than she could count. “We’re going to die here.”

  Captain Tucker nodded. “Let’s take some of them with us.”

  “Engagement range,” called out the sensor officer.

  “Fire missiles!” ordered Emily, clenching her fist. “I want all missiles fired as rapidly as possible. Empty our bunkers.”

  “Missiles launched,” confirmed the tactical officer. “Reloading.”

  “Eternals are launching!” warned the sensor officer.

  Captain Tucker turned pale when he saw the number of inbound missiles aimed at the shipyard, the two civilian stations, the defensive fleet, and the defensive grid. “There are over two million missiles coming toward us!”

  Emily face turned white. At least it would be over quickly. “Keep launching missiles!” She closed her eyes and said a prayer for her family. She had done her part now all she could do was wait to die.


  Rear Admiral Merlin stared in horror at the inbound mass of missiles. Already the defensive grid, the Type Two Battlestations, the Indomitable Battlestations, and the ships of his fleet were using every weapon they had to try to destroy part of the horde of missiles approaching them. A large number of antimatter missiles had been set to explode in the heart of the Eternal missile swarm but it seemed to be having little effect. There were just too many.

  On the main viewscreen, he watched as the shipyard and the ships protecting it suddenly vanished in a bright flash of light as several thousand two hundred-megaton antimatter missiles struck. When the light died down all that was left of the large structure and ships was some glowing debris and twisted pieces of metal. Moments later the two civilian stations met the same fate.

  Admiral Merlin took a deep breath. He knew the missile barrage hurtling toward him would take out his fleet and all the defenses around Jewel. In hindsight, he probably should have saved his fleet and left with Admiral Tolsen.

  The first missiles began to strike. The space above Jewel lit up like a thousand novas all exploding at once. Darkness turned into daylight as the blasts lit up the planet. The defending fleet died in seconds as well as most of the defensive grid. The Type Two Battlestations were literally vaporized in their orbits, leaving dissipating clouds of plasma where they once were. The Indomitable Battlestations lasted a little bit longer and managed to launch a considerable number of their missiles before their shields were overwhelmed and hundreds of antimatter missiles blew them apart. Only a few defensive satellites survived and those were rapidly eliminated by Eternal energy beams.

  The Eternal fleet went into orbit and nuclear missiles began to fall. Cities, towns, dams, and power plants were all targeted. Flashes of light began appearing across the surface of Jewel. The oceans burned from the intense heat of the blasts. All across the planet mushroom clouds rose up from the super heated air. Hurricane force winds from the blasts leveled everything: trees, farms, and infrastructure. The sky grew darker until it seemed like twilight and then continued to darken. The radiation level continued to rise to the point any animal or Human on the surface who hadn’t been killed from the blasts would soon die from radiation poisoning. In the span of a few minutes over two billion people died.


  Admiral Qurant stood in the Command Center of his flagship admiring the work of his fleet. Another Human world had been destroyed. Already battlecruisers were leaving the fleet to search the system for any small colonies or mining facilities that might still exist. If they did, they too would be destroyed.

  “Where to now?” asked Second Commander Anston.

  Qurant turned toward his second in command. “I must consult Second Leader Abross. He may want to destroy the Humans’ homeworld next.”

  Qurant would prefer to destroy the other worlds of the Humans first. Each one he destroyed further weakened what would be available to defend their main world. However, he was not on the Council of Eternals, Abross was. It would be his decision to make.


  A few light years away the other part of the Eternal fleet had just finished destroying another Human world. The planet of Garrison with a population of 1.4 billio
n people had ceased to exist. Losses had been higher than expected but the Originator fleet sent to defend the planet had been wiped out. It was now time to go on to the next target. Just before the fleet was to enter hyperspace a message arrived from Second Leader Abross. He had chosen the next target. It would be the Humans’ homeworld.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Councilor Barnes, Councilor Grayseth, Admiral Jackson, Councilor Tureen, and Councilor Trallis were all in Jackson’s office reviewing the current situation in the Human Federation of Worlds and Alton space. So far, the news was very grim.

  “Four billion dead,” said Councilor Barnes in disbelief.

  “It’s even worse in Alton space,” said Councilor Tureen. “Many of our worlds have been inhabited for over ten thousand years. The latest reports I’ve received indicate over twelve billion have been killed.”

  “How many more ships do we have at the Dyson sphere?” asked Councilor Barnes. “I recommend we immediately send all of them to the Human Federation of Worlds as well as to the Altons.”

  Admiral Jackson leaned back and called up some information on the computer screen on his desk. “We’ve sent all the crewed dreadnoughts we had at the Dyson sphere to reinforce Admiral Tolsen and Rear Admiral Tolsen. We’ve sent even more to Admiral Bachal.”

  Councilor Tureen shifted his gaze to Admiral Jackson. He had been studying a report on the losses in Alton space. “How many battlecruisers are still at the Dyson sphere?”

  “Forty-six thousand,” answered Jackson. “However, we need at least ten thousand to ensure the security of the Dyson sphere from attack.”

  “That still leaves thirty-six thousand said Councilor Barnes. “I propose we send sixteen thousand to Admiral Bachal. That will give him superior numbers over the Eternal fleet he’s now facing. The remaining twenty thousand should be sent to reinforce Admiral Tolsen and Rear Admiral Tolsen.”

  Councilor Trallis looked at the other councilors with a sad look on his face. “I fear we greatly underestimated the number of ships the Eternals would commit while trying to destroy the Human Federation of Worlds and the Altons. As a result many people have died. I agree; send the fleets from the Shrieel.”


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