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Echoes of the Heart

Page 25

by Casey, L. A.

Everyone chuckled at me but I wasn’t joking.

  I tried to relax as best as I could but I was glad when Risk came into the room not long after Mrs Clover left. He sat right next to me, slung his arm over my shoulder and stared at me. Instantly, I was embarrassed.


  “You look extra sexy.” His eyes scanned my face. “I’ve never seen you wear eye make-up before.”

  “Thank Summer,” I said. “She said I needed a smoky eye and winged eyeliner if I was attending a Blood Oath concert.”

  He stared at my eyes.

  “She made it look like little drops of blood are dripping from your eyeliner.”

  “Nice, right?”

  “Sexy,” he corrected. “So fucking sexy.”

  I flushed. “Risk, everyone can hear you.”

  “She’s so cute,” Summer gushed to Hayes. “How can a caveman like him have a sweetie like her.”

  “Because she’s not around him enough to know how boring he really is.”

  “Eat my dick, demon.”

  Angel laughed, not insulted by Risk in the slightest.

  I leaned into him. “Are you nervous?”

  “Nope,” he answered. “I can’t wait.”

  He looked ready to bounce off the walls with excitement.

  “Is it different?” I murmured. “Being sober?”

  “Yeah,” he kissed my nose. “Like I’m gonna be fully present for it, you know? I never used or drank on stage, but I did before and after so my mind was always clouded when I performed. This is a reset for me, for the band.”

  I nodded. “I can’t wait to see you in action.”

  “And what about me?” May asked, entering the room. “I’m the best performer in the band.”

  “Here we go,” Summer rolled her dark brown eyes. “Modest May in the flesh.”

  I laughed. “Modest May.”

  May scowled between myself and Summer.

  “There are two of them to try and tear me down now,” May nudged Angel’s leg. “Your missus better be nice to me.”

  “Not likely.”

  We laughed.

  “Let’s get moving, guys!” a voice hollered from the hall. “Curtain drops in three hours, wheels up in five.”

  Everyone got up, but Risk held me down onto the sofa.

  “What is it?”

  “I want to give you something.”

  I leaned in to kiss him, he smiled and pecked my lips.

  “Thank you, but not a kiss.”

  I blinked. “What d’you wanna give me then?”

  “A gift . . . Happy belated Valentine’s Day. I wanted to give this to you yesterday but you were so upset that I was leaving so I saved it for today instead.”

  He pulled out a black box from behind his back and handed it to me. My face burned because I had completely forgotten the significance of the day because I hadn’t celebrated it in nine years. I felt pressured because everyone in the room was watching us. With shaking hands, I lifted the lid of the box and I gasped when the most stunning white gold bracelet I had ever seen stared back at me. Hanging from the bracelet were two charms, a small microphone and a little guitar that appeared to be made completely out of diamonds.

  “Risk.” I whispered. “Oh my god.”

  “D’you like it?”

  “Like it.” I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. “I love it. I’ve never owned a bracelet before, this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much, but I didn’t get you anything.”

  “Yeah, you did,” he smiled. “You’re coming to my first sober show . . . this is my biggest first and you’re gonna be here for it.”

  “Oh, honey.” My chin quivered.

  “Oh, fuck! Eye make-up, eye make-up!”

  Summer’s shouting was a reminder that I had make-up on and I instantly used my free hand to fan my face to force my tears to go away. Summer grabbed some napkins that were sitting on the coffee table and thrust them into my face. I grabbed a bunch and placed them under my eyes until the threat of crying passed. When I lowered the tissue, I saw some black smudges on the white cloth.

  “Did I wreck it?”

  Risk eyed me. “Looks perfect to me.”

  I looked at Summer. “Same question.”

  Risk snorted about his answer not being good enough for me. Summer carefully inspected my face, my eyes mainly, and when she nodded, I relaxed.

  “Thank God.”

  I returned my attention to the bracelet and I carefully removed it from the box. I ran my fingertips over it, not being able to believe it was mine.

  “Thank you, Risk.”

  “You’re welcome, Cherry.”

  He helped me put it on and I was pleased to find that the fit was perfect.

  “This is the nicest thing I own.” I stared at it, mesmerised. “I’ll have to buy a safe to put it in when I’m not wearing it.”

  Risk snickered as he pulled me up to my feet. We were all about to leave the room when Hayes held up his hand and got everyone’s attention. We all paused and looked his and Summer’s way.

  “Before we go.” He put his arm around Summer’s shoulder. “We have something to announce.”

  You could have heard a pin drop.

  “We’re having a baby!”

  My scream frightened both Risk and May, which cracked Hayes, Angel and Summer up. I shot across the room and wrapped my arms around both Summer and Hayes. This was the first day I had ever met Summer and we became fast friends. I was over the moon for her and Hayes, but Hayes . . . I couldn’t believe it.

  “Congratulations! You’re gonna be a daddy, Hayes!” I leaned back and lifted my hands up to his face. “You! A daddy! My God. I’m so excited!”

  The guys hugged one another, each of them gave Summer a squeeze too.

  “How far along are you?” I asked. “You aren’t showing yet.”

  She was very petite, I think it would show even if she ate a large meal.

  “Nine weeks.” Summer beamed. “I’m due the twentieth of September. I would have kept it a secret longer but holy shit, morning sickness is killing me and pretty much all food smells make me puke.”

  I winced. “Poor mummy but a little baby!”

  Summer hugged me again, laughing. When I returned to Risk’s side, he nudged me.

  “You like kids?”

  “Are you joking?” I questioned. “I love children, I love when babies and toddlers come into the diner. They’re so bloody cute I want to gobble them up.”

  Risk looked thoughtful as he draped his arm over my shoulder. We all left his house and piled into a bus that was waiting outside. Joining the band, myself and Summer were ten members of the band’s personal security team. I only knew two of their names so far, Jacob and Tobias. Jacob because he was the head of the team and Tobias because Risk informed me that I was his responsibility while at the venue. I didn’t mind that I had a babysitter, it made me feel better knowing I had someone looking out for me when Risk wasn’t around.

  Blood Oath’s manager, Chris Harrison, and the band’s personal assistant, Nolan Kennedy, were aboard the bus too. Nolan greeted me with a big smile but Chris didn’t. He wasn’t rude, just a little cold. Risk mentioned they had just flown in from LA the day before so I guessed he was a little jet-lagged and likely stressed out with the upcoming concerts. It didn’t take long to reach the stadium from Risk’s house, but when we pulled up, my hand in Risk’s tightened as I stared out at the sea of people that were behind the barriers.

  I knew that Blood Oath were famous, but until I arrived at Wembley Stadium with the band, I didn’t understand the full extent of what that actually meant. I had never seen so many people bunched together before. They were all screaming and waving signs in the air or had their phones held up high to take pictures. Risk removed his hand from mine, slid his arm around my waist then plucked me onto his lap.

  “Look at me,” he said into my ear. “Not them.”

  “That’s a lot of people.”

  “A bunch of the
m always chance coming to different entrances of venues we gig at to see us when we arrive and leave.

  I lifted my hand to the coin on his chain and I played with it.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” Risk kissed my cheek. “You’re gonna love seeing us live.”

  I felt a little guilty about keeping it a secret that I had never seen them perform at all, nor had I heard their studio version of their songs, only the instrumentals. I didn’t know how to say it without hurting Risk’s feelings. His music was his life and I could only imagine how it would feel if he knew I had worn earphones everywhere I went just to avoid hearing him sing.

  It’d break his heart.

  “I’m excited,” I told him. “It’s gonna be so cool seeing you sing to thousands of people.”

  “Tonight, after the gig, when I take you back to my place, I’ll sing only to you.”

  I smiled. “You singing to me all alone might bring me to my knees, rock star.”

  “Baby,” Risk’s eyes darkened. “You before me on your knees is a sight sweeter than anything else. Suck my cock into your mouth and I’ll—”


  The men behind us laughed and so did Risk until I leaned in and clamped my teeth down on his neck. For as long as I had known Risk, I had never been the bolder person but I felt a little bit of courage on the bus with him. His fingers squeezed me tight. When I pulled back, his mouth caught my lips in a deep, desire-filled kiss. I shifted on Risk’s growing erection and he growled, deep in his throat.

  “You’re doing this on purpose, Cherry.”

  A statement, not a question.

  I pecked his lips. “Maybe.”

  He kissed me again, deeply, but we quickly separated when a voice called Risk’s name. “Remember what we said?” Chris, the band’s manager, called out. “Behind closed doors.”

  “You said that,” Risk quipped. “I remember telling you to suck my dick.”

  Angel, who was in the same row as us on the opposite side of the bus, began to chuckle at Risk’s response to their manager.

  “Are we not allowed to kiss?”

  I felt like we were kids again and couldn’t be too handsy around my mum.

  “Ignore him.” Risk rubbed his nose against mine. “I do.”

  The bus came to a gradual stop and I jumped when pounding began from both sides of the vehicle. “It’s okay.” Risk’s hold tightened. “Fans broke the barrier, security will get them under control. This happens a lot.”

  We had to wait ten minutes but eventually we were ushered off the bus. Risk was separated from me as he was led quickly into the venue. Him and the guys were jogging and waving at everyone until they disappeared into the building. The volume of the screaming was insane. There was a man on my left and Tobias had a tight hold of my hand on my right. When I made it inside the kitchen, Risk was right there waiting for me and I was relieved to see him.

  “That,” I said as the doors closed behind us, “was crazy.”

  “Cherry,” he grinned. “You’ve seen nothing yet.”



  “This is a dressing room?” I exclaimed as I entered the room that looked like the living area of a fancy apartment. “This is nice, boy.”

  There were racks and racks of clothes on each side of the room, a buffet table of food, a machine for cold refreshments, a huge plasma screen television, video games consoles, big comfy-looking sofas and even a make-up station. I was very impressed and that seemed to amuse the guys. Hayes dropped a surprise kiss on my head.

  “So cute.”

  His wife chuckled as she crossed the room, making sure to give the table of food a wide berth; this amused Hayes, who followed her. I jumped when arms snagged me around my waist. I smiled when Risk’s face nuzzled the side of my neck.

  “Do my make-up.”

  I was positive I had heard him wrong.

  I turned my head. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You heard me.” He grinned. “Do my make-up.”

  I heard him alright, but I couldn’t believe what he said.

  “Risk.” I blinked. “I can’t even do my own make-up.”

  “I wear stage make-up,” he laughed. “I don’t use what you use, just eyeliner and a little bit of lipstick. It doesn’t have to be pretty.”

  I wanted to tell him that his die-hard Sinners would be upset if he didn’t look appealing to them but I held my tongue. He wanted to do this for me and secretly, I wanted to as well. I bobbed my head, he smiled.

  “Great, I’ll get changed and you can have an abundance of time to finish my look.”

  There were a couple of hours before the band was due on stage. In an hour and fifteen minutes, the opening act would take the stage to warm the Sinners up for the guys, until then, the plan was to hang out in their dressing room. May and Angel were already getting comfortable on the sofa with PlayStation controllers in both of their hands. Hayes and Summer were eating, and me? I was looking around at the items in the room like I was in a museum while Risk changed.

  “Miss Fulton?”

  I turned and smiled at Tobias when he approached me.

  “Please, call me Frankie.”

  “Frankie,” he nodded. “I just want to remind you that during the show, you’re to remain at my side, or in my line of sight, at all times.”

  I didn’t think Tobias was much older than me but I felt like a little kid when he spoke to me.

  “I will, sir,” I said. “I promise.”

  He nodded then backed over to Jacob where they discussed something in hushed tones. I moved over to Angel and May and sat between them on the large sofa. May was no longer playing with Angel, he was watching Angel play a very scary-looking game that made me jump a couple of times.

  “I don’t like that music,” I told them, feeling uneasy. “Why is it getting louder?”

  “It’s boss music.”

  What the hell is boss music?

  I was about to voice my question to May when a terrifying-looking monster grabbed Angel’s character. When I screamed, May jumped then laughed. Angel fell against me as he cracked up. I placed my hand on my chest and I was laughing too, but it was nervous laughter at best.

  “She’s fine,” Hayes suddenly cackled. “Your fly is down.”

  I sat up and turned. Risk was staring directly at me from the doorway of the bathroom as he zipped up his jeans and buttoned them.

  “You,” he said, “scared the shit outta me.”

  I clamped my lips together to keep from smiling.

  My humour fled when my eyes dropped to his body. He had on skintight, black distressed jeans that had a silver chain hanging from one belt hole at the front to one around the back. He had on a black fitted denim vest that was hanging open. His washboard abs, his treasure trail, his whole toned-as-hell torso was on display. His muscular, tattooed arms were such a visual delight that I stared at them. He had full sleeves from the back of his fingers all the way up his arms, which ended half-way up his neck. I had seen him naked. I spent the day in bed with him on Saturday, I got to see his tattoos but when he was dressed as Risk Keller, global rock star . . . my vagina took notice.

  I got up from the sofa, rounded it and approached him. His eyes never left mine once.

  “You’re looking like you wanna fuck me, Cherry.”

  He had no idea.

  “The others don’t dress the same?”

  “Nah, the emo look is my thing on stage and in music videos.” He grinned. “You like?”

  More than liked.

  “I’ve never seen the whole emo look on a guy that isn’t super skinny.” I scanned him from head to toe. “You look healthy, buff . . . so sexy.”

  Risk bit his lower lip and grinned . . . a lower lip that had a silver ring in it.

  “Is that real?”

  “Clip on,” he winked. “I’m too scared to get a real one. Don’t tell anyone.”

  I laughed as I slipped my hands under his vest and slid my arms aro
und his waist.

  “Later,” I told him. “You better leave that lip ring on when I’m loving you.”

  “Yeah?” His eyes darkened. “I’ve a whole bunch of them, I’ll wear them all if you want me to.”

  I giggled up at him. I followed him when he took my arm and led me over to the make-up station. He sat down on the chair in front of the vanity and clapped his hands on both of his muscular thighs.

  “Straddle me.”

  I hesitated. “I’ve never done make-up on someone before. I think I should stand so I can concentrate better.”

  “And I think you should sit your fat arse on my dick while you do my make-up.”

  My face burned and I reached out and pinched his nipple without a thought, making him hiss. “You don’t have to be so bloody crude, Risk.”

  Risk’s laughter set everyone off as he rubbed his nipple then patted his legs again. I eyed him, exhaled a breath, then straddled him. I rested my feet on the bars that went across the legs of the chair and I got myself comfortable. Risk’s hands, surprise surprise, went to my behind.

  “Eyes and lips?”

  He nodded. “Google me, you’ll see pictures of me on stage and what it normally looks like.”

  I leaned back and removed my phone from my pocket and did exactly that. He was right, he didn’t wear a lot of make-up, his eyes were lined on the top and bottom and smudged on the outer corner. His lips were darkened, but only in the centre of his lips. They looked like May’s hair; blood red.

  “If I mess up,” I said, “Summer will fix it, she’s really good at that.”

  Risk watched me as I grabbed one of the black eyeliner pencils. I bit down on my lower lip, cleared my throat and got to work. He closed one eye so I could draw a line tight to his lash line then when he opened it, he looked up so I could apply liner to his lower lash line and water line. I held my breath until I was finished because I was very aware of the fact that I could possibly blind the man. I repeated my steps on the other eye then I grabbed a little pencil with a sponge on the end of it and I smudged the liner above and below his eyes. I leaned back when I was done and nodded.

  “What d’you think?”

  Risk looked in the mirror. “Looks good to me.”

  “Really?” I gnawed on my lip. “I won’t be offended if it’s rubbish, I’d rather Summer fix it.”


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