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Tactical Manual
For Post Collapse Survival
Second Edition
Live Hard, Die Free!
Blog: maxvelocitytactical.comblog
Copyright © 2012 by Max Velocity
ISBN-13: 978-1478106692
ISBN-10: 1478106697
Cover Art: Tony Mauro
This book is dedicated to The Fallen:
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we Forget.
The Ode of Remembrance
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………. 1
The Anticipated Situation…………………………………. 1
Why...…………….……………………………………….. 5
About the Author………………………………………….. 7
Blog Article: ‘Max V: Training Qualifications’…………... 8
Chapter One: Starting Points
The Threat…..……………………………………………… 13
A Little More on Threat……………………………………. 22
The Mission......................................................................... 26
Family/Group/Team…. ……………………………………. 26
Mental Preparation & the Use of Force……………..…….. 31
Blog Article: There Will Be No Theme Music……………... 40
Blog Article: On Fighting ………………………………… 45
Physical Preparation for Tactical Operations…………….... 48
Blog Article: Keep Low, Move Fast – PT for Survival……. 52
Blog Article: Realistic Rucking…………………………… 56
Weapons……………………………………………………. 61
Leadership………………………………………………...... 67
Chapter Two: To Stay or To Go
Stay in Place……………………………………………….. 71
Blog Extract: Long Term Security of Retreat Locations….. 75
Vs. Bugging Out…………………………………………… 84
Timing……………………………………………………… 84
Route Selection…………………………………………...... 85
Location……………………………………………………. 85
Access & Concealment…………………………………...... 86
Numbers……………………………………………………. 87
Vehicles……………………………………………………. 88
Equipment………………………………………………….. 89
Blog Article: Gear, Rucks & Living in the Field…………… 91
Blog Article: Camping after the SHTF……………………… 102
Blog Article:
Rainstorms & Associated Tactical Thoughts………………… 106
Blog Article: Field Sleeping Options: A Discussion……….. 110
Surveillance Equipment……………………………………. 114
Profile………………………………………………………. 116
Blog Article: Body Armor…………………………………. 120
Blog Article: Gear Set-Up……………………………………. 123
Law Enforcement Issues…………………………………… 129
Situational Awareness………………………….…………... 133
Mitigation……………………………………….………….. 134
Blog Article: Canteen vs. Hydration Bladder……………… 137
Blog Article: Gear Philosophy Update……………………. 141
CHAPTER Three: Decision Making
Introduction………………………………………………… 147
The OODA Loop………………………………………… 149
The Military Decision Making Process……………….…… 150
The Combat Estimate……………………………..……….. 155
Combat Estimate…………………………………………… 156
Blog Article: The Tactical Use of Terrain/Ground………… 164
Chapter Four: Training
Training Processes…………………………………………. 175
Blog Article: Good Solid Training………………………… 180
Weapons Safety……………………………………………. 182
Blog Article: Tactical Tip: Slings & Muzzle Flagging……. 184
Shooting & Weapons Training………………….…………. 189
Blog Article: The Fundamentals of Shooting……………… 199
Blog Article:
Combat Rifle: Solid Basics to Keep you Alive…………….. 205
Navigation / Route Selection…...………………………….. 211
Blog Article: Max on how to Ruck like the SAS…………… 215
Max Velocity Tactical: Training Services…………………. 224
Blog Article: The Great Tactical Training Con…………… 227
Blog Article:
Rationalizing Training Drills with Combat Reality………… 229
Blog Article: Reality Check: All the Gear, No Idea……… 237
Chapter Five: Basic Principles
Introduction……………………………………….……….. 243
Basic Fieldcraft…………………………..………………… 244
Battle Preparation……………………….…………………. 246
Observation………………………………………………… 246
Camouflage…………………………………..…………….. 247
Countering Aerial Thermal Surveillance………………….. 250
Basic Movement…………………………………………… 254
Taking Cover………………………………………………. 255
Blog Post:
React to Contact - Solid Drills to Keep You Alive………….. 257
Basic Tactical Principles & Techniques…………………… 267
Maneuver Techniques……………………………………… 272
Angles of Fire & Flanking……………………….………… 275
Tactical Terrain Terms……………………………………. 276
Momentum…………………………………..…………….. 280
Operational Tempo………………………………………… 282
Blog Article:
If Your Force is Unable to Gain Fire Superiority…………. 283
Chapter Six: Casualties
Introduction……………………………..………………….. 289
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3)…………………….. 292
Care Under Fire……………………….…………………… 294
Tactical Field Care………………………..………………..
Casualty Movement……………………….……………….. 299
Blog Post:
SHTF Combat Casualty- Considerations & Realities…….. 300
Chapter Seven: Post Event Vehicle Movement.
Introduction……………………………………….………... 307
General Movement Considerations………………………… 309
Vehicle Movement Basics…………………………………. 315
Specific Threats & TTPs…………………………………… 322
Reaction to Contact Drills………………………………….. 328
Actions on Halts…………………………………………... 337
Chapter Eight: Dismounted Tactics
Introduction………………………………………………… 339
The Squad…………………………………………..……… 342
Satellite Patrolling……………………………..…………… 344
Communication & Movement……………….…………….. 348
Squad Battle Drills & The Hasty Attack………..………… 351
Blog Article: Using the Flank………………………………… 366
Casualties & Prisoners………………………….………….. 376
Grenades…………………………………………………… 377
Bunker Drills………………………..……………………… 378
Secondary Positions………………………………………... 381
Chapter Nine: Defense
Introduction………………………………………………… 383
The Principles of Defense……………………………..…… 383
Static (Point) Defense……………………………………… 396
Mobile (Area) Defense……………………………….……. 397
Static/Mobile Combinations……………………………….. 398
Defensive Operations in Built Up Areas (OBUA)………… 398
Urban Anti-Armor Ambush……………………………….. 403
Entry Control Points (ECP)……………………………….. 406
Traffic Control Points……………………………………… 409
Platoon Defensive Positions………………………………. 413
Range Cards……………………………………………….. 416
Key Point Defense Orders…………………………………. 417
Blog Post:
The Ingredients of your Victory – Tactics & Gear………….. 421
Chapter Ten: Patrols
Types of Patrol………………………………….…………. 433
Patrol Planning……………………………….…………….. 434
Patrol Execution…………………….……………………… 434
Blog Post: An Unconventional Patrolling Option…………. 444
Post Patrol Actions………………………………………… 449
Patrol Equipment…………………………………………... 450
‘Actions on’ …………………………………….………… 456
Actions on Contact………………….……………………… 458
Offensive Drills……………….……..…………………….. 458
Break Contact Drills…………………………..…………… 461
Small Team Break Contact Drills (4 Man)………………... 465
Patrol Bases………………………………..……………… 476
Infiltration………………………………………………….. 484
Patrol Orders…………………………..…………………… 485
Blog Article: Tactical Considerations for the ‘Lone Wolf… 493
Chapter Eleven: Tactical Use of Vehicles………………….…… 501
Blog Article: Tactical Mobility: How it may affect you….. 507
Blog Article: Tactical Use of ATV ‘Four-Wheelers’……….. 516
Chapter Twelve: Offensive Operations
Introduction………………………………………………… 523
Principles of Offensive Operations………...………………. 525
Advance to Contact/Hasty Attack…………………………. 526
Deliberate Attack………………………………………….. 531
Fratricide…………………………………………………… 533
Factors……………………………………………………… 534
Cold Steel………………………………………….………. 537
Raid………………………………………………………… 538
Ambush…………………………………….………………. 541
Fighting in Woods and Forests (FIWAF) …………………. 551
Offensive Operations in Built Up Areas…………………… 555
Squad Level OBUA……………………………..…………. 559
Platoon Level OBUA……………………….……………… 567
Company Level OBUA: An Introduction………….………. 569
Chapter Thirteen: Withdrawal
Introduction……………………………………………..….. 571
Withdrawal Out of Contact………………………………… 571
Withdrawal In Contact……………………………….…….. 572
Exfiltration………………………………...……………….. 573
Vehicles…………………………….………………………. 574
Break Out………………………………………………….. 574
Chapter Fourteen: Conclusion………………………………….. 577
Glossary of Abbreviations…………………………………………. 579
This is an instructional manual on tactical techniques and procedures; the information contained in this work stems from extensive training and experience, including operations in combat theaters and areas that have experienced a societal collapse. The conduct of some of the techniques described in this book may entail risk to your personal safety; they are intended solely for extreme survival situations. When utilizing weapons or any of the activities described in this book, including vehicle and dismounted movement, utmost care must be taken and safety is paramount. Do not participate in any tactical maneuvers with weapons without receiving instruction on correct operation and safety procedures.
This manual explains techniques with weapons, explosives, vehicles and other tactical procedures that would not be morally, ethically or legally acceptable to conduct outside of a survival situation and/or a lethal threat to your life. The making or possession of some of the devices mentioned in this book, as well as the conduct of the tactics, techniques and procedures so described, are possibly illegal in some jurisdictions. Even possession may be construed as criminal intent. Consult you state and local laws. The content of this book is for informational purposes only and is intended to allow persons to prepare for a potential collapse of society and the absence of the rule of law. You are responsible for any training you conduct, and actions you may take, based off the information in this book. Safety and abiding by your state and local laws is paramount!
Nothing in this book constitutes legal advice. Consult an attorney or legal resource if you have any legal questions. The medical component of the book does not constitute medical advice. Consult a doctor or qualified medical person if you have medical questions. The tactics, techniques and procedures component is merely the opinion of the author. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any citizen, person, or entity with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this manual.
“Utrinque Paratus”
Ready for Anything
This manual is the result of a detailed consideration of a societal collapse and the civil shift and aftermath that would impact individuals and families who are intent on survival. The purpose of this manual is to provide information to enhance the security, tactics, and survival skills of law-abiding citizens, who are faced with civil disorder, lawlessness, violence, and physical threat in a post-collapse environment.
The information in this manual is derived from years of experience gained from service with special operations forces (SOF) followed by years of employment as a security contractor in hostile environments including Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a distillation of military and security training, principles, and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) adapted to the threat and environment anticipated in this type of scenario in order to provide the knowledge needed to train to survive in a world turned upside down. It is no longer just survival of the fittest but survival of those prepared.
The Anticipated Situation
This manual is primarily intended to be used by those who have given consideration to an event that has led to a societal collapse (or post-event) situation. These individuals, groups or families are commonly termed ‘preppers’ or ‘survivalists’. Such people will have given consideration to the need to be prepared for situations where an ‘event’ has caused some form of disaster, or system collapse, which has led to a breakdown in society and the rule of law. This can be regional, countrywide, continental or worldwide. Lawlessness, mobs, looters, gangs and starving desperate individuals, groups, and families will be examples of the challenges to be faced.
This situation is commonly termed ‘The End Of The World As We Know It’ or TEOTWAWKI and the SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan). Preppers will have taken steps to insure themselves against the breakdown in the system of law and the supply system, by stocking up on items such as food, water, weapons and ammunition and other survival goods and equipment. Such preparations vary on a sliding scale from simple short term disaster preparedness, to living full time in a defendable ‘retreat’ in a remote location.