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2) Is to be able to survive the long term when the resources have been eaten out and most of the population has died off. This will require a sustainable program of food production, which is a community activity.
Throughout all of this the constant is the need to be able to protect yourself, your family, your group and your community. In the long run you are better off finding yourself part of a sustainable community that can produce food. If you were not part of one before the event, you will have to protect yourself through the disaster and whatever movement you have to make to get to that situation, and prove to that community that you are worth taking onboard.
Whatever the exact situation you find yourself in post-event, you will have need of the basic tactical skills to protect your family and for the more advanced tactical skills to form a community defense to protect your people and resources in a lawless land.
If you require further clarification or explanation of the contents of this manual, have training or consultancy requirements, or would like to discuss or debate the TTPs in this manual, please contact the author.
Max Velocity
Blog: maxvelocitytactical.comblog
Live Hard, Die Free.
Are you ready?
Glossary of Abbreviations
AAR - After Action Review
AFV - Armored Fighting Vehicle
AH - Attack Helicopter
AK - 7.62 x 39mm semi-automatic rifle
Apache - Attack Helicopter
APC - Armored Personnel Carrier
AR-15 - .223 semi-automatic rifle
ARF - Airborne Reaction Force
ATV - All Terrain Vehicle
AT-4 - Disposable single use anti-tank rocket
Battle Belt - load carrying system of pouches worn on a belt
Basha - Poncho used as a shelter tarp
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform – US Military surplus
Body Armor - In this context: a full vest system including soft armor and ballistic plates. Can be rigged up as a tactical vest with load carrying equipment/pouches.
BOL - Bug Out Location
Bounds - Short rushes, breaking and taking cover
CAS - Close Air Support
CAT - Combat Application Tourniquet
Chest Rig - Load carrying system that sits on the chest/belly
Claymore - Anti-Personnel Mine, directional
CLS - Combat Life Saver
Company - 90-120 men, 3-4 Platoons + HQ
COP - Combat Outpost
CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
CQB - Close Quarter Battle
CRCD - Combat Rifle / Contact Drills Class
DBAL - IR/Visible laser targeting system, usually attached to a rifle for night shooting
Dead Ground - Ground that cannot be observed or covered by direct fire
DPM - Disruptive Pattern Material – British Army camouflage pattern
DZ - Drop Zone
ECP - Entry Control Point
EFP - Explosively Formed Penetrator
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
ERV - Emergency Rendezvous
FEEP - Forward Edge of Enemy Position
FIBUA - Fighting in Built Up Areas
FIWAF - Fighting In Woods And Forests
FLIR - Forward Looking Infra-Red - TI
FOB - Forward Operating Base
FTX - Field Training Exercise
FUP - Form Up Point – prior to an assault onto an enemy position
GDA - Ground Domination Activity
Ghillie Suit - Sniper camouflage suit, made up of layers of cut up camo/burlap type material.
GPS - Global Positioning System
GWOT - Global War On Terror
HAHO - High Altitude High Opening – freefall parachuting technique
HALO - High Altitude Low Opening – freefall parachuting technique
HESCO - Fortification Bastion
HESH - High Explosive Squash Head – Tank Round
HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
Hoochie - See ‘Basha’ – field rigged shelter, using a poncho/tarp
HQ - Headquarters
IED - Improvised Explosive Device
IFAK - Individual First Aid Kit
IR - Infra-Red
ISAF - International Security Assistance Force – used in Afghanistan
ITCP - Illegal Traffic Control Point
JDAM - Joint Direct Attack Munitions – Bomb
LD - Line of Departure (Start Line) – usually the front edge of an FUP, prior to assaulting an enemy position.
LDA - Linear Danger Area
LOE - Limit Of Exploitation – where you stop after fighting through an enemy position
LP/OP - Listening Post/Observation Post
LZ - Landing Zone
MANPAD - Shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile
MBT - Main Battle Tank
METT-TC - Considerations: Mission, Enemy, Terrain & weather, Troops & support available, Time available, Civilian considerations
MGRS - Military Grid Reference System
MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain
MOS - Military Operating Specialty
MRE - Meal Ready to Eat – military issue ration pack.
MVT - Max Velocity Tactical
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer
NOD - Night Observation Device
NVG - Night Vision Goggles
OBUA - Operations in Built Up Areas
OCOCA - Terrain considerations: Observation & fields of fire, Cover & concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, Avenues of approach
OP - Observation Post
Op Order - Operations Order
OPSEC - Operational Security
ORP - Objective Rally Point
Overwatch - Watch over and cover a friendly element with potential fire support.
PC - Plate Carrier – ballistic ‘bullet proof’ plates only, no inner soft armor. Load carrying equipment can be rigged to the PC as a form of tactical vest
Platoon - Approx. thirty men, 3 Squads plus HQ
Poncho - Refers to a poncho used as a shelter tarp, not worn on the person.
Poncho liner - Lightweight military blanket.
PT - Physical Training
Punji Pit - Small pit with sharpened stakes, concealed. Primitive booby trap
PVS-14 - Night Vision Monocular
QBO - Quick Battle Orders
QRF - Quick Reaction Force
Rally Point - Place to regroup; usually set a hasty ambush, after breaking contact
Recce - Reconnaissance
RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade
RTR - Return Fire, Take Cover, Return Appropriate Fire - reaction to enemy fire.
Ruck - Rucksack
Rucking - Ruck marching
Rush - Short moves under fire, breaking and re-taking cover.
RV - Rendezvous. Used while patrolling to set RV points to fall back to if lost/separated.
SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon
SF Role - Sustained Fire Role
Shell Scrape - Shallow (12”) foxhole, approx. 4’ x 6’ (sized for two men)
SHTF - Sh*t Hits The Fan
SITREP - Situation Report
SMAW-D - Bunker Busting Rocket
Snivel Gear - Cold weather clothing/items
SOF - Special Operations Forces
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
Squad - Approx. 8 or 9 Men, 2 x Teams of 4. Sometimes 12 men, 3 teams of 4
SUT - Small Unit Tactics
Tactical Bound - A variable distance, depending on the ground, where one element will not be caught in the same contact as another element.
Tactical Vest - waistcoat style load carrying vest
Tab - to ruck march
Tabbing - ruck marching
TCP - Traffic Control Point
sp; TC3 - Tactical Combat Casualty Care
TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know IT
Thermal Poncho - MVT concept: poncho deployed as a shelter tarp that blocks thermal signature, conceals from FLIR detection.
TI - Thermal Imaging
TIC - Troops In Contact
TIS - Thermal Imaging System
TOC - Tactical Operations Center
TTP - Tactics, Techniques & Procedures
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone)
UKSF - United Kingdom Special Forces
Webbing - Waist belt fully rigged up with load carrying pouches
Woobie - Lightweight military blanket (poncho liner)
WROL - Without Rule Of Law
X - Contact Point – where you come under enemy fire
.50cal - .50 caliber machine-gun
240 - 7.62 x 51mm machine-gun