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Kragyn (Farseek Warrior Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Clarissa Lake

  “Commander Vermaktu!” One of the younger warriors exclaimed.

  Kragyn inclined his head in salute. “Corporal,” was all he managed to say. In all the months of his captivity, he had hardly dared to believe he would ever see them again. But here they were after everything he had been through. A flood of conflicting emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

  “Goddess, I thought I would never see any of you again!” His throat was tight, and the prick of tears stung his eyes. He turned and left the room with Reanne following him toward the exit. He sensed rather than saw her, but he didn’t turn around.

  The reality of his ordeal finally ending was suddenly overwhelming.

  “Stay here,” he said to her. “I’ll be back.”

  He knew she wanted to comfort him, but he needed time to get control of his emotions before he faced his subordinates.

  Reanne complied with his request, but she felt stung by his rejection of the comfort she offered. She sighed ruefully, knowing she shouldn’t take it as a rejection of her. It was one of those times when he just needed to be alone. She turned back to face Pazel as he approached.

  “Where’s Kragyn?”

  “He went out---he needs some time,” she said. “He’d been here over a year when I got here. Fighting in the pit three to four times a span. He didn’t take to slavery as you surmised. He escaped multiple times and was tortured each time they caught him. He killed his last tormentor which is how he landed here.”

  “And where are you from, Reanne Winter,” Pazel asked facing her with his hands resting over his hipbones. “You look human, but a bit pale.”

  “I am human, from Earth,” she said. As he grinned, she knew what he was thinking. “Not dirt. It is the ground we walk on. The Picans kidnapped me as I was walking home from work. That was about a year ago.

  “Kragyn and I finally made peace with the fact that we were never going home. Then you guys showed up.” She pushed her fingers through her hair, as Pazel stared at her. It wasn’t as easy as it used to be when her hair was short. She remembered thinking it was getting a bit long before she was kidnapped. It hadn’t been cut since, and it reached her shoulders now.

  “Who did you kill?” Lieutenant Degatu asked suddenly.

  “The Alcranian who bought me to torture and kill for his amusement. “Do not pass go, straight to jail then prison here. Kragyn was looking for Farseekans every time the shuttle came, but he found me instead. We are solmatu, as he said. That was a little over four months ago or three rotation spans.”

  “It’s good that you are solmatu. The commander will be able to bring you back to Dreadnaught Four with him.”

  “The battleship?”


  “Will there be any work for me to do?”

  “It depends on your skills,” Pazel said. “They will replace that substandard language chip the Picans gave you, and you will be able to read and write our language in a matter of days. Then you can be tested by our AI to determine what skills you have that can be repurposed to our needs.

  “Well, I was a pretty good mechanic back on Earth. I serviced and repaired automobiles---vehicles powered by fossil-fueled engines on wheels.”

  Degatu frowned.

  “I’m pretty sure our tech is way behind what you have. But I can learn.”

  “Perhaps, you can apprentice in Engineering. A lot of the work is basic.” Pazel paused. “What is your perception of the population here?”

  “Outside of the most powerful gangs, there are some decent people. Some even have children… You really need to get them out of here. This is no place to raise a kid.”

  “That’s why we are here… To find our people and collect the Sargan dissidents who wish to settle on Farseek. The commander should know who should go.”

  “He does.” She assured him. “Do you know if any of his family survived on Farseek?”

  “I can find out. We just joined the party on this run. Dread One was the first of our ships back to Farseek after the attack. There were hardly any survivors when they got there. Over a million people were just gone, and our world was in ruin.”

  “That’s how they got Kragyn. He was home on leave. After everything he’s been through, it’s likely he has PTSD.”

  “That didn’t translate,” said the lieutenant.

  “It’s an emotional backlash after someone has been traumatized, a common problem for people who have been in a war. Now, this ordeal is ending as suddenly as it began…”

  “It’s not over by a long shot. We still have to fight our way out of the heart of the Sargan Empire to get back to Farseek,” Pazel replied.

  “But Kragyn’s captivity is over. He never stopped being a warrior. Those barbarians tied him up and tortured him every time he escaped.”

  Pazel’s mouth compressed into a thin line. “I am sorry to hear that. The medics will take care of it. They have nanotherapy and medication. We will need his help to organize the refugees, or I would call another shuttle down to pick him up for treatment.”

  Kragyn’s fellow warrior looked genuinely distressed to learn his superior had been tortured.

  “Why don’t you have a seat in the lounge, and I will contact control to see if they can locate any of the commander’s family?”

  Reanne nodded and went into the other room reluctantly. Even though Kragyn had told her to stay there, she wished she could go find him and offer some comfort. Obviously, he wanted to be alone.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kragyn had to get away. He couldn’t bear to have his fellow warriors see him break down. He had been strong through his ordeal, and now suddenly it was over. So many times, he had tried to escape only to be caught and tortured or flogged. Sometimes, it got so bad he wished for death so it would be over.

  The last time they caught him, he killed the overseer before they could restrain him. The trackers hadn’t stunned him unconscious before they tried to grab him. He had already killed the overseer.

  They tortured him that time, too. Then they sent him to Julconi. A few of the tough gang members tried to mess with him when he first got there, but he took them down.

  No, he hadn’t killed them. He just hurt them enough to let them know he could effortlessly kill them. After that, they never gave him a reason. Except for nights he fought in the pit and meeting the incoming prison shuttles, he had kept to himself.

  He had been pretty close to the edge when Reanne stepped off the prison shuttle. Loving her had saved his life. He thought he finally had his life in balance with his solmatu.

  Now that his ordeal was over and the full backlash of all he had been through, the loss, the horror, the pain. He should be thrilled, but he felt overwhelmed. He was a warrior; he’d faced death many times. But now he felt like he was falling apart. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he found himself back in the cave that had been his home for almost a year and a half.

  He felt so weak as he wept for the first time in more spans than he could remember. No one could see him, no one could know, especially not his team. Although they were probably Pazel’s team now. It was fitting. Admiral Degatu’s son had shaped up to be an excellent officer. As he got control of his emotions, he vowed he would be again.

  He went to the bathing pool and splashed water on his face and took some calming breaths. He could do this. Maybe he wouldn’t get his family back, but now he and Reanne might have a chance for a normal life together.

  What she must think at the way he left her among a shuttle full of strangers! But he knew she was safe with them. He’d trusted them with his life on more than one occasion. Knowing she was his solmatu, they would treat her well.

  Kragyn found her chatting in the lounge telling them about life on Julconi. She looked up immediately when he entered the room, and smiled at him. He gave her a slight nod, even though he wished they were alone so he could scoop her up into his arms and hold her tight. She was the lifeline that had kept him from descending into madness these last few spans.

  Caring for her, protecting her, and loving her had kept his inner demons at bay.

  Others in the lounge nodded a silent greeting at his return. If they suspected his emotional lapse, none of them showed anything but respect for him.

  “Commander,” Degatu spoke from behind him. “May I speak with you for a moment?”

  Kragyn turned and walked back into the corridor to where Pazel stood a few meters away.

  “I checked with Command while you were gone. Your mother and sisters were rescued at Tegliar Station alive and well. They are on the Kurellis, a ship we stole from the Sargans to transport our people and the others rescued from slavery back to Farseek.”

  “Thank the gods!” he said. “Thank you, Pazel. And my father?”

  “Still on Dread One with my father. I couldn’t notify him yet, because they are still out of range. But he will be informed that you are alive… And that you have found your solmatu,” Pazel said. “Captain Kaldatu sends his regards.”

  “This is the best news since Reanne stepped off that prison shuttle.” He paused. “It’s been a long day, I had three fights tonight. I think Reanne and I should go back to our hovel and get some sleep. We will come back in the morning and help you determine who should be rescued and how soon we should tell them.”

  “I wish I could offer you quarters here…”

  “It’s fine,” Kragyn assured him. “We have made ourselves comfortable in our cave. A few more days there will not be a hardship.”

  Pazel nodded.

  “I’ll just get Reanne, and we will be on our way. Our cave is just a few hills from here.”

  “Before you leave, let me get you a com tablet so you can tell us when you are on your way because we will cloak the shuttle once you leave.”

  “Of course.” Kragyn nodded.

  The two went in opposite directions. Reanne was seated in the lounge, still talking with the members of his team and sipping something from a cup. Everyone stopped talking when he entered the room. Kragyn inclined his head in salute.

  “Sorry to break this up. We need to get some rest, and we will be back in the morning. It’s good to see you all again.”

  Reanne swallowed the last of her drink and rose from her seat. “I am happy to have met you all. What should I do with this?” she indicated her empty cup.

  “Just leave it,” one of the group said, “cleanup is automated.”

  Reanne placed it on the arm of the cushioned chair and crossed the room to where Kragyn stood. She looked up into his eyes for a moment, and his expression told her he was okay.

  “Let’s go,” he murmured, and Reanne followed behind him because the narrow hallway didn’t leave room for them to walk side by side.

  Pazel met them at the exit, handing him the com, as the door opened. Kragyn put it in his pocket then took Reanne’s hand, and they walked down the ramp together.

  The night seemed cool compared to the heat of the day. The temperature had dropped from over 100°F to about 80°F, making it feel almost chilly. Kragyn and Reanne walked briskly on their way back to their cave and inside.

  Reanne wanted to ask him if he were all right, but he went straight to their pallet and started stripping off his clothes. As soon as he exposed his broad muscular chest, her nipples tightened and her pussy clenched. She knew that intense dark look in his eyes and started taking her own clothes off.

  She was naked almost as soon as he was. His approach seemed almost predatory as he covered the few steps between them. Kragyn pulled her to him flattening her breasts against his firm chest, cupping her buttocks in his hands and raising her up, so his hard cock was between her thighs.

  He took her mouth in a brutal kiss that made Reanne moan and catch her breath as his tongue demanded entry. She opened to admit him, and he pressed her against the wall of the cave gripping her legs above the knees. She wrapped them around his lean hips, and he maneuvered his cock head into her slick entrance.

  Gripping her buttocks, he rammed it in to the hilt, eliciting a sob of delight from Reanne. She clung to his shoulders, moaning and sobbing her arousal every time he pounded into her. Meanwhile, he continued to stake his claim inside her mouth.

  Her climax was building fast as he seemed to hit her swollen clit with every thrust. She dug her short nails into his shoulder and tore her mouth from his to cry out her release. He didn’t stop to nurse her through it as he sometimes did. He just kept pounding into her, kissing and nipping at her shoulders and neck.

  She came two more times before he finally howled with his release, shooting his essence against her womb. Reanne came again, hugging him and rubbing her sensitive nipples over his chest as he pulsed inside her. Each pulse brought a new wave of contractions around his cock as she jerked against him.

  Holding her pressed against the wall with his body weight, he cradled her face and looked into her eyes anxiously. Reanne gave him a blissful smile and whispered, “I love you. That was an awesome fuck.”

  They both laughed, and he kissed her tenderly. “I love you, too. I-I wasn’t…

  “Too rough?” She shook her head. “No, I think we both needed that.”

  They stayed that way, kissing and caressing until his erection faded, then they went back to the bathing pool to clean up before they went to bed. Surprisingly they both drifted to sleep quickly even though their life together was facing a significant change.

  Kragyn finally knew his family was safe, and his solmatu lay spooned against him wrapped in his arms.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kragyn woke to the sound of the prison shuttle cruising in for a landing in the village. But he no longer needed to rush out to see who they were leaving. Pazel would have sent someone there to monitor the arrivals. They would pull any Farseekans and anyone else who seemed like they didn’t belong.

  Reanne was lying on her back uncovered and naked. They had slept that way from the beginning. Prison issue didn’t include nightwear or underwear. The daytime heat was less oppressive inside the cave but comfortably warm enough to make clothing optional.

  Kragyn turned up on his side, propping his head against his hand, watching her sleep. Feasting on her lush body with his eyes, he finally zeroed in on the rise and fall of her pert breasts. They were ample yet not overly large, fitting perfectly in his hands.

  He leaned in and blew softly across her nipple and watched it pucker and bead. He shifted and reached across her chest to pluck her other nipple to stand at attention, then leaned over to suck on the other one. She moaned and rested her hand on the back of his head.

  She drew up one leg, so her knee was bent with her foot on the pallet, squirming just a bit. He slid his hand down over her belly, brushed his finger over her clit, and slid it into her wet slit. Her walls clenched around his finger. He added a second finger and used his thumb to rub her clit. She didn’t seem to waken so he leaned across her to suckle her other nipple into a stiff peak.

  “Kragyn,” she murmured sleepily, ending with a series of cooing sounds as he continued his intimate massage. He bit down on her nipple just to the edge of pain, and that brought her to orgasm. She bucked against his hand and moaned. “Nice wakeup call,” she said sleepily. “You could finish waking me up and get your happy ending.”

  She gripped his hard cock near the end and ran her thumb over the tip spreading the precum over its head. She didn’t have to offer twice. He rolled over and slid into her while she was still in the throes of her orgasm.

  Unlike the night before he pumped slowly in and out of her. “I had this dream that you were fucking me… and here we are.”

  “Practically all I have to do is look at you, and I’m hard,” he rasped kissing her face and neck.

  “You can make me wet with a look,” she panted in time with his thrusts, running her hands up and down his back. “Go for it, sweetheart, I’m right with you.”

  Moments later when they reached the pinnacle of pleasure the com beeped. “Answer, voice only,” he growled.

Commander? Lieutenant Degatu here,” a familiar voice came through the com. “When can we expect you to accompany our team into the village?”

  “A couple centi-spans. We are just waking. We are not attuned to Brigade span these days. Vermaktu out.”

  “I guess this means life as we knew it is over,” Reanne quipped.

  Kragyn groaned as he separated from her. “But, that’s not a bad thing. We’re not spending our lives here like we thought we were. My family is still alive.”

  “My family is probably okay, but as long as I have been gone… I’m sure they think I’m dead. I wish…”

  “I know, sweet one. I am sad for them knowing exactly how it feels not to know if your family members are dead or alive,” he said as he still lay over her. “You are the other half of my soul. It would break me if I lost you and didn’t know if you were dead or alive.”

  “Me too, Kray.” She caressed his face and lightly kissed his lips.

  Reluctantly, Kragyn pushed himself up and stood, then offered Reanne his hand to help her up. They each got their shoes and padded barefoot back to the bathing area. They had smoothed the path, so there were no sharped stones to puncture their skin. They even had towels that Kragyn had acquired in a trade. The towels were too small to wrap up in, but they were better for drying themselves than a dry bathing cloth.

  Kragyn and Reanne took turns in the latrine then stepped into the bathing pool. Neither of them sat down in the pool to wash. Hunkering down to wet their bodies, they quickly soaped themselves then dipped back into the water to rinse. Hurriedly drying themselves, they walked to their sleeping area to dress.

  Reanne wasn’t sure what a centi-span was, but she guessed that they’d bathed and dressed in about twenty minutes. On Earth, time was set in increments of a single rotation of the planet, how long it took to orbit the sun and the phases of the moon. In the Consortium which was made up of many different worlds in different star systems, they set a standard calibration of time.


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