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The Black Knight Box Set

Page 77

by Christian J Gilliland

  "This will happen very fast," he informed her as he pulled on a pair of white rubber gloves, "you may feel some discomfort, but the painkiller I gave you when I found you earlier will do its job." He opened his mouth to explain that the procedure was very risky and that there was a chance that the child may not live but decided against it. She would not live to see the baby die; he knew she probably wouldn't make it another hour.

  Smirnov flipped open the small leather folder he pulled from his pack, revealing an assortment of small surgical tools. For a moment he focused on the tools and then looked up at Nida. After giving her a brief, warm smile, he gently straightened her legs and unbuttoned her pants. After unzipping, and lowering them slightly, he carefully, yet swiftly grabbed a pair of scissors and began to cut away at the lower half of her shirt, starting at the bottom of her sternum. He was careful not to touch the large shards of glass that had penetrated her left lung and most likely her subclavian artery as well; he did not want to cause any more damage than what was already done.

  As he placed the scrap of shirt aside, Smirnov glanced up at Cade expectantly. Cade, obviously shaken by the whole ordeal, knelt and met the doctor’s gaze.

  “You will do exactly as I say,” Smirnov instructed him, “Exactly when I say it. I will be in and out quickly, do not object and do not do deter from what I tell you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Cade whispered. His face had paled, and his eyes had reddened. He was enduring a state of shock. It was an emotional ride he had never taken before; he looked over at Nida and bit his lip to keep from bursting into tears again.

  “Cade!” Smirnov yelled, “This is your child! You must focus! I know this is a difficult moment for you, trust me… please though, you have to focus. We are about to begin.”

  Cade forced a smile at Nida, she wore a look of fear but managed to smile back. She looked up at the two people surrounding her and gave the doctor a sudden apprehensive look.

  “Rest your head, sweet girl,” Smirnov instructed as he pulled a glistening scalpel from the leather folder, “Do not watch, do not wait. Think only of the things in your life that bring you joy. Think of them and cling to them. Do not let go.”

  Smirnov took a deep breath and hovered the blade just under her belly button. Gently, he pushed, and as if he had suddenly become a surgical machine himself, he dragged the scalpel vertically downward with a precision that only a lifetime of practice could yield. The skin bled and separated as he cut, revealing the yellow porous looking layer of fat beneath. He lifted the blade when he gauged he was three inches from the pubic bone and turned to Cade.

  “Take these,” Smirnov handed him the two blunt hook looking instruments. “Hold the skin open, do not be afraid of tearing; just hold it open as wide as you can.”

  Cade hesitated, and Smirnov reached out and slapped him on the side of the head, “I told you to pay attention!” He wore a furious look as he chastised the President, “Do it now!”

  Cade inserted each of the hooks behind Nida’s severed skin and pulled it open. He cringed and began to rapidly breathe.

  “Wider,” Smirnov demanded, “Control your breathing you are fine.” Cade pulled harder, and the doctor quickly leaned in and sliced through the fat using multiple light swiping motions. With one hand, he moved the fat aside, revealing a light pink thin sheet of fibrous tissue that covered the top layer of the abdominal muscle. He cut through, gently dabbing the area free of blood with a gauze towel as he did so.

  “Open the skin Cade,” Smirnov growled as he stared down at the exposed muscle, “Wider, come on!”

  Nida’s hands reached down and took hold of each side opening on her belly. She pulled with what strength she had and gave the doctor more room than Cade had provided. Smirnov looked up to Nida and gave her a thin smile and then leaned back in and cut the abdominal muscle layers. With another dab of the gauze, he grabbed a pair of forceps, pinched up the next layer and sliced it open, finally revealing the uterus.

  “After this next step, the baby will be here,” Smirnov informed Cade and Nida, “Cade, be ready to take hold of the child.”

  Smirnov quickly made a “u” shaped incision with his scalpel on the uterus. Blood and fluid rushed out, and Smirnov inserted his hand into the gash he had made. For a very brief moment, his hand remained inside her as he fished for the baby. As Smirnov pulled back, Cade watched as a tiny grey-skinned and black-haired head wiggled out of the heavily bleeding incision. His mouth dropped open, and he looked over at Nida.

  “Is it okay?” Cade blurted as the doctor gently tugged at the head. The baby slid out, and Smirnov quickly placed the child into Cade’s arms. Smirnov promptly leaned in and put his mouth around the baby’s nose. He turned away and spat and then with a piece of gauze cleaned out the baby’s mouth. The baby let out a tiny squeak of a cry and Smirnov caressed the side of its cheek with his finger.

  “A girl,” Smirnov smiled as he looked back at Nida. Nida burst into tears, and her whole body trembled as she cried, “Is she… okay?”

  “She will be,” Smirnov insisted as he pulled his gloves off. He lifted a piece of clear tube to the child’s mouth and stretched it to her ear. With a pen, he made a mark on the tube where it met her ear and stepped away.

  “Let her mother see her,” Smirnov told Cade as his face wrinkled up with emotion, “Do it now.”

  Cade carefully knelt and held the baby so that Nida could touch her. Tears streamed down her face as she looked over at her daughter. Nida reached out and ran her finger over the baby’s head. She felt her hair and her ears and ran the tips of her fingers over the baby’s lips. As Nida shook her head, Smirnov stuck the needle of another syringe of painkillers into her arm. As he pressed down on the plunger, and while she had her attention on the baby, Smirnov looked up at Cade and shook his head. Cade knew what it meant, his eyes grew wide and as he fought to hold his tears in his chest began to tremble.

  “Cade…” Nida whispered as she seemed to gaze through him. Cade sniffled and moved in closer to his beloved. Nida placed her blood-soaked hand on the back of his head and felt his hair flow through her fingers.

  “Be good…” Nida’s voice trailed off as she exhaled one last breath. Her head rolled to the side, and she closed her eyes as she quietly and gently slipped away.

  “I’m always good,” Cade’s voice cracked as he recanted her words from back at the Lithaani Sentinel. He sniffled and wiped the snot from his nose as he leaned in and kissed Nida’s cheek. She did not respond. Cade closed his eyes and lowered his head as he wailed on the floor next to her.

  “I did this,” his body shook, and Smirnov quickly stood and walked over. He snatched the baby and stepped away as the unstable Cade mourned.

  “This is my fault,” Cade fumed as he stepped backward, “I brought her to this damned Weald. I got her killed!” He turned around and threw his fist through a navigation screen behind him and roared as he kicked a chair out of the way. He pressed his hand against the wall to support himself and heaved for a moment.

  “My fault,” he repeated between heavy breaths, “My fault…” He held one of his breaths as a dark and silent calm came over him. Quickly, he pulled his pistol from its holster and pressed it against his head.

  “Take care of the baby, doctor,” Cade begged Smirnov as he took a step closer. Cade had a manic look in his eye, Smirnov realized that a sudden bout of insanity had come over him. It was no doubt onset by the mutilation and subsequent death of Nida, and the unshakable feeling that it was all his fault.

  “Take care of her. Give her a… a good life.” He closed his eyes and put his finger on the trigger. Just as he had resigned himself to death and was about to squeeze, something substantial and metal slammed against the back of his head. He collapsed to the ground, dropping his pistol in the process and Nora, Dauid and Freyja stared down at him.

  “What the Hells happened here?” Nora asked as she looked from Nida to Smirnov. Smirnov shook his head as he wrapped a breathing mask arou
nd his head. Nora looked and saw that a tube went from the mask and down the tiny baby’s throat. “Who are you? What is going on?”

  “The baby is premature,” Smirnov said to the strangers as he positioned a blood oxygen monitor onto the baby’s foot, “This mask on my face will allow her to get air, I will breathe for her as she has trouble breathing on her own.” Smirnov cut the umbilical cord from the baby’s mother and clamped it shut on the baby’s belly.

  Freyja stared down at the mutilated corpse of Nida and hummed aloud. He looked up at Smirnov, at the baby, and back to Dauid.

  “So he cut the baby out of her stomach?” Freyja asked.

  “Yeah, kid,” Dauid replied, seeming not to believe what he saw, “Looks like it.”

  “Is he going to eat it?”

  “What the fucking fuck, no,” Dauid stepped away from Freyja, not taking his eyes off of him for a second, “The Hells is wrong with you boy?”

  “We need to get that baby out of here,” Nora announced, dismissing her new companions, “The fire is coming this way, and Marauders surround us. I will grab Cade,” She turned to Smirnov, “You are... with him I gather?”

  “Yes,” Smirnov acknowledged, “I am employed by Cade.”

  “Are there any others?” Nora demanded.

  “One other, though I am not certain where he is.”

  “No matter. We need to find a clearing,” Nora insisted, “Get away from the fire, out of these woods. We cannot go back to Racon Tower, it is swarming with Eon’s army,” She looked down at the baby, “Will it... live?”

  “With this breathing apparatus I have created, yes,” Smirnov replied, “But I need to get her to a proper medical facility, soon. This smoke, this environment, it may be more than her NaNe can handle. I need to get her into a ventilator, to get light on her. She needs milk; I shot her with ten ccs of saline, that should be fine for now but…”

  “There is a facility,” Nora informed him, “Three hours walk from here. It is one of our outposts. There is Ancient equipment there that will help this child. Can she survive for three hours?”

  “Yes,” Smirnov nodded his head, “I… yes she can.”

  “Perfect, then let’s get moving. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can be rid of this accursed night.” Nora bent over and hoisted Cade up with a strength that impressed Smirnov.

  “Yes, I know Eshan,” Nora sighed as she and the others walked toward the front window of the cockpit, “I know he is Crinnan’s brother, I know what Crinnan promised you.” She took a look back at Nida’s body and sighed as she thought of her own children. She had barely escaped the night with her life, and she was eager to get back home to see them.

  “Of course we will keep the baby alive, Eshan,” Nora continued, “If one damn good thing comes out of this terrible night, that has to be it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ema'as IV

  23rd of Ramlia - 346AG

  22:00 - The Silis

  Ema'as opened her eyes to find Asandra asleep and cuddled up next to her on the bed. Both were naked and covered by the bed sheet, their hands were locked together, and Asandra had her head nuzzled against Ema'as’ neck. Ema'as arm wrapped around her, and she ran her fingers through the Faire's hair as she thought about what had just happened.

  The sex had hands down been the best she had ever had; it was a whirlwind of passion and tenderness that she had never experienced before. She was accustomed to the almost animalistic ways of making love that her life as a Marauder had provided. Every night had brought her a different partner or partners, and it was never an event that involved her emotions. With Asandra, however, she for the first time in a very long time was able to feel something other than what her instincts had allowed. She had been able to open up her heart, and when she did, a river of suppressed emotion gushed out.

  She stared at Asandra's sleeping face and smiled. She wanted her life to be like that every day, she wanted to shed the shell that the life in the wastes had encompassed her in. She wanted to truly explore and feel other people in the same way that she had with Asandra. She wanted to want more than to be penetrated; she wanted her heart to feel warm. As she thought it over, she let out a sigh for she feared that her mind would never allow such a thing. She could already feel her walls going up.

  She tried to scoot away, and Asandra opened her violet eyes. She looked over at Ema'as and smiled as she sat up.

  "How do you feel?" Asandra’s sweet voice asked as the two locked gazes, "Was I able to satisfy you?"

  "Yes," Ema'as smiled and ran her hand over Asandra's hair again, "You were amazing." The Faire giggled and swung her bare legs over the side of the bed. Ema'as watched her as she stood and found her dress, she stepped into it and walked toward the kitchen area, leaving Ema'as a bit confused.

  "Well, if you survive your meeting today then you are free to stop by anytime. There are other familiars as well; I have no doubt they will all be excited to meet you!"

  Ema'as felt stupid. Why had she let herself think like that? Like she and Asandra had some kind of emotional connection? The lady was doing her job; she just pleased Ema’as because that was how she survived.

  Ema’as forced a smile and nodded her head at the familiar as she too stood up from the bed and searched for her clothes. An irrational frustration was boiling inside her, and she wished she could get out of there.

  "Am I allowed to walk around... Like to explore the ship?" Ema'as asked Asandra as she pulled her clothes on. Asandra turned around and raised her eyebrows. She thought for a moment and smiled.

  "I don't see why not, honey," she chirped in her all too pleasant sing-song voice, "it's easy to get lost though, should I send a Cy with you?"

  “A Cy?" Ema'as repeated, "What is a Cy?"

  "Oh, I guess Daanel didn't explain everything yet," Asandra shrugged as she dried her hands on a towel and set it on the kitchen counter, "The Cy are Humaan creations. They are like robot people. They learn like we do and protect us. Here, look." She walked across the room to a door that looked like it led to a closet. She pulled it open, and Ema'as' eyes grew wide.

  Standing inside the closet was exactly what Asandra had described. A red painted robot that stood slightly taller than herself. It was humanoid in shape in the fact that it had two arms and two legs. Its head was triangular and had a black luminescent sphere embedded in the middle of it. Ema'as braced herself on the bedpost, and the Cy stepped forward.

  "Good morrow, miss Asandra!" It exclaimed with a cheerful yet hollow-sounding tone, “‘Tis another beautiful day, would you not agree?"

  "I'm sure it's lovely out Sayid!" Asandra enthusiastically replied with a wide smile, "We have a guest today, a new face for you. A friend."

  "My, do I love meeting new friends," Sayid said as he turned toward Ema'as, "I am called Sayid the twelfth, I enjoy chess. It is lovely to make your acquaintance!"

  "Hi," Ema'as replied with a mildly alarmed tone.

  "Go on!" Asandra cheered, "Tell him your name. Tell him something you like!"

  "I am Ema'as," she said slowly, "I enjoy... tanning hides I guess."

  “‘Tis a wonderful pastime, tanning hides! Do tell; you specialize in bovine or hircine tanning? Or perhaps another type?"

  "People..." Ema'as answered.

  "How wonderful!" Sayid responded, "Tis a wonderful pastime, people tanning. Do tell, how do you prepare the skin for..."

  "Okay, that's probably enough," Asandra interrupted as she gave Ema'as a strange look, "Don't want to give the super strong robot any ideas now... Sayid, would you accompany miss Ema'as as she explores the ship? Help her to keep her bearings?"

  "Why, of course!" Sayid nodded his head and turned toward Ema'as, "Miss Ema'as, right this way if you please!"

  "Hold on!" Ema'as exclaimed as she pulled her dirty shirt over her head, "Let me get dressed!"

  "Oh dear, forgive me!" Asandra cried as she approached, "But these clothes are filthy. I cannot in good conscience let you go out in those. Her
e, come here we are about the same size, let's find you something!" Asandra took hold of Ema'as' hand and dragged her to an armoire next to the bed.

  "Here now," she said as she threw the doors open, "Let's take a look." She rifled through the hanging clothes and pulled out a bright green sleeveless sundress. She looked at it, smiled, and held it out to Ema'as.

  "Uh," Ema'as looked at the dress and then back up to Asandra, "is there anything else?" Asandra looked a bit offended but turned and hung the dress back up.

  "What do you want?" She asked, her voice still cheerful in spite of Ema'as' objection.


  "Perfect!" Asandra pulled down a pair of tight looking black pants and handed them over to Ema'as, "And for your top... yes." She pulled out an ivory colored silk tunic and handed it over. Ema'as took off her soiled shirt and dropped it as she pulled the tunic over her head. Asandra handed her a thin black sash and motioned for her to wrap it around her belly. Ema'as gave her a weird look but followed her instructions.

  "You look good!" Asandra cheered as she pulled her over to a mirror, "though, you are still filthy... come on, before you go out let's get you a shower!"

  "A shower?" Ema'as was confused, "What is that?"

  "Oh, my," Asandra pursed her lips together and shook her head, "like a bath? But standing?"

  "Oh," Ema'as nodded and let out a slight chuckle, "Yeah, I mean, we don't take many baths in the caravan."

  "Yeah, I could tell. You're pretty stinky."

  "Stinky?" Ema'as repeated, "I smell fine, like everyone else."

  "Yeah, let's just get you in the shower," Asandra rolled her eyes and dragged Ema'as toward the bathroom, "I'll help you."

  A bright light filled the obscenely white bathroom as Ema'as and Asandra stepped inside. Asandra stepped over to the shower and promptly turned the handle. Ema'as watched in wonder as water seemed to rain from the ceiling. As steam began to form Asandra motioned for Ema'as to remove her clothing. She promptly did so, and Asandra smiled.


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