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The Trouble With These Gentlemen (The BainBridge - Love & Challenges) (The Regency Romance Story)

Page 17

by Jessie Bennett

  “You have no wealth, Earl Kipling!” Melanie bit back with sharp words.

  “She does not know that. Once we are married, I will take control of the wealth she will inherit.”

  “You do not seriously think she is that stupid, do you, my lord?” Melanie asked. “I have observed her behavior since her arrival, too. Moreover, I have noticed that she rebuffs your advances at every opportunity. She is more interested in Lord Nicholas Cornwall than she ever was you! If she marries someone other than James, it will be Nicholas, not you! Now I must take care of this business. It is important.”

  The Earl stopped her, reaching out and grabbing her arm. He pulled the hand away almost immediately, as if he had been burned by touching her. “Cease this abhorrent behavior, Lady Saville. Lady Tweddle has done nothing to you. Do not destroy her livelihood!”

  “I am tired of the boasting and parading around in new dresses by the Lady Tweddle and her friends. When I am done, they will no longer be able to afford such nice things. You had reason for what you did to the flower shop. I have reason for what I am doing.”

  “I did what I did because of love, Lady Saville. You are doing this out of greed.”

  “There is no difference!” Melanie laughed. “No difference at all! You couldn’t get the flowers you wanted for a woman who doesn’t love you and I cannot boost my business because of the success of this dress shop that stands directly next to mine!”

  The Earl lowered his voice and cleared his throat, obviously furious with the woman in front of him. “Lady Saville, the selling of dresses is a different thing altogether from hat selling. She has not deprived you of customers.”

  “She is gossiping about me behind my back, spreading horrendous rumors about me.”

  Anne Marie was peeking around the corner of the building to see that they were standing just a few feet apart. The Earl’s lantern lit both their faces with flickering light. She looked distressed. He looked angry. The Earl tilted his head to the side.

  Anne Marie pulled back and continued listening to them. She was about to make her way back to the hotel to fetch James. Someone had to put a stop to this and it wasn’t going to be her. She did not want to put herself in danger, any more than she already had.

  “What rumors? Surely I would have heard something. I have heard nothing. Lady Tweddle is a fine woman.”

  “You do not know her.”

  “I know her just as well as you do and she would not do something like this to you. Why would you do it to her?”

  “She is not me. This is something I would do. I believe she is spreading rumors. Therefore, her business will be ruined. Just like mine was!”

  “You did it to yourself! It was your own shop and you destroyed it yourself! Why would you do that? Why did you destroy your own inventory?”

  “The Duke and Duchess will be purchasing new inventory and helping me rebuild what was broken. My stock was dwindling and my hats were out of season. I needed to make a fresh start. I knew the Duke and Duchess would help me with it.”

  “Oh, Lady Saville, that is evil and conniving. You have manipulated two of the grandest people in all of England. You are taking advantage of them.”

  “You do the same thing, my lord,” she said the last two words with a sneer. “You are nothing but a pauper with a title, taking advantage of the kind hearts of the people in this village. Just. Like. Me.”

  “I do no such thing. I am a business consultant.”

  “I do not know why anyone would consult a failure at business for any business-related matters,” Melanie said, snorting, “Unless they want to know what not to do.”

  “Be careful what you say, my lady. You do not want me angry. I know what you’ve done and I am willing to tell the Duke and Duchess, ensuring that you do not get any kind of money or help from them.”

  “You won’t do that.” Lady Saville’s voice dropped to a low, frightened one. “You would not do that to me when all I have done is try to take any suspicion away from you.”

  “I have no problem telling the Duke and Duchess that you were the person who perpetrated both of the previous crimes. They will believe me.”

  “I had no reason to do anything to that flower shop! You were the one angry with Eliza and Thaddeus for favoring James over you!”

  Anne Marie had heard enough. The two were going to continue bickering. She wanted to get back to the hotel and fetch James as quickly as she could. She turned away and moved around the trees and buildings as silently as she could to get back to safety without being detected by the bickering couple.




  Just as Anne Marie slipped through the front door to the hotel, she heard a distant crash. She glanced back up the street before disappearing into the hotel but could not see what was happening at the dress shop. She was surprised by how quiet the sound had been and for the first time, understood why no one had heard the last two crimes being committed.

  It was an odd sound. She felt like it would be more logical if more people heard it, rather than less. Nevertheless, as it was, the sound of glass shattering down the street had not been heard by a single soul except her.

  She realized when she went in the hotel that she didn’t know where James’ bedroom was. She frowned for a moment and decided to just go to any room on the first floor. Whether she woke up Christopher and Judith or Katrina or James didn’t matter. She would find James eventually and he would know what to do.

  She hurried down the hallway beyond the stairs looking at the two doors on one side and three doors on the other. She tried to quickly make a choice but had no idea which one would take her to James.

  She pulled in a deep breath and walked to the second door on the left. She put her hand on the knob and turned it, leaning her other hand against the door to help it move as slowly as possible. She hoped that she would be given a sign that it was James in the bed without having to light a lantern or a candle.

  She poked her head through the door and peeked around it in search of the bed. Directly in the middle of a ray of moonlight, Anne Marie could see Katrina’s sleeping face, her hands clutching the pillow.

  She immediately pulled back out and closed the door silently. She moved to the one next to it and did the same silent door-opening moves she had done to Katrina’s door.

  She looked in but it was too dark to see. She stepped in, a feeling deep in her heart that this was James’ room. She could almost tell by the breathing. She went on soft feet to the window and gently pulled it to the side. When she saw James’ sleeping face, her heart leaped up into her throat. She pulled in a shaky breath and, leaving the drape slightly open, she hurried to the bed and began to shake James’ shoulders.

  He jerked awake, his eyes flying open and his hands slamming down on the bed violently as he pushed himself to a seated position. He stared at her as she backed away.

  “My lady! What are you doing?” His voice sounded utterly confused and somewhat concerned. She put her hands over her mouth first before removing them to hold them out to him in a “stop” fashion.

  “Oh, J… James, you… you have to come with me! I… I have discovered who is vandalizing the shops and it’s happening again to the dress shop and you have to hurry before they destroy the shop and get away!”

  James shook his head to clear it but was at the same time jumping out of bed. He pulled trousers on over his night pants and pulled on a light overcoat. “You will need to explain that to me in depth, my lady, I am confused.”

  “I will. I will tell you all that I’ve heard tonight. But we must hurry so that we can prevent them from destroying the dress shop.”

  “Them? We are dealing with more than one man?”

  “It… it’s complicated, James, and we don’t have time to discuss it. I will tell you what I can on the way and then continue after the vandalism is stopped.”

  Anne Marie ran past him. He followed her out the door.
  As they went down the street toward the dress shop, Anne Marie told him some of what she’d heard the two arguing about. It took a few moments for James’ mind to accept who the vandals were.

  James broke into a run as they got closer to the dress shop. It was apparent something was happening inside the shop. He came to a stop outside of the now open door and held up his hand so that Anne Marie wouldn’t follow him in. She nodded and stopped a few feet from the door.

  He went in.

  Anne Marie went to the broken window and peeked in. At first, it looked to Anne Marie like Earl Kipling and Lady Saville were dancing, only the lady’s back was turned to the Earl, instead of facing him. Anne Marie realized that the Earl was trying to get Melanie to stop swinging a long wooden cane around the room, knocking over racks of dresses, which she would proceed to stomp on and grind her shoes into. She grabbed a dress and was trying to rip it into shreds. The Earl was pulling on her arms but was reluctant to get too close to her. It appeared to Anne Marie that he looked like he was afraid he would injure her if he grabbed her too violently.

  James stopped Lady Saville with a hard slap to the face. It shocked the Lady so much she immediately fainted. James gave Earl Kipling a harsh look. “Pick her up and come back to the hotel with me, my lord.” James ordered him.

  The Earl didn’t hesitate. He bent down to pick up Lady Saville, nodding at James. “I’m sorry; I was trying to stop her from doing this. I don’t know what her motives were. She was a very jealous and greedy woman is all I can think of. I could not get a true answer from her about the flower shop and her own hat shop. She is a lunatic!”

  James nodded. “Follow me, my lord. We will need a constable from London to come help us deal with this. In the meantime, I will send someone to get the Duke and his sons. We will settle this matter tonight.”

  “My lord, if it is all right, I will bring Lady Saville back to the hotel but I would like to pack my things and move on. I think it is about time for me to leave. I believe Lady Saville has perpetrated these acts out of an obsession for me. It may not be wise for me to continue residing here.”

  James came out of the shop first, spotting Anne Marie waiting by the window. She stepped up to meet him. The Earl, carrying Lady Saville, stopped short when he saw her.

  James held out one hand so the Earl could walk in front of him. His tone was sharp when he responded. “I’m sure we will need all the help we can get resolving this issue in the fairest way possible, my lord. If there is a continued need for you to move on after this is resolved, you may do so. But in the meantime, I ask you to continue here until our investigation is done.”

  “But I… I am an Earl. I can go where I please.” The Earl didn’t sound confident in his argument.

  James shook his head. “Please do not mistake my lack of title as a weakness, Earl Kipling. I think you will find yourself against the Duke, Duchess, and four young lords who will, as you know, side with me.”

  The Earl said nothing more. Anne Marie walked with James behind them back toward the hotel. Anne Marie was surprised that Lady Saville was still unconscious. If she wasn’t, she was certainly faking it well. James must have slapped her harder than she’d thought.

  Anne Marie thought about how she had not had the chance to tell James the reasons why both parties walking in front of them had committed the vandalism. She wanted to talk to him but also needed to wait until they were in private.

  The four went into the lobby and the Earl lay Lady Saville down on a settee, propping her head up with a pillow. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him fearfully. “Ea… Earl Kipling…” it sounded as though she might not know where she was. He nodded.

  “Yes, my lady, I am sorry. You could not be allowed to destroy the dress shop like you did the others.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean the others? I did it to my own shop. You did the flower shop!”

  The Earl looked up at James with a half-grin. “Well, she must be delirious. I had no reason to destroy the flower shop.” He lifted one hand and brushed it through his short beard. “I have also been searching for the perpetrator, which we now have right here. Is that not correct, Master Ellingham?”

  James didn’t answer him. He told Anne Marie to go behind the front desk where the cubbies were and look for a small bit of rope his mother kept there for hanging special banners and signs. Anne Marie brought it to him quickly. He put one hand under Lady Saville’s arm and lifted her into a sitting position.

  “Sit down with your back to her, my lord, if you please.”

  The Earl looked at him in shock. James shook his head.

  “Please do as I ask. I must keep the two of you secure until the Duke and the Cornwall boys get here to decide what should be done with you.”

  “But… I am…” The Earl was pleading desperately. “I am…”

  “My lord.” James used a firm tone. “Sit down!”

  The Earl sat down abruptly, putting his hands behind him. When Melanie Saville realized what was happening, she began to wail loudly. James put an end to that by threatening to smack her again if she didn’t stop.

  James secured the rope around all four of their wrists, keeping them held together where they could enjoy each other’s miserable company.

  James held out his hand in the direction of the kitchen and Anne Marie followed him in. He turned to her.

  “I think they will be secure for now. Even if the Earl was strong enough to stand, she isn’t and he is too emotional to think about this logically. I’m going to go fetch the Cornwalls. Do you think you will be okay here watching them to make sure they do not escape?”

  “I will get Clara. I will be fine.”

  “All right, do it quickly so that I can leave. I want to get them here as quickly as possible. The Duke will know what to do. He is the smartest person I know.”

  “Do be careful, James.” Anne Marie wanted to touch him but held back, knowing it would be inappropriate. She could see by the look in his eyes that he felt the same way.

  He held out one hand to her. She touched his fingers with hers lightly.

  “I will be careful, my love. I will. And when I return, we will announce our courtship to everyone.”

  Anne Marie giggled, putting one hand in front of her mouth. “I think it would be more appropriate to hold that announcement until the morning. I doubt the Duke will want to wake your mother and father for a matter he can take care of. Everyone will surely find out all the details in the morning anyway.”

  James nodded. “All right. But I will be anxiously awaiting the moment I can make you my bride. I will hold you close and keep you safe from all harm.”

  “I have been waiting to hear those very words, James.” Anne Marie breathed.

  He stood back from her for just another moment, gazing at her in the dim light of the lantern hanging from the ceiling. Without another word, he turned and left the kitchen.

  Moments later, Anne Marie heard the galloping hooves of a horse as her future husband hurried to get the Duke.



  It was raining sheets when a hefty older gentleman stepped down from a hackney and walked quickly to the front door of the hotel. When he stepped up onto the covered porch, he lowered his umbrella and shook it out. He flapped it several times and closed it, letting it rest in an umbrella holder next to the front doors.

  He opened the door and went in.

  Judith was seated behind the front desk on a tall stool. She looked up at him and smiled wide.

  “Hello, sir. Would you like a room for the night?”

  “I am here for Viscountess Anne Marie Wiltshire. She is here, is she not?”

  Judith’s smile faltered. “Yes, my lord, she is. Shall I fetch her for you?”


  “And who shall I say is calling?”

  “I am her uncle, Matthew Devon Wiltshire, Duke of Wiltshire Estate in Cambridge.” He took off his hat and swept it up to his chest, bowi
ng slightly.

  Judith’s face lit up. “Oh, Duke Wiltshire! It is so nice to meet you. We have been looking forward to this day since Anne Marie told us you were coming. Is she expecting you today? She had not mentioned it.”

  The Duke approached the counter. “I am early.” Was all he said.

  “I will go get her for you, my lord. Please make yourself comfortable.”

  “I will, thank you.” For the first time, the Duke smiled at her. Judith could see a resemblance to Anne Marie in his face. They had a similar bone structure and their noses were mirror images. The Duke had a full gray beard and dark hair with graying temples.

  He waited, watching Judith go up the steps, holding her skirt up so that she could move quickly. He tapped his hat against his hands as he waited, looking around the room, unaware that a man and a woman had been tied together on the settee in front of him only ten days before.

  He looked up and smiled as Anne Marie came quickly down the stairs.

  “Uncle! Uncle Matthew!” Anne Marie ran to him and threw her arms around him. He reacted with a warm hug of his own, his large muscular arms wrapping around her small body protectively.

  “Little Niece is not so little anymore. How are you, my dear?”

  “I’m well, uncle. I am glad you came to visit. I am so anxious for you to meet James.”

  “I must speak with you first, Anne Marie. Shall we go somewhere private?”

  “There’s no one in the drawing room at present, my lord.” Judith offered, holding her hand out. Anne Marie took her uncle’s hand and led him to the room. She thanked Judith quietly as they passed. Judith nodded and walked in the opposite direction.

  Once inside the room, which was deserted, Anne Marie turned to her uncle and asked quietly, “I am willing to give up my father’s fortune, uncle. I want to marry James because I love him. I will not mind doing some work to make money for the rest of my life. It is the least I can do for the man I love.”


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