Dear Diary, I Have A Mate
Page 24
* * *
“I want Daddy to tuck me in!” Kaya called.
“Okay Kay, he's coming!” I called, going into her room.
I kissed her head and she remained standing.
“I love you Kaya Alee.” I smiled.
“I love you mama.” She grinned.
“Daddy's here!” Ty announced, handing Kaya her teddy bear.
“Daddy!” She squealed, holding up her arms.
I smiled and stood in the doorway, because I will never get tired of what happens next.
“There's this girl I know,” Ty started to sing. “Her name is Kaya Alee. She is her daddy's girl, or so she tells me so. I love her with all my heart that she has a part of. Kaya likes to play, play, play all day, under the sunshine or in the pouring rain, she just likes to play. Oh she loves her mommy too. She and her mommy like to play Barbies. But Kaya's a daddy's girl at heart; she has a part of my heart that will always be hers. Oh Kaya Alee daddy loves you so, daddy loves you so,” Ty finished, placing our daughter in her crib. Kaya was already almost asleep.
“I love you Kaya,” Ty whispered.
Just as Ty was leaving Kaya shifted.
“Daddy, love you more!”
Ty smiled and shut the door.
“Really Ar, you cry every night,” Ty mocked, taking my hand and wiping away my tears.
“I love that song,” I sniffled.
“I am talented,” Ty teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Ty came up with that song all on his own. He actually has a pretty decent voice as well.
We walked into our room and I climbed into bed.
“Shoot I have to pee!” I shouted, going into the bathroom.
“Crazy!” Ty called.
“Love you too babe!” I laughed from the bathroom.
I walked out and climbed back into bed. I lay down next to Ty, and he pulled me as close to him as my stomach would let him.
He still buried his face in my hair though, and took in a deep breath; I will never get tired of this.
Chapter 46
Dear Diary,
Ty and I have narrowed down our list to five names!
In no particular order:
1. Mason
2. Eric
3. Andrew
4. Carson
5. Hunter
He will be here in one month, and we have already painted his nursery navy blue!
I can't wait for my second chunker to enter into the world.
“Come on Daddy!” Kaya shouted.
“I'm coming Kaya!”
Today we are going to my mom's. My mom was so excited when I told her that I was pregnant with her second grandchild. She thinks I'm already eight months along.
“Ty how long does it take?” I shouted.
“It takes some time!” He shouted back. I laughed and then took Kaya's hand.
“Meet you in the car!” I called.
I walked Kaya out to the car and buckled her into her car seat. Ty finally came out of the house.
We sent Ty back upstairs to get Kaya's stuffed unicorn. Carter and Audrey had given it to her for her second birthday and now it has to go everywhere with us.
We drove to my mom's and she was already opening the door as we were pulling into the driveway.
Ty got out of the car and got Kaya out of her car seat and I slowly got myself out of the car.
“Ella you look great!” My mom smiled, approaching us.
“Thanks mom.” I smiled, hugging her.
“How is my grandson today?” she asked.
“He's pretty calm today!” I replied.
“NANA!” Kaya screamed.
“Kaya Alee!” She beamed, taking her from Ty.
“Nana look!” Kaya grinned, holding up her unicorn.
“What is that?” she asked.
“My unicorn!”
I shook my head at the crazy child and followed my mom and Kaya into the house.
“Where's Krieg?” I asked her.
“He's at work.” She smiled. She and Krieg are pretty serious and are always together when I talk to my mom on the phone. I'm happy my mom found a guy as great as Krieg.
“Kaya who is in Mommy's tummy?” My mom asked Kaya.
Kaya raced over to me and sat on my lap and lifted up my shirt.
“Brother,” she told my mom.
“What do you think his name should be Kaya?” Ty asked her.
I laughed and kissed her head.
“We'll keep that in mind.” I told her.
After visiting my mom we headed back home. I wasn't feeling too good so Ty put Kaya down for a nap and I headed into our bedroom.
I walked in and opened my bag to find the medication the nurse had put me on.
That's when I noticed my diary. It wasn't to the left by my blanket, which I never moved; it was placed on top of it.
I thought back and I know I put it in its place.
Ty walked in and I turned around.
“Ty did you go in my bag?” I asked.
He looked a little torn and then sighed.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“Why?” I asked already growing mad.
“I'm sorry Ar,” he whispered.
“You read my diary, didn't you?” I asked.
“Only like the last few pages.”
“What the hell Ty, why?” I snapped.
“I just wanted to know why you were still writing in it. I thought something might be bothering you,” he honestly replied, advancing towards me.
“Then why didn't you ask me?” I asked, taking a step back.
He looked hurt by this but I don't care at the moment. How could Ty do this? He knows what I put in there isn't for anyone else to read.
“Because Ar, you never want me to know what you are writing.”
“You don't trust me?”
“I do Ar, come on.” He groaned, taking a few more steps toward me.
I took a step back and watched as his face crumbled with slight regret.
“You come on Ty. I would have never done that if it were your diary. You don't see me reading through your emails or anything on your desk in your office.”
“I know babe, I'm sorry. I just worry about you.”
“Then ask me!”
“Okay Ar, I messed up. I'm so sorry. I promise I will ask you next time.”
“Ty I wish I could believe that but you know that if I would have said I was fine you would have still looked through it,” I said, walking past him.
He knows it's true. Ty is persistent when it comes to stuff like this.
“Where are you going?” He called after me.
“Pack house, don't follow me. Stay with Kaya,” I demanded, walking out of the house.
I made it to the pack house and walked up to our bedroom.
“Whoa pregnant woman coming through!” Carter smiled when he saw me.
“Thanks Carter I wasn't aware,” I mocked.
“What's wrong?” he asked, following me into my room.
“Ty and I had a fight. I'm just going to go to bed okay?”
“Alright night,” he replied, shutting the door. Carter is just as protective as Ty so I know it's killing him that I didn't tell him about the fight. I'm just too tired to talk about it anymore.
It's weird being in this room again lying in this bed, the bed that I had to convince Ty to sleep in with me the first night I stayed here. I smiled at the memory and then dozed off.
* * *
I woke up to a baby lying next to me.
“Hi TT Aria!” I sang. She smiled and looked up at me. She looks just like Audrey with her blonde hair and big brown eyes.
“She wanted her Auntie.” Carter shrugged, entering the room.
“I bet she did,” I cooed, sitting up and pulling her onto my lap.
“So what happened?” Carter asked.
“Tyson went through my diary.”
“That idiot,” he dramatically said, succ
essfully making me laugh.
“Your daddy is silly,” I told Tiana, tickling her tummy making her laugh. I love this kid's laugh. It's so much like Carter's, just more angelic and not as annoying.
“Listen Aria, if Ty did that then he's obviously worried about you.”
“I know Carter but nothing's wrong and he didn't even ask me about it,” I sighed.
“Aria you wouldn't have told him anyways,” Carter protested.
“There's nothing to tell,” I sighed, playing with Tiana's small hands.
“Yeah okay, go talk to him.”
“Okay psycho.” I smirked.
He rolled his eyes, taking Tiana and helping me stand up.
“Did you decide on a name yet for my nephew?”
“Not yet.” I shrugged.
Tiana held her arms out toward me.
“Sorry TT, but I have to leave you with the crazy guy,” I told her.
“Okay you're done,” he teased, leaving the room.
“Bye.” I laughed, following him out of the room.
“Talk to Tyson,” he called as I walked down the stairs.
I walked out of the pack house and back over to our house.
I walked upstairs to find Ty giving Kaya her bath.
“Mama!” Kaya squealed when she saw me.
“Hi angel!” I smiled.
“I'm taking a bath.”
“I see that baby, good job,” I told her.
“Are you okay?” Ty asked, lifting Kaya out of the bath and wrapping her in her fluffy pink towel.
“Mama you okay?” Kaya mimicked.
“I'm great now that I've seen my angel.” I smiled. She laughed and wrapped her arms around my legs.
“Come on let's pick out some pajamas,” I told her.
After getting Kaya ready for bed I left the room so Ty could sing to her.
I went downstairs and saw Ty had left a plate of chicken and potatoes in the fridge for me. I grabbed it and heated it up in the microwave. I sat down and started eating.
Ty walked in the kitchen a few minutes later.
“Thanks for leaving my plate.”
He sat down next to me and angled himself right in front of me.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“You went through my diary Ty.”
“I'm so sorry for that, but why are you still writing in it?”
“It's something I like to do Ty. For a long time that was all I had to put my thoughts in and feel like they mattered.”
“Do you still feel like that?” he asked, already getting angry.
“Of course not Ty.” I laughed.
“Then why?” he asked.
“Why does it bother you so much?”
“Because sometimes I feel like you like telling your thoughts to that thing so much, and then I never get to know them.”
“So why didn't you just tell me that?” I asked.
“Okay, and I was curious as to what you were writing in it,” he admitted.
“I'm not scared for you to see what's written in there but it's just the fact that you didn't just ask me.”
“I know, I'm sorry Aria.” He apologized.
“I forgive you Ty.” I smiled.
He beamed back and gave me a peck on the lips.
“How’s the chunker?” he asked.
“He's gotten chunkier.”
Ty chuckled, shaking his head.
I can't wait for my second chunker to enter the world, knowing he has a great dad and an amazing but crazy aunt and uncle.
Chapter 47
Dear Diary,
Our son is coming any day now!
His room is ready and it's all Kaya talks about.
“Unicorn,” Kaya suggested.
“We can't name your brother unicorn,” Ty told Kaya, lifting her onto the couch.
“Mama.” She pouted, looking up at me in hope.
“Can you pick from the names we told you?” I asked her.
She sighed and shook her head. She then slid off the couch and started jumping up and down.
“Potty!” she shouted.
Ty then lifted her up and practically ran to the bathroom with her, making me laugh. We are currently trying to potty train Kaya.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom to see Kaya sitting on her little pink toilet.
“Mama, look!” She smiled.
“I see. Can you go potty?” I asked her.
“I did,” she proudly said, standing up.
“KAYA! Good job baby!” I encouraged.
“Ice cream!” she shouted, running into the kitchen.
I laughed and followed after her.
My genius husband Ty told Kaya if she went potty in her toilet then she would get ice cream.
So that's how it's nine in the morning and I'm scooping Kaya ice cream.
“Here you go angel.” I smiled.
I went over to put the tub of ice cream away when I felt a huge pain shoot through my stomach. The ice cream slipped through my hands, making Ty appear in front of me immediately.
“Ar?” He questioned.
I grabbed his arms to steady myself.
“I need to go see Sherry.” I groaned.
In less than a second Ty had scooped me in his arms and was ushering Kaya out of the house.
I was on the hospital bed in a minute.
“How is your pain?” Nurse Sherry asked.
“It just started, maybe a five,” I replied.
I remember how it felt with Kaya but this pain is almost more intense.
“Ar what's wrong?” Ty asked.
“Nothing,” I replied dismissing the fact.
“Arrabella!” he demanded.
“Ty.” I sighed, covering my face with my hands.
It hurt so badly and I don't know if I can do this.
“Where's Kaya?” I asked.
“With Carter and Audrey.” I removed my hands and nodded.
“This pain is more intense than with Kaya, but don't freak out,” I warned.
Ty still shot Sherry a look that made me want to roll my eyes.
“Well I believe your son is a wolf and since you are human it's going to be more intense than with your human daughter Kaya. I will go get you the shots,” she replied.
I nodded and Ty grabbed my hand and kissed it.
“You can do it Aria.”
“We don't even have a name.” I worried.
“We'll know when we see him.” Ty smiled.
I nodded and with that I went through the most intense pain of my life, but when I saw my son's little face it was all worth it.
This little face I've dreamed of for the past six months is finally here in my arms. I've been staring at him for the past two minutes just taking it all in.
He's beyond perfect. He's got Ty's beautiful brown eyes and my light brown hair.
He's a big chunker though, weighing eight pounds and six ounces. Sherry confirmed that he is a wolf.
Ty's face is priceless right now.
The only thing that made this moment better was when Kaya came racing into the room.
“Brother?” she asked as Ty lifted her onto the bed.
“Yes Kaya, can you say hi to your baby brother?” I asked her.
“Hi brother!” She smiled, kissing his head.
“So Kaya, did you think of the names we told you?” I asked her. She nodded her face turning serious, well as serious as a two-year-old's can get.
“Carson.” She shrugged.
“Carson?” I asked.
“Uh-huh like Uncle Car.” She shrugged.
I pieced it together for a moment. How is it that a two-year-old can put together what a bunch of adults can't? Carson is the perfect name. It is a combination of Carter and Tyson.
“How are you so smart?” I asked her.
She giggled and I looked up at Ty for confirmation.
“Carson Tyson Benson it is,” he conf
“Yay!” Kaya clapped, beaming at her little brother.
“I love you brother!” There was a knock at the door and then Carter and Audrey came in, Audrey holding Tiana.
“Hey.” Audrey smiled.
“Hi.” I smiled.
“He's gorgeous!” She gushed, taking in Carson's face.
“I heard Kaya the wise named the baby half after her favorite uncle,” Carter gloated.
“You're her only uncle.” I snorted.
He playfully glared at me and then looked down at the little boy in my arms.
“I wanted to name him after you though. I didn't even think of the Carson thing.” I laughed.
“Really?” he asked, half mocking and half sincere.
“Yeah because if it weren't for you I don't know where Ty and I would be today.” I smiled.
“Thanks Aria.” He smiled.
“Plus Tiana's middle name is Aria so we had to do something,” Ty mocked.
I laughed. We really have the perfect little family.
* * *
“I didn't like the way he was looking at you,” Ty persisted.
I groaned in protest. Ty and I are on date night. We are at this really nice restaurant and of course Ty is positive that the waiter is into me.
It's been four months since Carson was born, and this is my first time away from him. Now I'm sure Audrey and Carter are doing great with Kaya and Carson but I'm still worried.
“Are you even listening to me?” Ty demanded.
“Yes Ty.” I sighed.
“Babe, are you worried about Carson and Kaya?”
“Aren't you?”
“Yes, but they are in good hands.”
“I know.” I nodded.
“Besides you've left Kaya with your mom and my parents before.” He soothed.
“I know.” I sighed.
“Are you guys doing okay?” The waiter, Gilmore, asked.
“We're great,” Ty said.
“Alright, enjoy your meal,” he added, sending a warm smile in my direction.
“Did you not see that?” Ty nearly shouted, gripping his fork tight.
“Ty calm down. He was being friendly,” I protested.
“Yeah too friendly,” he corrected.
“Okay, okay I'm done. Sorry.”
“You're forgiven,” I mocked.
After dinner Ty and I drove home and I practically ran inside our house. Carter and Audrey were snuggled up on the couch watching Avatar.