Rebirth Online 3

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Rebirth Online 3 Page 3

by Michael James Ploof

  “If we’re going to do this,” said Ember pushing her mug away. “Then we’re going to do it right. We need to start training.”

  Chapter 3

  Tweak put the word out that we were looking for some alternates to help in the coming guild wars, and within fifteen minutes we received over 200 requests for interviews.

  “Holy shit,” I said when I saw the list. “We’re going to have to thin the herd.”

  “You think?” said Trinity sarcastically.

  We were walking to the closest simulation chamber, where Kit had scheduled practice against The Purrrrsian Empire.

  “Well,” said Kit happily. “I think we can get rid of the male candidates. No point in having them if they can’t utilize the magic stick.”

  “Agreed,” I said, and tapped on my interface to get rid of all the dudes. That brought the list down to 109.

  “I think Anna, Cecilia, and Kit have got the healing covered,” said Trinity. “We can scratch all these other healers from the list.”

  “We could use another tank and some DPS,” said Cecilia.

  “I agree,” I said as I tapped on my interface and got rid of the healers. Now only 88 players remained.

  “It’s still a big list,” said Ember.

  “Not if you get rid of everyone below level 55,” said Anna.

  I did so and was relieved to find that now only 9 players remained.

  “Alright, I think this is manageable,” I said and scanned through the remaining candidates. Then I read the last name and couldn’t help but laugh. “Holy shit, it’s Nanaya!”

  “Fuck me,” said Trinity.

  “Really?” said Kit, looking closely at her own interface. “Oh, and she’s a warlock. That’ll be perfect.”

  “What do you guys think?” I asked them all.

  “I think she’s a backstabbing beotch,” said Tweak.

  “How and why did she leave the Underworld? That’s what I want to know,” Anna said as we reached the simulation chamber.

  “Kind of suspicious if you ask me,” Cecilia added.

  “I don’t know, let’s ask her,” I said and clicked on her icon on my interface. Then I tapped schedule interview and added her to the top of the list.

  “We can talk more about this later,” Trinity said with a scowl aimed my way. “The Purrrrsian Army is here.”

  I turned to find over thirty cat furries walking down the corridor toward us. The leader of the guild, a panther furry that went by the name Frisco, sauntered up to me and extended a big clawed hand.

  “It is good to see you again, Samson,” he said with a feral grin. “That was a hell of a battle in the Underworld.”

  “Yeah it was. Good to see you too Frisco.”

  Kit was a huge fan of the Purrrrsian Empire, and I think that if we hadn’t been so close, she would have joined their guild in a heartbeat.

  We all introduced ourselves, which took a long time given that there were over thirty of them. Once the pleasantries were over, we told the NPC standing in front of the simulation chamber that we were ready.

  The dwarven guard nodded and opened the big iron door that seemed to lead nowhere. There were similar doors hanging in the air in the long training hall, and other guilds were entering their own.

  “Shall we?” Frisco asked as he extended his hand to let us go first.

  I walked in behind my guild mates and was surprised to find a brightly glowing metallic room about two football fields long. My guild mates were as intrigued as I was, and soon the Purrrrsian Army joined us, followed by the NPC dwarf.

  “Are you ready to begin?” he asked us all. We told him that we were, and he tapped on his own interface.

  The metallic room shimmered and began to change, and a few seconds later we found ourselves standing amidst ancient stone ruins surrounded by a rocky landscape that reminded me of pictures of Ireland. At one end of the stony landscape stood a blue crystal guardian, and at the other end stood a red one.

  “Would you like to just attack each other’s guardian freely so that we can get a feel for how strong they are?” Frisco asked.

  “Hell yeah,” I said, nodding to my guild.

  “Heavy Metal Thunder to the blue guardian,” said the dwarf. “The Purrrrsian Empire to the red. The battle will begin on my word.”

  My guild mates and I walked over to our blue guardian, who stood amidst the rune-covered and broken stone.

  “You’re a big boy, aren’t you?” Trinity said looking up at the creature.

  “Big boy,” he said in a deep voice.

  “Do you have a name, big boy?” Kit asked affably.

  “Big boy,” said the guardian.

  “Big on brawn, not so big on brains,” said Anna.

  “Guardian,” I said to the crystal behemoth. “Attack the other team’s guardian.”

  “Big boy!” the guardian roared, and then started across the broken earth.

  The Purrrrsian Empire’s first seven players attacked as the blue guardian charged them, and theirs rushed out to meet its counterpart. The two guardians collided like thunderheads, slamming each other with heavy blows from dump truck sized fists.

  We laid into the opposing guardian with a barrage of spells, while Trinity and Ember got in close and danced around the behemoth, striking at it with their enchanted swords. It took both our guilds about ten minutes to burn down the guardians’ health, and ours was the first to fall, shattering into a million pieces when the last spell struck it in the head.

  “Let’s do it again,” I told Frisco. “But this time let’s see what we can command them to do.”

  He agreed, and we spent a few minutes figuring out how to control the guardians. It was straight forward; we could tell them to stay and defend the respawn area, defend our guild, attack the other guardian, or attack the other guild. We quickly learned, however, that if one guardian was sent after the other, the defending guardian would not defend itself unless told to do so.

  We let the guardians go at it for one round, and the fight was something to behold. It took about fifteen minutes for the behemoths to reduce each other to rubble, and when the smoke cleared, we reset everything and prepared for a real fight.

  “Good luck,” said Frisco as he and his guildmates moved toward their guardian to begin.

  “You too,” I yelled back and took my position.

  “Alright,” I said to my guildmates. “I say we go straight at them and focus our attacks on the guardian. If we can keep the fight on their side of the battlefield, it will be easier to respawn without getting instantly ganked.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Trinity said as she danced on her toes.

  “Let’s do this shit!” Tweak yelled.

  “Alright Big Boy,” I said with a rush of excitement. “Attack their guardian!”

  The blue crystal behemoth lurched forward and raced across the battlefield. My guildmates and I followed close behind, buffing each other and conjuring spells. The other guild’s seven defenders stood their ground in front of their guardian, and I realized too late that they were all heavy damage casters.

  Seven glowing spells streaked out of the defenders’ hands, zipped through the air, and slammed into the chest of our blue guardian. We returned fire as our guardian charged through the onslaught. The behemoth had only lost about 20,000 health points, but more spells streaked out of the opposing casters’ hands and hit him again, this time stopping him in his tracks momentarily. I focused my attention on an orange cat woman to the far right of the group and hit her with a magic bolt. At the same time, Cecilia, Anna, and Tweak all attacked her as well, and Trinity rushed across the battlefield to impale the surprised furry with her enchanted blade.

  A healer instantly replaced the downed caster and began going to work on his guild mates. We pressed the guild as our behemoths began to battle and split our attention between the furries and their guardian.

  When two more opposing casters fell, big musclebound warriors replaced them, and to my surprise, t
hey both came right after me. Trinity slammed into one as it charged, but the other one got through her defenses and swung his big fiery sword at my head. I hit the warrior with Arcane Lightning, which threw him off balance and caused the sword to miss me by mere inches. I followed up the spell with a Magic Bolt that sent the warrior on his ass, then Ember came out of nowhere and leapt onto the warrior’s chest. She stabbed him about twenty times in less than three seconds, and I offered her a nod before focusing my attention on the warrior that Trinity was battling. I was too late to help her, however, and I watched helplessly as four of the casters hit her with spells at the same time.

  She fell to the ground and disappeared, and I glanced back at our starting point to see her reappear as a ghost with a countdown ticking off above her head. Kit fell next, followed by Cecilia, and soon Anna, Ember, Tweak, and I were retreating from an onslaught of spells. I cast Scorched Earth as we fled and was rewarded for my efforts by a spell from a furry warlock. The curse hit me in the back and left me suddenly terrified and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.


  Infliction of Terror

  Duration – 10 seconds

  And it was the longest ten seconds of my life. I don’t know how I did it, but in my frantic flight I managed to not get crushed beneath the giant feet of the guardians. Little good it did me, however, because as soon as the affliction wore off, the warlock’s demonic minion was there to finish me off.

  A hot blade slammed into my chest, and I watched helplessly as my health ticked right down to zero.

  You have died!

  Ten seconds until resurrection.

  My vision went black, and the next moment I was standing in ghost form on our side of the battlefield. I watched in frustration as The Purrrrsian Empire closed in and surrounded our respawn area.

  My guild had become disoriented and lost in a cycle of death and resurrection, as the opposing guild worked to keep up the battle near our base, while the guardians fought at the other end of the battlefield. When we finally became organized and began pushing the other guild back, all seven of them suddenly dropped their weapons and let us kill them.

  Tweak cheered, and the girls with him, but not me. I saw what they were up to, and I screamed at my guildmates to charge as the furry alternates, all of them casters, stepped through the threshold on the other side of the battlefield.

  Poor Big Boy never had a chance as the furries unleashed their spells at his weakened body, and I watched with frustration as they burned him down from his remaining 40,000 health, and he shattered into a million pieces.

  Our side of the battlefield became dark, while the Purrrrsian Empire’s glowed brightly.

  “Winner, The Purrrrsian Empire!” a godly voice suddenly declared.

  “Damn!” I said as fireworks erupted from The Purrrrsian Empire’s side of the battlefield. “Come on ladies, Let’s go congratulate them.”

  We shook hands with the furries as the illusion of the battlefield faded away to reveal metal walls once more, and Frisco invited us to have a drink and talk about the battle at Cecilia’s place. I accepted and got to talking to him about the best strategy for a small guild like mine, when suddenly the big door swung open and banged against the wall.

  “There you are,” came a sultry voice.

  I turned around to find Nanaya in all her smoking hot succubus glory leaning against the doorway and wearing little more than a smirk.

  Chapter 4

  “Funny meeting you here,” I said as I sauntered over to the grinning succubus.

  “Not funny seeing you get your asses kicked by a bunch of hairballs,” she replied.

  “Hey!” Kit and Cecilia said in unison.

  “Play nice, ladies,” I teased.

  Nanaya ignored the gawking faces of the furries and half my guild and grabbed the front of my robes, pulled me in close, and proceeded to try and put her tongue down my throat.”

  “See you at Cece’s,” said Frisco with a laugh.

  “Yeah, see you at Cece’s,” said Trinity as she ushered the other ladies out of the training room.

  I put up a finger to tell them to wait as Nanaya cleaned my tonsils, but they all left.

  “Hmmm, now that we’re alone…” said the succubus. She then ripped her bikini top off to reveal those long, dark red nipples that I had come to love.

  “Whoa babe,” I said half-heartedly. “What the hell are you doing on the surface? What happened to ruling the Underworld. Why are you—”

  She shut me up quick by grabbing my swollen cock. Somehow, she had fished her way through my robes and was pulling it out.

  “You talk too much,” she said as she dropped to her knees.

  I kept my mouth shut, and she opened hers.

  “Ohhh shit yeah,” I groaned as she deepthroated me. She even managed to lick my family jewels with my entire shaft in her mouth, and about five minutes later she was riding me like a wild woman.

  The big metal door suddenly opened, and a guild of dwarven players walked in. When they saw us, they stopped, and half of them turned around.

  “We got caught, Samson,” she said with a devilish laugh.

  I really didn’t care if we had an audience, to be truthful, it kind of turned me on.

  “Come on, you perverts,” said one of the female dwarves, and the others reluctantly left the room. Then the dwarf yelled back, “We’ve got the room reserved for an hour, so hurry the hell up!”

  I flipped Nanaya over and she wrapped her arms around me as I thrust into her. The audience had turned me on more than I thought, because a few minutes later I exploded inside the succubus.


  You’ve reached Level 51!

  We lay there panting for a time, but then a banging on the door roused us from our reverie.

  “You going to tell me what you’re doing here?” I asked as I dressed in my robes.

  She slid her stocking up her crimson thigh and smiled up at me. “I heard that you were going to become a king, and well, I just couldn’t resist.”

  “But how did you escape the Underworld?”

  “You should ask your girlfriend, Megulla,” she replied.


  “Are you two done or what?” A dwarf asked from the doorway.

  “Yeah babe,” said Nanaya. “It’s all yours.”

  She walked out of the simulation chamber and I hurried to catch up.

  “Nanaya, what do you mean ask my girlfriend? Did Megulla help you escape?”

  Nanaya stopped in the middle of the hall, put her hands on her hips, and shook her head. “You’re pretty,” she said, “but not too bright sometimes.”


  “She didn’t help me escape the Underworld, she invaded the 7th level, kicked my ass with her new demon army, and banished me to the surface world!”

  “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

  “You should be. The demon army are her children, and you’re the father.”

  “Say what?” I frowned at her, not quite understanding what she was trying to say. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re a demon baby daddy about a thousand times over,” she said.

  A laugh escaped me, but Nanaya didn’t seem to share my mirth. She just folded her arms, cocked a hip, and arched a brow.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?” I gulped.

  “Yup.” Nanaya said with all seriousness. “I thought Megulla was joking when she told me, but then I saw them, and I hate to say it, but there’s a resemblance.

  “But she’s an NPC, right?” I said, my mind racing to understand. “You can’t get an NPC pregnant.”

  “Apparently you can if you have sex with them for two days straight,” she said evenly.

  I thought back on the epic sex marathon that I had had with the smoking hot demon, and a chill ran down my spine when I remembered how she had moaned in another language and milked every last drop out of me. Now that I thought about it, I remembered her l
ying on her back with her legs up between sex sessions.

  “This is crazy,” I said, and brought up my interface. I tapped on the icon for the direct line to Dr. Marks, which was one of the few perks of being a paralyzed patient under the care of the Horizon Corporation.

  An hourglass icon that only I could see hung in the air, and Nanaya shifted her pose to the other hip.

  “What are you doing?” she asked annoyedly.

  “I need to talk to Doctor Marks,” I told her.

  “You’re wasting your time. I already told you that the demons look just like you.”

  “That’s impossible…” I swiped Dr. Marks’s icon to the side and tried Doctor Hamilton instead, and to my relief, he answered on the second ring.

  “What’s up Sam? I’m a little busy here.” He was wearing a mask and a face shield, and in the reflection, I could see him implanting one of the uplinks that players needed to be fully immersed in the game.

  “What’s up, doctor, is that apparently I’m the father of about a thousand demons.”

  “Oh yeah,” he said, and shared a laugh with the nurse beside him. “I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “Then it’s true?” I said with growing dread. “Dude, how the hell can a player get an NPC pregnant?”

  “It was in one of the recent updates,” Dr. Hamilton informed me. “We thought it would be cool for players to be able to have families in Rebirth Online.”

  “I must have missed the email,” I growled. “But I mean, come on, it’s not like they’re really my kids. It’s not like I really had sex with Megulla.”

  “That’s true, in a sense.”

  “In a sense?”

  “When the impregnation program is triggered, which is randomly I might add, the computer takes half of the NPC’s…let’s call it digital DNA, and it takes half of the player’s digital DNA, and it produces a new NPC using that formula. So in a sense, yes, they are your children. In Rebirth Online they are anyway.”


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