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Second Chance With The Chief (Alpha Colorado Firefighters Book 2)

Page 2

by Anna Heskin

  “So her visit today was a random coincidence?”

  “As far as I know. She seemed as shocked as I was,” I said.

  “Sir, forgive my prying. It looked like there were sparks between you. Are you going to see her again?”

  “This damn call came in. During the mad rush I told her to come back to the station tomorrow.”

  “Good. She’ll return.”

  “I hope so. I want a second chance to make her mine. This time, her asshole father can’t stand in the way.”

  We arrived back at the station. As I put the truck in park, my testosterone still had me fuming about the call. Thoughts of a return visit also jumbled my mind.

  “Lieutenant, one more question?” I asked as I held the front door open for her. “How soon after a divorce should someone be back on the market?”

  “How long has it been since your divorce was final?” she asked.

  “Almost a year,” I said.

  “Are you ready to move on?”

  “Yes.” I thought so anyhow. The last thing I wanted was to ever suffer through another divorce. A new relationship hadn’t crossed my mind until Ali reappeared.

  “The timeframe is different for everyone. What matters is that you feel ready.”

  “Thanks, Lieutenant.”

  I spotted the mess in the hallway outside my office. A twinge of guilt with a touch of sadness hit me in the chest as I saw the pile of Ali’s handiwork smashed on the floor. My fingers swiped a dollop of icing. The sweetness gave me a jolt and took me back to the fateful Friday afternoon in my tent:

  Some of us boys had to sleep in tents because the camp didn’t have enough cabins for everyone. While the rest of the party when on a scavenger hike, Ali and I slipped away to my tent, planning another marathon make out session.

  “Where did you get that?” she asked me as a condom wrapper shook in my trembling hands.

  “I ran off-grounds to a convenient store up the road. You know, just in case.”

  Ali stared into my eyes. With a crack in her voice, she said, “do you want to?”

  I swallowed hard. “Are you ready?”

  Ali nodded. Despite being slow and gentle inside her, the experience was a quick blur, like a lap in the front car of a roller coaster. While holding her afterward, I vowed to keep her forever.

  The voice of a firefighter brought me back to the present day. “Chief, do you want help cleaning that up?”

  My head jerked up. “Ahem. Sure, that would be great.”

  I maneuvered to hide the erection I sported from the memories of Ali’s tight body from the past, and the thoughts of her curvaceous body in the red sun dress moments earlier. As I carried the empty cupcake box toward the trash, I noticed her business card sitting in the bottom. After wiping the icing and crumbs from it, I placed the piece in my wallet for safe keeping.

  Finally, I know her last name. And the location of her cupcake shop.

  Despite fifteen years of life experience—college, career advancement, marriage, divorce—I felt my heart reverted to its 18-year-old self.

  An urge to drive straight to her shop hit me but the hours on the card showed the place closed that late in the evening. Despite the overwhelming desire to reclaim Ali as mine, I needed to exercise some restraint. I’d asked her to stop by tomorrow, so I’d give her the space to do so.



  The loud scrambling from the alarm, combined with the emotions of running into Derek, caused my chest to tighten and breathing to accelerate as I rushed out to my car. My hands trembled as I made the trek toward home. The fire call must’ve been in a different direction, as I never saw trucks behind me.

  Oh, dammit. I left without picking up the cupcake mess on their floor.

  I needed to go the long way home to gather my thoughts. The surprise encounter with Derek shocked my system. As I drove in circles around the neighborhood, my mind drifted back to the first night with my new friend at church camp:

  He was the most handsome young man I’d ever talked to. The way he carried himself and commanded those around him turned me on. He’d be a leader in whatever he did.

  After a long evening of playing tag, singing, and telling ghost stories around the fire, Derek walked me back to my cabin. Before we reached the circle where me and my friends stayed, he pulled me onto a detour into the trees.

  Without speaking a word, our eyes locked, followed by our lips. It wasn’t my first kiss with a boy, but it was the first one that wasn’t awkward. Our mouths and tongues danced as my heart melted. Sleep eluded me that night, as my mind replayed it over and over.

  A truck honked its horn from behind me, bringing my attention back to the present decade. I jerked my eyes up and realized I’d been sitting at a green light. After a couple more left turns, I pulled into my driveway and shuffled to the door.

  Creepy electronic music blared from the television as I entered the house. I don’t like horror films, so Rachel took advantage of my absence to watch one. She paused the movie when she heard me enter. The air smelled of freshly baked cookies, filling the void left when I snatched the cupcakes.

  “What happened to you?” Rachel asked. “You look like you saw a ghost.”

  “I did, sort of.”

  “At the firehouse?”

  “Yeah. Do you remember my stories about Derek?”

  “From church camp the summer after high school?”

  “Yep. He’s the fire chief in our district.”

  Rachel’s eyes grew wide. “You ran into him after all these years?”

  I nodded.

  “He was your first, right?” Rachel asked.

  “And I was his.”

  “That must’ve been awkward,” Rachel said.

  “Yeah, two virgins in a tent, it really was.”

  “No, silly. I meant your encounter at the fire house.”

  “It was like nothing changed in fifteen years, other than his added muscle. I felt the same spark that made church camp the best week of my life.”

  “So how did you two end the reunion?”

  “They got a fire call and he had to rush off. He told me to come back tomorrow.”

  Rachel took a bite from her third cookie since I’d returned home. “Please tell me you’re going back. Take several dozen cupcakes if you have to.”

  “I haven’t decided, Rach. He’s such a powerful stud now. Look at me. I’ve put on a lot of weight since he last saw me.” I glanced down at my curves, which I’d grown to love. But could a perfect specimen like Derek appreciate my body?

  “Ali, you’re sexy.”

  “He had a hard-on the second time he hugged me.” The thought of what he could do to me with that thing made my nipples harden under my dress.

  “See? He knows it too.”

  “I’m not convinced. I’ve heard guys can get aroused when the wind blows just right.”

  “Yeah, teenagers. But the chief? His cock has been around long enough to know what it likes,” Rachel said. She always knew how to lighten the mood.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said. “He seems out of my league and I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “He was in your league fifteen years ago,” Rachel said.

  “Maybe he was just a horny dude back then. A lot can change,” I said.

  “At least consider going back to see him.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Since I owned the home, I had the master suite to myself. My clammy skin and frazzled nerves called for a bath. I needed to settle down if I had any hope of falling asleep that night.

  I threw a lavender bath bomb into the tub as it filled. As the water rose upward, I lit several vanilla candles in the room. I liked to go all-out with self-pampering whenever I had a few moments to relax. The stress of being a small business owner called for it.

  When I tossed my black panties with the rest of my dirty clothes, I noticed a big wet spot. In all the commotion and shock, I didn’t realize just how turned on I was be
ing held in Derek’s embrace at the firehouse.

  As I lowered myself into the warm soothing water, I laid my head back and sighed. My bathtub provided a quiet haven for alone time, where I could gather my thoughts. I fantasized about the significant day when I became a woman:

  My warm and swollen pussy dripped between my legs before Derek pulled my shorts and panties down. It ached with a desire to be filled, a hunger I’d never experienced.

  The sunlight cast a green tint on us through the tent roof. Everyone else was swimming at the lake. Nobody would catch us.

  My exposed skin trembled as we got naked and stared wide-eyed at each other. I’d never seen a full, hard cock in person. All I knew was I needed to take Derek inside me.

  The condom looked funny as he brought the tip to my wet opening, like he was bringing me something gift-wrapped. I held my breath as the initial, slow penetration gave a short stab of pain.

  By the time my body relaxed and enjoyed the pleasure of being filled up, Derek had finished. Although the physical ecstasy was fleeting, the emotional bond felt afterward lifted me to the heavens.

  “Let’s stay like this forever,” I said, my head on Derek’s chest.

  “I like that idea,” he said.

  My mind returned to my bath, and I realized I was two fingers deep into my pussy with my other hand squeezing a breast. My deft fingertips pressed into my g-spot while my sensitive nipple responded to the kneading from my trembling hand.

  I’d received a new friend in the mail a couple days before and couldn’t wait any longer to try it out. A waterproof vibrator sat where I hid it in the back of the bathroom vanity.

  Careful to not make noises my sister would hear, I slid my new toy down to my smooth mound. It sat between my lips and vibrated on my clit as my fingers returned to the heat within.

  Instead of thoughts of yesteryear, my fantasies drifted to the reunion with Derek. The way his broad shoulders enveloped me during our hug, his massive pecs, and his ass in that uniform—it was all so delicious to me. My stomach could almost feel the hard poking of his cock again.

  The new vibrator made quick work of me. Somehow, I kept the noise to a minimum as everything between my legs began to clamp and throb. I imagined Derek’s cock deep inside me as my pussy walls strangled my fingers, making it difficult to keep them inside. I pulsated for what seemed like minutes until I had to pull the vibrator off my sensitive clit.

  After my breathing returned to normal, I got out and toweled off. I stood in front of the mirror, admiring my curves.

  Could Derek love this body?

  I loved my body. But I knew some men didn’t like curves. My figure was a lot thinner the first time I was with Derek.

  The idea of being rejected by Derek scared me. I wanted the memories of our love to remain pure. If I wasn’t good enough for him fifteen years later, I didn’t want to find out.

  On the other hand, if I didn’t see him again, I’d always wonder “what if?” and could die alone. Perhaps fate brought him back into my life for a reason.

  Despite the relaxing bath and orgasm, I didn’t sleep well. Visions of Derek’s perfect body, handsome face, and overall manliness wouldn’t let my mind relax.

  I’m scared shitless.



  The following day, I showed up to the station early. I didn’t know Ali’s schedule and whether she might show up on her way to work rather than in the evening.

  On Tuesday mornings, our unit held ongoing training drills. They were necessary to keep our skills sharp and learn about new technologies and methods.

  That particular instance, we practiced aerial device operation and placement. Since the safety of our crew demanded strict attention, I made it through the morning without thoughts of Ali tormenting my brain.

  Lunch did not provide solace from the past. A giant stack of unfinished paperwork required me to eat in my office. The lines on the pages ran together as my mind replayed the end of church camp:

  The last morning featured a large sermon. I saved a seat next to me for Ali. When the preacher started, I looked around frantically, failing to find her face or those from her youth group.

  Not caring whether I got caught, I slipped out the back to search for her. My heart stopped when I found their cabins to be empty. Ali disappeared from my life.

  Our youth leader shushed me several times as I whispered in a panic to the guys around me. Nobody had seen her leave. I couldn’t find anyone who knew more than her first name and that their group traveled from Denver.

  The funk I endured the rest of the summer lasted well into fall of my freshman year at college. I had no desire for anyone else until the pain faded enough that I married my now ex-wife after graduation.

  I slammed my fist on my desk, then glanced up to be sure nobody heard it. Ali’s father deserved to be pounded into the ground. He stole her from me.

  Ali was my first, and my ex was the only woman I’d been with since. After the divorce, I kept busy and didn’t have the desire to date. A man such as myself could have his pick of women. I wanted Ali.

  The afternoon dragged on, with no emergency calls in our district. Sure, there were 911 reports but nothing that needed our assistance. Every time a firefighter or vendor walked through the front door, my nerves fired up, hoping it was Ali returning.

  I pulled Ali’s business card out of my wallet. Her cupcake shop closed at 6:00. The clock read 6:05. I planned to give her until 6:30, then I would go find her.

  Lieutenant Benjamin walked into my office. “Chief, I’m out of here for the day. Anything else you need?”

  “No, go enjoy your three days off.”

  “Thank you, sir. By the way, did your friend come back today?”

  I sighed. “No, not yet.”

  “She will. She can’t resist.” Lieutenant flashed a smile and left.

  She was right. Ali couldn’t resist me but I tend to be impatient when I know what I want.

  Not giving 6:30 a chance to roll around, I locked up my office and left in my truck. I knew the area well and found the cupcake shop ten minutes later.

  Before getting out of my truck, I checked my hair, face and clothes in the mirror. Satisfied I looked put-together, I strolled up to the front door and saw the “closed” sign in the window. With my nose pressed against the glass, I peered into the shop.

  A tall, younger girl pushed a broom across the floor. When she noticed me, she waved me off. “We’re closed,” I heard through the glass.

  I knocked on the door.

  “We’re closed,” she said with more sass in her tone.

  I flashed my fire chief badge against the pane and motioned her to the door. The girl rolled her eyes and hurried over. “I need to speak with Ali,” I mouthed through the glass.

  The girl held up a finger. “Hold on.”

  My spine tingled as I realized Ali would come to the door any second. I had worried I’d miss her in passing.

  Ali appeared seconds later, her eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. She fumbled with the lock and let me step inside. She looked delicious in her flowered dress and apron.

  “Derek, how did you find me?”

  “The box of cupcakes had your business card,” I said.

  “Oh. I only put those in boxes when we’re catering a large order. Habit, I guess.” A flush of red entered her cheeks and neck.

  “I’m glad I found you. I didn’t know if you’d show at the station.”

  “Well, I—” Ali rubbed the back of her neck and looked to the side.

  “You weren’t planning on it?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  The teenager in the corner had stopped sweeping and judging from the expression on her face, hungered for juicy gossip about her boss. Ali noticed at the same time. “Hey, Julie, you can take off now. I’ll finish the cleanup and pay you for the whole shift.”

  “Sweet,” Julie said. She discarded her dirty apron in a bin. After giving my imposing frame a full glance up and do
wn, she said, “bye Ali, have a good night.”

  “You too,” Ali said, watching her employee walk out to the street.

  “Back to the topic,” I said. “Did you plan on coming back to the station?”

  Ali played with her hands and didn’t make eye contact. “I hadn’t decided yet.”

  I grabbed her wrists and looked her in the eyes. “Ali, I’ve dreamed of you my entire adult life. I’m not letting you go now that you’ve reappeared.”

  Ali’s lips trembled. “I was afraid.”

  “Afraid of what?” I asked.

  “That you wouldn’t find me attractive after all these years.”

  “Ali, that’s insane. You’re gorgeous.”

  Ali looked down at her body. “But I’ve put on a lot of weight in fifteen years.”

  “Your curves are divine,” I said.

  “Look at you,” Ali said, eyeballing my chest. “You’re a god.”

  I rubbed my hands along the sides of her body, taking in every curve of her warm, divine figure. “You are just as sexy as I remember.”

  Ali seemed to relax a bit. “I didn’t want my memory of fifteen years ago tainted by rejection. It was so perfect.”

  I pulled her closer. “Ali, I’m not here to reject you. I’m here to claim you.”

  Ali formed a slight smile at the corner of her mouth and ran her hands up my chest. My cock began to swell between our pressed bodies. She then turned to the side and locked the front door.

  “Let’s not stand here in front of the glass door,” she said. “Not you, being the fire chief.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the store, away from the revealing light of the windows.



  Oh, shit. I can’t believe he’s here.

  I focused on breathing slow and deep as I led Derek away from the front of my store. My heart and lungs threatened to explode. The situation didn’t seem real.

  “Here, the corner booth?” Derek pointed to the dimmer side of the small dining area.

  “No, I’ll have people passing by, taking a peek inside until sunset.” I pushed open the doors to the kitchen. “We’ll have more privacy in here.”


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