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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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by Willow Hayes

  Copyright © 2020 by Willow Hayes

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Flicker and Flame

  Magic Bound Book One

  Willow Hayes





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Index of Magical Terms

  About the Author


  This book contains scenes and references of abuse that some readers may find triggering.


  Flicker and Flame is a reverse harem novel with some sexy as sin men and a badass heroine who doesn’t have to choose just one.


  Kenna is a human in a magic biased world, but a night at the club changes everything. There she meets four sexy strangers who unbind the magic she never knew she had.

  Now she needs their help to train her wild and unpredictable magic, and to find the truth of who she really is before someone she loves gets hurt.

  She is tormented by events in her past, and the secret she has guarded for so long threatens to destroy everything.


  Afraid by Mötley Crüe

  Bird Set Free by Sia

  Body Heat by Selena Gomez

  Brave by Sara Bareilles

  Courage by Pink

  Drive Me by Phillip Phillips

  Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams

  Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez

  Home by Lady Antebellum

  Helium by Sia

  I am the Fire by Halestorm

  I Choose You by Sara Bareilles

  Love Me Anyway by Pink

  My Attic by Pink

  Sum of our Parts by Mary Lambert

  This is What it Takes by Shawn Mendes

  Who I am With You by Chris Young

  The Wolf by The Spencer Lee Band

  We are all broken,

  That’s how the light gets in.

  -Ernest Hemingway

  For all the ones too afraid to tell their story.




  “We need to find another placement for this kid,” I plead with Myrtle, my goblin boss. There is something off about this house, and it isn’t sitting right with me, but I don’t have concrete evidence. It’s not that the family is bad, but there is something about their interactions with this kid that I can’t quite put my finger on. He is unhappy, very unhappy, and I need to make this placement change happen.

  “This house has had positive evaluations and zero complaints. What possible cause could you have for wanting to move him?” I open my mouth to respond, but my reason must have been written on my face because Myrtle jumps on it. “And don’t you tell me your gut is the reason. I can’t go around writing ‘Kenna’s gut feeling’ on the reports when I have to justify the move.” Setting her mint green pointed chin down on the palm of one hand she gestures tiredly towards me to continue. She’s heard all of my excuses before considering I am a constant thorn in her side when advocating for the kids on my caseload.

  “Myrtle, my gut has never been wrong, and you know it.” I point a finger in her direction in emphasis. “I don’t have the evidence, but we need to move him. I know there have been no issues with this house, but something is off, and my kid is shutting down. He’s never shut down like this after a move. I’ve already made a spot for him in my class, but that only goes so far.” I had shifted things around to make room for him in my defense and fighting basics class for kids in the system, which is always full. I would take them all if I could, but I am limited by space and time. “If we don’t do something we are going to lose him. He has runaway written all over him.” I know the signs because I lived the signs. While Myrtle might rail against my unconventional methods she knows I know my shit because once a foster kid, always a foster kid. “I am begging you to trust me on this. He needs this. You can even tell me to shove it the next time I come in with a request like this.”

  I never beg, and the fact that I just spoke those words has her leaning back in her seat. The rings lining her tall pointed green ears glint in the light as she bobs her head in thought. Her shrewd large, wide-set, hunter green eyes assess me. “I’m sorry Kenna, but my hands are tied.” Leaning forward as if to tell me a secret she says, “You are the best we have, but next time get me the damn proof. Now get out of my office.” Her long fingers flick towards the door dismissing me, her mouth turning down in contemplation.

  I open my mouth to plead my case again, but her eyes turn hard. With a shake of my head I walk out of her office feeling the defeat like a blow. I fight like crazy for my kids, but there are truly shitty days, like today, when I find my hands tied and not a thing I can do about it. My stomach tightens in knots as I think about the conversation I will have to have. Moving towards my desk with my hands in the pockets of my black form fitting trousers I decide that more coffee is in order if I am to get through this heart wrenching day and change direction to head to the staff room.

  When I walk in I see that Noella is on the same coffee stained page as I am. Noella is one of the few fellow humans working in the office. As humans, we have to fight for our right to do the work that matters then we have to keep proving we belong. I don’t care though. This work is everything I have ever wanted to do, and I’ll keep fighting. Myrtle isn’t so bad though, especially after she figured out that I am damn good at my job, but the attitude remains in some of the others.

  At my entrance, Noella glances to the door and says, “Two cup day for you too?” The turn of her head sets the purple streaks in her hair shinning under the light. Her style is always just shy of being too crazy for work, but I love it. Her purple streaks match the purple leggings she wears under her black pleated skirt. Her button up blouse looks the part until you get a good look at the buttons which are adorned with a skull and cross bones. Her look is completed by her signature high lace up black boots.

  “Yeah I’m draggin’ as
s today.” Noella is essentially the only staff member that I actually like. She’s interesting to talk to and is a total badass.

  “Did you hear about the latest royal decree?” her jade green eyes wide and disbelieving in her pale face as she asks the question.

  “No, I was at the gym until late last night. What did the queen bitch do now?” I roll my eyes taking a sip of my perfectly doctored coffee and hum in appreciation. Noella and I shit talk Queen Isadora all the time. It’s actually why we started talking more than just in passing. I overheard her make a snarky comment that was totally something I would say, and we bonded over our mutual hatred for the Queen.

  “To aid in the understanding of the current crisis, and in the interest of the safety for the general population there will be mandatory testing done on the different magical races,” she imitates the reporter’s voice and shakes her head with incredulity. “There will be a lottery to select the citizens that will be brought to a Royal Medical Center where they will perform their civic duty to help find a cure and vaccine for the disease.”

  I snort and shake my head. “Lottery my ass. I bet I can predict which races are gonna be in that ‘random’ selection.” The queen bitch puts on a good act and always says the right things about the different shifter communities and the horrible losses they have suffered, but my gut calls bullshit.

  “This is going too far. It’s only going to cause more hurt and division.” Noella’s fierce eyes are filled with passion and anger. Noella might be human, but she is dating a shifter, so this is personal. The shifters aren’t just dying. This disease makes them go crazy, and their communities are then faced with containing them or putting them down. It’s a truly horrible disease, and the situation is only made worse by the increase in crimes committed against shifters.

  “No kidding!” I exclaim. “Here’s to hoping the Queen chokes on a chicken bone, so we can maybe start to see some actual change,” I say, my voice heavy with snark. “I gotta finish up paperwork and head out to meet with a client. Enjoy your caffeine kick.” I walk out with a wave and head to my desk. My head spins with news of the Queen’s latest stunt and the feeling of being powerless to change my kid’s circumstances. I text my best friend Rya about what I learned.

  Me: Myrtle refused to move him!

  Rya: Damn! I know how important this was to you, but I have every faith you’ll find a way to help him.

  Me: Maybe. Did you hear what queen bitch did?

  Rya: Just now. It’s crazy, but maybe they will actually be able to stop this madness.

  Me: I doubt it, but who knows? I just don’t think this is the way to get it done, but I’m not the ruler of a country, so what the fuck do I know?

  Rya: Get your ass back to work and go change some lives.

  Me: Alright Sunshine, get back to nature and all that shit. I’ll see you later tonight.

  Rya: Have fun kicking ass tonight.

  “Keep your hands up, Liam. You’ll take a fist to the face if you leave it open like that,” I gently correct. “Remember you can’t keep your opponent from doing damage if you aren’t guarding.”

  I pad barefoot across the familiar blue mats as I monitor my students. As I walk around I take in the eyes that were haunted and hardened begin to spark with hope. Hope that maybe things can be different. This is one of the few places where these kids can learn how to defend themselves no matter their magical lineage. I stride over to correct a mistake Katherine is making with her footing. Katherine is one of my favorites. She’s a kid from my caseload I managed to squeeze into the class. Placed in a good home she has slowly warmed up to me and some of the other students.

  “Watch which leg you are putting your weight on, Katherine. If you’re not careful someone can do this.” I sweep my foot across her front leg and send her tumbling to the mats. Her beautiful tawny skin flushes slightly in embarrassment, but her emerald green willow tree hair flutters as she bounces back up and adjusts her footing. “Much better. Try it again with your partner.”

  At the end of class Katherine approaches me hesitantly, “Ms. Kenna, can I ask you a question?” Her bright eyes a bit anxious.

  “Of course, what’s up?” I stop cleaning the equipment and turn to face her.

  “I have an opportunity to participate in an internship with Ken’s work over summer break.” Ken is her current foster dad and is one of the best. “In order to do the program I have to have two recommendation letters. I was hoping you’d be willing to write one for me?” Eyes shining with hope and affection she reminds me of Rya when she gives me the same pleading look.

  “Absolutely Katherine, I’d love to. Can I get it to you next week?”

  “Thank you so much!” She throws her arms around me and grips tightly. My heart squeezes at her hug. This girl has grown so much in the year that she has been on my caseload and in this class. “Next week is totally fine, Ms. Kenna.” Her foster dad walks in the door, and she bounces away. I wave at Ken and wish them a goodnight. The rest of the students file out sweaty and smiling. I smile back and wish them a goodnight with a promise to see them next week.

  I love my job, but nothing feeds my soul like working with these kids. Reg, the owner here at the gym, finally agreed to offer a class for defense and basic fighting skills for the kids after I spent weeks pestering him. If I had been able to be a part of something like this when I was in the system who knows how different my life would have turned out. After telling me yes the sneaky bastard promptly informs me that I’d be the instructor, but I am so thankful it went down that way because I love it.

  Once the last of the students are gone I head over to the main part of the gym that features a boxing ring dead center surrounded by the typical gym equipment including a wall of boxing practice bags. The smell of sweat mixed with lemon-scented cleaner makes me feel at home. I gather my temperamental curls and pull them into a messy bun before I stretch and warm up on the bags. After I aged out of the system this gym became my first real home as I worked my ass off, sometimes spending more time here than in my dorm room. I got to know all the fighters, the mostly human fighters since humans tend to keep to themselves in this magic biased world, and got to know them even better once I stepped foot in the ring. I hear a chorus of greetings, respond with a head nod and keep working.

  I might have a small obsession, okay Rya might say it’s more than a small obsession, with work out gear. The leggings and sports bra I’m wearing are new, so as I stretch and warm up I am also admiring the hot pink lines that swirl down the leg in a pattern that reminds me of fire. The sports bra is the same hot pink, and I have to say I am quite pleased with my purchase. Once warmed up, I let Ethan know that I’m ready to spar. Ethan is a human like me, is at least six inches taller than my 5’8” frame, has a lean build, a perpetually cocky smirk on his face, and a shit talking mouth that rivals my own. He grins in greeting and promptly starts running his mouth. I hop up onto the platform and duck between the ropes. I tighten the straps on my gloves as I watch my sparring partner enter the ring. I have sparred with Ethan many times before, and he’s difficult to beat, making him the best type of partner.

  “Ready to have your face wipe the mats, Kenna?” he taunts with his signature smirk. He won our last two matches, so he’s feeling pretty cocky.

  “Naw, the only thing that is gonna hit the mats is your ass,” I snark right back. “Quit yammering, and let’s get this shit going.” I work to dance around his taller frame. He throws a punch, which I dodge. I use his momentum by grabbing his arm then send my knee into his stomach. I dance back before he can grab me.

  “Is that how we’re gonna play it? Huh, Kenna?” He grins and goes on the offensive once more. He lands a punch, but I weave away from the follow up kick. It’s a series of attacks and near misses for both of us.

  I see an opportunity, and I distract Ethan with my snark, “Are you sure you were ready for this fight Ethan, because it sure doesn’t look that way to me.” I dance around him waiting for his response and a
ccompanying attack.

  “You better get your eyes checked cause I’m kicking your ass here, Kenna.” While talking his footwork relaxes slightly. I use his inattentiveness to my advantage, and swing my leg out to land a kick to the back of his knees. He drops to the mat. I quickly reach out and grab his arm, yank it backwards, and hold it until he taps the mat with his concession.

  “What was that about my eyes, Ethan? Cause from here they work perfectly fine. I told you your ass would hit the mats.” Grinning I leave the ring.

  Once on the ground Reg walks over. Reg is the closest thing I have ever had to a father. He is a former fighter somewhere in his 60’s, although I’ve never asked, and his build has softened with time. His hair is as white as snow, his blue eyes always twinkle with mirth and kindness, and his face is lined with wrinkles that do nothing to mask the fact that he was obviously a heart breaker back in his day. I walked into his gym a scared girl who needed to take control of her life, and he must have seen something worth saving because he took me under his wing to help me become the fighter I am today. Following me to my bag in his loose black athletic pants and grey t-shirt he asks for the umpteenth time, “Killer, when are you gonna to let me put you in the ring?”


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