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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

Page 14

by Willow Hayes

  She chuckles at the oddball question but says, “Green, what’s yours?”

  Green makes sense for her, and I can picture her wearing an emerald green dress that would hug her curves and make her sapphire eyes pop. “Blue.” Now I’m seeing her in blue, and I almost groan again. What is it with this woman? “What is your favorite animal?”

  “Akito. He is the only animal I’ve ever had, and I didn’t spent a lot of time dreaming about things like animals as a kid, you know? Akito is the mischief king and makes me laugh all the time.” She laughs and is lost in her memories for a moment before she turns to me and asks me my favorite.

  “I still can’t believe you have a kitsune! They are so picky about who they let be their companion, and I gotta admit I am kinda jealous!” I laugh and shake my head. “If I had a spirit animal it would have to be a kitsune. I am too much of a mischief maker myself to make any other choice. Teo is the only other one who comes close to keeping up with my antics.” I’m grinning now thinking of all the ways he and I have gotten into trouble.

  As if reading my thoughts she says, “Tell me about a time you and Teo got into trouble.” She grins wide at me, daring me to share.

  “Ha! There are many many many to choose from.” She laughs at my description, and her blue eyes sparkle with humor. I sift through the memories and decide on one. “So Callum has a very specific way he preps for an assignment.” She gasps, and her eyes grow wide, suspecting the direction of the story. “Well Teo and I snagged his bow and quiver from the weapons wall.” I laugh when she starts to shake her head at the story, as if she can’t believe we would pull a prank on him. Her responses are making the story that much more fun to tell. “He took the bow and I took the quiver, and we sent him on a scavenger hunt through the property. We got some of the guys in the office to help by hiding an arrow.” I’m grinning at the memory, and Kenna’s eyes grow wider. “See, Callum always gets prepped massively early, so when he went to grab his weapons he found balloons tied to the rests instead.” I’m having a hard time keeping my laughter in check because of her adorable expressions.

  “Teo and I sat back and watched him hunt down each item. He said nothing while gathering his things and still nothing during the assignment, so we thought we had bested him, but later after we finished our assignment,” Kenna throws a hand up to cover her mouth in anticipation of my next words, “when Teo and I were not expecting anything, Callum shoots an arrow at each of us, and the next thing we know Teo and I are howling in pain because he’s shot an arrow into each of our asses. He doesn’t say a word he just walks back to the weapons room.” I can still see the smug look on the bastards face as he walked away. She is howling in laughter, and I’m taken by how beautiful she looks when joy graces her face.

  “I can’t believe you pranked Callum!” She wipes at the tears in her eyes from laughing so much.

  “Honestly he makes it too much fun to not prank him.” I shrug with a grin. “What is your favorite thing about photography?” Nakoa told me about how stunning her work is, and I’m curious about what got her started.

  She begins to fidget as she thinks about her answer. When she does speak her voice is a bit hesitant, as if trying to decide what she wants to say, “I bought my first camera during my first year at university. Growing up the way I did, you don’t often see the beauty in the world and taking pictures was a way to focus on the beautiful things.” I can tell there’s more to the story, but I won’t push her to share. She shakes off the bit of sadness in her eyes and says, “Now I gotta think of one.” She taps her chin with her finger and hums while thinking. This woman is just too fucking adorable! We are royally screwed, pun intended. I chuckle to myself while I wait for her to think of her question. “What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?”

  “You’ll think I’m a nerd,” I pause, and she smiles her encouragement. “I’m a gamer, a computer nerd, and a huge movie buff.” I wait for her to laugh or change the subject like a lot of women do, but she shocks me and does neither.

  “I can’t say I’m a nerd the same way you are, but I am a huge reader. I get lost in books all the time. When life goes to shit I’m either at the gym, behind my camera, or lost in a book. I think it’s great you have things you’re passionate about.” She shrugs and gives me a big smile.

  This woman is killing me. I smile and shake my head. “You’re pretty awesome. You know that right?”

  She laughs and bumps me with her shoulder. “Whatever.”

  It’s my turn for a question, and I ask her how she met Rya.

  “Well I’m not exactly the warm and fuzzy type, well actually I tend to have a big ‘fuck you’ stamped on my forehead all the time. We were in our sophomore year at university when she walks in looking like grace personified, and I’m over here stumbling over my feet and telling people to fuck off every other minute. She finds her way to a seat right next to me and introduces herself. I tell her my name then shrug her off. From that moment Rya decided we were going to be friends and pretty much stalked me until I eventually caved. We moved in together later that year, and we’ve been together ever since.” As she tells her story her whole demeanor softens, and her eyes speak of the friendship that is so important to her. Her hands start fiddling with the hem of her shorts, and my eyes are drawn to her miles of long lean leg that I can absolutely picture wrapped around my waist. “Anyways, how did you end up with the company?”

  My eyes fly up, looking for something to look at that isn’t her sexy, distracting legs. Her personal story makes me want to open up to her, even if only a little bit. “Well I’m a dhampir, and the prejudice towards underworlders is so widespread it’s difficult to deal with. After my mother died I lost my way. I was hacking for money, not caring what the job was, and I was so bitter and angry. Koa and I, ah we’ll say ‘crossed paths’ when he was on a job. He could have turned me in to the authorities, instead he offered me a position. I owe him everything and even though Callum can be an ass, the guy has taught me so much of what I know. And well you know, Teo’s my competition.” I wink, trying to lighten the mood after sharing my depressing story. I can’t believe this beautiful woman didn’t cringe or react in any way when I told her I was a dhampir. I have spent my whole life living as someone who is seen as less than, simply because of my demon blood, for being a descendent of Thanatos, the god of death. I have come to expect a certain response from everyone, and I play if off as though it doesn’t bother me, but it does. Then she doesn’t blink twice after she hears. I am speechless.

  “I can see how much they mean to you. They are your Rya.”

  I love that she gets how I feel about the guys because that is exactly what they are for me. They are family. “I love the work I do, and I’m good at it. There is something to having work that serves a higher purpose.” This whole time I’ve been rocking the swing at a steady rhythm, and Kenna has slowly faded. During my story she leaned over onto my shoulder. I move my arm up and invite her to cuddle under it, hoping she’ll take up the invitation. She scooches over and lays her head down, and I breathe in the light scent of neroli on a summer wind that is so uniquely Kenna. We talk a little while longer about nonsensical things until she finally falls asleep.

  I keep swinging us while she falls deeper into sleep. Once I know she won’t wake if I move her I carefully reach over and pick her up. She feels so right in my arms, and it’s hard to ignore this pull she has on me, on all of us. It’s a constant battle between what I know is right and the desire I have for her. I hold her a bit closer as I carefully make my way to her room, lay her down, and cover her with the blanket. My eyes trace her face as she sleeps, desperately wishing she could be mine.



  I walk into what could only be described as a library, although Luka just calls it his office. The walls are lined with floor to ceiling bookshelves which look as though they may collapse any moment under the weight of all his books. A large desk sits under the solitary
window which is dominated by two large computer monitors and a laptop. Across from the desk are two large royal blue armchairs that wrap around you like a warm hug. This may have just become my favorite room in the house, and I can’t wait to explore all these books. The books vary from ancient leather-bound volumes to a hardcover of a book that came out earlier this year.

  After one last look around the room I claim one of the chairs and sit with my legs curled under me. Luka sits down in the other and hands me a small stack of books he thinks would be a good place for us to start our research after having identified my magic. I leaf through the top book about the different affinities and the various skills they can present with. The Fire affinity section deeply engrosses me, and I dream about which of these skills I’ll be able to master. The book lists amazing things like creating fire balls, walls of fire, using fire as a shield, bending and manipulating fire, and so many others. I am so absorbed in the book that I don’t look up until Luka touches my arm, though after looking at him I get the impression he has tried to get my attention a few times already. I give him a bashful smile and say, “Sorry, it’s all so interesting. What did you need?”

  He smiles broadly obviously enjoying my love for the topic. “Don’t worry about it, Princess. I was only asking if you found anything you wanted to talk about or had any questions about?”

  When he smiles like that it makes me lose my train of thought. From here I can see the different shades of gray in his eyes, and his smile lights up his whole face. I have to blink a few times to remember what I was going to say, and Luka grins wider, obviously having caught me staring, “I was reading through the Fire affinity section and looking at the different skills. I was daydreaming about which ones I might develop, and wondering how that all happens.”

  “That’s a great question. Callum will be able to go into greater detail, and I can let him know you asked, but I think some if it comes down to the skills and magic your parents had and plain ole trial and error. Certain skills build upon, or are connected to, others, so if you develop one you’re likely to develop the others with additional practice. For instance, using fire to form a wall is an offensive magic but is largely connected to creating shields with fire which is defensive magic. One may come before the other, but the goal would be to use what you can do and build upon it. Does that make sense?”

  “It does. I wish we knew how to unbind my magic, so we could really figure out what I can do,” I say, my voice rife with frustration.

  “I have been trying to look into the binding process, but the magic required to bind another caster’s power is rare and difficult to perform, so there is little information out there. I’ll keep digging of course, but I haven’t found anything yet,” Luka reaches out and grabs my hand in promise.

  “I know. I’m sure we’ll find something.” I wave off the worry and dive into my next question, “The book says that most people have only one affinity, but I have two. Why? What does that mean for me?”

  “Yeah, most magical beings have only one. Rya, as a dryad has Earth magic, Koa has Aether magic, and Callum has Air magic. Rya and Koa possess a single type of magic. Callum has two, but only one affinity. It’s why he has two colors, Healing and Air. Healing is connected to air because healing is carried through Air’s power, but is still its own branch of magic. Callum is powerful because although he has one affinity he has two types of magic. You, because you descend from two powerful goddesses and inherited magic from both, will be exceptionally powerful once your magic is fully unbound.

  “The beautiful thing about casters who have two affinities is that it gives them the freedom to weave new spells and skills together. Take your Earth and Fire affinities for instance, you may be able to use Fire and Earth together to create a wall of lava, or a wall that is made of Earth and Fire intertwined, lending it additional strength and making it more difficult for other magic to penetrate. Those are just two possibilities, and I’m sure there are at least a dozen other ways your magics will be able to work together.”

  My head is spinning with possibilities now, and I can’t wait to get to my next practice session with Callum. Eager to learn more, I look through the books in my pile until one causes me to stop and snort when I come across it. The book could only be described as erotica, and the title is incredibly cheesy. The cover sports a woman with long dark hair and a bodice that shoves her tits to her chin, and her love interest is bare chested and apparently sweaty from all their hot sex. “Light My Fire? Really Luka?” I am full on laughing at the picture.

  “Well you know, you have Fire magic, so maybe you could learn a thing or two from the book?” His grin stretches across his face with trouble in his eyes.

  I laugh harder at his expression until I can’t breathe. I take the book and throw it at him and wipe away the tears spilling down my face. “Maybe you should read it for tips on how to light a fire. I’m sure it’ll help you with your pick-up lines, Romeo.” I hear his hysterical laughter following me out into the hallway.



  “Weapons are specific to each person’s fighting style and personal choice. Weapons and magic bind to one another, each supporting the other. So I guess I should say your magic will help you choose your weapon.” He walks us over to a massive wall of weapons, and all I can think is that they must be preparing for a zombie apocalypse because seriously, who needs all these weapons?

  “Callum uses both his bow and throwing knives as his main weapons. His affinity with Air complements his choices. He also carries a sword should he come into close quarters with the enemy.”

  We walk to where Callum’s bow and throwing knives are stored, and I gasp. They stand out from the rest of the weapons and look to be made of the air itself. The bow and quiver are black with swirling designs so similar to his own markings that they must have been made for him. They are absolutely stunning. “May I touch them?” I ask, pointing to his weapons. I don’t know what the protocol is, especially since magic is involved.

  “You may, but don’t pick them up. He is a bit protective of them. They are Fae made and earned through battle. They are quite precious.”

  I gently run my finger along the swirling patterns on the bow and knives, and I feel the magic inside the bow call to mine as if to say I recognize you. I gasp at the feeling and pull my hand back to look at Nakoa. “The magic recognized me,” I say, my voice filled with awe.

  He seems puzzled by this and says, “Normally another person cannot feel the magic within another’s weapon because they are not bonded to it. Maybe your bond to Callum allows you to feel the magic? We’ll have to look into it.”

  He moves to the section of swords and continues to explain the weapons of each of my Chosen, “Luka fights with two short swords, but he also carries a knife and a satchel of bottled offensive spells to counter the magic of his enemies. His speed is unmatched, so his choice of weapons complements that.

  “Wait, spells can be bottled?” I feel like this is something I should have known.

  “Only mages can bottle spells. They are the other type of casters, sentinels being the first, that can connect directly to the Aether and there are very few of them. Because of their affinity with the Aether they are able to capture the essence of a spell in a jar that has been spelled to hold magic. It is very expensive, so it is not common knowledge.” That would explain not knowing. I’m not exactly rolling in the cash at my civil servant job.

  “That’s incredible. Is it only offensive magic that can be bottled?”

  “No, many different types of spells can be. The wealthy will pay a stupid sum of money for magical remedies for beauty issues,” his voice drips with disdain, making me laugh.

  “People will seriously pay for the weirdest shit.” I shake my head at the lengths people will go to in order to achieve perfection. “What about your and Teo’s weapons?”

  “Right. Teo is most powerful in his wolf form, but he may find staying in human form may be required, especiall
y when on an assignment. With Teo’s large build he favors a large sword since he has the strength and frame to wield one well.” He points out a huge sword. Sword is probably not even an accurate word to describe the chunk of metal resting on wall. My eyes widen in amazement. “It’s called a claymore.”

  “That is insane.” I gesture to the beautiful but insanely huge sword. “I don’t even know if could lift that, let alone swing it.”

  He laughs at my response, “Probably not. His frame and strength are the only reason he can wield it.”

  He pauses before turning to face me. “My weapons are not displayed on the wall because I can pull them straight from the Aether,” he says stretching his arms above his head. I internally roll my eyes at his obvious humble brag. Though after having the Aether explained to me during our trip to see Akira the knowledge that Nakoa can access the Aether directly is mind-boggling. He continues to explain his weapon choices, “I can think of the weapon I need, and it appears in my hand. I tend to lean toward a sword, but depending on the circumstance I may call a different weapon to my aid. I’ll show you.” I grin at the prospect of seeing Nakoa cast. I feel the tingle of magic in the air, and I watch in amazement as silver magic winds up his arm and then begins to quickly weave together a beautiful sword in his hand. It is the same size as Teo’s, if not a little bigger.

  “By the gods that’s cool!”

  “This is the sword I most often fight with. I don’t store it because I always want to have it at the ready.” He holds the sword like one holds a lover, and the thought makes me smile broadly. I feel the tingle of magic once more, and the sword vanishes.


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