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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

Page 17

by Willow Hayes

  I want to protest and tell her I’ll come back, but I know I can’t, so instead I say, “I miss you too, Sunshine. I can tell you it would be nice if I had a bit more alone time. It has been weeks, and I feel like I’m running into one of them every time I turn around.” I shake my head and lean in conspiratorially to whisper, “I would totally be fine with alone time being interrupted for certain, uh, activities though.” I waggle my eyebrows at her and lean back as she giggles. I hear the guys laugh. Damn! I guess I wasn’t quiet enough. Freaking supernatural hearing.

  “How is training going?”

  “It’s going okay I think. I feel like I’m getting some of the basics down, but it’s tough trying to learn something from scratch that most start working on when they’re kids.” I shrug. “Callum is a taskmaster, but I’m learning a lot which is nice. I have more homework than when we were in university except it feels more like university and boot camp had a high maintenance baby.” Rya snort-laughs at my description.

  “So when you say it’s going ‘okay,’ is this normal people’s standard or Kenna’s standard? Because the two are very different, you know, since you are such a perfectionist.” She grins at me, and I smack her hand in mock indignation. She pulls it back and laughs. “You know I’m right.”

  “Whatever, jerk.” I smile at her and laugh despite myself because she’s not wrong. “So tell me about this date of yours tomorrow.”

  She grins cheekily at me and opens her mouth to respond when there’s a commotion behind me. We both turn to look, but suddenly two guys dressed in all black are standing at our booth blocking the view. One grabs my arm, but I rip it out of his grasp. “Excuse you, asshole! You have to ask a lady before you touch her!” When my eyes drift up to his face I gasp in recognition. “Archibald? What the Hades are you doing here?”

  Archibald says nothing, but the second guy grabs Rya’s arm then looks to me and says, “If you want your friend to live you’ll come with us, Princess.” He sneers angrily at me, but it’s his words that are like a sucker punch, and I rear back as though he’d slapped me.

  I’m utterly confused as to why the regional manager of the company would be at my table using threats and calling me by the title no one should even know about. I discreetly try to look around for my men because they should have been here by now, but both these guys are so big they block my view.

  “I think you’ve made a mistake because I sure as fuck am no princess,” I play it off trying to buy some time until the guys show up. “What is this all about, Archibald?” Eyes full of hatred, Archibald doesn’t respond, but guy number two places a syringe full of a milky white fluid against Rya’s neck, thumb ready on the plunger. Out of fear of what that fluid might be I cave. “Alright, I’ll come, but she stays here!” The men don’t move, so I add, “If you want me to come willingly she stays here.” I repeat my terms. He firmly shakes his head, so I’m forced to stand and let them walk us out.

  As we near the exit I see the guys in their booth, but they aren’t moving to help. They would never sit and watch something like this happen, would they? Why aren’t they moving? Something must be seriously wrong, and if they can’t help I’m on my own. Archibald must have sensed my hesitation because his grip tightens painfully, and he leans close as if to tell me a secret, taking no care in keeping his voice from carrying to the guys he says, “Your Chosen won’t be able help you, Princess. Funny what a little help from a Sea Angel will do.” He laughs darkly at his own words, but I don’t understand, and I’m scared of what that means for my guys.

  The two men shove us out of the building and down an alleyway behind the restaurant. Archibald’s fingers are wrapped around my arm so tight I can feel the bruises forming, and the second guy still has the damn syringe pressed against Rya’s neck. Rya’s eyes are wild and breathing erratic as she silently pleads for me to find a way out of this mess. “So out of curiosity, because you’re still wrong, what makes you think I’m a princess?”

  In response, Archibald squeezes my arm so hard I’m afraid it’s going to break. I start to think he isn’t going answer my question, but his gravelly voice echoes quietly on the brick walls when he finally says, “Someone higher up told us who to look for, and we got lucky when you met up with your friend here. We’ve been watching her for weeks waiting for you to show up.” His admission terrifies me more than the ongoing kidnapping. They’ve been watching Rya! We thought she was safe because the letter was addressed to me, but she really never was.

  “So some guy told you I was a princess and sent you to fetch me?” I scoff. “Joke’s on you buddy because I’m no princess.” I try desperately to come up with a plan, but I can’t do anything without endangering Rya. I try to call on my magic to see if I can maybe send a ball of fire at the one holding her, but I feel no response and am left feeling utterly helpless.

  “I don’t give a fuck what or who you are.” I gasp when he reaches with his other hand and rips my blouse down the center, revealing my Chosen mark. My heart pounds harder, and my breathing grows erratic. “Seems to me you’ve been telling lies though, Princess.” He sneers then says, “My job is to deliver you. I can do that with your friend alive or dead. It doesn’t matter to me. It’s up to you, but you need to shut the fuck up either way.” By the gods, what do I do? Where the fuck are the guys? Why weren’t they moving? What happened to them? My thoughts start to spin, and I feel my panic rising. We exit the alleyway to a black SUV parked on the street right in front, and I know if we get in that car we won’t be getting out alive.

  “Please, let my friend stay here. I came with you. I didn’t fight you! She doesn’t have anything to do with this.” Archibald backhands me across the face hard enough I feel a crunch, and I know he’s broken something. I try to ignore the pain for now and think, which is increasingly difficult the closer we get to the car. Maybe they will move the syringe off Rya’s neck while they push her in the car, and I can try to take them down then. Although based on Archibald’s grip and the force of his hit I’d say he’s a supernatural, vastly decreasing my chances of getting us out of this safely. Rya has tears silently streaming down her face and as I look at her all I can think is how she is one more person I love who is going to die because of me.

  I start shaking in earnest as the door to the SUV is opened. Archibald places his hand on my head, preparing to shove me in when his hand suddenly disappears. I spin around to find that Rya has been released as well, and thank the gods, the guys are taking down our kidnappers in the alleyway. The fight is brutal, and I glimpse Teo shifted into his huge gray wolf for the first time, but I can’t stop to enjoy the sight. I rush towards Rya and crush her to me and just keep repeating, “I’m so sorry,” over and over while she clings to me sobbing. Rya is safe, but not because of me. She was only in danger because of me.

  Nakoa and Luka come over to check on us once the kidnappers have been subdued. Nakoa’s rage flares red hot when he takes in my injuries and torn shirt. He says nothing, just grabs me and hugs me tight, as though to convince himself that I’m okay. Rya is fine, though she is clinging to Luka as she continues to shake from her sobs. As I start to come down from the fear and adrenaline the anger and pain kick in. I step out of Nakoa’s embrace and with a shaky voice demand answers, “What the fuck? Where were you guys?”

  “Somehow they slipped the Sea Angel venom into our water pitcher.” At my confused expression he continues, “Sea Angel venom causes complete, but temporary, paralysis. Which is why you saw us sitting frozen at the booth. The paralysis would have worn off on its own after a few hours, and I’m sure they were banking on having that time to get away, but Callum’s Healing magic counteracted the venom in his system much faster. When he was finally able to move he healed us as well. We watched you walk out in the clutches of those assholes unable to do a damn thing to stop it, and I am so sorry.” He places his hands on either side of my neck, running his thumbs along my jaw, but his apology and gentle touches only stoke my anger and fear.

p; I start to cry huge ugly sobs, and I pound on Nakoa’s chest over and over. “I couldn’t save her. I tried to save her, but they wouldn’t let me. My magic, it wouldn’t work, and they were supes, and I couldn’t do anything. Nakoa, I was so scared.” He grabs my wrists, pulling me in tight and holds me while I sob. He strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head, offering what comfort he can while I fall to pieces.

  After Rya and I are able to breathe at a closer to normal rate Nakoa asks us to tell him everything that happened. I start at the beginning and tell him as much as I can. “I knew one of the guys who grabbed me. He said his name was Archibald Downing. He came into my office the week after I met you guys. He said he was sent by the regional office to do a review, but he spent the entire time playing god and destroying lives.”

  “I know, Firefly. I recognized him.” He reaches out and tucks a curl behind my ear, brushing my cheek as he does, as if he can’t help himself.

  After we finish telling him what we can remember Nakoa turns to Rya and asks, “Is there any way you can make yourself scarce for a bit while we get this figured out? As far as you can get from here I think would be best. It’s not safe for you here right now. They know who you are and what you mean to Kenna, and they will only continue to use you against her.”

  “I was already thinking along the same lines, so I’m sure I can figure something out. Hopefully things will blow over before too long,” she readily agrees. Her voice is shaky, but she seems to be finding her calm again.

  “I’m going to send Luka with you to make sure your apartment is clear and ensure you make it on the road safely. Once you know where you’re headed I will send a couple of my guys to check on you regularly.” She gladly accepts and gives me a fierce hug, telling me she loves me. I tell her goodbye which sends a fresh batch of tears running down my face.

  “Can we please make sure Reg is okay? If they knew about Rya they’ll certainly know he’s my family too.” My voice breaks because I can’t stand the thought of him being hurt because of me.

  “We’ll make it happen. Don’t worry, Firefly. We’ll make sure we get our guys on it. He will be safe.” Nakoa’s voice is firm, and he speaks with surety that I cling to the promise in his voice. I nod and ask what will happen to the men. “They will be taken to one of our secure locations, interrogated, and their minds wiped.” I shudder at the concept of interrogating the two men because I know for sure I don’t have the stomach for that, but I don’t question the need for it.

  Callum takes me from Nakoa’s embrace and tells me he is going to heal my injuries. I nod and study his beautiful face as he places a hand lightly over my cheekbone. His face is filled with more emotion than I have ever seen. Some are easy to read like anger and relief, but others are harder to decipher. My cheek warms under the touch of his magic, and I can feel the bone knitting back together. It’s a surreal sensation. He repeats the process with the bruises on my arm, and when he’s done he wraps me tightly in a hug. Given that this is reserved and stoic Callum the hug sends me into tears again as I curl my fists into his shirt and hang on.


  The guys and I find a booth near Kenna and ask for a water pitcher and a few glasses. None of us will eat while she is here, while we are protecting her. The server soon returns with a pitcher and four glasses. I sip my water and watch the room while I listen in on the girls. I chuckle when Kenna says she wishes for her alone time to be interrupted and studiously ignore the heated thoughts that come with her statement.

  When I catch sight of the duplicitous asshole Archibald from her work I am instantly on edge. I focus so intently on watching him that I miss the faint tingling sensation working its way through my body. When he walks up to her booth I decide that it is time we get involved, but in that moment I find I cannot move my legs, and the unexpected paralysis is spreading rapidly.

  My eyes widen in shock. What is happening? How did this happen? I watch frozen as Archibald grabs Kenna’s arm and escorts the girls to the door. As they walk by our booth Kenna spots us, and I see fear and confusion cloud her eyes when we make no move to help them. When Archibald gloats that we will not be helping her due to the Sea Angel venom the scent of her fear becomes suffocating. Internally I rail against this feeling of powerlessness that is much too like when my family was murdered. Watching Kenna walk out the door stirs the savage rage within, and this time I do not hold it back. I will need the rage to protect our woman.

  The knowledge that the paralysis is being caused by Sea Angel venom means I now know how to focus my magic. I reach down and call my Healing magic to me and push it towards the damage already caused by the venom. Even still, the wait is excruciating, and all I can think of are the terrible things that could happen to the girls in the time it takes my magic to finish.

  Kenna was brave and fought the assholes with her attitude until they gave her no choice. She is a protector at heart and belongs with our rag-tag group. As my magic begins to push back the effects I find I can move my head. I turn to the guys, anger coursing through me, and say, “Fuck! We are not losing her!” My passionate words revealing the rage beneath the façade.

  Once we are each free of the effects Koa takes command. “Teo, shift to track her faster. When we find them, we end this,” his voice cold as he relays his orders. Koa is a great leader, but what makes him the best is that he one of the most skilled assassins in the country. When he goes stone cold the assassin is in charge, and right now, he is the one we all want.

  After walking out the door, Teo ducks down an alley and quickly shifts into his large gray wolf. We follow close behind, wasting no time on words. We catch sight of the girls and the dead men walking at the end of the alley. I watch as Archibald prepares to shove Kenna into the SUV while the other assailant has Rya’s arm in his grip with what looks like a syringe held to her neck. No wonder Kenna was powerless to stop things at the restaurant.

  Luka speeds off to grab Archibald, and I take off towards the other. They are both strong and fast, and my guess is they are former Guard members, or maybe even mercenaries. It takes all four of us to incapacitate and bind them before we can make it back to the girls. Teo stays behind in wolf form to guard the two men.

  Rya is clutching Kenna sobbing while Kenna is apologizing repeatedly. Koa checks the girls for injuries, and my rage flares red hot when I find that Kenna’s shirt has been ripped open, she has a broken cheekbone, and substantial bruising on her arm. I watch Kenna fall apart in Koa’s arms, her sobs heartbreaking.

  With Archibald involved is it possible that whoever ordered the kidnapping knew even then? What would have happened if she had stayed at her job for the week? I shake off the questions running through my mind and put the knowledge that Archibald was involved on the back burner. It is time to take care of our ómorfos girl.

  After they have shared all that happened, and a shaken Rya leaves with Luka I am able to focus on healing Kenna. When I have finished I wrap her in a hug because I need to touch her, to hold her, to know she is safe and here with me. She falls apart once again, wrapped in my arms. Keeping my distance from her is no longer an option, so I hold her close and try to show her, without words, that my dark heart will always be hers.



  Mommy looks scared, and I don’t know why. She’s telling me to go find Arion, and that he’ll help me. I don’t know how my magic tutor will be able to help me if I want to help mommy. Mommy takes my cheeks, I like it when she does that, and gives me a kiss. She tells me she loves me and to be a brave girl and makes me promise I’ll go find Arion for Mommy. I tell her I promise, and even though I’m scared I’ll be brave for mommy. I hear screaming and shouting, and I want to go back and find my Mommy, but she made me promise, so I start running down the hallway. I can hear people getting closer, and the screaming is getting louder. I cover my ears because I don’t like the sound. Suddenly I slip on something wet and land on my hands and knees. It hurt my knees a lot and makes me cry. I know mommy tol
d me to be brave, but it really hurts. I stand up and look at what’s all over my hands. I think it’s blood. It’s all warm and red like when I get an ouchie. I’m really scared now, and I don’t know why there is so much blood on the ground. I look around and see one of the palace guards lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. I fall back on my bottom and start to cry big big cries. I want my Mommy. I’m scared, and I don’t want to be brave anymore. I turn around to go find her when someone covers my mouth and carries me into a room off the hallway. I try to scream, but I can’t make any noise. Then I hear a voice I know. Arion bends down in front of me and holds my shoulders. He tells me that everything will be okay. I tell him I’m scared, and I want my mommy. He tells me he knows and that I’m being such a brave little girl. He tells me he will make everything okay again. He waves his hand and the blood that was all over me is gone. He gives me different clothes to put on because mine are all yucky. Then he kisses my forehead, tells me he loves me, and says something about my chosen then suddenly it’s all dark.

  The hand on my mouth clenches tight, and I struggle to breathe. “Take a look at your precious Callie now, little bitch. You know this is your fault, right? If you would have stayed like a good girl none of this would have happened, but you had to go running off. Callie didn’t taste the same as you. She couldn’t take my punishment like you. She screamed and screamed. But all of this could have been avoided if you hadn’t run from me.” He reaches around and pinches me hard, and tears spring to my eyes. “This cunt is mine and will always be mine. Nod to tell me you understand.” I nod my head, tears streaming down my face. I can’t take my eyes off her still form, her blonde hair fanning out around her like an angel. “Oh, look at those tears. I love it when you cry.” He licks up my cheek and pushes against me, making me gag. “Now here is what’s going to happen. When the authorities come to investigate you will say you were with me, and you have no idea what happened. If you so much as blink wrong your punishment will be so severe you won’t be able to sit down for weeks, and don’t worry you’ll get your punishment for running out this morning too.” He rubs himself against me again, and I think of all the things I taught Callie how to do to keep myself from gagging again. His hand moves up and squeezes painfully, making me cry out which only makes him laugh. He pushes himself against me again and says in my ear, “Now you’re going to be a good little bitch and do what I tell you to, right?” I nod. “Good, when I let go of your mouth you won’t scream.” I nod again, starting to feel lightheaded and sure that I’ll pass out, but then he releases my mouth, and I hungrily suck in air. “Just remember whose cunt this is.”


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