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Finding Teagan

Page 14

by R J Gray

  The laughter sounded forced to her ears; that was a first. "Teagan! There you are!" Ro swung into the room, took her by the arm and pulled her into the kitchen, sending her barely removed boot flying. All Teagan could do was laugh. "I made that guacamole that you like so much." Ro pushed an empty plate into her hands and pointed to the large array of food stretching across the counter.

  "Don't worry! I'm not Evie. I'll fill my plate up." She started to do just that. Chips loaded, she started topping with meat, beans, cheese and a big scoop of homemade guacamole.

  "Hey! I heard that!" Evie came around the corner, glaring at her sisters. Ro thrust a plate into her empty hands, but unlike Teagan, Evie carefully made her selections. She filled her plate with lettuce and vegetables.

  "That can't be all you are eating," Jason said, scowling at Evie's plate. She picked up a small spoonful of cheese and sprinkled it on top.

  "I see the party is in here!" Teagan turned to the sound of Luca's voice as he came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and stole a chip. After chewing, he bent down and kissed her.

  "Now, that is something I won't get tired of seeing," Ro said, observing them. "It's almost like you two like each other or something."

  "I still don't know why he had to pick your sister, of all people," Octavius said, a smile splitting his face as he bent into the fridge, grabbing an armful of beers and popping the tops before handing them out.

  "Don't make me regret not shooting you," Teagan muttered as everyone else laughed.

  Dinner itself was a relatively normal affair. Teagan was sandwiched between Evie and Luca, and both had plenty to catch her up on, so the meal went quickly. It was after dinner, when everyone moved into the living room, that things got awkward.

  The tension in the room was partly due to the chemistry between Jason and Evie. They hadn't seen each other for nearly two weeks. Jason had been more than respectful, given that she was engaged to someone else, and had kept his distance. There was a new anger radiating off of him that had done little to dissipate since finding out about Evie's abuse at the hands of the client he was hired to keep safe.

  "Is everyone here?" Luca cleared his throat, demanding attention. He stood, his back against the fireplace. Octavius sat in the La-Z-Boy chair, Ro at his feet. Teagan sat next to Evie on the couch, taking her hand, knowing the conversation to come may upset her. Jason stood quietly, on the opposite side of the fireplace from Luca.

  "Before we get on to the festivities, we need to bring Evelyn up to date on our plans to help her escape from the clutches of the monster we've been protecting," Luca began.

  Teagan looked at the identical sister next to her. Noticing that the color had drained from her face, she squeezed her hand in encouragement.

  "I'm still unsure," Evie's faint response was barely audible.

  "Unsure about what?" Octavius was gentle with his question.

  "About escaping. I've tried before," Evie replied.

  "They know, Fancy. Remember? I told them all that," Ro said, pushing herself to stand then walking to the couch to join her sisters before sitting, sandwiching Evie in between her and Teagan.

  "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt. It's bad enough, I've put myself in danger by upsetting him so much. There's no reason for the rest of you to be in harm's way."

  "What do you mean by that? When you say you've put yourself in danger by upsetting him." Jason's voice was steel as he asked the question.

  Evie frowned, obviously confused by the question. "I mean, I know what sets him off. I make us late, or I choose the wrong outfit, or I say the wrong thing. I'm forever doing something to embarrass him, even though I know better. If I could just learn, I wouldn't need him to—"

  Before Evie finished her sentence, Jason was standing in front of them. Bending down so that he was eye level with her, he spoke. "Listen to me carefully. You are lucky that you aren't mine, or I would spank you here and now. If you ever even hint that what Montgomery has done to you is your fault again, I will paddle your ass raw. Do you understand me, Evelyn Marie Berkshire?"


  "Do you understand me?" Jason's voice was calm, but the anger practically radiated off of him in waves. Teagan was shocked. She had never seen this side of him before.

  "Yes, Jason," Evie answered him quietly, but without a hint of the fear Teagan was used to hearing when she spoke about Montgomery. "I understand."

  "Evie, we love you. Every person in this room cares for you and wants you safe. No woman deserves to be punched, demeaned and broken down by their man. What Ro and I have is out of love, with consent, and done with reserve control. He is violent and out of control. He could kill you," Teagan said.

  "That's the point, Tea. He is a dangerous and powerful man. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to any of you because of me," Evie replied.

  "Evie, we love you. We'd all be willing to put ourselves at risk for you," Teagan said, scooting even closer to her side.

  "But they won't." Luca glared at Teagan with his proclamation. "We," he nodded to the men, "and a couple of other well trusted employees of S.E.A.L. have worked tirelessly on an escape plan that will occur on the night of the inauguration ball. It will only work, though, Evelyn, with your full cooperation.

  "She will give us her full cooperation, won't you, Evelyn?" Jason was still kneeling before her; the question more of a statement than anything.

  "Yes. Yes, I will." The first yes was shaky, the second was determined.

  "Good, that is settled! Can we now talk about Christmas? The white elephant exchange?" Ro asked giddily.

  Chapter 18

  There was a beautiful, fresh dusting of snow, not too cold, the night before Christmas Eve. Teagan was always confused on how each day seemed to take forever to come to an end, especially Mondays. Weekdays dragged by to get to the weekend, and yet the end of the year just appeared. The days are long, but the years are short, she muttered under her breath as she wrapped the six-pack of beer soap for the white elephant exchange. She had thought long and hard about what to bring.

  Traditionally, a white elephant exchange was about the most nonsensical, crazy, useless gift you could buy, or re-gifting something you had around the house. One year, she had attended one at a middle school youth group Christmas party where she had been a guest. She didn't have anything to bring, so as a last resort, she'd snagged a roll of toilet paper on the way out of the house. It was a big hit among the other preteens.

  Teagan had thought about the people who were going to be present. All three of the men were spankos, and while she wasn't sure about Jason, she knew that both Luca and Octavius had used soap to wash mouths out from time to time. Handmade soap made with craft beer seemed like the absolute perfect gift for this crew. She couldn't wait to see their faces. She didn't have a lot of practice buying, wrapping or receiving gifts. She had, like Thanksgiving, never been on the receiving end of much and never really had anyone to give to, either.

  This year was different. This year was special. She had someone special to give gifts to. Several someones. "Are you ready to go, darlin'?" Scissors went flying through the air as Teagan jumped from the floor to a defense position.

  "Jesus, Daddy!" She had given him a key a few days before, and she knew he was picking her up. They were going to ride together to Ro's, and then she was going to stay at his place for the weekend.

  "I called out to you a few minutes ago," he said, bending to pick up the scissors. "Good thing these didn't stab my eyes out."

  "Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I was lost in thought."

  "I'd guess so. Want to tell me about it?"

  "I don't think there is a lot to tell. I was just thinking how I haven't had a lot of time to shop before, and I hope everyone likes their gifts."

  "I am sure they will love them. Are you ready?"

  "Yes! Let's go. Ro has promised hot apple cider and sugar cookies. Oh, and she said her mom isn't going to take no for an answer for Christmas dinner,"
Teagan said as Luca held her coat open for her.

  "Her mom doesn't take no for an answer for anything," Luca replied.

  "As soon as Ro told her your parents were on a cruise and your sister couldn't travel because of her impending due date, she all but demanded we come. But, we can still do Christmas morning together," Teagan explained, getting into the car.

  "Good. I have a couple surprises up my sleeve."

  "What surprises?" Teagan asked suspiciously.

  "They wouldn't be surprises if I told you ahead of time, now would they, darlin'?" Luca teased.

  "Ugh. I don't like surprises."

  "You will learn to like them."

  "You can't order me to like surprises, Daddy."

  "No? Watch me."

  "It doesn't work that way." Teagan giggled at Luca's raised eyebrow and quirked lip, sure signs of his teasing. When they pulled up in front of Ro's, Teagan was dismayed to see that they were the last ones there. "Are we late?"

  "No, we are ten minutes early," Luca said, looking at the clock.

  "Dammit. How come we are last? Why isn't Evie last? She's always last."

  "Darlin'." The warning word was for her language. She recognized it instantly.


  "Don't oops again. The next time, we will have a trip to Ro's bathroom, and God only knows what kind of hippy soap she has in there." Teagan's boisterous laughter had more to do with her white elephant gift than his statement, but Luca was clueless and grinned back at her. Hand in hand, they walked into the house.

  The awkward tension from the week before was gone. There was a relaxed, festive joy in the air, mixed with cinnamon and the sweet aroma of fresh, hot, baked sugar cookies coming from the oven.

  "Tea is here!" Ro's voice announced their arrival to Jason, Evie and Octavius.

  "What am I, chopped liver?" Luca replied, sweeping Ro up into a bear hug.

  "No, but I don't share identical DNA with you, either," she replied, hugging him back before ushering them into the dining room. "Get a drink and some cookies, and come sit down so we can do the exchange! I've been waiting all day!" she said, all but pushing Teagan toward the crockpot of steaming hot apple cider.

  "Oh goodness, this smells so good!" Teagan said.

  "Fresh pressed, organic apples from the orchards," Ro replied.

  "Naturally." Evie rolled her eyes.

  "Of course, they're natural," Ro said without missing a beat. Everyone laughed. Teagan placed six giant iced sugar cookies on her plate. Luca removed four. Teagan put another two on her plate. Luca removed one. Teagan reached for the fourth again, and Luca swatted her hand. Sighing dramatically, she surrendered and went to the table.

  "Do you have your white elephant gifts?" Ro tapped the table impatiently.

  "Oh! Mine is by the front door." Teagan stood to get it.

  Luca placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'll grab them. Enjoy your cookies, and don't sneak any more."

  "You know me too well," she muttered in reply.

  Luca came back and added their presents to the four on the table. Teagan took one look at the pile and burst into laughter.

  "What's so funny?" Jason asked.

  "Well, I can tell who each gift is from. The one wrapped in burlap is from Ro. The one wrapped perfectly in silver is from Evie. The one wrapped in brown, umm, is that a paper lunch sack? That is obviously from Jason," Teagan stated. They all joined in her laughter.

  "We are pretty predictable, aren't we?" Ro asked.

  "You are the most predictable person I know, sunshine," Octavius confirmed.

  "I am not!" Ro argued. "I can be quite spontaneous."

  "Sure, keep telling yourself that," he teased, scooting his chair closer to hers. Octavius wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him.

  "Are we going to do this thing or what?" Jason asked.

  "You're pretty predictable, too," Evie said.

  "What? Me?" Jason asked.

  "I can confirm that." Luca nodded toward Evie. "He is the most predictable of all of us. Routine means a lot to him."

  "He routinely wears ugly clothes," Evie muttered.

  Teagan, who was in the middle of taking a drink of her apple cider, choked on it, spitting it everywhere. Luca pounded her back while Ro roared in laughter.

  Jason narrowed his eyes at Evie, who at least had the grace to blush before bringing their attention back to the game. "How does this work anyway?"

  "We will all draw a number from this coffee cup of papers. The first person picks a gift, and then they open it. The next person picks a gift and opens it, and they can either keep their gift or take someone else's," Ro explained.

  "So, you want the prettiest elephant. Got it," Evie said.

  "The prettiest elephant?" Teagan asked, confused.

  "Yeah?" Evie said, as if it was obvious.

  She must mean it as a metaphor for the gifts, Teagan assumed. She quickly realized that her assumption was wrong.

  Luca drew number one and opened Octavius' gift. "An emoji poop pillow. How classy."

  "Maybe Trident would like it as a toy?" Teagan suggested helpfully.

  "My turn! My turn!" Ro had moved to sitting on her knees. She snatched up the small, square, white with a solid red ribbon box that Tea had provided. Looking inside, she threw her head back and howled in merriment.

  "Are you going to share with the rest of the class?" Luca prodded.

  "It is alcohol scented and flavored soap!" Ro held it up for everyone to see.

  "Nice!" Octavius said, reaching over to give Teagan a high five.

  "I am so confused!" Evie's eyebrows were wrinkled together.

  "Sometimes, well, I, uh," Ro stuttered.

  "And me too," Teagan added.

  "We," Ro started again.

  "Oh no." Evie waved a hand at them. "I know you two get your mouths washed out. I'm not stupid. I've heard all about that. I meant I'm confused about the game." Teagan wondered how red her face was and if anyone noticed her blush.

  "What do you mean?" Ro asked.

  Evie glanced around the room before looking back down at the scrap of paper she was now twisting around her fingers. "Never mind," she mumbled.

  "Do you want to keep your present or take the poop pillow?" Octavius asked Ro, getting them back on track.

  "I'm keeping the beer soap!" she answered.

  "Good choice; who has number three?" Octavius took the game host position.

  "I do!" Teagan clapped her hands. "Hmm, which one should I pick?" She looked at the gifts on the table and then at the three people who were left—Jason, Luca and Evie. Curious about what Evie would pick to bring, she grabbed hers.

  "Oh no!" Evie hid her face in her hands.

  "What's wrong?" The concern in Jason's voice had them all turning to Evie.

  "Nothing, go ahead," Evie answered, waving her hand toward Teagan. Teagan didn't want to tear the wrapping paper, paper she was sure was quite expensive. Slowly, she slipped her finger underneath the tape and unfolded each triangle of paper until she revealed a tiny, perfect, white crystal elephant.

  "What is it? What is it?" Ro eagerly asked from across the table.

  "It's an elephant! Are you happy? I brought a fucking elephant. I can't do anything right," Evie said, pushing her chair back as if to leave the table.

  "Fancy! Wait, where are you going?" Ro cried out desperately.

  "I'm no good at this," Evie said, waving her hand around the table.

  "At what? Family stuff? Nah, you've got the wrong triplet. I'm no good at family stuff. I'm the one who never had a family," Teagan corrected.

  "Yes. No, I mean, I don't know what I mean!" Evie threw her hands in the air again. "I never had this kind of Christmas growing up, and I don't know what I'm doing. We never made cookies together or exchanged gifts around a table. My parents hired people to shop for us. I never had a present picked out for me personally. I'm out of my element here, and I was raised to always know what to do in every social situation, so I
just feel like I'm screwing it all up."

  "Oh poor, pitiful Fancy had the best clothes, makeup, toys, and education that money could buy, but Mommy dearest didn't pick them out for her personally," Teagan mimicked. She didn't sound bitter; she was teasing. The timing wasn't right, and the tone was lost on Evie.

  "You know what? Fuck you, Teagan."

  "Hold on now, Evie. Teagan was teasing you," Luca said.

  "I'm sorry, Evie. I really was teasing. We've all had to survive so many things in our lives; none of us have had it easy. I know you had your own struggles as a child and now with Branson. Ro has battled infertility for years with Octavius, and you know what I went through. We've all been to Hell and back, but the important part is that we are here, together. This is a silly game, and you know what? I fucking love this white elephant. Something you don't know about me, is that elephants have always been my favorite animal. They are overlooked. They are pack animals; the women lead, and they protect each other and their young. No one better take this from me," Teagan said.

  "I know what I am taking," Luca said, looking straight at Teagan and then to the bar of soap sitting in front of Ro.

  "Oh! I'm sorry I cursed," Teagan said, looking as remorseful as she possibly could. "Besides, you can't steal the soap! You already had your turn." Teagan giggled at the look on Luca's face.

  "Fancy, it isn't a big deal that you didn't know what a white elephant exchange was. They're also called dirty Santas or Yankee swaps, none of which really scream 'Fancy' to me. Of course, you didn't know what it was, and I'm sorry. I should have explained the rules to you. It's my fault for assuming," Ro said.

  Octavius shook his head. "Sunshine, you indirectly just insulted her again," he replied.

  "I did?" Ro covered her mouth. "Oh, I…" The heat from her blush could have warmed the entire room.

  "It's okay," Evie said, offering her sister a small smile. "You promise I didn't ruin everything?"

  "No way!" Teagan held up her elephant. "I love it, Fancy. Really."


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