Scoring in Cedarwood
Page 3
“Well, okay.” Dane pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry. I’ll relax in time. Let me help you with your bag.”
“I’m good.” Tanner grinned. “Get your heart rate back into a normal range.” He clapped Dane on the shoulder then walked out of the room.
Dane bowed his head. So much for making the right impression. He’d messed the welcome all up and put a wedge between himself and Tanner—and they had to live together. What did he have to show for his overprotectiveness? His privacy and his home wereintact, so there were pluses. But Tanner was a tad too handsome for Dane’s own good. He scrubbed both hands over his face. “Dev, I hate you,” he mumbled. “Why’d you swear I needed to sponsor a hot baseball player?”
* * * *
Tanner retrieved his bag from the trunk. He should put the car away in the garage—maybe after he settled in.
Dr. Dane confused and intrigued him. On one hand, the man came across so stuffy and well-crafted, but on the other, very nervous. He was cute, too. He could see himself making a move on Dr. Dane. But Devlin’s words came to mind—no dating the hosts. Did Devlin realize Dr. Dane ticked almost every one of Tanner’s boxes for a possible date? Probably not.
Tanner wandered into the house. Bone-deep weariness hit him. For the first time in a long while, he didn’t want to play the role of Foxy. He wanted to be a baseball player without a reputation. He was getting too old for the brash persona. He’d found out two years ago not everyone wanted to fuck him and those who did just wanted to say they’d been with him. They wanted attention because of what he’d done. How is that fair? Screw that. He should focus on baseball—not getting in Dr. Dane’s pants.
“You have the keys. Here’s the security code, as well as a remote for the garage.” Dane strode into the bedroom and collided with Tanner. He grasped Tanner by the shoulders. “Sorry.”
“You didn’t know I’d be coming in and out.” Tanner breathed in Dr. Dane’s scent—clean, fresh and sexy. He cleared his throat but didn’t shrug out of the doctor’s hold. He needed to get a grip on his libido and willed his burgeoning erection to stay hidden. “I’m going to pull the car into the garage.”
Dr. Dane nodded and let go. “Sure. Help yourself.”
“Thank you.” He took the remote, keys and paper from the doctor. He danced back and forth, trying to dodge Dane. “Sorry. Are we going to two-step?”
“I’m…” Dane ducked around Tanner. “Good night.”
“Yeah. Good night.” Tanner tucked the new keys and remote into his pocket. “Oh, wait. Is this the code for the house or what?”
“The alarm system, yes. You tap the keypad just to arm it, but if you accidentally trip the alarm, then that’s the code.” Dane stood in the corridor. “Anything else?”
“No. I’m good for now.” But he could use another one of those not-quite hugs. He wanted to be pressed against Dr. Dane. “I appreciate everything you’re doing.” He dropped his second bag in the bedroom before heading through the garage to the driveway. He parked his car in the empty stall. A strange feeling swept over him—like he belonged in the good doctor’s home. Odd. He hadn’t put down roots anywhere in five years. Other than living over the restaurant, he hadn’t stayed in the same place for more than a few months at a stretch. Why is residing in the doctor’s house any different? He wasn’t sure.
He pressed the button on the fob to close the garage door and went inside. He debated wandering through the house but opted to head back to his bedroom suite. Dane didn’t strike him as the type to appreciate intrusions. He put his clothes away then flopped onto the bed.
Someone wanted him. Okay, so maybe the doctor had only sponsored him, but he hadn’t said no to having him live there. Yes, Dane was a little different, but so what? He could deal with the doctor’s quirks.
His phone pinged. Tanner checked the notification—a text from Devlin Chase.
Settling in? Happy with your sponsor?
He shrugged. He had to answer, but with tact.
Sure. He’s okay. I hope things work out. Will sign in tomorrow on the app and see you at practice in the morning.
What a liar. He loved the idea of having a gay man as his sponsor. He had the freedom to come and go as he pleased, no one would judge him for his sexuality and it was a stable home. Who could argue?
He checked in via the team app then tossed his phone aside on the bed. Devlin Chase and everyone else with the Wildcats would know he’d come to town. Good. He wasn’t leaving any time soon—unless his hitting slump continued.
Fuck me. He didn’t want to think about his statistics or much of anything else. If he focused on what he wasn’t doing, he’d never get anywhere. The slump had dominated his thoughts. That had to be why he’d gotten into a decline on the field. He’d deliberated too long on his situation. He’d let his need for a second job and the other stresses in his life overrun his game brain.
He turned the lamp off. Shafts of light from the security floods seeped through the slats of the window blinds, giving the room an odd striped glow. He should change out of his clothes and into pajamas, but the will to do so wasn’t there. Despite being tired, he couldn’t sleep.
Tanner kicked out of his socks. He stretched and rubbed his chest. Silly thoughts entered his mind. He’d been alone a long time. Despite not having a date in the last six months, he wasn’t upset about being without a guy. But he did miss the touch of a lover. Someone to make him feel important. To be loved. He missed having his boyfriend beside him as he slept and waking up to a hard male body in his bed.
Dane appeared to be in shape—just the way Tanner liked. He struck Tanner as the type who would cuddle. Tanner would have to work to get under Dr. Dane’s skin and open him up, but once he did, he had the feeling the doctor would be a world-class snuggler.
Tanner shoved his shirt out of the way, exposing his abs. His skin sizzled. Had the temperature in the room hit an all-time high? His cock hardened. He caressed his flat belly then down to his erection. The clothes had to go. He stripped and embraced the cooler air on his body.
A groan rumbled in his throat. He pinched his nipple, then wrapped one hand around his dick. Touching himself helped with the pressure in his being, but not enough. He’d rather have a handsome man there with him. Dr. Dane would do nicely. He longed to hear the doctor’s voice and feel his breath on his neck. Was Dr. Dane a biter? Screamer? A bottom? He imagined Dane’s hands on his body.
“Yes, touch me.” Heat enveloped him. He stroked himself in time with the pinches. “Mark me.” Tanner panted. He needed more than just touches. He planted his feet and braced his shoulders on the bed. Despite the darkness in the room, he closed his eyes. He massaged his balls and continued to stroke his shaft. The pleasure overwhelmed him. He groaned again and writhed.
What if Dr. Dane were there watching him? He let his mind wander. He wanted the doctor to join him in masturbating. Shoulder to shoulder, tandem stroking. Fuck, that’s hot. He moaned. Would Dane hear him? He didn’t care. Part of him wished the doctor would and come investigating.
Tanner arched his back. He couldn’t catch his breath. Every nerve ending in his body was on fire. He slid his fingers between the crack of his ass. Jesus, he wanted to be fucked. No, he needed to be. He licked his lips and stroked faster. He toyed with his asshole. With each thrust, he flexed his hole.
“Dane,” he murmured. He’d only met the guy that day, but damn, Dane had made an impression. He wished he had more than two hands. Then he could touch himself everywhere—better yet, he wanted Dane to be there with him.
He allowed his mind to stray to fantasy. As he stroked his cock, Dane wandered into the room.
“Thought I heard you moving,” Dane said. “Damn.” He paused in the doorway. “That’s hot.”
“Join me.” Tanner kept his eyes closed as he embraced the fantasy. “Don’t want to be alone.” He imagined Dane opening his shirt, sending buttons flying across the room. The garment drooped and gave Tanner glimpses of his toned c
hest. He settled beside Tanner on the bed. A lock of Dane’s dark hair slid over his forehead. His eyes shimmered.
Dane rested his hand on top of Tanner’s, stroking in time with him. “Sexy.”
Although it was only a fantasy, Tanner loved what he saw. His blood heated and his thoughts blurred. He could almost feel the warmth of Dane’s breath on his skin and the weight of his hand on Tanner’s. “Fuck me,” Tanner murmured. A whimper escaped his throat.
He pumped his hips, pushing his dick into his curled fingers. He couldn’t stifle his groans. Tanner tensed, his nipples beading. He’d closed his eyes, but now squeezed them shut. His restraint snapped and his movements turned jerky. He moaned as he came. Cum spurted onto his hand and belly. Fuck, the orgasm had happened too fast. He’d wanted to draw out the act of masturbating, but he hadn’t played with himself in so long. Oh well. He’d craved the release.
Tanner continued to stroke, but slower. He panted. Within moments, he sagged on the bed. Too bad Dane hadn’t somehow joined him. The man would’ve gotten one hell of a show—a short one, but still. Next time he’d hold out longer. He’d savor the moments.
Another wave of calm washed over him. Shit, I needed that. He relaxed more than he had since he’d learned about being traded to Cedarwood. Sleep filled his brain now. He was in a safe place. Dr. Dane was gay and didn’t mind that Tanner was, too. He opened his eyes long enough to grab his shirt. He cleaned the cum from his chest and hand. For the first time since he’d arrived on the scene in Cedarwood, he wasn’t worried about his home or his job. He could be successful in this town, with this ball club and in this personal situation.
The Wildcats hadn’t seemed like the right fit for him, but the longer he stayed in Dr. Dane’s home and around the sexy man, the more he believed fate had made the right choice.
* * * *
Tanner woke the next morning happier and more refreshed than he had in ages. He left the bed and snorted. His shirt from the previous day lay crumpled in in the blankets. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept with a garment soiled from a hot night of masturbating. Probably because he hadn’t done it in quite a while.
He shuffled nude into the shower. Despite his misgivings, he appreciated Dane’s attention to detail. The doctor had left soap, shampoo, conditioner and a razor for him. Was the doctor trying to take care of him? Tanner hoped so. He’d packed his essentials, but he wasn’t in the mood to dig any of it out of his bag.
He turned on the water and listened for Dane in the house. The quiet both soothed and unnerved him. He liked the privacy but couldn’t shake the feeling he’d intruded on Dane’s private space. But Dane had agreed to sponsor him. If he’d had misgivings, he wasn’t voicing them. Maybe he had trodden on Dane’s life. He wasn’t sure.
Still, the spring had returned to Tanner’s step. He looked forward to practice today and meeting his new teammates.
He showered then dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans. Unlike some of the guys on his former teams, he preferred to stay low-key in his attire. Then again, he didn’t have space in his duffel bags for neckties and suits. The garments would’ve ended up rumpled by the time he got to his next destination.
Tanner padded barefoot across the house to the kitchen. A piece of paper had been propped up on the counter.
Interesting. Tanner unfolded the page.
I don’t cook much, but I’ve stocked the fridge and what I have you’re welcome to. Let me know what you’d like for meals so I can pick it up at the store. I’m still getting used to having a housemate and this sponsoring thing, so forgive me if I make mistakes. Let me know when you’re ready to do laundry and I’ll go through the instructions.
Have a great day at practice and with the new team. I’m sure you’re going to be fantastic. If you have problems or need to touch base with me, call my cell and if I don’t answer or you don’t want to leave a voicemail, call the office.
Tanner abandoned the note on the counter. Dane’s attention to detail and willingness to work with him scored points with him. He could rely on Dane—just like a teammate. He rounded the bar and opened the refrigerator. Despite Dane claiming there wasn’t much to eat in the house, he was wrong. Tanner had never seen so many varieties of bagels in his life—outside the selection at the store. He withdrew the bag of blueberry ones and cream cheese, plus a knife, then settled at the bar.
None of his boyfriends had ever left him a note. He spread the cream cheese on half the bagel. Dane had left the newspaper on the bar, so Tanner perused the sports section. Part of him wished he were mentioned. The trade from Gary had been big because the Wildcats had claimed they needed a centerfielder. He fit the bill. He scanned the stories for any mention of the Cedarwood team. Nothing. The baseball team wasn’t bad—they had a winning record. They’d even had a game two nights ago. Why wasn’t there any mention of them in the paper? He’d have to change that.
Tanner finished the bottom half of his bagel. He could see many mornings like this. With him at the bar, the paper there and Dane in his life. He’d rather be sharing the sweet moment with his housemate, but there’d be time for that sooner rather than later. He’d won Dane over enough to sponsor him. They’d had a decent start at being friends, too.
Was he prevalent in Dane’s mind? More than as a person sharing the house? He hoped so. His thoughts had been consumed with Dane from the first moment he’d seen the doctor. Wouldn’t Dane be shocked if he found out Tanner had masturbated to his image in his mind? His blood heated at the thought of seeing Dane again. He couldn’t wait for practice to conclude so he could return to the house and his doctor. He barely knew Dr. Dane Bloom, but he had a crush on him. Getting together was forbidden. Good thing Tanner enjoyed skirting the rules.
Chapter Three
Dane blew out a ragged breath. In the three days since Tanner had arrived, Dane hadn’t relaxed. He wasn’t used to having a house guest. The last seventy-two hours felt like an eternity. He stared at his computer screen but didn’t see the words. All he could see was Tanner’s grin and the way he’d swept his gaze over Dane. Did he have to look at him with such distaste? Or was that longing? How in the hell do I know? He hadn’t been on a date in almost a year and the last guy he’d tried to flirt with hadn’t wanted anything to do with him. His radar had been so off.
“You look like you haven’t slept in a week.” Dr. Hammell Kelly stood in Dane’s office doorway and leaned against the frame. “What happened? Tell me you met someone and have had a white-hot tumble in the sheets.”
“I met someone and I didn’t sleep, but it wasn’t hot.” Dane massaged his forehead. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”
“Who is he?” Hammell stepped into Dane’s office then pushed the door most of the way closed. “Is this guy a looker? Or is this person a she?”
“I’m gay,” Dane snapped. “You know that.”
“I know, but you could’ve met a great woman or a drag queen.”
“I didn’t.”
“Well? Who is he?” Hammell settled on the chair opposite Dane’s. “You’ve been miserable since Phillip walked. You deserve to meet someone and be happy.”
“You make it sound like I need a boyfriend.” Dane snorted. He did, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Hammell.
“You should be happy,” Hammell said.
Maybe so. “I spend a lot of time here at the office. I’m dedicated to my patients. There isn’t much space in my life for another person.”
“You’re trying to find reasons to be alone.”
“So?” Dane shifted in his seat. He hated when Hammell was right.
“You shouldn’t be. The person out there for you will be able to work with your patient schedule and balance you.” Hammell snorted. “Unless you’re actively pushing that person away.”
“Hammell.” Damn it. His friend didn’t have to be correct…again.
“Who is this guy?”
He might as well tell
Hammell the truth. “Remember the chunk of money we donated to the Cedarwood Wildcats?”
“Yeah. My kids can’t wait to go to the games. Zeke thinks he’d like to play for the team after high school. He’s only seven, so it’s a long way off and he’ll change his mind, I’m sure.” Hammell shrugged. “But who knows. Why?”
“Zeke’s got a good arm for seven.”
“Right, but he’s a kid. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was seven,” Hammell said. “The Wildcats seem to have a stocked roster. Why? Did you get to meet the team?” His eyes widened. “You did. We aren’t supposed to get close to them, but I won’t tell if you’ve met one and hit it off.”
“I’m sponsoring one of them,” Dane said. How’s Hammell like that?
“Is that the new lingo?” Hammell asked, seemingly unfazed. He grinned. “Whatever works.”
“I’m not dating him.”
Hammell’s grin faded. “Other than the rules, why wouldn’t you date him?” He fiddled with his phone. “Now to figure out which one. Looking through the roster and if I were to select one of them for you…I’d go with this guy.” He turned the phone around. “Zeppelin Starr.”
Dane glanced over at the image and shook his head. He couldn’t date a player, but Zeppelin Starr was indeed handsome. He had to say something intelligent. Zeppelin Starr struck him as a porn name. The guy had appeal, though. Dane appreciated dark eyes, sandy hair and dimples—all of which featured on Zeppelin. The guy had potential, but there was no assurance he’d be interested. “He’s cute, but there’s no guarantee he’s gay or if he’d be interested in an old man like me.”
“You’re thirty-eight. That’s not old.” Hammell darkened the screen on the phone. “I didn’t say I was hooking you up, just that he’d be a good one for you based on his appearance. He seems like he might be your type.”