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Murder in Wax

Page 8

by Holly Copella

  “You’re pathetic,” Paula scoffed and leaned heavily on the bar. “I’m going to get even with them if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Joe eyed his sister then motioned to the bartender. “Stan, we need a few shots over here.”

  Stan laughed and poured them each a shot from a special, unmarked bottle. The contents of the shot glass were clear, indicating it might be homemade moonshine. Paula frowned and accepted the drink. Joe smiled and extended his shot glass to her. They clinked glasses then drank them down and slammed the glasses on the bar. Joe lit a cigarette and took a drag from it before Paula snatched it from him for herself. Joe frowned and lit another cigarette for himself.

  “I don’t know why you’re getting all bent out of shape about this acting job,” Joe remarked and eyed his sister. “You said Jamie auditioned for it.”

  “So?” Paula demanded.

  “So,” he announced and attempted to straighten, although he was limited by his unsteadiness. “There’s nothing you’re willing to do for this job that Jamie hasn’t already done. You know how she is when she wants something. She always gets what she wants no matter who she has to maim along the way.”

  Paula shifted uncomfortably. “I wish you wouldn’t say things like that,” she muttered and took a long drag from the cigarette then blew smoke out above her head. She glared at her brother. “Just once, I’d like to even the score with Jamie. Getting that role on the soap opera instead of her would do it.”

  Joe groaned and guzzled several swallows of beer before looking at her. “The only way to beat Jamie is to off Jamie,” he remarked.

  Paula frowned and indicated the shot glass to the bartender. “Not really my thing.”

  “Then stop fighting that blonde demon,” Joe announced firmly.

  She shook her head and sighed. “You don’t know how close to a demon Jamie actually is,” Paula huffed.

  “Actually, I do,” Joe remarked nearly sedate and eyed his sister. “You don’t want to cross her or you’ll end up dead too.”

  Paula shot a surprised look at her brother as her eyes widened. “I told you to keep quiet about that stuff,” she gasped in a loud whisper. “If anyone ever finds out about that--”

  “Relax,” Joe snorted and took a large swallow of beer. “No one will hear it from me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Devon sat at the table wishing she were anywhere but there as her friend and Tamara entertained Burt. Burt ate up the attention and laid on the charm. Devon couldn’t even stomach listening to the man speak. Her initial take on the slimy producer was a self-absorbed narcissist who intended to use his position to take advantage of as many women as possible. She didn’t understand how Ivy didn’t see it. What concerned her more was that maybe Ivy knew and was playing the game anyway.

  Tony and Ross had returned to the table from their friendly game of pool, eyed Devon demandingly, and indicated those sitting at their table taking their seats. Devon frowned and shrugged. Both men rolled their eyes and headed for the bar. Devon attempted to focus her attention anywhere but on the two women flirting with the unattractive man. She caught a glimpse of Paula sitting alongside Joe while casting hostile looks at their table. Devon eyed Joe, felt immediately repulsed, and looked away.

  She wished the man would fall off the face of the earth. She knew he secretly blamed her for her father firing him. It would be humorous if it weren’t so gut-wrenching. How was it possible that Joe kissed and groped her while he had her cornered in the horse barn, yet he thought she was responsible for him losing his job? Devon still blamed herself for how poorly she handled the incident. She’d been raised around ranch hands and skillfully handled their harmless flirting amazingly well.

  When Joe cornered her, she froze. His hands were on her, and she couldn’t keep him from pawing her, something none of the guys had ever done before. Despite that she secretly wanted to kill him, she felt helpless to stop him. If her brother hadn’t come to the barn looking for her, she wasn’t sure what would have happened. She was so upset; she couldn’t even tell Martin what happened in the barn. Later, she gave the tamed down version to her father and brother, which cost Joe his job.

  Even though her father had done the right thing, she ultimately resented him because of his reaction. He seemed more upset by having to fire one of his best wranglers than by the incident itself. Insisting she stay away from the ranch hands after that left her feeling he blamed her for Joe’s inability to control his sexual desires. He wanted her to avoid the ranch hands, and she was no longer allowed to work the cattle.

  Devon snapped out of her own thoughts when she heard Ivy giggling like a schoolgirl over something the slimy producer had said. She couldn’t believe Ivy’s flirtatious behavior around a man she obviously didn’t find the least bit attractive. How far did her friend intend to take the flirting for some stupid job? Burt leaned on the table and cast his beady eyes upon Devon.

  “I don’t believe you auditioned for the soap role,” Burt announced while mastering the quick once-over in an almost casual manner.

  “I’m not an actress,” Devon bluntly informed him without interest.

  He waved her off. “There’s nothing to it,” Burt announced. “You memorize a few lines while pretending to be someone else. You’re an attractive girl. You should audition. I’ll have my secretary set it up.”

  Devon managed a smile although it possibly came off as more of a sneer. “No, thank you,” she replied. “I’m not interested in an acting career.” She eyed her friend and raised her brow. “Or any of the ass kissing that goes with it.”

  Ivy became uncomfortable and immediately shifted. She wasn’t nearly as flirty after the comment. Burt was only momentarily set back but resumed his sleazy charm without hesitation. He placed his hands on each woman’s thighs and shifted looks between them.

  “What do you say we go back to my suite at the resort?” he announced while grinning. “There’s a sunken hot tub in the living room and champagne chilling in the frig. We can discuss the soap opera role and have a few laughs.”

  Ivy shifted uncomfortably and cast a look at Devon. “I can’t,” she announced. “I have to give Devon a ride home tonight.”

  He shrugged then grinned. “Devon can join us,” Burt announced. “The more the merrier.”

  “No,” Devon sharply corrected while raising her brows demandingly as she glared at him. “Devon can’t join you. She’s not into sleazy perverts.”

  Ivy immediately shifted in her chair but didn’t defend Burt from the accusation. Burt put on a false smile, but he was obviously annoyed with Devon for calling him out. He looked at Ivy.

  “Friends like that one will only hold you back,” he announced while sneering. “I’m sure she can find another ride home. Are you joining Tammy and I in my suite or not?”

  Ivy removed his hand from her thigh and stared into his eyes. “She’s not holding me back,” Ivy remarked, although not nearly as boldly as she could have. “She’s saving me from myself.”

  Without further comment, Ivy stood and approached Tony at the bar. She said something to him, and he joined her for a slow song on the dance floor. Burt shook his head with a look of annoyance then glanced at Tamara and resumed his sleazy smile.

  “I guess it’s just you and me, Tammy,” he announced and placed his arm around her while leaning closer.

  Tamara stared at him a moment and practically shivered from what she must have seen in his eyes. She pushed him away from her and raised a cocky brow in response.

  “It’s Tamara,” she snarled and moved her chair away from him.

  She casually leaned on the table with her head propped on her fist and avoided looking at him. She suddenly seemed bored. Burt stared at her with surprise then glared at Devon.

  “Well, my dear,” he scoffed. “I think you’ve missed your calling as a cut-throat talent agent.”

  Burt stood and left the table. He headed back to the bar and joined Paula and her brother. Tamara cast a quick gl
ance at the bar and watched the scene unfold. He placed his arm around Paula’s waist, whispered something in her ear, and she was immediately crawling all over him once again as if nothing had ever happened. Tamara straightened, drew a deep breath, and eyed Devon.

  “I wish we were friends years ago,” Tamara announced bluntly.

  Devon couldn’t help but laugh. “Why? You need someone to hold you back in life?”

  “No, I could have used someone like you to save me from me a long time ago,” she replied.

  Ivy returned to the table with Tony and Ross in tow. They no sooner sat down when they saw Paula leaving the tavern with Burt. The sleazy couple couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. It was close to repulsive. All five watched their lusty exit.

  Ross shook his head. “Guess we know who got that job.”

  “Don’t be so certain,” Tamara announced. “Jamie’s full of surprises herself. She’s not going to let Paula beat her at her own game.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Loud moans were heard from the black, luxury sedan parked off to the side of the moderately dark, tavern parking lot. The music from the tavern mostly drown out the sounds of pleasure coming from the back seat, although the rocking car could be seen several yards away. Two country boys headed from their pickup truck toward the tavern and passed by the car with the front windows open, allowing the female moans and male grunts to be heard clearly. Both men in their mid-twenties peeked into the back of the car as they passed then exchanged grins and laughed.

  Paula straddled Burt while facing him as she bounced up and down with purpose on his lap. He groaned loudly while clutching an exposed breast in each hand leaving her shirt bunched up beneath her arms. With the familiar grunt followed by a loud groan, Paula leaned forward and kissed him passionately. As she pulled back and met his gaze, he grinned while pleasantly exhausted.

  “I think I’ll be seeing more of you at the resort over the next few months,” Burt announced then chuckled.

  Paula grinned taking his meaning and pulled her shirt back down as she climbed off him. “I look forward to that.”

  “Just between us until it’s official,” he warned her while pulling up his pants and zipping them.

  “I know,” she replied but maintained her beaming grin of delight.


  Paula entered the bar only twenty minutes after she had left and wore a devious grin on her face. The five at the table near the jukebox exchanged bewildered looks. Ross glanced at his watch.

  “Wow,” Ross announced as his eyes widened dramatically. “That’s got to be a record.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time Paula got it on with some guy in the parking lot,” Tamara informed them while casually sipping her drink. She then considered the comment. “Or the men’s bathroom.”

  Tony and Ross gave Tamara a surprised look.

  “Why the men’s bathroom?” Tony practically gasped while making a face.

  “Less traffic than the women’s bathroom,” Tamara replied.

  “Hell,” Ross cried out. “That place is so disgusting; I don’t even want to take a piss in there.”

  They watched as Paula joined her brother at the bar. She leaned on his shoulder and said something in his ear. He laughed at whatever she had said. Paula eyed the three women then approached their table. All three women ignored her as she leaned on their table. Tony and Ross couldn’t help but stare at her, obviously still caught up on the men’s room comment.

  “I’ve got this job in the bag,” Paula announced while grinning deviously.

  Tamara cast a look at her and raised a cocky brow. “Don’t you mean in the sack?”

  “Say what you want, but I intend to be rich this time next year,” Paula boldly announced while straightening as she flaunted her cleavage.

  “Men will tell all sorts of lies to get a woman into their bed,” Devon informed her.

  “Or the back seat of their car,” Ross muttered.

  “They’ll even promise jobs they don’t intend to give them,” Devon continued.

  Paula eyed Devon and snorted a humored laugh. “Oh, the town virgin is suddenly an authority on men?” She smirked mockingly at Devon. “What do you know about men?”

  Ross casually leaned back in his chair and raised an arrogant brow. “Enough to have two male friends who are fiercely loyal to her,” he remarked.

  Paula appeared humored and cast a look at Ross, mocking him. “Oh, really? The town idiot and the dead fuck?”

  Both men immediately squirmed in their seats. Tony avoided looking at Paula and appeared embarrassed. Ross didn’t look away from her and maintained a serious expression.

  “I may be a dead fuck, but I know I never slept with a freaky chick like you,” Ross announced in a loud, brazen tone.

  It was difficult to embarrass Ross since he enjoyed embarrassing himself and usually found a way to take everyone else with him. Paula was moderately stunned by the reversal of insults. When she couldn’t come up with a counter-response, she sneered and stormed away from the table. All eyes were suddenly on Tony, who immediately shifted uncomfortably.

  “You slept with Paula?” Ross cried out in a hushed tone. “What were you thinking?”

  Tony shrugged with embarrassment while avoiding eye contact. “I had too much to drink,” he groaned. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s back,” Tamara scoffed, causing the others to look up.

  Paula approached their table while staring at the bar then pointed and smiled deviously. “Hey, Devon, isn’t that your new boss?”

  All five looked at the bar. Brant sat in a secluded corner of the bar with his head in his hands while huddled over his drink. Devon and Ross exchanged surprised looks. Brant was supposed to be gone all weekend. What was he doing at the bar?

  “Hmm. I think I’m going to seduce your new boss,” Paula announced while tossing her hair over her shoulder. “He looks pitiful enough to be a quick lay. Then every time you see him at work, you can think about him grunting like a pig while fucking me.”

  “I think I’m going to blow chunks,” Ross suddenly announced while placing his hand over his mouth and pretended to dry heave.

  Devon and Ivy watched Paula leave the table and approach Brant at the bar where she squeezed in next to him. Devon wasn’t sure why the thought bothered her as much as it did, but it would be a horrible image burned into her mind forever. Paula leaned on Brant’s shoulder and said something to him. Brant looked at Paula and responded although they couldn’t hear the conversation through the crowd.

  “That woman has no shame,” Tamara muttered, having taken a moment to watch the display.

  “She attempted to seduce my father once,” Ivy remarked under her breath and finally looked away. “Just to see if she could.”

  “She got mine,” Tamara hissed.

  Devon couldn’t keep from glancing at the bar. Brant drained the contents of his glass and pushed it across the bar. Devon watched with a frown, wondering if he could be so easily seduced by the town slut. He seemed drunk enough, and she did manage to corrupt Tony. Paula pressed her breasts against his arm and rested her hand on his shoulder while speaking softly to him. Brant pulled away from her and, judging by his expression, said something unfriendly. Devon stood, prepared to intervene. Ivy pulled her back to her seat.

  “He’s a big boy,” Ivy announced. “He can take care of himself.”

  They watched as Brant stood, tossed some bills across the bar, and left the tavern. Paula looked at the bartender. They exchanged devious grins. Paula hurried out the door after Brant. Devon sprang to her feet and ran from the bar after Paula with Ross only a few steps behind her. As Devon ran outside, she saw Brant’s car speeding away from the building. Paula was already heading back for the door and smiled smugly at Devon.

  “Your boss is a real stud,” she teased.

  “You’re such a bitch,” Devon snarled. “You had to embarrass him, didn’t you?”

  Paula laughed mockingly as
she passed. Devon made a fist and was about to swing when Ross caught her wrist and pulled her against him. Paula hadn’t even been aware how close she was to being sucker punched. Ross didn’t release her until Paula had disappeared inside.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Ross demanded while staring into her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she cried out. “What’s wrong with you? How could you just let that bitch treat that poor man that way?”

  “Brant’s a big boy. He can fight his own battles,” Ross informed her then glared demandingly. “Besides; did you want me to hit a woman?”

  “No, of course not,” she snapped, “but you shouldn’t have stopped me.”

  “Let it go, Devon,” Ross announced firmly. “She’s not worth it.”

  Devon groaned and headed inside.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ivy’s jeep pulled up to her small, suburban home. Devon got out of the driver’s seat and helped her drunken friend to the front door. Ivy laughed uncontrollably as she staggered into the house. Her mother was waiting up for her, as she usually did on nights they went to the tavern. Ivy’s mother shook her head in disappointment then helped her to her room. Devon found Ivy’s relationship with her mother moderately humorous. Of course, since Martin spent many overnights elsewhere, that gave Devon plenty of leeway with her evenings out.

  Devon returned to Ivy’s jeep to drive herself home, as she did many evenings. Even though she didn’t have a car, she was often the designated driver, since she didn’t drink much. Devon drove along the back road that led past the museum. To her surprise, the lights were on. The jeep slowed, entered the parking lot, and parked near the main entrance. Devon got out of Ivy’s jeep and approached the front doors. She knocked, but there was no response. She turned the knob, and to her surprise, the door was unlocked.

  It seemed odd that Brant would leave the door unlocked if he wasn’t within earshot of the door. Devon walked across the lobby and passed through the first floor displays. Several displays now contained the recently refurbished wax people. Devon recognized a few new ones that hadn’t been in place when she and Ross left on Friday evening. Brant had been busy, it would seem. He couldn’t possibly have just gotten back from his parents’ house. As she passed, she took a little extra time to marvel at the newly added wax people.


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