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The Flip Side of Wait for Me

Page 3

by Alexia Chase


  Suzanne smiled. “Let’s go get the girl.”

  “She probably isn’t here.” Nash looked back out the window. His mouth dried as he saw her standing next to Jeff. “That’s her.” He pointed to the two of them.

  “Oh, she’s adorable.” Suzanne fanned herself. “Is that her brother? Your boss?”


  “He’s fucking hot.”



  “Stop it.”

  “Whatever.” Suzanne opened the door and jumped out. “Stop being a pussy. Let’s go.”

  Nash cursed under his breath as he got out and slammed his truck door shut. Why had he brought his sister with him? At the time, he’d thought it was a good idea, but now he regretted his decision.

  As he and Suzanne walked across the road, Nash stopped. From the yard of the open house, he saw Hilary hug Jeff, and then turn to walk toward her car. Shit. Was she leaving because he’d showed up?

  “Oh no, you don’t.” Suzanne grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her. “Don’t be a baby. She’s probably jealous that you brought some hot babe with you.”

  “You think?” Nash’s heart skipped a beat. God, he hoped that was the case.

  “Of course. Men are so stupid sometimes.”

  “You’re not wrong about that. Hurry up.”

  They neared Hilary as her hand clutched the door handle. Nash hoped that it wasn’t too late. If she was jealous of him being with another woman, surely, he still had a chance. “Hilary?”

  Hilary slipped on her dark sunglasses and faced them. “Hi.”

  Nash dragged Suzanne behind him.

  “Nash, slow down,” Suzanne said.

  “Sorry.” He smiled sheepishly.

  “There’s not a fucking fire.”

  “Don’t be a brat.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember.” Nash bumped his elbow into her arm.

  Hilary stood still as they approached. He looked for signs that she missed him. As always, Hilary was cute and sexy all rolled into one.

  “Hilary, this is my sister, Suzanne.” Nash smiled at his sister. “Suzanne, this is Hilary, the woman I told you about.”

  “Hi, Suzanne, it’s nice to meet you.” Hilary stuck out her hand.

  Suzanne clasped her hand. “Thank you, Hilary, for finding such a great opportunity for my brother. Not everyone is willing to help out someone they just met.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “Hilary, you’re wrong. Jeff’s a great boss. He treats all his employees with respect. Not to mention, he’s already given me a raise,” Nash said.

  “Congratulations. Well, I’ve got to go.” Hilary placed a hand on her door.

  “Hilary, can I talk to you?”

  Suzanne flushed and waved to Hilary. “I’ll leave you two alone. Nash, which one is Jeff? I want to say thank you to him as well.”

  Nash pointed out Hilary’s brother and watched as his sister walked toward Jeff. What the hell kind of game was his sister playing? He’d already indicated which one Jeff was to her. Never mind. I’ve got my own problems.

  When Nash faced Hilary, his shoulder muscles tightened. If she turned him down, he wouldn’t be able to dream about their future together anymore. Those fantasies had been his only solace during the past month.

  “Hilary, I’m sorry I didn’t get back in touch with you.”

  “That’s okay. I’m happy for you. Jeff says you’re doing great.” Hilary pulled off her sunglasses and stuck them in her purse.

  “He’s a damn good boss.”

  “Are you doing okay?”

  “Sure.” Nash shrugged.


  “Wow, this is way more awkward than I expected.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Hilary frowned. “I’m sorry about everything.”

  Nash reached out and stroked the bare skin of her upper arm. “Don’t be. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that. You were trying to do me a favor, and I shouldn’t have gotten pissed about it.”

  “No, you had every right. You have a lot at stake.”

  “And, so did you. You risked your brother’s approval on someone you barely knew. Someone with a criminal record. It’s rare for somebody to do that even when they’ve known you for years.”

  “I’m glad you don’t hate me.” Hilary swayed.

  Nash put his hand on her cheek. “Hilary, I could never hate you.”

  She glanced at him from under her lashes. “If you aren’t mad, then why haven’t I heard from you?”

  He flushed. “Well, I kind of made an ass out of myself, so I wasn’t sure how happy you’d be to see me again.”

  “I would like to see you again.”

  “Good.” Nash pulled her closer until there was only a small space between them. “I would wait until the four months are up, but the last thirty days have sucked without you.”

  “Yeah?” Hilary’s breath caught in her throat.

  “Yeah.” Nash tugged her again until she fell against his chest. Hilary sighed as his arms wrapped around her. Her hands trailed up his chest until she laced her fingers together behind his neck.

  His heart stopped as he saw tears in her eyes. Damn it, I’m such an ass. “Hilary?”


  “Are you crying?”

  Hilary sniffed. “Maybe a little.”

  “Shit.” Nash stiffened.

  “Don’t.” Hilary’s grasp on him tightened. “They’re happy tears. I thought I’d lost you and to be back in your arms is –“ She shook her head. “I can’t think of a word that covers it.”

  “Like coming home?”

  “That sounds about right.” Her hand stroked his cheek. “Nash, I don’t care if you have a record. It doesn’t matter to me. You are a fantastic man.”

  “Thank you, but I’m determined to clean my record. You deserve a guy that you can respect. Someone you aren’t ashamed to bring around your family.”

  Hilary stood on her tiptoes. “I’d show up with you anywhere.”

  Nash’s lips covered hers in a gentle kiss.

  Hilary leaned back. “You aren’t going to treat me like a lady in bed, are you?”

  “Never.” The heat in Nash’s eyes flared as he rubbed his erection against her stomach. “I’ll always treat you with respect, especially in public, but they’re all kinds of dirty things I’m going to do to you behind closed doors.”

  “Just behind closed doors?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Nash yanked on her door handle. “I’ll start by finger-fucking you in the front seat of your car.”

  Hilary smiled and turned to look at her brother, who was still talking to Suzanne. Once she slipped into her seat, she looked at Nash. “Hurry up. The thought of stroking your cock in broad daylight, with all these people around, has my panties drenched.”

  “Fuck, you’re a dirty girl.” Nash wiggled his eyebrows. “My girl.”

  Hilary scooted her skirt up her legs and pulled off her panties as he slid into the seat beside her. His eyes soaked in her long legs as he traveled up to her apex. Nash was going to enjoy the shit out of showing Hilary how much he loved her. Thank God, he didn’t have to wait any longer, because she would be his forever.

  About the Author

  Alexia Chase loves telling stories about the voices in her head. They play such fun games together.

  She lives with her husband and children in the Midwest. If you like erotica with a heart, then you will need to pick up more of her work.

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