Grey: Everlasting (Spectrum Series Book 6)

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Grey: Everlasting (Spectrum Series Book 6) Page 11

by Allison White

  This has to be the most corrupt sin I’ve ever taken part in, and I know it’s bad and all…but I’ll fess up later, after I get to my pleasurable high.

  “Oh, fuck. Yes. There we go, baby. Come for me. Come for me, princesa,” Grey goads me, his naughty, encouraging words milking my orgasm.

  I bite into his shoulder to silence my screams. I continue to ride him through the torrent of pleasure after pleasure. And he comes in me, hard. I bounce a little harder, eliciting his low growls and curses in both English and Spanish. Each sounds like heaven to my ears.

  I stop riding him and pull his head to lean against my chest, my chin resting on his hair. I breathe deeply. His head smells like cinnamon and rich cigars. I ruffle it out and kiss the roots of it tenderly, slowly, then lean back and look into his wide, heavy eyes.

  “That was—” I begin.

  “Sexy. Hot. Bad,” he inquires, his mouth lifting up in a smoldering smirk.

  I laugh breathlessly. “I was gonna say immoral. Wrong. Sinful.” I cup his face and lean in.

  “But—” He raises his eyebrows.

  “But…I loved it.” I sneer and grip his hair, lightly yanking his hair out.

  He growls and opens his mouth to reply, but the banging gets harder, and a woman informs us the police are on their way. Our eyes widen, and Grey says, “As much as I’d love to revel in revealing a helluva kink of yours of being bad as fuck under all your milky goodness…” He pinches my hips, bouncing his eyebrows. “We oughta bounce before I show you the ropes in jail.”

  My heart plummets, and common sense and morality finally settle in my stomach. “Shit, shit—”

  “Get up, put in your plug, and let’s bounce, princesa,” he instructs quickly, making sure to give my forehead an assuring kiss.

  I nod and feel my blood boil and stomach tie in knots in fear of getting locked up because of us being stupidly caught up in lust as I scramble around. I insert another tampon from the stack of them in my purse and take off the dress, pulling on my jeans and sweatshirt. After Grey steps into his boots, he takes my hand, and I quickly grab the dress. I still want it.

  Heads bowed and laughs spilling out of our mouths, we burst through the door, nearly walking over the annoyed older lady and the manager of the store.

  “Sorry,” I can’t help but call out of habit. I may have turned a tad shade darker because of the boy dragging me to the front of the store, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have manners.

  Which is why, as we pass the cashier, I quickly set down a handful of money for the dress before I am tugged out of the store. Apparently, the store manager called mall security, because a man on a scooter thing chases us through the food court before Grey knocks down a bunch of mannequins, and we lose him in front of an electronics store.

  Finally, we weave through the lightly snowed parking lot before finding and slipping inside Grey’s car. I blast the heat and rub my hands together as he peels out of the parking lot. He drives for a few miles, getting distance between us and the mall, which I am pretty sure we’re banned from, and I finally feel safe.

  “That was—” I begin, panting and swallowing greedy breaths.

  “Fucking awesome. We did that shit!” Grey hits the steering wheel, screaming on the top of his lungs. His laugh and smile are contagious, because I end up chuckling and burying my exuberant grin in my palms.

  “So illegal.”

  “So bad.”

  “So…bad-ass.” I blush as he eyes me like he wants a round two. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

  “Which part?” He pats my leg blindly. I give him my hand, and he kisses the back of it.

  “All of it,” I exasperate.

  “That’s what you get for being with me.”

  “The badness?” I question teasingly.

  He glances over at me, dimples popping and black eyes glistening. “Damn right, baby.”

  Before I can say anything more, my phone rings. I dig it out of my jeans’ pocket and smile at the contact name.

  “Hey, Jaim’.” I beam brightly. I feel so high of energy.

  “Hey, babe, wanna go out tonight?” Jaimie asks.

  “What’s the occasion?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “There is none, nor does there have to be. We wanna have fun before we get old and saggy…you with?”

  I hesitate. For some strange reason, I hesitate. Instead of quickly and firmly saying, “No, I have a dinner party with a bunch of strangers and an asshole of a boss,” I nod my head and look over at my crazy, bad-ass, sexy boyfriend that makes me feel more alive than ever, and I nod again.

  “Sure, why not?”


  Chapter Fourteen

  “You aren’t wearing that to the party,” Grey says as I slide my pants off while he’s driving.

  “Yes, I am. I bought it, so I can wear it whenever I want.” I take off my shirt, ignoring his eyes that are glued to my chest. “Pay attention to the road,” I tell him, and he reluctantly looks out on the road. His jaw ticks, and I laugh as I slide the dress over my head and put on the pair of white flats I carry in my purse.

  Leaning on the center console, I look up at him through my eyelashes just to piss off his extra-possessive side and croon, “Do you think I look pretty?”

  He looks at me and tilts my head back. “I think you should take the dress off.”

  Sighing, I lean out of his hold and laugh. “Pay attention to the road.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “So annoying…”

  “Thank you, I try.” I wink at him, and he growls under his breath.

  Nerves hit me like a flood as we pull up at the address Jaimie sent me, where the party is taking place. A dark Victorian home decorated with toilet paper, Solo cups, and missing high heels. A fraternity party. An “X” hangs off the rest of the Greek letters above the door. But even so, I wouldn’t be able to tell what the frat name is. But I do know what this party spells: Trouble.

  “Second guessing?” Grey asks as he comes to my side. “Wanna go to that boring old dinner party?”

  I shift my eyes to his and think. I have the chance to sit around a dining table with the finest psychologists and owners of psychology programs that are next to impossible to be noticed by, all around the world, including my cheating, asshole of a boss…or I could go to a frat party, where trouble and drama are written in the fine print of Solo cups. Where I can have at least a little fun with people my own age.

  Old Liv would jump at the former, step away from the toxic boy with whom I’d just had sex in a dressing room. But I’m not old Liv. I’ve grown and developed and changed, my mindset and priorities included. She is something of the past. There is only me now. The girl who still cares for a bright, successful future…but the toxic boy whom I’ve just had sex with is in it. Always and forever. He is my future now, more than anything.

  Whether that’s a good change or not, I do not know. But what I do know is I want to be by his side and love him until I cannot physically love anymore.

  I link my fingers through his long ones, and he smiles. “No. I want to be here. With you.”

  He slowly but surely breaks out into a magnetic smile with his magnetic eyes. “I think I’ve turned you bad, Olivia Westerfield.” He pulls me onto the sidewalk, and I giggle as he walks backward, pulling me into his chest. His mouth peppers my knuckles with soft kisses, eyes gleaming with darkness I’ve come to adore with a fiery passion. He is the personification of danger. “And I fucking love it. Let’s go get fucked up, my pequeña mala princesa.” (My little bad princess.)

  Inside, the party is in full effect, and it’s wall-to-wall of people. A loud buzzing of talking and cursing and screams and laughing fill the air with a static electricity, and goosebumps line every inch of my skin. I’ve never been to one of these parties where it seems like the entire campus is in attendance.

  The energy is usually negatively charged, but this time is different. I feel bubbly and giggly as Grey spins me round and round on the danc
e floor. I press into his body, my back to him, dancing on his hard stomach and feeling something else get hard. He drapes his arms around me and whispers little enchantments that makes me get red all over.

  This is what I want to look back on when I’m old and unable to get up from my plush floral rocking chair. I want him next to me, and I want his native tongue going on and on about how he’s going to shoot BB guns at the neighborhood kids who run on the lawn; and I want him being a messy bastard who flings his clothes around the house all willy nilly. I want his sugary, addicting kisses, his belly-gut-wrenching laughter; I want his beautifully inked skin under my greedy palms, and I want his rudeness, insanity, and scars—I want all of him and everything in between.

  “You guys came!” Jaimie screaming and running toward us snaps me out of my adoring thoughts.

  Grey growls in annoyance. “Act like you don’t see her.”

  “Oh, hush,” I whisper, laughing lightly. I hold my arms out. “Jaim’!” I feel a little jittery and excited to see her since the last time was after Grey won his first fight, at the party, before he got the worst news ever…

  She rushes into my hug and squeezes me like a friendly anaconda.

  “Oh, I missed you,” she whispers in my ear.

  “I missed you too.” I pull back and quickly scan her outfit, envious. She’s wearing a cute purple sweater crop top, light jeans, and incredible thigh-high boots. Gold hoops peek through her dark, curly hair, and her face is painted lightly and intricately. “You look amazing,” I comment.

  She rolls her eyes and juts out her hip, doing a model pose. “Duh.”

  I laugh at her confidence I only wish I had. “Where’s Julia?”

  A battle cry and clapping cuts Jaimie off from answering. We all look to our right and, through the throng of dancing people, we find Julia fist-pumping the air as she watches a pissed-off girl across a ping-pong table drink from a red Solo cup. Beer-pong. Ah, the memories of when I first played the game during my first year around October…I was first falling into the rabbit hole of, well, everything, and dealing with the bastard behind me, holding me possessively, lovingly.

  “Anyway.” Jaimie laughs.

  Julia yells out, “This one’s for you, babygirl!” and cheering is heard directly after. Jaimie’s cheeks dust rose in response.

  “How are you guys? Grey, I heard about your mom passing away…I am so sorry.” She genuinely looks apologetic as she looks at Grey over my shoulder.

  He tenses for a moment, then stands up straight. He mumbles something back, then tells me, “I’ll be back.”

  “Where are you…?” I begin, but he’s gone before I can finish.

  “Sorry,” Jaimie apologizes, but I wave a dismissive hand.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong,” I tell her honestly. “He sort of lost it when she died. Hasn’t been the same since, but he’s slowly getting back to how he once was.” And I will not stop until he is my Grey again, one hundred percent.

  “Oh…well, this is getting depressing.” She sighs and smiles widely. “How about we do some shots and cheer on my girlfriend as she makes people cry?” She holds out her elbow suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows.

  I laugh as her brightness offers to break through the darkness and loop my hand around her elbow. “Lead the way, Jaim’.”

  “It’d be my pleasure, Bam.” She raises her chin high and we “gallop” to the kitchen and burst out in laughter.

  We take a few shots and catch up a bit. I tell her about turning down the New York deal, how I am sure choosing Grey was the right choice.

  “Of course it was the right choice. Look at you; you’re glowing.” She’s leaving for Milan for her assistant job with that popular designer in a few weeks, which I’m incredibly sad about, but she says we’ll Skype all the time. I told her I’d hold her to that.

  After a while of chatting, we take a few shots to Julia, cheering her on and screaming at the sore losers who have to drink whenever she makes it. They don’t dare scream at her and celebrate when she misses, or they make the ball in one of her cups. They’re too scared. After a while, we all migrate to the dance floor where we dance and jump around like we’re the only ones in the house.

  I take so many mental snapshots, my scrapbook of The Bestest Friends Ever is over-flowing. I want to invite Lily and Matthew, but Lord knows what they’re up to. Speaking of which, I am so freaking happy for them. They’re not official or anything, but they’re happy. I can tell by the excited way he texts me when Lily looks his way when walking past him in his house and how Lily was all red and high-on-cloud-nine when she talked about their kiss at the game. Cuties.

  And as I look at Julia hold onto Jaimie possessively and Jaimie laugh like the free-spirit she is, I’m glad I chose this. I chose them. New York doesn’t have these two goofballs or my other two friends. Not only is Grey one a kind, but so are my amazing friends who deserve insurmountable awards just for being themselves.

  “Why are you crying?” Julia frowns at me, looking genuinely concerned.

  “Because I’m happy.” I swipe the tears I didn’t know I created away.

  “Liar.” Jaimie pulls the corners of my lips up using her index fingers. “There you go. Now you look happy.”

  I roll my eyes and wipe away any stray tears. “I’m gonna go look for Grey.” I haven’t seen him for a while. And although I don’t want to invade his space, I’m worried. His mother, a sore subject, was brought up, and he just disappeared. I want to make sure he’s okay.

  “All right, we’ll be right here,” Jaimie says, and I smile as she puts her hands on Julia’s shoulder. I walk away a bit and look back to find them kind of slow dancing, lost in their undeniable love for each other. I think I’m going to cry again. I suck up my tears and turn away from their little private moment.

  I wedge myself between groups of girls and guys dancing together and slowly work my way over to the steps, where I saw Grey last headed.

  “Liv? That you?” A voice stops me from going up.

  I turn around and smile slowly, finding Nate, the nice guy I met and befriended. We’ve been going to study sessions. I haven’t seen him in a while, so I give him a half-hug.

  “Nate, how are you?” I ask curiously, pulling away from the hug.

  His hazel eyes glisten. “Great. Just taking a break from all the studying I’ve been doing for the finals.”

  “Oh, please don’t bring that up. I’m not ready for ’em,” I joke and hold a hand to my chest.

  He laughs, and before he can reply, someone calls his name. He looks in their direction and gestures his Solo cup to me. “I’ll catch you around, yeah?”

  “Yeah, definitely.” I smile and wait until he’s left before I continue up the stairs.

  My good mood plummets when I see Diana strutting toward me. I roll my eyes and try to hide before she can see me. I may have been nice to her last time and she may have been slightly less of a bitch, but that doesn’t mean anything. She was weak in the moment, and so was I. That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  “Hey, bitch. Bye, bitch.” She winks at me as she waves at me, nudging me purposefully in the shoulder.

  I whirl around and snap, “You don’t have to be such a bitch, you know.”

  She snickers and turns around on her bright red heels, then saunters over to me. “You should be thanking me. I just sated your man’s needs when you couldn’t.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I gripe through clenched teeth, balling my hands into fists, ready to swing at her.

  “Look for yourself.” She nods over her shoulder.

  I reluctantly look down the hall. Grey’s exiting a room, fixing his leather jacket’s collar. He looks around a little like he’s looking for me, then ruffles out his hair.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I feel my heart drop to the ground as I look behind him at the room. I whip back around and rush down the stairs. Tears fill my eyes, and I hear him curse as he rushes after me. Diana’s disappeared, but my
disappointment’s bright and unrelenting.

  “Hey, hey, hey. Are you all right?” Nate grabs my arm.

  I sniffle and wipe away my tears. “I-I’m fine,” I lie.

  He doesn’t buy it. “Really? Looks like you’re crying to me.”

  “I’m fine, really—” I love that he cares, but Grey is right behind me and—

  “Let go of her!” Grey pops up and pushes Nate back, grabbing my hand.

  “Don’t touch me,” I snap at Grey, pushing him at the chest.

  He looks at me with wide, red eyes. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?” I know he’s referring to me pushing him, but I take it in another meaning just because I’m pissed at him.

  “I should be the one asking that!” I shout at him.

  “Hey, calm down.” Nate steps in between us.

  Grey’s eyes widen with anger and impatience, and he pushes Nate again. “Back the fuck up. This doesn’t concern you. Matter of fact, who the fuck are you? And why were you holding my girl?” He steps up to Nate, and Nate steps up too, not scared of Grey one bit.

  “Liv, do you actually know this asshole?” Nate says.

  Oh no.

  The light leaves Grey’s eyes before it happens. He throws his fist against Nate’s mouth, and all hell unravels before my eyes. They’re on the ground, and a crowd immediately circles the two as Grey pounds his fist in Nate’s face. I gasp and scream and plead for Grey to stop. A migraine works its way in my head, the liquor hitting me full force, like a hurricane.

  Grey doesn’t even know Nate. But all Nate had to do was piss off Grey, and he lost it. This just goes to show how much of a temperamental hot-head he is.

  “Grey! Stop it!” I yell, and my voice and desperation must click something in his head, because he stops and looks at me over his shoulder. I roll my eyes and pull him to stand. He staggers on his feet. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I scream at him, shoving him.

  Three guys swoop in and pick a barely conscious, bloody Nate up and haul him away, hopefully to clean him up and tend to his wounds.


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