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The Border Boys on the Trail

Page 23

by John Henry Goldfrap



  After shouting for an hour or more, Ralph and Walt grew tired of theexercise. As for the professor, with his usual philosophy he had madethe best of the situation by surveying their prison, which was asmall, barn-like building of adobe. There was nothing very remarkableabout it, except that three Americans had been imprisoned there for noapparent reason.

  At nightfall they were brought some food, and frantic efforts weremade by Walt to interrogate the Mexican who served them, but to noavail. The fellow only shook his head stupidly, and pretended not tounderstand.

  "Whatever are we locked up here for, anyhow?" demanded Ralph, for thefiftieth time, as they ate their evening meal.

  "Give it up," said Walt with a shrug.

  "You don't think it can have anything to do with Black Ramon, do you?"inquired the professor.

  "Not likely," rejoined Walt; "even down here there is some law andorder, and the townsfolk of this place, whatever it is, would hardly bein league with a band of robbers."

  "Then what do you suppose they have detained us for?"

  "As I said before, Ralph, I give it up. Maybe it's for having red hairand looking suspiciously like Americans."

  Soon after some blankets were thrown in to them, which they spread onthe not overclean floor, and, being tired out, were soon asleep. Inthe morning they were awakened, and passed a long, dreary day in thesemi-darkness.

  "I can't stand this much longer," Ralph burst out, on the second nightof their imprisonment. "If something doesn't happen soon, I'm going toescape."

  "How?" inquired the practical Walt, gazing about at the thick walls andthe small windows of their place of captivity.

  "I don't know how, but I will, you can bet," said Ralph decisively.

  "Well, I'm going to sleep," said Walt; and, accordingly, he curledhimself up in his blanket and was soon wrapped in slumber. Theprofessor followed his example, but Ralph could not sleep. What, withworry over their own situation and wondering how his friends, whom hebelieved were still captives in the mission, were faring, his eyes werewide open till past midnight.

  At that hour the quiet of the village was disturbed by a suddensound--the trample of horses' hoofs and the clanking of metal.

  "Black Ramon has found out we are here and is coming for us," wasRalph's first thought.

  But the trampling went on, and suddenly a bugle call sounded.

  "Soldiers!" exclaimed Ralph.

  Hastily he awoke the others, and, after a prolonged period oflistening, there was little doubt from the military character of thesounds outside that the newcomers were indeed troops.

  "Maybe they are out after the brigands," gasped Ralph, in a hopefultone.

  "If only we could see their commander and explain our predicament tohim," wished the professor.

  "And get laughed at for your pains," supplemented Walt.

  In the morning, so early that the dawn was still gray, their jaileraroused them. Wondering what could be going to happen, the boyshurriedly put on the few clothes they had taken off the night before,and, with the professor, obeyed his signal to follow him.

  They were quickly conducted before the short, pursy man, who hadcommitted them to their cell. Now, however, he was all smiles andcondescension.

  The reason for this may have lain in the fact that a smart-lookingofficer of the Mexican cavalry stood by his side and eyed the boys withinterest as they came in. He was in command of the troops that hadarrived the night before, and which, though the boys had not guessedit, were the ones summoned from Los Hominos.

  It now appeared that the fat dignitary could talk passable Englishwhen he chose, and, as the boys entered, he greeted them with an airy:

  "Good morning."

  "Good morning," sputtered Ralph, indignation taking the place ofprudence. "You ought to beg our pardons. What have we done to be lockedup like criminals? We demand a hearing. We----"

  "There, there," said the stout man soothingly; "all is well. Thisofficer has told me that in all probability you are respectable,and----"

  "In all probability?" burst out the professor, "I am ProfessorWintergreen, of Stonefell College, and this young man is my charge,Ralph Stetson, and this other gentleman is Walter Phelps, the son of arancher."

  "The names I have on my list as being among those imprisoned by BlackRamon," interrupted the officer. "Pray, se?ors, how did you escape?"

  "Tell us first why we are locked up," demanded Ralph.

  "Why, as I understand it, this worthy man, who is mayor of thisvillage, merely had you detained on suspicion. He thought you might behorse thieves, and----"

  "Me a horse thief!" shouted the professor.

  "You forget your appearance is----" began the officer, but wasinterrupted by a good-natured laugh from all three of the adventurers.True, they had forgotten how they must have looked after theiradventure in the tunnel. Later, when they saw a mirror, they did notblame the fat mayor so much. Plastered with dirt and mud, scratched andragged, they did, indeed, look unlike the three trim persons who hadset out from the American foothills in pursuit of Black Ramon.

  "But he could have found out who we were by asking us," protested Ralph.

  "He tells me he was going to do so--to-morrow."

  "You forgot we are in the land of manana," reminded the professor.

  After some more palaver, the mayor signified that the three Americanscould have their liberty, and apologized for their detention on behalfof himself and his village.

  It was soon explained to the boys by the officer that he was hasteningwith fifty picked men to round up the rustlers who had long infestedthat part of Mexico.

  "But," he admitted, "had we not fallen in with you, we would hardlyhave known where to find them."

  "No, the last place you would look for them would be in a church,"grinned Walt.

  Soon after, the boys, having despatched a hasty breakfast, the cavalryset out. The boys rode in advance to guide them to the retreat of BlackRamon and his men. The professor ambled along, sitting uneasily on thesaddle which had now been provided for him. It was a long time beforehe recovered from his bareback ride on the old ranch horse.

  "If these fellows are Mexican cavalry, they are all right," said Ralph,admiringly looking at the easy riding and smart equipment of the fiftymen under the friendly officer.

  "They are rurales," explained the officer; "a section of the army keptespecially for hunting brigands and robbers. Most of them are formerbrigands themselves, but there are no better men for the work."

  By mid-afternoon they came in sight of the old mission, and, as theyapproached it, the boys gave a shout of astonishment, which was echoedby the professor.

  Riding toward them, from the opposite direction, was a band ofhorsemen. Faster they came in their direction, seemingly spurringonward to destruction.

  "Those greasers must be crazy," exclaimed Ralph, gazing at what seemeda suicidal act. "They're riding right at us."

  Suddenly a dip in the foothills hid the approaching horsemen, but thethunder of their hoofs could still be heard. Could Ramon have an ambushon the other side of the rise, wondered Ralph.

  The same thought must have come to the Mexican officer, for he gave acurt order and his men, bursting into a wild yell, drew their carbinesfrom their holsters and prepared to use them.

  "We'll fire when they come over the ridge," whispered the captain toRalph.



  Closer and closer came the clatter of the advancing hoofs. Presently ahorseman's head showed above the ridge.

  The almost formed command was abruptly checked on the captain's lips,as the newcomer, followed by twenty others, swept over the ridge.

  It was Mr. Merrill, and close behind him came Coyote Pete and BudWilson, with Jack Merrill riding alongside.

  "Yip-yip-yip-y-ee-ee-ee!" yelled the cowboys, as they saw the Mexicantroops.

  "Wow!" yelled the Mexicans.

  "Hooray!" shouted
the boys, and, amidst all the rejoicing shouts, therecame a sudden cry of recognition from Jack as his eyes fell on WaltPhelps' mount.

  "Firewater!" he cried, and the pony shared his greetings andcongratulations with the three newly-recovered members of the party.

  It was soon told how Coyote Pete and Jack, with Jim Hicks and old SamSimmons, on their way from the dam, had fallen in with the Merrillparty near the mission. It was believed that Black Ramon and his menwere ambushed there. Then they had decided to make no attack at once,but close in on the place when the troops had been met with, and inthis way make the round-up of the rustlers complete.

  Ralph, Walt and the professor rapidly told of their escape, and JimHicks emitted a whoop when he heard that the treasure had, in alllikelihood, been located. Further relation of all their excitingadventures was put aside by them all till Ramon and his band shouldhave been captured.

  After a brief consultation, it was decided to advance in a fan-shapedformation on the old mission, gradually closing in as they neared it.If Ramon and his band were ambushed there, they could make deadlydefense from its strong walls, and neither Mr. Merrill nor the Mexicancaptain were anxious to lose any men if it could be helped.

  Accordingly, the line moved cautiously forward till it was within afew hundred yards of the building. Up to that moment the old place hadbeen silent and deserted as a tomb. Suddenly, however, as the attackersadvanced, a fusillade was opened from the tower. Lead spattered on therocks about them, but, fortunately, nobody was hit. Ralph turned ratherpale. It was the first time he had ever been shot at.

  "Better get behind this ridge," said Mr. Merrill, as the fire grewhotter.

  Accordingly, the attacking party dropped low into a gully. The firinginstantly stopped.

  "If only we could draw enough of their fire to exhaust theirammunition," mused the rancher.

  "I have a plan," cried Jack suddenly.

  "What is it, my boy?"

  "Why can't we elevate hats and caps on rifle-barrels and let them blazeaway at those? That would soon empty their ammunition belts."

  "A good idea," said Mr. Merrill, while the other ranchers warmlyapproved. The preparations to carry out Jack's plan were rapidly made.Soon, what was apparently a head, was poked above the ridge. A perfectfusillade of bullets came showering about it.

  "Drop it," cried Jack. "Make it look as if the man was killed."

  The ruse worked perfectly. Every time a "head" appeared, a tornadoof bullets rattled about it, and the riddled condition of the capsand hats thus held up, bore eloquent testimony to the efficacy of theenemy's marksmen.

  Finally, however, the fire began to slacken. Instead of a hail ofbullets, only two or three greeted the appearance of a head.

  The moment they had waited for had arrived. With a cheer, the fullforce of rurales leaped from the trenches.

  "Come on!" shouted Jack, but Mr. Merrill restrained him.

  "Remember, we are in a foreign country, my boy. The rurales must do thework or we shall be in serious trouble."

  "Oh, bother," cried Jack, "and I wanted to see the attack."

  On swept the rurales, a final fire hailing about them, but a volleyfrom their carbines soon silenced the last feeble attempt at defense.

  "I guess the rustlers have about given up," exclaimed Jack.

  Suddenly, from the old mission gates there swept out a figure onhorseback. It was instantly recognized as that of Black Ramon. He wasmounted on his magnificent black horse, and waved his hand defiantlyat the advancing line. The rurales poured a perfect storm of bulletsat him, but the chief of the cattle rustlers seemed to bear a charmedlife. Once he reeled in his saddle as if he had been hit, but heinstantly recovered himself.

  Spurring his superb mount, he sprang forward over the brow of aprotecting ridge, and was lost to view. When he next appeared hewas silhouetted in striking outline on the summit of another ridgeof foothills. For an instant he paused, and they could see him lookdefiantly back. Then, with a wave of his sombrero, he vanished. It wasuseless to pursue him. There was not a horse among the ranchers or theMexicans that could approach the big black.

  "There goes a rascal that would look better decorating a telegraph polewith a hemp necktie around his yellow throat, than anywhere else," saidone of the Americans, as the desperado vanished.

  "And yet," said Mr. Merrill, "I should not have wished to see him shotdown in cold blood. If only we had our horses and cattle----"

  "We'll have them before long," said Ralph quietly, as, with a loudseries of yells, the rurales charged into the mission itself.

  "What do you mean?" asked Mr. Merrill. The other Americans, watchingfrom the little knoll the attack on the mission, looked at himquestioningly.

  "We've found them all," announced Ralph calmly, "in the sunkenvalley----"

  "A remarkable geographical 'freak,' if I may use the expression," brokein the professor, "at some remote period of the earth's life----"


  Coyote Pete and Bud Wilson set up loud yells, which were joined in bythe other cow-punchers and Americans, as the little Mexican captaincould be seen in the distance, waving his sword in token that thecattle rustlers' stronghold had fallen. The whole cavalcade, with acheer, Swept forward, with Jack Merrill, Ralph Stetson and Walt Phelpsin the lead. The professor's horse ran away with him in the wildstampede, but luckily, by dint of fastening his bony fingers in itsmane, he managed to hold on.

  Without a single life being lost, or any wounds received on eitherside, the band that had so long harassed the border had fallen into thehands of the authorities. Eventually every member of it but Black Ramonwas rounded up, including the renegade cow-puncher.

  All were placed under escort of the troops, and taken to Mexico City.They are now serving long sentences in Mexican penal institutions.The Border Boys later received the thanks of President Diaz for thepart they had played in bringing the outlaws to book. After seeing theprisoners disposed of, of course the Americans had to be shown how theboys and the professor had effected their escape from the church.With torches and lamps they crowded into the narrow pit, and the holewhich had gaped open when the ring was pulled loose soon appeared. Ofthe noxious gases, however, no trace remained. The air was pure andhealthful. The professor ascertained later that the old missionarieswho had buried the treasure there, had placed pungent chemicals underthe trapdoors, so that, in case of marauding Indians attacking thetreasure, it would be safe. The skull and bone, it seemed reasonableto suppose, had been placed in the passage wall as a warning to othervisitors. The mysterious noise that had alarmed Ralph remained amystery for a long time, till one of the prisoners admitted that he hadcaused it under Ramon's orders, the object being to scare the boys.

  The lights of the torches and lamps carried by the party, shone redlyinto the black hole, and the three Border Boys peered eagerly over.Jack and Ralph, by a common impulse, leaped downward together. Theirfeet struck the lid of an old wooden chest with a splitting, rendingsound, as the rotten wood gave. The next instant a cheer went up. JimHicks' treasure-trove had been found. The flickering lights gleamed onthe dull glint of gold coins and ornaments of priceless value.

  "Wow!" yelled Jim Hicks; "I'm rich. But so will you boys be, too. I'lltake care of that, and you, likewise, Coyote Pete."

  In vain the boys protested; Jim Hicks insisted, and long afterward,when the Mexican government's claim had been settled and the treasureappraised, each boy received a crisp check for two thousand dollars.Coyote Pete was also a recipient of the miner's good will.

  Among the prisoners taken, was a queer-looking old man, with a long,white beard, and the quick, shifty, dark eyes of an ape. Jack Merrilland Pete gave an exclamation of surprise as their eyes fell on him. Itwas the old hermit of the ca?on! He recognized them, and gave them abaleful scowl.

  "It wasn't his fault that Ramon didn't have us where we've got _him_,"commented Pete.

  After remaining camped at the mission for a day, while finalarrangements for the taking of
testimony at the cattle rustlers'trials, and the matter of the boys' depositions was attended to, theAmerican party bade farewell to the Mexican captain and his troops andset out for the home-side of the border.

  Carefully guarded by several cowboys was a pack horse, carrying thetreasure chest. Its contents had been roughly valued at $75,000.

  "Well, Ralph," said Jack, with a laugh, as the boys rode along at aneasy lope together, "what do you think of the West now?"

  "It's great, Jack," responded Ralph, who had been thinking over theadventures of the last few days.

  "But if things had turned out differently," put in Walt.

  "No use thinking of that," decided Jack. "All we've got to think aboutis, that we have had the luck to be the means of cleaning out thatbunch of rustlers, and ridding the border of them forever."

  "Forever's a long time," commented Mr. Merrill, who had spurred upalongside the boys. "However, I think you boys have had quite enoughadventures for a time."

  "I'd like to start out again to-morrow," exclaimed Jack.

  "So would I," echoed Ralph.

  "Well, you may have a chance before long," said Mr. Merrillenigmatically. He would add nothing further, however.

  At Maguez a great reception had been prepared for the returningranchers. The celebration was held some days later. The boys, theirfaces suffused with blushes, had to make speeches and describe in parttheir adventures.

  "Three cheers for the Border Boys," yelled the crowd, as Ralph limpedthrough some sort of an oration. Jack had done much better, while WaltPhelps was overtaken with stage fright and couldn't speak at all.

  "Well, good-bye to the strenuous life for a while," said Jack, as theyrode home after the celebration. Behind them were the yells and whoopsof the enthusiastic citizens who were still keeping it up.

  "Well, we've been through many dangers and perils," rejoined Ralph,"but somehow, it's pleasant to look back on them. I hope we will havesome more adventures before long."

  "Not likely to," commented Walt Phelps.

  "Why not?" asked Jack. "Black Ramon is still at large, remember, andsomehow, I've got a feeling that as long as he is at liberty he'll maketrouble."

  "Well, the Border Boys will take care of him every time," shoutedRalph, giving a regular cowboy yell:


  It was echoed by the other Border Boys, as they spurred forward for thehome ranch, under the clear stars. On and on they rode, their littleponies' feet making the lively kind of music each of them loved best tohear.

  All at once they rode over a slight rise--the first "land-wave" tomark that they were approaching the foothills. With yells, the BorderBoys dashed down the other side of it and disappeared from the starlitdesert trail--and from this story.

  But we shall meet the Border Boys again in further adventures andperils, more exciting than any through which they had yet passed. RalphStetson's introduction to frontier life--thrilling as it had been--wasbut one series of incidents in the lives of the dwellers along "theline."

  How the Border Boys were tried in future stirring scenes and excitingadventures, those who choose to follow their career may find relatedin another volume of this series, which will be called: THE BORDERBOYS ACROSS THE FRONTIER.

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