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Planet Sweshan

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by Olivia Black

  Alien Lovers 3

  Planet Sweshan

  Grant Byers was barely surviving. He volunteered to leave Earth so that the government would take care of his family. His parents were religious fanatics, and Grant didn’t want to live a lonely existence to please them. Now that he’s free to be himself, Grant is ready to find a mate.

  The Sweshian race is dying, and they need humans to procreate. Each human brought to Sweshan is given to a male for one week. If, after that week, the human doesn’t have a positive pregnancy test, he is given to another male.

  Ael is the deputy commissioner of Sweshan. After losing four potential mates, Ael took his name off the list. One day, without warning, a human is delivered to Ael’s home. He tries to keep Grant at a distance, but he soon realizes that it’s impossible to ignore the young human. Grant is beautiful, smart, and funny, and he’s not afraid to try new things. When Grant is injured, Ael quickly realizes how much he cares for the human—but is it too late?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Futuristic, Science Fiction

  Length: 34,497 words


  Alien Lovers 3

  Olivia Black




  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


  Copyright © 2016 by Olivia Black

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-678-6

  First E-book Publication: December 2016

  Cover design by Jess Buffett

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For my readers. Thank you for the love and support.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author




  Alien Lovers 3


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  For a long time, Grant Byers knew only darkness. He came back to consciousness, slowly. One moment he was floating comfortably in a sea of murkiness, and in the next, Grant was pulled back to reality. He was instantly surrounded by sounds he didn’t recognize—the steady beep of a machine, a door hissing as it opened, light footsteps, the swish of fabric, followed by two distinct voices. Grant didn’t move. He lay motionless, listening.

  “Still no change?”

  There was a heavy sigh. “No, not yet.”

  “Why isn’t he awake, Doctor Talr?”

  “I don’t know,” the doctor murmured in response. “His surgery was a success. I’ve given him a full body scan. Everything is normal. He should be awake.”

  “Keep me posted on his progress.”

  “I’ll let you know if there are any changes.”

  There was a moment of silence, followed by footsteps, and then, the door hissed once again. Grant assumed it must’ve closed behind his visitors as they left the room.

  He didn’t even try to open his eyes, not yet anyway. Grant lay on the bed, trying to figure out where he was. He thought back, running the most recent memories through his mind.

  The Glecerian starship transporting them to Sweshan. The explosion that ripped through the ship. His friend, Georgie. The unbearable pain in his chest. Lying down on the ground beside Bryson. And that was where his memories abruptly ended. He couldn’t seem to remember anything else. Had he been transported off the starship? Where were his friends? Did Georgie and Bryson survive the attack? What about the other humans? Questions swam around inside his mind, and Grant knew that he needed answers.

  He tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids felt as though they were glued together. He groaned, shifting restlessly on the soft bedding beneath him, as he fought to peel his lids open.

  “You’re okay.”

  A cool hand touched his shoulder. The difference in temperature, from his own body heat, sent a shiver racing down Grant’s spine and goose bumps broke out along his flesh. He knew it wasn’t a Glecerian doctor since the males of that particular alien race ran hotter than humans. At least one question had been answered. He wasn’t on Glecerus. Grant started to panic. He jerked away, desperately trying to escape the foreign hand.

  “You’re safe, Grant. I’m Doctor Talr. You’re on Planet Sweshan.”

  Grant stopped struggling. His heart pounded wildly as he took in deep gulps of air, trying to calm himself.

  “I’m going to remove the patches covering your eyes. I placed them there after surgery to help you rest peacefully.”

  Grant took a deep breath. He cleared his parched throat. “Okay,” he said, but it came out as nothing more than
a hoarse whisper.

  The doctor removed his hand from Grant’s shoulder. “I’m going to peel the pads off. Keep your eyes closed for a moment. Take it easy. It’s bright in here. It will take some time to adjust to the light.”

  Grant gave a sharp nod. “I understand.”

  Doctor Talr started removing the gel-like material over Grant’s eyes, peeling it away. Until this moment, Grant hadn’t even known that anything was on his face. It was a strange fabric he didn’t recognize. With his eyes still closed, the light was bright. It pierced through his lids, causing Grant to flinch away. He pinched his eyelids closed, wishing he could be surrounded by darkness once more.

  “Take your time.”

  Grant was almost afraid to separate his lids. It took a couple of minutes to build up enough courage, but eventually he did. Grant slowly peeled his eyes open into a squint. The light burned. He lifted his hand, shielding the light, giving his eyes time to adjust. Grant blinked repeatedly until he could see clearly. He dropped his hand and stared up at a fish-like humanoid alien.

  Even though he knew what the people of Sweshan looked like, seeing one in real life was still a little shocking.

  The male was wearing a gray-colored jumper beneath a white lab coat. His skin was blue, covered in bluish-green shimmery scales. That wasn’t nearly as surprising as his ears, though. They looked like fins composed of protruding bony spines covered in blue skin. And his eyes…they were off putting with black vertical pupils and a yellow sclera. He had three slits on the side of his throat that looked like gills. And his hair was blue and short. It appeared wet, curving back like a wave away from his face. The Glecerians called them fish people, and based on looks alone, the name fit.

  Grant opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He just stared at the male, his brain frozen. The Sweshian doctor seemed unfazed by Grant’s reaction. He merely smiled, flashing a toothy grin, exposing a row of perfectly straight teeth. It was probably meant to put Grant at ease, but it made him wary, and a little scared.

  “Do you remember the explosion on the Glecerian starship?”

  Grant nodded.

  “You had internal injuries.”

  “Internal injuries…” Grant murmured.

  “The most pressing matter was your heart. Blood accumulated in the pericardium around the organ. The fluid filled the sac, expanding with almost a liter of blood. When we got to you, your heart was barely pumping, and you were hardly breathing.”

  Grant sucked in a sharp breath. He lifted his right hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart.

  “I performed an emergency cardiac tamponade according to Earth’s medical standards. We worked fast to get you cleared for transport off the Glecerian destroyer so that we could use our technology to save your life. With the damage you sustained, we didn’t know if you would make it.”

  Grant thought back to his time on the Glecerian starship. “I didn’t even realize I was injured.”

  “That’s understandable. Internal injuries don’t always present with symptoms right away.”

  “What about the other humans?” Grant asked.

  “The other humans that we transported off the Glecerian destroyer are fine. They were cleared to leave medical almost a week ago. But you remained unconscious.”

  “What about Bryson Garrett? Did he make it off the destroyer?”

  “Bryson is fine. He stayed by your side until he was medically cleared to leave.”

  Relief swept through Grant’s system. He was really glad to hear that his friend was safe. “Where is he now?”

  “The placement officer delivered each of the humans to their first prospective mate.”

  “Will I be able to see Bryson or the other humans?”

  “I’m sure you will,” Talr told him. “But, in truth, it depends on your prospective mate. The Sweshian male that is responsible for you will make the decision.”

  “Do I have to wait until I’m officially mated?”

  “Like I said, it depends on your prospective mate. Each Sweshian male is given one week to bond with their human so you might have to wait.”

  “It’s been almost a week?”


  Now that he knew his friend and the other humans were relatively safe, Grant shifted his thought process. “What’s going to happen to me?”

  “You’ll remain here until you’re cleared to leave. And then, you’ll be taken to your first prospective mate.”

  “Do you know who my first prospective mate is?”

  Talr shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, I don’t.”

  Grant was a little disappointed. He was hoping Talr might know so that he could get some information. The thought of being left with a total stranger was a little intimidating, but Grant would have plenty of time to deal with that stress soon enough. Grant took a calming breath, slowly inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth.

  “You don’t need to worry about anything right now,” Talr assured him. “Just get some rest.”

  Grant nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. I’ll be back in the morning to run a few more tests. I want to make sure you’re healthy before I discharge you.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Grant watched Doctor Talr leave. The male pressed a button beside the door, and it opened. He exited the room, and the door slid shut behind him. Now that he was alone, Grant looked around, inspecting his surroundings.

  The room was practically empty with only a bed and a few machines on either side hooked up to Grant. Thin tubes ran from the machines, entering the veins. Grant didn’t know what they were giving him but assumed that the Sweshan people wouldn’t do anything to harm him. Heavy, white curtains were pulled closed, covering the walls, blocking out the outside world.

  Grant lifted his hands. He rubbed his tired eyes and sighed. He wanted to get some rest, but he was too anxious.

  Grant dropped his hands to the bed and stared down at the tubes in his arms. After a moment, Grant pulled them free. Besides a little grogginess, he felt fine. He threw the blankets back, exposing his bare legs. Grant moved his toes and flexed his feet. He tested his strength by moving his legs up and down. Everything seemed to be working just fine. Grant planted his elbows on the bed and pushed himself up.

  Grant turned his body, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. He slid off the side. When his bare feet touched the floor, a chill ran through his body, and he shivered involuntarily. Grant moved slowly. He placed his hands on the bed for support as he stood, testing his muscles. Grant took a step, and his knees nearly buckled beneath his weight. His legs felt weak, but he forced himself to move. He needed to build up his strength.

  Grant dragged the soles of his feet against the floor as he made his way across the room. He took slow, measured steps until he started to feel a bit stronger. With each lap around the room, Grant glanced toward the curtain, wondering what was hidden on the other side. His curiosity grew with each passing moment until he wasn’t able to resist the temptation any longer.

  Grant reached out. He grabbed hold of the curtain and pulled it aside. His mouth dropped open, and his breath froze in his lungs. Grant’s eyes widened. The wall wasn’t really a wall. It was transparent, like a thick piece of glass, giving a perfect visual of the underwater world of Sweshan.

  He placed both of his hands against the glass and leaned forward, pressing his face against the cool slab. Clear blue water filled with plants and animals was only a few inches away. There were also a few Sweshian people swimming. Grant watched them closely, their bodies gliding effortlessly through the water. Thick beams of light shot down from above, making their scales shimmer brightly beneath the depths of the ocean.

  As he looked further in the distance, there were giant structures that lined up along the ocean floor. Grant stared at the buildings. They were all the same size and shape with rounded rooftops and cylinder-shaped tubes, connecting at various points
. It seemed as though the Sweshian people used the same design plan to construct each one. It was a metropolitan city located beneath the sea.

  “Whoa,” Grant murmured.

  Grant lowered himself to the floor and sat down, crossing his legs. He stared out the thick pane of glass, letting his eyes roam back and forth, taking in the sights before him. The ocean floor was covered in seagrass. It was a forest of long, tentacle-like algae. Flowers bloomed, and soft coral swayed, dancing in the current. Alien-looking sea creatures moved around freely, darting in and out of brightly colored plants. And the fish-like Sweshian people swam freely.

  The world in front of him was unlike anything he had ever seen. His brain was having a hard time processing all the fine details. Grant’s own imagination wasn’t nearly as vivid. He would never be able to concoct something so intensely beautiful.

  Grant wasn’t sure how long he sat on the ground, mesmerized by what he was seeing, but eventually, the sea darkened as the Sweshian suns above disappeared. When the natural light was gone, the buildings along the sea floor automatically lit up, letting off an ethereal glow.


  Grant uncrossed his legs and rose to his feet. He lifted his arms over his head and arched his back, stretching out his tight muscles. He grabbed hold of the curtains and closed them, blocking out Sweshan. Grant made his way back across the room.

  He got into bed and pulled the blankets over his body. Warmth and comfort instantly surrounded him. Grant yawned, his mouth stretching wide open, and he closed his eyes. It didn’t take long before Grant was asleep once again.


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