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Livin' on the Edge (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 6)

Page 9

by Winter Travers

  Quinn leaned back in his chair and looked at me. “You got yourself into some crazy there, brother.”

  I shrugged. “Nothing I can’t handle. Problem I had last night was I didn’t have a way to get Lynn’s sister out of there.”

  Quinn nodded. “Well, I guess that is why we’re here, huh? Ready to help each other whenever we need to.”

  “So, what’s the deal with the sister?” I asked. “I know you, so I know you asked her questions more than how her night was going.”

  Quinn smiled. “Well, I mean, we are working on figuring out this meth scene moving into Whitmore. Steph was just high enough to let us know where she had been getting her drugs.”

  I sighed. “I figured it wasn’t a one-off of her being high, but for Lynn’s sake, I was hoping it was.”

  Brick shook his head. “Not her first time, but I don’t think she’s too far down the hole. She kept babbling on about Lynn being the perfect daughter. Sounds like some sibling bullshit.”

  That lined up with what Lynn had told me.

  “So who did she say she was getting her drugs from?” Sledge asked.

  Quinn ran a hand through his hair. “She only had the name Wrigley. One of her friends put her onto him.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Core pushed back from the table.

  Quinn turned to Core. “You wanna expand on the shut the fuck up?”

  Core pounded his fist on the table. “Fucking knew a guy who worked for C who was named Wrigley. Took any job he could get but wound up moving out of state. I bet his dumbass is back and is working for the Devil’s Rebels.”

  “You got a way to get in touch with him?” Quinn asked.

  Core shrugged. “I can reach out and see what happens. I can’t exactly hide that I’m part of the Kings, but I could try to spin it in my favor.”

  Dyno pointed at Core. “Now that is the type of shit I want to hear coming out of your mouth.”

  “See what you can do. If anything, we can always talk to Steph more and see about riding along when she tries to score next.”

  “You really think we should be encouraging Lynn’s sister to do drugs to find out who her dealer is?” Lynn would be pissed as hell to know that we were possibly going to use Steph.

  “We’re not going to inject the shit into her, brother. Have a little faith in me.” Quinn inclined his head toward Dyno. “What’s the status on the strip club?”

  “Going pretty good. Got about three more days of demo, and then we can start making the place what I have planned.” Dyno nodded to Point and Brick. “Those two have been a big help.”

  “Hey,” Core sputtered. “I’ve been there every day you have.”

  Dyno folded his arms over his chest. “Offering to do every supply run or lunch run isn’t that big of a help, brother.”

  I chuckled. “You’re still scared of a fucking funeral home?”

  “What the hell happened to a minute ago when you thought I was doing amazing things for the club?” Core protested. “And besides, I’m not much help when it comes to that demo stuff.”

  Sledge slapped Core on the back. “Come on, brother. There’s something therapeutic about grabbing a crowbar and smashing the fuck out of a wall.”

  Core shook his head. “I much prefer smashing the hell out of a bottle of whiskey and finding a warm bed to land in.”

  “Well,” Quinn snickered. “I think we all much prefer that, but sometimes we have to do the shitty stuff to be able to have the fun.”

  “Amen to that,” Rhino chided.

  “So, now that you’re in there and seeing how things are going, what’s your open date for the club?” Quinn asked Dyno.

  Dyno shrugged. “Three months. Possibly two and a half if I get a fuck-ton more help.”

  “You sure we shouldn’t try to hire some of this out?” Quinn asked.

  Dyno shook his head. “As long as I can dedicate all of my time to the club, we’ll be fine. The plumbing might be a bitch, but I can handle it.”

  Quinn tipped his chin to Dyno. “You’re calling the shots on all of this. It’s great that you can do it all, but if you need more help, just let me know.”

  Dyno clicked his tongue and pointed at Quinn. “I got it covered, bossman.”

  “Core finds Wrigley, and the rest of you help Dyno as much as you can,” Quinn ordered. “The sooner we get the strip club open, the sooner we can start paying back the Royal Bastards. I hate having shit hanging over us.”

  “At least the Bastards are pretty cool,” Sledge pointed out.

  That was true, but it still sucked owing them money.

  “Did you ever call Monk about Barracuda dropping in last month?” Rhino asked.

  Quinn nodded. “Yeah. I mentioned it to him. They’re still trying to figure out who it was that killed Barracuda’s ol’ lady.”

  “I bet you five hundred bucks it was those asshole Devil’s Rebels,” Point grunted.

  “More than likely. Monk mentioned they were digging up an old beef that Barracuda and Menace had. They’re thinking it’s an old grudge coming out.” Quinn shook his head. “Whatever or whoever it is, I can tell you I am glad that we are not on the wrong side of the Bastards.”

  “Well, maybe we can take care of the Devil’s Rebels, and the Bastards will thank us by forgetting about the money we borrowed,” Core suggested.

  Dyno and Quinn busted out laughing. “We take out the Devil’s Rebels, and all the Bastards are going to do is say thanks and ask when the next payment will be coming.”

  Even I knew the likely hood of the Bastards forgetting about the loan was a big fat zero.

  Brick jumped out of his chair and hollered. “What in the fuck!”

  Rhino looked under the table and laughed. “Come here, Hulk.” He hoisted the small gray kitten in his arms and set him on the table.

  “Why in the hell does that thing like me so much?” Brick growled.

  Rhino shrugged. “Probably because he knows you don’t like him, so he’s gonna make you like him.”

  Hulk strutted over to Brick and reared back on his hind legs. He planted his front paws on Brick’s leg and stretched. Brick curled his lip and mumbled, “I like you, now leave me alone.” He stepped back, and Hulk landed back on the table.

  “Well, let’s call this meeting over. Can’t really beat Brick jumping up like a little girl over a cat.” Quinn rapped his knuckles on the table. “Let’s all get our asses over to the strip club whenever we can, yeah?”

  We all grunted or nodded.

  “Me finding Wrigley might take some time,” Core spoke.

  Quinn shook his head and walked out of church. Core followed behind him, rambling on about how hard it might be to find Wrigley.

  Dyno scrubbed his hand down his face. “Core is going to be the fucking death of me.”

  “I’ll be out tomorrow after I take Lynn’s dad to the thrift store. I planned on bringing him out to see what we’re doing.”

  Dyno laughed. “Can he swing a hammer?”

  I shrugged. “I mean, I’m sure he can.” I wouldn’t mention to Lynn that Dyno would probably put her dad to work tomorrow.

  “Man,” Rhino chuckled. “Hanging out with her dad now, huh? I think you’re gonna have the record for moving the fastest.”

  I shrugged again and stood. “There a fucking timeline or something I need to follow?”

  Lynn and I moved at our own pace, and I didn’t care how fast or slow people thought it was. For all my life, I had done things based on how it felt. I wasn’t about to change now. It felt right to be with Lynn, so that was what I was going to do.

  Rhino held up his hands defensively. “Hey, I’m not judging, brother. Just simply saying.”

  “Give him a break,” Sledge laughed. “We all fell like fucking dominos when we met our ol’ ladies.”

  “Yeah,” Rhino agreed, “but that’s what makes it so fun to give Zephyr shit about it.”

  I walked out of church and headed to the common room. “You guys can give me
all the shit you want; just keep your mouths shut when Lynn is around. She’s coming over after work, so you guys can make yourselves scarce.” God knew I was already dealing with enough shit with Lynn and her family, so I didn’t need these assholes to hassle her about whatever it was we were doing.

  Today at lunch, she had asked me for the last time why I wanted to help her and be around her. I wanted to help because I wanted to, and I wanted to be with her because she felt like home and was fucking gorgeous.

  “You know the second the girls get wind that Lynn is coming over, they’re gonna have a fucking Book Club, and they’ll all be three sheets to the wind by seven.” Dyno clapped me on the shoulder. “Kimber is going to be the only sober one, but that’s not gonna really matter because even sober, she’s a fucking nut.”

  “Who said my name?”

  I turned and glared at Brick, Rhino, Sledge, and Dyno. “Keep your mouths shut,” I growled.

  Kimber and Fancy were sitting on the couch watching something on the TV.

  “I did, doll,” Dyno replied. He winked at me and turned to the couch. “Lynn is coming over after work. You guys should have a Book Club tonight.”

  Why that bastard.

  Kimber shot up from the couch and pulled out her phone from her pocket. “I’ll let the girls know. We should invite Robyn, too. Hopefully she isn’t working.”

  “I’ll check the bar. I think last Book Club, you guys finished off the Malibu.” Kimber rolled off the couch and shuffled over to the bar. “You guys are lushes when it’s Book Club,” she grumbled.

  “Uh, girlfriend, you’re the biggest lush of us all. The only reason why you’re noticing it now is because of that baby you’re carrying around.” Fancy typed on her phone and smiled. “I’ll ask Petra to grab a bottle of Malibu on the way over.”

  “Better make it two,” Dyno laughed.

  Fancy flipped him off. “As if you don’t reap the benefits of Book Club.”

  Dyno shrugged and plopped down on the couch. “I guess I can’t argue with you on that one.”

  “So, you gonna punch him now or later?” Sledge chuckled.

  I leaned against the bar and folded my arms over my chest. “I’ll get him back,” I muttered.

  The plans I had for Lynn tonight were now bumped back at least three hours thanks to Book Club.

  Brick moved behind the bar and snagged a bottle of whiskey. He grabbed two shot glasses and set one next to me. “Might as well start drinking now, brother. It’s gonna be a long night.”


  Chapter Eleven

  Book Club…


  I was drunk.


  I pushed my empty glass away and leaned back in my chair.

  “You look like you’re going to puke,” Kimber laughed.

  She could laugh. She was the only sober one in the room.

  “I more than likely should have not been drank that last…drink.” Yup, I was drunk. That made no sense at all.

  Robyn clinked her glass against the empty one I had pushed away. “I think you need a refill,” she slurred. “Let me get you one.”

  I put my hand on her shoulder and shook my head. “I am two drunks over my limit.” I shook my head again. “Drinks, not drunks. Though I am drunk.”

  Zephyr’s low chuckle sounded from the couch.

  All night, I had been having fun with the girls while he sat on the couch watching me and laughing at my drunk ass.

  “I’ll have one more,” Fancy hollered from the floor.

  I leaned to the side and looked down at her. “You want me to drop another pretzel in your mouth?”

  Fancy shook her head. “I’m stuffed, though if there are any Oreos left, you can drop one of those.”

  “Do not drop a whole Oreo in her mouth,” Dyno warned.

  I scoffed and grabbed an Oreo. “As if I would do that.” I bit off half the cookie and dropped the other half down to Fancy. It bounced off her chin and landed on her boobs.

  “Boob cookie,” Fancy laughed. She popped it into her mouth and moaned. “Do that again.”

  “What in the hell are you two doing?” Petra laughed. “And how do I get it on it?” She pointed to Kimber. “I’m gonna lay on the floor, and you’re gonna drop cookies into my mouth. Like a mama bird does.”

  Kimber tipped her head to the side. “Uh, I don’t think you mean that because I’m pretty sure the mama bird chews the food before she drops it into the baby bird’s mouth.”

  Petra cringed. “Uh, yeah. Don’t do that.” She waved her hand. “You know want, I’ll just grab a cookie and put it in my own mouth.”

  “Best idea I’ve heard all night,” Rhino chuckled.

  “How about I tell another joke?” Kimber suggested.

  “Yes!” Queenie gushed. “Encore!” She pounded on the table and cheered loudly.

  “If you wake up Hunter, Queenie, your ass is going in there,” Sledge threatened.

  Queenie waved her hand at him. “As if it’s a burden to take care of Hunter.”

  Kimber cleared her throat. “My uncle named his dogs Rolex and Timex.” She looked around the room. “They’re his watch dogs.”

  “Oh, my God,” Quinn groaned. “Can’t you find better jokes?”

  Fancy wheezed with laughter, while I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Another one,” I ordered. These were the lamest jokes, but being this drunk, they were hilarious.

  “If two vegans get into a fight, is it still considered a beef?”

  Deedra moaned and shook her head. “That one was lame.”

  Fancy waved her hand in the air. “It was okay. It doesn’t get my old grandpa wheeze laugh though.”

  Kimber pinched the bridge of her nose. “All right. Just hold on.”

  “It’s like she’s summoning the god of bad dad jokes,” Queenie whispered.

  “God knows she needs the help,” Point muttered.

  She raised her hands in the air. “Okay. This is the last one, and it is the best one ever.”

  “Hit me with it, sister,” Robyn sang. “Make me pee my pants.”

  “Oh, God,” Dyno moaned. “Please do not do that. I am not cleaning that shit up.”

  Kimber took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “What do you call a naughty lamb dressed up like a skeleton for Halloween?”

  I repeated the joke in my head and tried to figure it out. I should have stopped drinking if I wanted to actually get the punchlines to these jokes.

  “A chicken,” Petra hollered from the kitchen.

  “How in the hell did you come up with chicken?” Rhino laughed. “It’s a sheep.”

  Petra walked out of the kitchen with a bag of chips. “I don’t know. I didn’t even hear the joke.”

  “Then why the hell did you say chicken?” he asked.

  Petra flopped onto the couch next to him, and Hulk jumped into her lap. “Because it seemed like the right answer.” She ran her hand over Hulk, and he purred loudly.

  “Say it again,” I slurred. Maybe if I heard it one more time, I would be able to figure it out.

  “What do you call a naughty lamb dressed up like a skeleton for Halloween?” Kimber repeated.

  I thought about it again, but I couldn’t get chicken out of my head. Damn, Petra.

  “Just say the answer,” Quinn drawled. “You’re gonna have that baby before they figure it out.”

  “Baaaad to the bone,” Kimber shouted. “Get it? Baaaad to the bone?”

  All of the guys groaned, but I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off.

  Fancy slapped her hand on the floor and giggled. “Yeah, that was the best one tonight.”

  Zephyr stood and walked over to me. “Then you guys better end on the best joke.” He held out his hand to me. “Let’s go to bed, darlin’.”

  I looked down at Fancy. “I love when he calls me darlin’. Makes me feel all squishy.”

  Fancy laughed. “Cheers to feeling squishy, though you need to keep us better updated be
cause we didn’t know you guys were going to bed.”

  “Zephyr just said it out loud.” I mean, she was lying down right there. “Maybe we should get your hearing checked.” I put my hand in Zephyr’s, and he hoisted me from the chair.

  He put his arm around my shoulders and sighed. “Darlin’, she means she didn’t know you and me were together.”

  “We’re together?” I hiccupped.

  “You got a King coming to your bed more than once, honey, then yes, you’re together,” Kimber drawled.

  “She’s too drunk to process the fact she got herself a King,” Fancy laughed. “She’ll figure it out soon enough.”

  I laid my hand on Zephyr’s chest and tipped my head back to look at him. “Are we together?”

  Zephyr smirked. “We’re whatever you want to be as long as you’re in my bed in thirty seconds with your clothes off and your ass in the air.”

  “Fucking smooth,” Brick cheered. “I need to remember that line.”

  I blinked slowly and tried focus on what Zephyr said. “Yes.”

  Fancy cackled on the floor. “Honey, it wasn’t a yes or no question.”

  I closed my eyes and faceplanted into Zephyr’s chest. “Take me to bed, drunk, I’m Zephyr.”

  Rhino’s voice penetrated my brain fog. “Brother, you better get her to bed now before she passes out on you and your plans for the rest of the night are her snoring like a freight train.”

  “We’ll see y’all in the morning,” Zephyr shouted.

  The world shifted, and then, he hoisted me up into his arms. “I can walk,” I protested.

  Zephyr’s chest rumbled with a laughter and we moved. I kept my eyes closed and relaxed into him.

  “You’re so…” I didn’t know what I was trying to say. Zephyr was a lot of things, and I was trying to find the one perfect one for him. “Everything.”

  “I’m so everything?” he mumbled.

  I opened my eyes, patted his chest, and nodded. “Yes.”

  He looked down at me with laughter in his eyes. “I guess I’ll accept that.”

  “I’m sure there is a better word, but my brain is a bit foggy right now.”

  He opened a door and stepped in. Then he reached for the switch on the wall, and the room was washed with light. “Too foggy for me to fuck you?” he asked.


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