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Death By Fright

Page 8

by McCarthy, G. L.

  Chapter 14

  Alex was exhausted and fell asleep on Sam’s shoulder as they drove to the taco stand to check in on Javier and Juana. As they neared the stand, Sheriff Rod’s patrol car could be seen parked in front. Sam looked over at Jessie and hoped that Rod was just having an early lunch, but wasn’t counting on it.

  “Jess, can you ease Alex over to your shoulder? I want to let her sleep and make this meeting rather quick, if I can.” Sam was whispering as she pulled in next to the patrol car.

  Jessie carefully lifted Alex’s head and eased it onto her shoulder without waking her from her deep sleep. Sam quietly opened her door and exited the truck without making a sound and closed it behind her just as silently. As she walked into the little place she didn’t see the sheriff sitting at a table so she assumed he was out back still talking to both of them. The sound of the door opening sounded the bell that let them know a customer just entered. Javier came through the kitchen door and when he saw Sam, he had a look that said, ‘I’m so glad it’s you.’

  “How are you doing?” Sam shook Javier’s hand as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Juana is hysterical and never wants to go back in that house. I feel responsible for Poncho, but the sheriff said it was his heart. I would feel better if I knew that for sure.” Javier was shaking and it was obvious he was very upset from the news.

  “Alex was able to communicate with the spirit. Do you want to know what was said or would you rather not?” Sam thought maybe finding out he had two spirits living in his house may push him over the edge.

  “Not right now. I’m just glad nothing happened to you and Alex. Maybe tomorrow we can have a quiet talk and Juana will be able to hear it too.” Javier was shaking less and the quiver in his voice was going away, but he was curious about what Sam had found out. “Can you just tell me if my house is really haunted by the last owner?”

  “Yes, it is. Actually, both the spirits of Robert Monroe and Victoria Chalmers are still there.” Sam watched Javier’s eyes widen at the news. He felt overwhelmed and needed to sit down.

  Sam helped him to a seat and went to get a glass of water. As she entered the kitchen, Sheriff Rod and Juana were coming in from the back patio. When Juana saw Sam pouring a glass of water, she took over and asked where Javier was.

  “He’s sitting in the dining area. I think he’s having a delayed reaction to the news.” Sam didn’t want to upset Juana with more disturbing news about her beloved house.

  “I can’t believe this is happening to us. It’s like a nightmare that we can’t wake up from.” Juana exited the kitchen to deliver the water to her husband.

  Sheriff Rod could tell Sam knew more than she was telling and wanted to get her alone to find out exactly what it was. Javier was sitting at the small table with his head resting on his crossed arms. Taking the glass, he was shaking again and almost dropped it. It was a good thing the lunch hour was quickly approaching as it would give him something else to think about besides his haunted dream home. He didn’t mention any of it to Juana and just smiled as he went back in to the kitchen to get ready. Sam and the sheriff said their goodbyes and went outside so they could talk freely.

  Sam filled the sheriff in on what happened after he left the house. He gave her his undivided attention as she replayed the events that transpired and said that she was sure Alex would want to have another shot at getting Robert Monroe out of that house. Shaking his head, Rod wasn’t so sure it was a good idea especially if Monroe was able to move objects. Something more lethal than a cardboard box could go flying and reasoning with him may not be an option. Robert Monroe was an angry, stubborn man who wanted his way and as much as Rod loved and respected his Aunt Anna he wasn’t so sure she could reason with him. Sam assured him they would take it slow. In the meantime Alex needed some rest as the morning’s events had taken a lot out of her. Letting things settle for a while was probably the best plan. Javier and Juana weren’t in any rush to get back in their house and Christmas was almost here. Sheriff Rod agreed but wanted to be there the next time Alex went up against Mr. Monroe just in case he was needed, but he wasn’t sure how he could help.

  Sam eased back into the truck as quietly as she had left and started the engine just as Alex stirred and sat up straight. Looking around, she recognized the parking lot and smiled at Sam as she stretched and let out a big sigh.

  “Are we going to talk to Javier and Juana?” Alex hadn’t realized how long she had been asleep.

  “I saw them already, but didn’t tell them what happened with you and Monroe. They’re pretty shaken by Poncho’s death and I think it would be better to talk to them about it after Christmas.” Sam knew Alex would go along if she thought it was for the best.

  “You’re right. That sounds like a good plan and we need to have some time to ourselves for Christmas, too. Not to mention that Jessie and I need to make our special chocolate chip cookies that I’ve been craving ever since we arrived.” Alex gave Jessie a wink and received a hug back from her.

  Alex would tell them later about her dream and how worried she was now that Robert Monroe was aware of their presence. He would stop at nothing to keep anyone else from living in his house. But tomorrow was Christmas Eve and it was a time for friends and loved ones to reconnect and appreciate what blessings they had in their life. She would think about how she could reason with such a stubborn angry man who seemed to have so little happiness in his life. She would also try to figure out how she could convince Victoria it was alright to leave him and wait for Janet to join her someday.

  Chapter 15

  On the drive back to the ranch, Jessie and Alex were busy making plans to make Christmas cookies. They requested Sam drive them into town for a few extra ingredients that Jessie was sure she didn’t have – like sprinkles and colored food glitter. Alex also wanted her own supply of egg nog to keep in their little refrigerator in the casita. Sam noticed the change in Alex’s demeanor. It was as if the morning’s events had never happened. It may have been Anna’s doing so that Alex could enjoy herself until after Christmas came and went. Whatever the reason, Sam was going to take it as a gift and enjoy every minute.

  Walking through the store, it was obvious that a lot of people had the same idea of picking up a few last minute items before they settled in for the holiday. The market had a big sign notifying everyone they would be closed on Christmas and at noon on Christmas Eve. It wasn’t as if the ranch wasn’t well stocked with enough food for a week, but as the trio walked around the store they managed to fill a shopping cart with items not provided as part of their stay. Alex picked out a small decorated pine tree in a one gallon container for their room, as well as some pine branches that had been cut off from the larger trees, for the added pine scent. This little addition would hopefully make their room more festive as well as remind her of home.

  As Alex walked with Jessie and Sam back to the truck she felt a strange presence. It was as if there was someone walking right behind her. She turned and looked back at the store but no one was anywhere near her. Turning back around, she began to walk faster to catch up. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder that jerked her around so she had to look back at the store once again. No one was there, but then the image of the store blurred and another building came into focus. The name on the old building read, “Monroe Supply and Livestock Company”. Alex realized someone wanted her to see it and to know that Mr. Monroe’s beloved business had been in this exact location.

  “Alex, what’s wrong? Are you all right?” Sam had walked back to check on her.

  “Mr. Monroe’s building used to be there. I just saw it a second ago.” Alex didn’t understand the relevance of seeing it right now, but was sure she would in good time.

  “Really. How do you know that? Did something happen there?” Sam knew Alex was getting that vision for a reason – but why?

  “I’m not sure, but someone wanted me to know and so now I know.” Alex walked to the truck and winked at Jessie a
s she jumped in. This vision would hopefully help her in trying to get Robert Monroe to leave his old home, but only time would tell how.

  As the trio drove back to the ranch Alex could still feel the presence behind her. It was almost like this spirit was hitching a ride with them. It was a little unnerving to think an-other spirit besides Anna and Ramon could follow her around. The hand on her shoulder hadn’t been forceful to the point of hurting her, but firm in that it wanted Alex to turn around. Maybe it was Victoria. She was taller than Alex and looked like she was a strong woman. It could have been her, but she would have no reason to follow her home, unless she wanted to be taken somewhere. Was it possible that since Victoria was now aware that Janet was still around, that she wanted to see her again?

  “Sam, can we go by and see Janet for a minute?” Alex felt a hand give her a soft squeeze on her shoulder. She must have been right about who was with her.

  “Sure. We’re not in any rush to get back. Right, Jess?” Sam knew Alex wouldn’t be asking if she didn’t have a good reason.

  “We’ve got all day if we need it.” Jessie knew by the tone of her voice that Alex wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.

  “Thanks, guys. I just need to ask Janet a quick question about that old building. Then when we get back home, Jess, can I use your kitchen and start making cookies? I’ve kept you away from your work long enough today.” Alex would love to have her help but didn’t want to assume she could.

  “Mi casa es su casa. You know that. I may even be able to play hooky a little longer and help you get a batch or two in the oven.” Jess gave Alex a playful bump with her shoulder.

  “Terrific. I’ve been thinking about eating cookie dough ever since we picked up the sprinkles. Yummy!” Alex smiled at both women and licked her lips.

  “What did you want to ask Janet?” Sam’s curiosity was getting the best of her.

  “If that’s where she met Victoria. I felt a presence and I think she wants me to know that building is where they met, or that it has some other special meaning. It could have been a rendezvous spot, you know where Victoria and Janet met, after work and then spent time together. Or maybe they both work-ed there before Victoria became engaged.” Alex could only imagine the significance of the building until Janet confirmed it all.

  “Okay, that makes sense.” Sam pulled into the parking lot and jumped out to follow Alex in.

  “Sam can you and Jess wait here? I’d like to talk to Janet alone.” Alex kissed Sam on the cheek and walked into the small building.

  Alex didn’t see Janet sitting behind her desk. She tried to make a little noise before calling out so she wouldn’t scare her.

  “Good afternoon, Janet. It’s Alex. I’ve come with a friend.” Not knowing how to break this news to her, she thought she’d try for upbeat and matter of fact.

  “Oh hi, Alex. I was just putting some papers away in the back. Who did you bring? You seem to be alone.” Janet looked around the room thinking the person was off exploring.

  “Well, sit down first.” Alex pulled out a chair at the little table they had occupied before. “I think I’ve brought the spirit of Victoria with me.”

  “Vicky’s here?” Janet’s eyes began to tear up.

  “I believe so. Did you two meet at Robert’s business?” Alex waited for conformation.

  “Yes, I was the secretary and she was hired as a salesperson. Why?”

  “We were shopping at the Acme Market and as I came out of the store and was heading for our truck someone made me turn around and look back at the building. It then transformed into Monroe Supply and Livestock Company. Was that where it used to be?” Alex would be surprised if it wasn’t.

  “Yes. That was the location before they tore it down and put in that shopping center. Do you really think it was Vicky?” Janet could never bring herself to shop there as the memories of their good times were hard to relive.

  “I think she came along to see you. I believe if you just stay where you are and clear your mind she may come to you. If not, just know that she’s here with you. I hope that brings you some comfort. I will leave you two alone and good luck.” Alex got up quietly and smiled at Janet who looked at her with disbelief.

  “I’ll try, and thank you, Alex. I hope I can see her. I do feel her presence which I haven’t felt in a very long time. I could always tell when she was around, even when she tried to scare me by jumping out from behind a rack. Have a Merry Christmas.” Janet closed her eyes hoping to be able to see her dear friend again.

  “Merry Christmas to you both.” Alex quietly slipped out the door and turned the open sign over so it would read closed. Feeling as if she had at least accomplished something today, Alex hoped that when she did go back to confront Robert Monroe she would have an ally in Victoria.

  Alex tried not to smile too much as she got in the truck,knowing full well that both Sam and Jessie would want to know exactly what happened and they did. She told them of the presence she had felt in the truck and the hand squeezing her shoulder when she mentioned going to see Janet. Sam and Jessie were both very happy to hear that Victoria was out of the house and away from Robert, at least for the moment.

  Chapter 16

  Getting back to the ranch, Alex felt invigorated to say the least. She’d helped someone find a little peace. Although she may have made Janet sadder rather than happier, Alex thought it would be great if she and Victoria could communicate. Maybe Victoria had thought Janet had left the area or was very upset with her and that’s why she never tried to appear to her after her death. She would make it a point to stop by and see Janet again before she went back to that house to see if they were able to talk.

  Alex and Jessie got busy making cookies as Sam went in search of Andy to tell him about their little adventure with Robert Monroe. She knew he would love it all and probably ask to be there the next time they confronted him, which would have to land on his day off. Or, maybe one of the ranch hands would be willing to swap with Andy since they were firm believers in Alex and her spirit guides. At least Sam hoped she was right about them all. She knew Dawson was much more of a skeptic about spirits and the after life, but she hoped the recent events that had occurred would be chipping away at that disbelief.

  Sam found Andy helping pull hay down from the barn for the stock’s dinner and the following morning’s breakfast. She sat on the railing of the corral and supervised, much to the annoyance of Andy who kept telling her to get her ass of the fence and make herself useful.

  “Hey, I don’t need to help. I’m a guest.” Sam smiled as she chewed on a piece of hay.

  “She’s a guest. Well, aren’t you special? Just wait until I get down off this pile of hay and we’ll see how special you are. That water trough looks like it’s just your size.” Andy was kidding, but would make a good show right up to the point where he could drop her in it.

  “What else do you have to do after you get through here?” Sam was remembering her old work schedule and figured he should be done for the rest of the day.

  “Let’s see. After I drop you in the trough I’m done for the day. Why? Were you going to follow me around the place and supervise some more?” Andy missed this playful chatter with his friend.

  “Well, first you’ll have to catch me and then after I’ve run your ass into the ground I’ll tell you about our day and about Alex’s encounter with the spirits of Robert Monroe and Victoria Chalmers.” Sam knew how Andy would respond to that.

  “Whoa, no way. Did you guys find more ghosts?” Andy loved this stuff.

  “Yep, and if you’re a good little boy I’ll tell you everything about the flying boxes and shaking door.” Sam thought that was the light stuff. Wait until he heard about poor Poncho.

  “I’ll be good, I promise. I won’t throw you in the trough now, but no promises later if you’re just telling me this to save your ass.” Andy threw the last bale and then jumped down.

  “Trust me. You won’t be disappointed. Let’s go back to the bunk h
ouse so you can get cleaned up and I’ll fill you in on all the details.” Sam could tell that Carlos, Rafael and Little Ramon had been listening as well. “If you guys want to stick around a little while I can give you the quick version and then go into detail with Andy later.”

  “Sure we can hang out for a little bit before we go home.” Carlos looked at his brother and cousin for approval and all were in accord.

  Sam walked with the guys back to the bunkhouse, which now was more of a private room for Andy since the others all went home after work. While Andy jumped in the shower Sam gave the boys an overview of the history of Robert and Victoria. Not being able to wait, Andy emerged quickly in nothing but his towel so Sam could tell her story. He’d get dressed later when he had her alone and he could ask questions like could he go with them next time. That was a question that Sam would have been disappointed if he hadn’t asked.

  When she finished with her condensed version of the story the three boys wanted more but knew they needed to get home. Sam promised to fill in the details later, but also swore all four of them to secrecy. She didn’t want it getting back to Javier and Juana until after they tried again to get Robert to leave his house for good. All agreed it would be for the best and they wouldn’t tell anyone, including their family. Sam knew it would be especially hard for Anna’s nephews since they were from such a close family. After all it was their great aunt and uncle who were coming to the rescue once again.

  Andy finished dressing and walked with Sam back to her casita, asking questions about every little detail. He asked how Alex was and if the experience had changed her in any way. Sam confided in him that when Anna seemed to be in control, Alex wasn’t really aware of what was going on, and that was fine with her. She really didn’t want Alex having to relive the events over and over. She then asked Andy not to bring it up unless Alex did. She wanted to have a nice peaceful Christmas and Robert Monroe wasn’t going anywhere so there was plenty of time to deal with him later.


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