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Page 26

by Megan Fatheree

  The room seemed nicer than she expected, almost homey. Flowers littered a desk near the windows. Amorette scanned other insignificant furnishings on her way to the source of the voice.

  A black-haired beauty reached for a glass of ice chips and procured one to place it to Amorette’s lips.

  Grateful, Amorette accepted it and let it coat her dry and cracked throat. “Who... are you?”

  The woman smiled, a stunning sight. A familiar beauty. Bit by bit, Amorette’s hazy mind pieced it together.

  “Nannie?” It couldn’t be right. Nannie was older and wider and, quite frankly, Amorette always assumed the woman was homeless.

  “Nanette.” Nannie shrugged a shoulder. “You would have figured me out in time. I’m a master of disguise, but you’re a clever girl.”

  “How... who...”

  “It’s better not to ask questions right now. I’m glad you’re awake.” Nannie smoothed Amorette’s hair back from her face in a motherly touch.

  Amorette nodded slowly. “Why are you the one here?”

  “I’ve watched over you since you were small. I saw no need to stop now.”

  “But you’re... so young.” A sudden idea dawned on Amorette. She opened her mouth to ask.

  Nannie put a finger to her lips. “Let’s keep that little secret between the two of us.” She rose to her feet. “Now that you’re awake, I’ll leave you to the others. Heal well, my child.”

  “The others?” Amorette followed Nannie’s progress to the door.

  The woman waved and disappeared into the hall. Seconds later, Melodia waltzed through the door.

  A shriek left her lips. “You’re awake!” She poked her head out the door. “Doon, get in here! She’s awake!”

  “Can you be a little quieter?” Amorette tried to lift a hand to press it to her head, but it stuck fast. A quick perusal identified an IV as the culprit.

  Doon darted in behind Melodia. “Oh, good. I was beginning to worry. You’re okay, right? They said they got everything all stitched up, but it’s gotta sting. Don’t move. Don’t do anything. Just relax.”

  Amorette studied Doon’s busted lip. With the odds he’d been fighting against, she was surprised at the minimal injuries.

  “Sweetie, let’s not overwhelm her, okay?” Melodia wrapped an arm around Doon’s.

  “Sweetie?” Amorette locked her eyes on their intertwined arms. She clearly missed something.

  “Hey, this guy fought to save your life. I’d be an idiot not to date him.” Melodia smiled up at him.

  Amorette grinned despite everything. At least something good came out of the whole ordeal. “Where’s Eadric?”

  “He had to go cover—I mean clear some stuff up.” Doon motioned Melodia to the chair beside Amorette’s bed. “He said for us to take care of you until he gets back. There were some PR and news conferences. He may be a few days.”

  “Days?” Amorette sighed. She wanted to see him now. He was injured, too, she was sure. “Why isn’t he in the hospital?”

  “He’s not entirely mortal yet.” Doon chuckled. “He’s well enough to run the story. Then he’ll slow down. You focus on getting better. That’s what Eadric would want.”

  Amorette nodded, but she didn’t like the idea. Part of her needed him by her side. Even though she understood his public presence, she didn’t want him to run off when she needed him most. What a depressing way to wake up.

  TRUE TO THEIR WORD, Doon and Melodia stayed by Amorette’s side as she began to heal.

  Due to the serious nature of the injury, the hospital refused to discharge her until they were sure it could be taken care of at home. Amorette remained stuck in the hospital for a solid week before anyone mentioned the word “home”.

  Eadric didn’t come to escort her back to the mansion, but he sent flowers and chocolate. They were a poor stand-in for what Amorette really wanted.

  Even at home, Amorette wasn’t allowed to go far, for fear of opening her stitches. For the first day, she stayed in her room, but after that, she moved to the couch. The TV was more accessible from there, as was the food.

  Sleep seemed to attack her more often, but Amorette didn’t mind. If she slept, she wouldn’t think of the things missing.

  She watched the news religiously, waiting for any sign of Eadric. Doon said he would be back soon, that he had to travel out of town to wrap up the story.

  For the most part, Doon and Melodia left her to sleep. Both knew the anxiety she felt. Neither wanted to deal with it.

  Amorette’s seventh day home consisted of constant news, until she curled up and closed her eyes. She meant to sleep for just a few minutes.

  A gentle touch of fingers to her hair woke Amorette.

  The living room seemed dark, like the sun had set. She sighed and pushed up to one elbow, only for her elbow to meet the side of a jean-clad thigh.

  Amorette raised her eyes to meet the quiet, calm storm that existed only in Eadric’s gaze.


  Great. Had she finally lost it? Was she hallucinating?

  “I’m sorry it took me so long.” Eadric stroked a hand over her hair. “How are you feeling? Better?”

  Amorette looked past him to the television screen, where the film of the factory and ambulances played continuously. So the story broke the way they wanted it to.

  She smiled. “I’m better now that you’re here.”

  “Doon said you’ve been sleeping a lot. Is that normal?”

  “I think it will get better now.” Amorette couldn’t help but smile wider.

  He looked so concerned, which gave her the answer she’d been looking for. She wasn’t hallucinating.

  Eadric scooped Amorette into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “I intend to make up for the time I spent away from you.”

  “I like cuddles.” Amorette rested her head against his shoulder.

  Eadric laughed. “I know you do. Where are the others?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t matter so much.” Eadric tipped up Amorette’s chin. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you more.”

  “I’m never leaving you again.” Eadric placed a series of sweet, soft kisses to Amorette’s lips. “Not ever.”

  Amorette wrapped her arms around his neck. “I believe you.”

  This kiss was seal and promise, a solemn vow to always remain by each others’ side. Both knew, without a single word, that nothing would separate them again. Because this was meant to be. Because destiny didn’t change.


  FIRST AND FOREMOST, I would like to thank God, without Whom I would not have managed to finish this project. He truly brought me through so many obstacles, physically and mentally, to come to this point.

  My family – as always, thank you for putting up with all the emotional craziness that comes with writing and publishing a book. You are all superstars and the most valuable people on my writing journey.

  Hannah – I covered you in the family acknowledgement, but I also want to give a huge shout-out in your own little section. For helping me with photography and thus helping me push forward with the release of this book, thank you.

  The King's Pen – You always provide valuable feedback, even when we're not close together. Thank you for supporting me even from afar. You are all beautiful souls and amazing encouragers.

  The Caffeinated Goblins – You know who you are. Without your full support behind me, I probably wouldn't have taken this step to publishing. You all rock, no matter where you're from, and I'm so thankful that you are my writing family!

  My social media tribe – I can't do what I do without fans, followers, and friends. Thank you to everyone who shows me support online. I hope we have many more fantastic adventures together!

  My readers, new and old – I'm so excited that we get to go on this journey together! Thank you for jumping on this crazy boat ride of writing with me. I appreciate all of you. Without you, I could never do what I do. />

  THANKS FOR READING Eadric and Amorette's story!

  There are no words to describe the journey I went through from start to finish of this book. Characters rearranged their own stories, revealed things I never imagined, and told me their woes like never before.

  I hope you enjoyed this story, and that you will use it as a measure for stories in the future. I promise to provide a good read every time.

  Much love to all my readers,


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