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The Winter's Hunt

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by R. K. Rickson

  The Winter’s March

  By R.K. Rickson

  © 2021 R.K. Rickson

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior explicit written permission of R.K. Rickson.

  Table of Contents


  Prologue: The Hemmigatr Jarldom

  Chapter I: Arrival! The Tundra Country, Hjaalren

  Chapter II: Best Laid Plans

  Chapter III: Honor and Grit

  Chapter IV: Meeting Jarl Torga Axe-Smasher

  Chapter V: Investigation and Trepidation

  Chapter VI: Tervaskr Peak

  Chapter VII: The Seditious Councilman

  Chapter VIII: An Awaited Plan of Action

  Chapter IX: Plot vs Plot

  Chapter X: Hemmigatr Under Siege

  Chapter XI: Jarldom in Peril

  Chapter XII: A Rite of Challenge

  Chapter XIII: A Deadly Rematch! Ryland vs Lyle

  Chapter XIV: The Honor of Warriors

  Chapter XV: All-Out Battle for Hemmigatr!

  Chapter XVI: Conflict at Icestorm Reach! Kaito and Leila vs Erik and Isolda

  Chapter XVII: Hjaalren’s Victory

  Chapter XVIII: The Next Destination

  Epliogue: To Durassa!

  News of the World, Volume 2: The World Summit Prelude Begins!


  To those that seek adventure, and are rising to meet new challenges, this is for you. May you never know defeat, and stand strong against your opposition. Do not let those without dreams ever deter from your path. The way will be difficult at times, yes. It will not be easy for those that aspire, those that dream. But I have faith that you’ll stand tall against all of those things that you will face in time.

  I myself have written this book around the time of a personal hardship of my own, and this has become a fantastic outlet for the creative spark in turning it around. I will not let the indifferences of those that once stood by my side deter me from the vision that I have for my life, for life has become wondrous in the months during this book’s creation.

  Life brings us a wealth of changes, and even more so when we go after what we want in life. So to all my dreamers, adventurers, and superstars in the making: go forth and let your name be heard in the world!

  Prologue: The Hemmigatr Jarldom

  In the frozen lands of the country of Hjaalren, snow has freshly fallen and piled on heavy as a frosty winter scape for the land. The locals there are hardy folk, bred to withstand the rough winters and even thrive in it. Proud warriors, the residents are also a warm and kind folk that are hesitant of outsiders, but welcoming to ones that readily prove their strength.

  In the country, three key places function as jarldoms where each locality is governed by a jarl that leads their respective region they rule over.

  Instead of one monarchy, each jarl is given total reign over their area, which is expected to be governed with great temperance and wisdom. If a jarl is deemed unfit, another may challenge the title by combat or contest, after a group vote for approval to do so.

  Together, they all loosely answer to an elected high jarl, selected by each jarl upon a group vote at the All-Moot. The high jarl serves as the representative of the whole country of Hjaalren, and loosely participates in world politics when needed.

  Usually, the winter country stays out of others’ affairs and keeps to itself. However, outside influences have arrived from escaping Turidia to hide out and do business with some key personnel of the country there.

  Lyle Petrov and Boswick Beaumont have made their way to Hjaalren, where they meet with their fence and delivered the raid haul they took from the IHB.

  Their fence is a denizen of the village Hemmigatr, and a key player for Boswick in the country.

  Not only known for their ties to many of the other jarls’ advisors, they have been aiding him in shipments as part of the underground Jepsward Sea smuggling chain run by Boswick and Lyle’s boss.

  Meanwhile, across the sea, the Decade Seven have gone their separate ways to begin their own journeys as bounty hunters, as the news scrolls have been disseminated around the world of the results of the twentieth exam.

  Ryland and Kaito of the Frontier Okami close in on the frozen country, pursuing Boswick and Lyle as their first major bounties to take under their belt, not only as a way to up their rank, but also as a bounty of retribution on Ryland’s behalf for interfering and causing a chaotic mess during the exam, one that nearly cost the lives of him and his new friends, as well as the opportunity to become a licensed bounty hunter.

  Having gathered up some smaller bounties in Harkenwild during a port stay with the Wind City Wakers, the Fronter Okami set out upon The Raging Hammer to Hjaalren, ready to take on Boswick and Lyle.

  However, little did either know that in doing so, they would become entangled in a far greater happenstance that would eventually embroil them in a bigger fight down the line.

  And so, the northern country of Hjaalren in the Jepsward Sea awaits the Frontier Okami, to test their mettle and eventually make their mark as part of the Decade Seven.

  Chapter I: Arrival! The Tundra Country, Hjaalren

  Heartstouch 06, 1008

  The Raging Hammer sailed across the cold Jepsward Sea, restocked and within sight of land for Hjaalren. The ship’s sails caught the chilling headwind of the gusts that blew from the overcast sky, and the crew was heavily bundled up in large coats and extra layers of clothing to ward off the brutal winter sea air.

  Kaito Otani, the martial artist of Frontier Okami, was also wrapped up in a black overcoat he obtained during his stay in Harkenwild. He swiped some snow off his black hair that was growing longer from the past few weeks, having decided to stop shaving his head to better stand the cold, his IHB headband snugly fastened to help further keep his head warm. Ryland Legato was swathed in his brown wolf pelt and heavier clothes from Stonetowne, watching Kaito demonstrate a new technique.

  The two went over techniques for situations in hand-to-hand combat, many of which Kaito helped Ryland learn. The one they focused on was an extremely close-range combination where the practitioner would throw a downward right hook, smash the body with a left, then deliver a rising knee shot for the finishing blow.

  Ryland, no stranger to brawling himself, was fascinated by how fluid Kaito made it look. The day before, they practiced the individual strikes with padded guards and gloves: equipment Kaito kept with him to stay sharp. Even with the body pad and gloves on, Ryland still felt the jarring impact of the blows through it, amazed at the sheer power of the combo.

  Now, Kaito had Ryland practicing on an old burlap sack of clothes the crew was planning on burning once they hit land. Ryland was getting the hang of the rotations at the hip, the movements somewhat new to him as well as the footwork switches with the knee. However, he gained significant progress on the speed and technique from the day before, working it much slower with Kaito when they did.

  “Very good, Ryland. Your execution of the combination is improving,” Kaito encouraged his friend, while Ryland caught his breath.

  “Thanks, I’m glad I’ve you to teach me,” Ryland responded, lightly bumping his fist on Kaito’s shoulder. “I won’t lie, the cold here is even harsher than Stonetowne. I thought I had experienced a true winter there, but how wrong am I for underestimating how big the world is.”

  “Hailing from Tomuruki Island, the temperature stays mild all year. I’m even less suited to this weather,” Kaito added, pulling his overcoat tighter.

  Captain Jeff Balrick called out from the helm, “Oy! We’r
e approaching Hjaalren’s port soon! Crew, get ready to moor at Port Burmir!”

  The crew started manning their respective positions as Ryland and Kaito began retrieving their packs and belongings, looking out from the starboard deck to the distant sight of the shores of Hjaalren. Ryland pulled out his hunter’s license and peered at his gain meter. The violet bar within the meter on the side was half full, having filled up with smaller bounties from their stay in Harkenwild with the Wind City Wakers. While there, Ryland and Kaito enjoyed the verdant forests, the towns across the plains, and saw Wind City, where Rockfort and John hailed from.

  Kaito was reminiscing of the dojo in Wind City he visited to train with other martial artists, and enjoyed the hospitality of their school, as well as sharing some of the sanken style with them.

  He also fondly remembered one of the unique trees there that he meditated under was quite peaceful, the abundance of natural greenery having done his mind and body much good. The area was also great for training the carrier falcon, Griffith, that Alana acquired for the Decade Seven, which the two spent time doing together before going separate ways.

  “Any updates on our targets?” Kaito asked Ryland.

  “As far as the most recent news scroll, both are still reported to be in Hjaalren. Hemmigatr is the village we’re to head to,” Ryland replied, having read yesterday’s news scroll. “Apparently, Hemmigatr’s jarl is struggling with maintaining adequate supplies for the winter and a likely power grab from another is talk of the locale.”

  “Think Lyle and Boswick have anything to do with it?” Kaito asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily the cause of things, but I wouldn’t rule them out either. We know they have a supply chain going that stretches all the way back to Turidia. Part of that chain runs through Hjaalren from what Brock told us in his letter we got days ago.”

  “Did he mention anything else?”

  “He did apologize for doubting that McGregor was my adoptive father after he received one from Stonetowne himself,” Ryland replied, a knowing grin on his face. “As far as Hjaalren goes, it’s the intermediary point of their chain. Where it leads to and ends, the IHB isn’t sure yet.”

  “Well, wherever those louts are, make sure you kick the snot out of them! Geno is a pal of mine, and having things stolen from the IHB HQ of Turidia is damn near the same as stealing from him!” Jeff boomed over to the two bounty hunters.

  Ryland smiled and held up a clenched fist to him, then replied, “We’ll get them. They’re going to be our ticket to D rank, and a nice pay day to bring in.”

  “Jeff, could you tell us more about the locale we’ll be heading to? As someone who routinely visits Hjaalren, any help would be good,” Kaito asked, looking at the map.

  Jeff nodded as he turned the large wooden wheel to his right and responded, “Hemmigatr is the largest of the three jarldoms. Port Burmir is directly next to it, and sits at the most northeastern tip, much like the locale. It’s known for its mountainous terrain, hardy creatures, and sturdy Hemmigatr residents. Since it’s the most northerly region of the country, it goes without saying it’s going to be the coldest. Mind your equipment and try not to go outside at night when the wind and snow is coming down. The cold can easily freeze the strongest of creatures out there when the blizzards blow through.”

  “Good to know. We’ll plan accordingly,” Ryland acknowledged as he wiped some of the frost and moisture off his beard. “Anything else?”

  “Mind the tearwolves,” Jeff replied. “Nasty wolves that got bigger than most and learned to walk on two legs.”

  “Tearwolves? Like werewolves?” Ryland asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. “I thought werewolves were just folklore.”

  “Some say the curse of werewolves exists, Ryland. Tearwolves exist whether you want them to or not. The difference with them is they’re adapted to survive the winter climate and have no curse to pass on. Just a breed of wolves that adapted to become stronger against the elements,” Jeff explained.

  “Ah. Natural selection and evolution. At least we don’t have to worry about taking on some curse of lycanthropy,” Kaito added. “Just biology and nature, more so.”

  “Indeed. Now, I intend to give the crew two week’s rest here in Hjaalren. Our last few months have been rather relentless, and now that we’re well paid up with shipments, I figured I’d let the boys have some down time before we leave again. Will you two be able to bring down your bounties before we depart? The crew and I like having you boys in tow for the traveling we do,” Jeff asked, a beaming smile on his face.

  Ryland spread his arms out with a smile of his own and replied, “Jeff, we’re greatly enjoying having you as captain. We should have Lyle and Boswick in chains and turned in by the end of the two weeks.”

  “Ah, that’s what I like to hear! Very good! If you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask the boys and I. You two provide great partners to spar with for them, but they’re looking for a good old fashioned brawl at this point. And as fun as I can be, I don’t need them destroying another tavern in our travels. Helping with a bounty or fighting off creatures? A much different story!”

  By afternoon, The Raging Hammer had docked at the piers of Port Burmir and the crew disembarked.

  Ryland and Kaito took stock of their surroundings as they walked along the chilly port. Compared to Turidia, Port Burmir was less populated and quieter. The snow had begun to gently fall from the sky, only visible when they glanced towards the water or trees near the path that led to Hemmigatr. A gentle wind blew from the sea that brought on the same bone-chilling cold that was felt by all during the voyage to the port. The forest across the docks was a thick gathering of evergreen fir trees, the dark green foliage caked by white frost.

  Ryland and Kaito followed Jeff as he led the duo with his crew down the docks to a large log cabin that sat at the end.

  Jeff handed a pouch of coins to one of his most trusted men, his first mate Donnie McAllister, as he instructed, “This should cover lodgings for the two weeks. You fellas worked hard these last few months: use the lodge while you stand port watch for the ship. I’ll send the other half of the crew to switch out by the second week, okay?”

  The young man’s blue eyes sparkled and went wide, and his youthful features showed in his smile. He ran a hand through his straight blond hair as he received the coins, then said, “Thank you, captain! We’re grateful: staying on the ship ain’t bad, but a good cozy inn is nice to enjoy when we can.”

  “No worries: you boys earned a good rest at a place you can get some good food and drink. Especially here at the Mountain Wolf Lodge, their elk steak is delicious! If you need anything, I’ll be in Hemmigatr with Ryland and Kaito showing them around. Until then, you’re in charge of this half of the crew, Donnie.”

  The watch crew all vocalized their thanks, their faces genuinely lit by joy at such a notion. Most sea captains of charter ships had a reputation for not being so generous with extra pay, instead giving the minimum to the crew from what the watch team had seen on their travels. However, Donnie, despite being young, was one of Jeff’s closest crewmates and knew that the captain looked out for his crew like it were his family.

  While the watch crew followed Donnie to the lodge, Jeff led the other half with Ryland and Kaito to where the forest path began. It was a fairly wide man-made road, large enough for horses and carriages to roll through. Snow blanketed the ground, which made traversing the path a bit more difficult for all.

  Ryland and Kaito were eagerly taking in the sights, amazed at the lack of sound of life in the woods. Kaito wasn’t used to seeing a quiet forest, let alone such thick snow. Ryland, much more suited to the winter from Stonetowne, also wasn’t used to the outdoors being so quiet unless a blizzard was underway. At the very least, bears, deer, or wolverines would be out and about. In the woods near Port Burmir, however, no signs of wildlife were heard: only the lone wind blowing the snow along.

  “Jeff, are we
going to encounter any of those tearwolves while we’re in these woods?” Ryland asked, scanning the tree line as they walked.

  Jeff laughed and responded, “Worried about the tearwolves, are ya? Well, they’re not as tough as kumazuris, so if we do, we should all be fine. No, they’re usually nocturnal hunters so it’s unlikely we’ll find any on the way to Hemmigatr. It’s when they gather in numbers that it becomes a problem. If you run into the lone one scouting for the pack, they usually don’t attack. The pack is when things get nasty.”

  Kaito rubbed his hands together, even with gloves on. He didn’t care much for extreme cold, and much preferred the winters of Tomuruki Island where snow hardly fell and the temperatures remained mild year around.

  “Say Jeff, where is the nearest IHB building here?” Ryland asked, watching his breath cloud in a huff of steam in front of his face.

  “Galnir is the place you’d want,” Jeff replied. “It’s one of the smaller IHB establishments, more outpost-style than the fancy buildings you may have seen or heard about. It’s the western jarldom that sits below Hemmigatr. If you’re to be turning your bounties in once you get them, that’s the place.”

  “Excellent. Then once we reach the village, Kaito and I will hunt for leads and develop a plan of action to hunt those two down.”

  “Where would you recommend staying?” Kaito asked, looking over the local map of Hemmigatr, familiarizing himself with the layout of the village for planning and preparation of hunting down the two saboteurs of the exam.

  “There’s an inn just outside of the village that guests stay at, and where we’ll all be lodging at. I’m going to be mainly delivering equipment to the supply line here and stocking up more stuff to transport on our ship. In the meantime, if you boys need any help, we’ll do what we can to bag those two.”


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