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The Winter's Hunt

Page 6

by R. K. Rickson

  “Tranquilizer, courtesy of the IHB raid supplies. You’ll sleep nicely from it,” he taunted in a calm tone.

  Leila felt her head start to swim and eyes grow heavy from the dart as she staggered back away from Erik. An overwhelming sense of tiredness washed over her senses as Leila slumped against a boulder, with everything going dark. The last sights she saw were Gunnir moving to her side and the distant sounds of metal on metal, no doubt Ryland fighting Lyle.

  Chapter VII: The Crown of Kings

  Leila stirred from a dark abyss of black as her senses slowly returned to her. Her head was heavy and foggy as light blindingly poured in through the crack of her eyelids. As her vision came into view, Leila could make out the faint shapes of rocks and snow, with the sky above her, tinted orange. She sat up and felt something warm and soft under her. Looking down, it was a wolf pelt, which gave Leila a quick startle. Her nerves calmed immediately upon seeing Gunnir next to her as he wagged his tail and nuzzled her. Leila reached a grateful hand for the wolf and stroked his thick fur and recollected the rest of her senses.

  Ryland was seated at the edge of the small overhang of rocks as he nodded to her and said, “You’re up finally.”

  Leila replied, “Where…are we?”

  “About halfway down the trail that leads back to the village. I carried you in spurts,” Ryland answered.

  Leila looked at Ryland’s torso and saw he had a bloody wound on his arm and ribs, as well as one across the front of his right leg.

  “You’re wounded! And you carried me all the way down here to this alcove?” Leila asked, perplexed. “Why didn’t you keep us atop the peak?”

  “After fighting off Lyle, a tearwolf came, bigger than any of the others I had ever seen. Fortunately, it went after those two. They looked like they headed for Icestorm Reach to escape him, so I collected you and took you down the trail we came from.”

  “But you’re injured! You could’ve bled out on the trail!” Leila argued as she moved closer to inspect his wounds.

  “These? I’ll be okay. Nothing too deep,” Ryland dismissively waved. “Lyle is quick with those knives, I’ll give him that. But we’re safe and have something to report to your father. This will definitely help turn things around yet.”

  “Lyle and Erik got away, though. Erik was always one step ahead of me from the start,” Leila grumbled, mad with herself that she didn’t get to apprehend the advisor. “Erik proved he was working with those two thieves the whole time and yet he eluded us. This doesn’t sit well for the jarldom.”

  “Well, not all is lost,” Ryland answered as he reached into his pack and pulled out the golden crown of High Jarl Manus with the star jewel in it. Leila’s eyes widened at such a sight of Hjaalren’s national treasure.

  “You…made off with the crown?” she asked hoarsely.

  “Gunnir was the one who got it from Erik, to be honest. I just held on to it for safety. You can still present a case yet with this for your father, though I doubt we should so quickly until we meet with Kaito and Jeff on what they found.”

  Leila inspected the beautiful craftsmanship of the golden crown and its smooth rounded prongs, with the resplendent jewel embedded at the top, giving the appearance of something simple, yet full of regale.

  “This has been missing for decades,” Leila excitedly said.

  “By all means, it belongs to your country: you hold on to it,” Ryland said as he tore at a piece of elk jerky from his pouch.

  Leila stored the crown away in her own pack then said, “I…appreciate this. Truly. I was wrong about you and your friend for being bounty hunters. Turns out it was them and one of our own.”

  “An apology? From you? Wow, maybe there is some hope in the world,” Ryland playfully teased as Leila shot him a weary glance. “I’m only kidding with you.”

  “Did you mention a large tearwolf chased after the two?”

  “I did,” Ryland answered as he sipped from his waterskin. “Biggest one I’ve seen yet. It also had a light blue mane of fur, strangest thing I’ve seen here yet.”

  “It’s the alpha,” Leila said with a serious face. “The head of its pack. You’re lucky it wasn’t after you: alpha tearwolves are smarter and stronger than most of the others they lead.”

  “How far does their territory expand?” Ryland asked, his intrigue piqued.

  “It can easily go up to a couple hundred miles. There are usually a few alphas within the country at a time, given the size of the regions, and it is assumed there’s at least one in each region that doesn’t overlap into another. And because Icestorm Reach borders Hemmigatr, I would deem it safe to say the alpha for our region lives out there.”

  “I see,” Ryland said as he stood up and stretched. “If you’re feeling well enough, we should get heading back down to the town before it gets too dark.”

  Leila took a moment to gain her footing, then found her feet, and replied, “Agreed. Let’s get back to Hemmigatr. Finding the crown is a big advantage for us all. Father will certainly have something to stand on when letting the village know what has been going on, especially since we got a confession from Erik.”

  The three headed out down the trail as the sun began to set beyond the range. Despite the chill and dropping temperature, any kind of wind or breeze was absent, which made the journey back easier.

  By nightfall, Kaito and Jeff were at the Firwood Lodge, as Ryland and Leila entered through the door. The duo were greeted eagerly by the captain and martial artist, but took pause upon seeing Ryland’s wounds.

  The young Stonetowne native assured them he was fine and just needed good rest, then sat down at the table with them to explain the events of the day. He told them about the trek up to Tervaskr Peak, how Erik and Lyle were confirmed to be the ones behind the supply drain, and that they were last seen headed for Icestorm Reach. When Ryland had concluded his findings, Jeff and Kaito began to fill in what happened on their side of things.

  “Well, Ryland, I wish you could’ve been with us at the docks,” Jeff exclaimed with a grin. “We had a brawl of the ages! Donnie got a lead on the missing supplies, which led us to the storehouse.” Jeff then pulled out the ledger, as well as the letter Erik signed for the supplies and handed it to Ryland. “During our search, we got the ledger with a signed paper that Erik the Scorned personally signed to pass on the IHB supplies as well as village supplies to Durassa. As Kaito and I found it, the so-called storehouse workers that were really Erik’s men wanted at us, so we let them have it. Let me tell ya: Kaito here can fight like a madman!”

  Ryland chuckled as Kaito smiled and replied, “He’s a sanken master, what did you expect? If he’s after the world champion of martial arts, then best believe Kaito’s gotta be a solid contender! Did you all find the real storehouse workers?”

  “Sure did. Erik’s crony, Boppo, was the head of the operations. We’ve rescued the real workers from being tied up and kept in the storehouse basement. Been there for a few weeks when the original boss questioned Boppo on why supplies were missing from the ledger. Also, a fellow captain I know of the Jepsward Sea, Hirand Skyleaf, helped us in the fight as well, too. He said if we ever needed any favors to contact him.”

  “That’s excellent news to hear. Our next move is getting an audience with the jarl and explaining all that has happened thus far. It will help incriminate Erik, as well as let Kaito and I close in on Lyle and Boswick,” Ryland explained. “Should we go see him sooner than later?”

  “We should. He wouldn’t be upset with us showing up currently with the findings we have,” Leila answered as she looked to Ryland. Ryland grinned, and Leila asked, “What is it?”

  “I missed the fun in the storehouse,” Ryland answered. “Sounded like a party of a fight!”

  Jeff busted out laughing at the table as Kaito sighed with a knowing look on his face, quietly enjoying Ryland’s humor without trying to show it.

  Leila couldn’t help but smile a bit herself as she jested, “Oh? The fight on the mountain wasn
’t enough for you?”

  “Group brawls are more fun than life-or-death skirmishes. When you were hit with that tranq dart and the alpha tearwolf showed up, the fight became more serious.”

  Leila’s face became sullen, which the three took note of, as she quietly said to Ryland, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drop in battle on you like that. That was my fault.”

  Taken aback by Leila’s demeanor change, as well as an unexpected apology, Ryland held up a hand and warmly replied, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “No, you’re correct however,” Leila argued, her pride visibly wounded as Jeff and Kaito watched with more seriousness. “I’m so used to being one of the top warriors of the village, it’s been a shock to know the world has people that exceed my own capability. If anything, I should be apologizing to you.”

  As Ryland went to respond, Leila got up and walked outside. He looked to Jeff and Kaito as Jeff said, “We ain’t going anywhere, go check on her.”

  Ryland got up and walked across the lobby and headed outside, where Leila was standing with her head down and her arms clasped around her midsection.

  “It’s warmer in there, you know,” Ryland teased to try and lighten the mood.

  “Ryland…it’s my fault…I wasn’t able to help fight much up there,” Leila replied with a shaky voice, which further unsettled the young man. He had never seen or heard a different emotion than the composure and snark Leila had given him over the last couple of days.

  Ryland placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and assured her, “I didn’t mean to seriously insult you. You were a fantastic help to reach the top of the peak. Erik just got a cheap shot in on you is all.”

  “No…it’s more than that…I just don’t…” Leila started, then paused. She suddenly turned to Ryland, cleared her throat, and continued, “I’m sorry. I’m going to turn in for the night. I’ll bring the ledger evidence and crown to my father and brief him on what’s going on, as well as clear the IHB’s name. Please, get some rest and I’ll see you when my father has a plan on what he wants to do.”

  Ryland nodded, pulled out the ledger, letter, and crown and handed them to Leila, then said, “Let us know when he’s ready to form a plan. We’ll lie low for the time being until you need us.”

  Leila bowed her head in a show of thanks, then quickly walked off for the jarl’s longhouse in the nighttime snow. Ryland was surprised by such a turn of demeanor in the jarl’s daughter and wondered what was below the surface that bothered her so. He took a moment to breathe in the crisp air, then headed back into the lodge to rejoin Jeff and Kaito.

  “What happened?” Jeff asked as Ryland sat back down at the table. “Everything okay?”

  “I suppose?” Ryland replied quizzically, confused by the turn of events. “You’ve known the jarl and folks here longer than I: is this normal for Leila?”

  “Well, the lass has never had such reactions like that before that I’ve seen, but she’s also never been hostile to me like she has to you. Was it because you joked around too much?”

  Ryland shrugged with a baffled look on his face and replied, “I have no clue. Initially, I thought so too until she started to act like she was going to tell me something, but then left to bring the ledger and crown to Jarl Torga. She will let us know when he forms a plan to summon us to the longhouse.”

  Jeff rubbed his chin in thought, then spoke, “I see. Well, try not to stress about what just happened. Let us focus on what we can do on our end, like finding Erik, Lyle, and Boswick. You said Icestorm Reach, right? Do you know for sure if they’re there?”

  Ryland leaned forward and answered, “I can’t confirm with definitive clarity, but it would probably explain why Boswick and Lyle have been so hard to find. Stands to reason Erik has probably been going between the jarl and those two.”

  “I have no arguments there, lad. It would be best to start planning what we can do in the meantime, at least until the jarl has us come to the longhouse. We should also be wary of any attacks from those three. No doubt now that we stung them in two places, they’re going to want some form of revenge.”

  Kaito stretched his arms up against the back of his chair and added, “Not to mention, Erik is part of the council. We don’t know all he knows yet, and he may not know all we do. This just became far more dynamic than we initially thought. A good question to ask ourselves is how soon will he return to the jarl’s side?”

  Ryland briefly pointed at Kaito and concurred, “That is an excellent point. Not only that, but how much will his council know? Leila told me about the council, and it’s Isolda and Erik we need to look out for. Yarvor is the eldest and sides with the jarl, and Bero and Nessa are the new ones that don’t quite know their positions yet. The council seems in Jarl Torga’s favor three to two, but we don’t know what they all do or don’t know.”

  “We won’t really know either until the jarl summons us. That’s just the way it is. We should lay low until called and avoid further trouble. Getting in the middle of another country’s affairs isn’t exactly good business practice,” Jeff grumbled. “However, I know that by chasing this particular bounty, they themselves got tangled up with the politics here, so it was almost inevitable we would too.”

  Ryland responded, “We appreciate your help, Jeff. Truly. You didn’t have to get involved with us.”

  Jeff chuckled and replied, “Course I did. Someone had to look out for you lads. Besides, it’s better we have the jarl and village’s support. There’s mutual benefit to both parties working together.” Jeff looked around the room, then leaned in to Kaito and Ryland, and added in a hushed voice, “Besides, I had a great time kicking the asses of those phony storehouse guys with me boys. Haven’t had a brawl like that in years!”

  Ryland laughed as Kaito shook his head with a dismissive grin, showing he too enjoyed the fight at the port.

  Chapter VII: The Seditious Councilman

  Heartstouch 09, 1008

  Isolda looked to Erik in the bed as the two listened to the furious snowstorm outside. Her short brown hair was tussled as her blue eyes met Erik’s.

  “I must say, this is a nice little place away from the village,” she said with a lascivious smirk. “In the reach as well? You know how to show a girl some thrill of danger.”

  “Ah, well I figured the village wouldn’t want to search out here for me, so I had one built as a small base of operations for myself,” Erik replied with a pleased smile. “Now then, I do have some matters to inform you of, so do listen carefully.”

  Isolda slid herself closer to Erik as he took a swig of water on the old wooden bedside stand where his night candle was, then replaced it.

  Clearing his throat, he began, “Despite my men at the docks being intercepted and turned in by another ship crew the other day, Lyle and I found the high jarl’s crown on Tervaskr Peak a few days ago.”

  Isolda’s eyes went wide as she replied, “The high jarl’s crown? Are you joking?”

  “I am not. The crown has been on the peak the entire time and I never knew until a contact of mine got me the info. Brilliant, hiding the crown in plain sight it was.”

  “Well, where is it? Show me!” Isolda gleefully chimed.

  “That’s the first problem,” Erik replied. “It’s now in the hands of those bounty hunters that came here. Worse, they now know that I gave Lyle the okay on taking the village’s supplies.”

  Isolda quickly asked, “Do they have any evidence?”

  “As far as I know, they have nothing. But now they’re going to want to keep poking around, which will blow our cover on the matter. Hence, I have to accelerate and revise the plan to get Torga out and get me in as the jarl, or at least change hands.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “I need to bring the tearwolves to town sooner than later. Or at the very least, get Torga caught up with them on a hunting trip. As of now, I don’t dare return to the village with those hunters around and suspicions raised. The other part I plan on is bringing in
a proxy to fight on my behalf for the jarldom.”

  Isolda cocked her head and asked, “Are you not going to fight the jarl himself?”

  “Not at first, no. I am going to seek a rival contender from Falmod, one that seeks to take the position himself.”

  “You don’t mean Gerald Thick-Hair, do you?” Isolda asked.

  Erik nodded and answered, “The very one. As Falmod’s strongest warrior, he seeks a challenge in becoming jarl for himself. I’ve spoken to him of late, and with some prompting, will likely go for Torga if it will get him the jarl’s seat.”

  “I see. So, plenty of planning to be had on those fronts. How do you plan to execute, and where do I fit in?”

  “I have Lyle and Boswick currently setting bait to lead back to the town. Each day, I have them mark some of the trail that leads back to Hemmigatr with raw meat, and incrementally move further down the trails. The blizzards here are enough to blot out the scent, so they must almost be trained to follow what they have and go to the village. Now, there was one I had specifically captured and trained to go there, but it was taken down at the village already. If we can lead some of the tearwolves to the village, their innate caution of the people can be overcome with a trained response with the bait on the trail there. They’re getting closer every day, before they turn back and leave, so I’d estimate within another few days, we’ll have them encroaching on the village.”

  “And then what? Leading a pack of savage beasts to the village doesn’t sound like the safest option.”

  “I’ll have Gerald at the ready with me, and he and I will stage a rescue by fighting them off with the others. The jarl is already in disfavor with the village, so it wouldn’t take much to get the challenge we want with the jarl. Gerald will challenge him, and then once he takes the throne, I’ll challenge Gerald under the premise of avenging Torga. With the village behind me, it’ll be as good as mine. A bit more convoluted than I care for, but I plan to secure that throne at all costs.”


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