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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 25

by Donovan Neal

  Ashtaroth’s eyes grew wide. “The God-stone?”

  Lucifer nodded.

  “But my Lord you said the Withering still abides in his flesh. The Withering is the curse of God upon mankind. Yea even us it affects to some degree. Ashtaroth shook his head. Three strands… wait!”

  Ashtaroth thought back to what El had said when Adam took of the tree, And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.

  “Lucifer… Marduk was right. You have indeed created Abomination. You have managed to create the very thing El sought to evade.

  Lucifer nodded, “Indeed, and the boy… is not like other Nephilim. For the Tri-fold stands have unearthed something… unique.”

  Ashtaroth looked at Lucifer inquisitively. He walked slowly towards his master and replied. “How so?”

  Lucifer was reticent to reply. “He rubbed his arm still smarting over the injury he sustained when Leto was a baby. He recalled to when Leto was an infant, and the child touched him, and Lucifer felt virtue leave him. And for a moment the child’s hand glowed in a wondrous light. It was then that Lucifer knew. Knew he had weaponized man. To return the image of El back towards Him in sweet revenge. A weapon that could destroy celestial life.

  “Lucifer?” Ashtaroth spoke. “How is Leto not like previous Nephilim?”

  Lucifer turned to Ashtaroth and replied. “The creature has the power to destroy celestial life. To absorb it. I believe to even manipulate our powers. But I do not know the extent of this power. He can destroy men: and he can destroy angels. It is unknown if he can destroy God. But I have worked to create for centuries that thing which El hast prohibited. I believe Ashtaroth that El fears this mix. Fears it because he has made man in his own image and likeness. A likeness that if unleashed can be used against him. For the boy is a living embodiment of the Withering. But he does not know this yet. Now that his spirit resides in Hell I am certain he will find this out soon. His body will regenerate and fight off the toxins Marduk has released into him in approximately three days. His body is extremely regenerative. We must be careful when he revives to control him.” Lucifer looked away and his eyes moved downward in concern.

  Lucifer never looked down.

  Ashtaroth could not believe what he was hearing, and spoke his concern aloud. “You have a created a being outside of the design of El for creation. A being who is the perfect physical embodiment of Adam before his fall. Yet who also has the genetic strain of the Withering. A creature that also possesses the genome of you personally. The Sum of All Things?

  And you tell me that this creature has the ability to wipe out not just human but all celestial life. And to make matters worse you have instructed him to seek the last shard of an existing God stone. A relic that has the potential to give one unlimited power?” Ashtaroth shook his head in disbelief. “Lucifer what have you done!”

  “You have made a dangerous gambit. We have always fought with the Host since the Descension. Always made war on but one front. If this creature betrays you. All of creation would have to fend the thing off. And I know you do not know that such is even possible! You have not just gambled with our futures Lucifer. You have gambled with the future itself. What could possess you to do such a thing? You were to lead us back to Heaven.” Ashtaroth’s eyes broke contact with Lucifer and his shoulder slumped and he sighed slowly shaking his head. “You were to return us to a place that we might attain our former state.”

  Lucifer looked up and smiled. Floated down to the first to follow him. Placed his hands softly on Ashtaroth’s chin and tilted his head up. “Know that I will sacrifice all things to return us to Heaven. But let me be equally clear Ashtaroth; that I will destroy Heaven itself if I cannot posses it. You concern yourself over the boy? Concern yourself naught. Indeed he can absorb angelic strength. This will cause him to defeat Charon who guards the last shard of this incomplete stone. When I have the third piece. I will take possession of Leto’s body. A house that I have prepared for myself and will use it to contend with Yeshua one final time. And then my friend…”

  Lucifer placed his hands on Ashtaroth’s shoulders. “Then we will be done, and Heaven will be ours.”

  Ashtaroth attempted to take in all that was told him and Lucifer seeing his struggle spoke. “Be careful when you seek to understand the apocalypse of kings my friend. El hast shown us His. Now you have seen that Leto — Leto is mine.”


  Leto made his way through the murky gloom of Hell. He followed the muffled screams and cries that seemingly directed him deeper along the hallways of a shadowy tunnel. Eyes opened along the corridors of the walls. Eyes that tracked his every movement. Incisors emerged from the floor and lined themselves in parallel jagged rows. Rows that prevented his departure from his assigned path. Leto stopped and surveyed his surroundings. He studied the wall of eyes that stared at him. The wall moved in mesmerizing patterns and mucus and small flames lit from its surface.

  Leto looked about him, and though he heard the cries of the damn, and even seen the horror of one captive. He himself was not assaulted.

  The Anti-Christ smiled.

  “My father has told me of you creature. That there is a sentience to you. You are called among the Horde the Voracious One. The Devourer of Angels.” Leto looked above him and could see human bodies moving as blood cells over him to parts unknown. “It would seem you are also the devourer of men. But I think it strange that you have not assimilated me. Neither attempted to acquire your alleged nourishment from my own soul.”

  Leto reached towards the membraned wall of Hell to touch it and he concentrated as his father had taught him. His hand lit aflame, and he reached to press it towards the epidermis of the creature’s skin. The wall recoiled, and the heaved as if a waved breached the seashore.

  “I will touch you.” Leto then reached and placed his fiery palm on the creature's flesh, and when he did, he could feel power enter him. Power unlike any he had ever known.

  For, with his touch he could understand the mind of the creature that was Hell. He could know the length and the breadth of it. He tilted his head as information assaulted him.

  Information about Hell’s first denizen. Hell’s handler Charon, Lucifer’s breach. Hells plummet to Earth, the first man it consumed. The Gulf between Hades and Paradise, and the war Yeshua waged when he siphoned power from Hell itself.

  It was all there. All there for the taking. And Leto Alexander knew the fear that angels had of this place. A fear that surpassed even that of Charon. But Hell Leto sensed. Nay understood that she too held fear. For Christ had feasted once upon the creature and for the first time Hell understood consumption. To have life drained.

  Hell feared God.

  The sticky membrane quivered at Leto’s touch. And with this knowledge he did even that which was natural to him as an infant.

  He fed.

  Power flowed from Hell into Leto, and the ruler of men could feel the anguish, thoughts and remorse of billions of souls, emotions, knowledge and skills poured into him, coupled with raw celestial power.

  Hell convulsed, and she bucked. But Leto had her. Savoring the power El had deposited within a creature that could consume an angel for eternity. A power he now enjoyed.

  A power he could control.

  A low rumbling growl came from deeper within the chamber, the howls of entrapped souls could be seen to shake and contort and their shrieks became even more pronounced as the melding of crying voices all screamed out in a collective unison.

  A roar filled the air. A roar akin to that of a dragon from the minds of men’s tales of fantasy. A roar that was as if a pride of lions had determined to unleash their cries all at once. A gust of wind followed through the chamber; winds powerful enough to make ones hair move.

  Leto smiled and fire came from his other hand and he placed it deep into the skin of the creature.

then emerged from the wall. A jaw formed that took the shape like a Cretaceous shark jar riddled with razor-sharp teeth. It moved closer to Leto as if to swallow him.

  Leto closed his fists and roared into the brimstone surface of the gapping mouth able to swallow men whole. It closed and retracted back into the folds of its fiery and blood filled membranes.

  Leto released his hold on the creature. “You are mine now and you will obey me. Charon is no longer your master. You have tasted me, and I you. You know what I can do. Defy me and I will drain you till there is naught left but dust, and you are but the remains of men’s tales. Comply willingly… and I will give you the Host of Heaven upon which to feast. Perhaps even flesh you have yet to taste. The flesh of God!”

  Leto un-balled his fists and allowed the flame that he possessed to go out. A low rumbling could be heard and Leto pulled his hands free from Hell’s flesh.

  “I saw that Charon sits in your breast: centers in your heart. That he guards a portion of the God-stone. You will take me to him—now.”

  A hole opened before him, and Leto peered into it. It had a reddish hue and within it a chute appeared. Hands reached across one end to another to create a chute.

  Leto stepped forward then stopped.

  “Wait. There are denizens here who I would like very much to see. Some of my father’s men. They have contoured your innards. Take me to them first. They have threatened me. They will now know fear.”

  The rows of teeth retracted into magma like gums and the opening in the floor disappeared. And a reddish hue lit his path deeper into the dark. And to his left and right were human remains and faces of men and women and even angels who were entombed inside the creature. Each moving pushing against Hell’s fiery and mucus membraned skin: each yearning to be free.

  Leto Alexander then followed the path Hell gave to him, and he traversed deeper into the colon of Hell.


  Rocare and Oshure yielded the weapons made my Lucifer himself to help keep Hell in check. Charon allowed their existence as they posed no threat to his presence and were smart to stay out of the Angels of Death's way.

  For, after the war to cross the chasm Hell had erected between Paradise and Hades; Rocare was allowed by Lucifer to continue to tame and map the beast. A mapping necessary to chart a path to the God-stone should Lucifer even attempt to retrieve it.

  Fat from dining on the souls of men the two prime-evils feasted on the despair that oozed from the denizens of hell‘s gut.

  Carving out a chamber for themselves away from the Host of heaven and from the authority of the Horde these two perceived themselves safe. Safe to exploit the remains from a war long ago. Safe to function without interference from Lucifer and the generals of Horde. Angels absent without leave. Absent until Leto Alexander found them.

  The two angels feasted on the remains of a man’s soul. A doctor whose hubris placed him at the pinnacle of men’s medical professions. A man whose clinic provided medical procedures for women. Procedures that involved the taking of life. Killed by a radical member of the abortion movement his soul descended to Hell. Where he was eaten alive by these two. Forced fed the entrails of daemonic infants. Creatures created by Hell to fester his despondency, guilt. To sweeten his savor as she like these two grew fat on his condemned soul.

  “I understand that you said you would find me. It would seem gentlemen I have found you.”

  Leto then walked from the darkness into the light of their chamber. A man who did not scream. A man who because of their infernal hiding did not know who stood before them: the prince of the prince of darkness.

  “You have found us human. Only to come that we might dine upon your despondency. You are a foolish one. But we will make you wise.”

  Leto laughed. I see before me two excuses of angels who have fallen to such a state they hide amid the bowels of a creature everyone fears. I am your master. Kneel before me. And I will let you live to serve me against the God-king El. Deny me and I will savor on the remnant of what Shekinah still lights your kilnstone and take it for myself.”

  Oshure looked at the human he rose from feasting on the arm of the human doctor and threw it to the side. “You will learn your place. And I will teach it to you.”

  Oshure elongated, and he stood ten feet tall with arms that dragged the floor. His long legs were like stilts and he walked in large strides towards Leto.

  Leto stood his ground and his body lit as if the burner on an oven had been lit. And a small whoosh could be heard, and he smiled and replied. “I would seem that I must demonstrate who I am. You will serve as an excellent example to this one here.”

  “Arggh!!” cried Oshure, and he pulled from his side a sword that was lit in flame and he closed the distance between him and Leto and then Leto spoke.

  “Sheol restrain him.”

  Immediately tendrils came from the floor and the solidness of the floor below Oshure’s feet collapsed and he sunk and tendrils from both the floor and the ceiling reached out to entangle him. And Oshure found himself trapped as a fly in a web.

  Rocare stood up from his meal and his eyes were wide in disbelief. “How is this possible? Who are you that hell itself obeys your command? Do you hold a God-stone? Who… what is Sheol?”

  Leto said nothing, and he took his hand and raised it and lowered it, and when he did so Hell lowered her prey to him to where Oshure’s face was now at the level of Leto’s own.

  “This does not matter human. You are nothing. Your kind is nothing. I am of the house of Issi. A great house! A house of…”

  Leto took his index finger and placed it over his mouth. “Ssshhhh”

  Leto then took his flaming palm and put it to Oshure’s cheek and began to siphon the life force from the angel. Leto stared into the angels' eyes as his features withered and cracks began to run across the angel’s face. Wrinkles spread throughout his body and his lank form became even more bony. He shriveled and as he did Rocare watched in horror as a human ate the life of an Elohim. Watched as Leto Alexander inhaled and grew stronger. And Oshure collapsed into ash unto the floor. Hell’s tendrils retracted into her body and eyes which emerged from the floor turned from Leto to look at Rocare.

  Rocare looked about him and hundreds of eyes stared back at him. Eyes lustful to return to him the pain he had given to Hell as he carved out her innards for their purposes. Eyes that awaited command from Leto.

  “I understand Rocare. I have seen house Issi. I have seen this former state your kind has spoken of. It was glorious. I offer you the chance to return to Heaven with me. To fight by my side with my father. Or… Sheol.”

  Hell lowered tendrils towards Rocare and he screamed out. “Nooo!” What is it you command?”

  Leto walked over to Roscare and he was still aflame. “I require but two things from you. First you will kneel. Kneel before your ruler cretin of the Horde. Kneel and swear allegiance.”

  Roscare looked at the eyes of Hell that surrounded him and he fell on his face. “I swear that my life is yours. I am yours to command. What does my king require of me?”

  Leto smiled and petted his head. “Good. Feed my sheep.”

  Roscare looked up at his new master confused and replied, “My king?”

  “You will give yourself to Sheol.”

  A whip like tendril then rose from the floor and wrapped itself around Roscare and he screamed out. “Nooo… I have bowed the knee. Please do not let her consume me please!”

  Leto gazed as Hell took the fallen angel into the folds of her flesh and drew him into the floor. His face was soon covered by her maggots and they bored into him as he screamed aloud.

  “Sheol is the creature's name you, idiot. You will not be the first to satisfy her.”

  Leto then turned away from hell’s consumption of her food and walked towards the Bowel of the creature to confront Charon. Trekked as the muffled screams of Roscare blended into the chorus of screams that was the ambiance of Hell. Screams he promised to see loosed upon the host
of Heaven as he communed with the creature Sheol.


  Charon was waiting. The walls of Hell’s flesh informed him that an intruder approached. One who was neither man nor angel. But something else. Something he had never encountered before. The Angel of Death was a formidable being. He was the embodiment of men’s fears. The person whom Lucifer at one time even attempted to control. His was the purpose to exact the retribution of God on all those who dwelt within the mountain of Hell. Sheol was a creature that forever sought to devour him. He was her keeper. The guardian of her appetite lest she be loosed upon the world of men, nay even Heaven and Charon knew if Hell was ever fully out of control only El could do what needed to be done.

  Centered within the creature Charon guarded what was one of the most powerful relics creation had ever known.

  A God-stone.

  Charon ruminated on the words of his Lord over the centuries, waiting to fulfill the true call for which he was designed. To bask in the home that will be made for him, and yea even Hell. Death smiled as he remembered the promise of his Lord.

  “Am I alsooo tooo retunnn hommmme?”

  The Lord smiled. His eyes grew soft, and He shook His head lovingly to curtail His creations disappointment.

  “Nay,” Yeshua said. “There will be a time that fire, yea even a lake of fire will house this one, and then thou shalt be home to do what thou wast charged to do. Until that day, go to, and arrest those this one made thee release, and return them captive to captivity. And whence I am returned, I will make a home wherein the next creation; my vengeance can be fulfilled on this one here.”

  Charon remembered how the Lord looked at Lucifer crossly when He spoke.

  Thus the Angel of Death stood waiting for the master of Life and Death to return. Standing guard over one of the few remaining active God-stones known to be in existence. For the master gem had splintered into three parts upon the eruption of Yeshua’s rise to power in the battle of Hades, and Charon had been wise to sequester the piece he had in the creature Sheol. Never again would he allow himself to be used as a tool so Charon took the shard and had buried it deep within Hell.


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