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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 35

by Donovan Neal

  Arelim simply grappled the airplanes from the sky and ripped the aircraft in two. Malakim griffins grasped the jets in their talons and they flung them into flanking air squadrons, as explosive balls of fire and jet fuel; knocked planes from the sky.

  But it was the Lord of Hosts himself who was the weapon to fear, for he merely opened his mouth to speak and when he did the sword before him glowed like a blinding nova that unleashed a golden hued conical wave that sheared all things in its path. Leaving nothing behind but a cleaved trail of carnage. For nothing stood before the Lord as he advanced to the nation of Israel’s defense.

  Pilots in fear ejected as they lost control of their aircraft and the fixed wings of destruction plummeted from the sky in uncontrolled dives into both land and sea. Across the planet the Host enveloped those that attacked them and men fell screaming to their deaths.

  But alas, as the wave of Heaven moved across the planet, scores of legions fell to every nation and region, every tongue and base of operations fell under attack. Like cluster bombs the Host fell to the Earth: to destroy the power of every nation’s ability to wage war.

  And nations seeing the tactics of the Host launched with both pride and fear their mightiest of weapons. Nuclear silos roared to life and spitted fire and exhaust from their underground bunkers. For the kings of the earth knew that this would be their final battle for their nation’s survival. Thus ballistic missiles were launched from both earth and sea. From the depths of ocean trenches and from hardened silos buried within mountains, did generals let loose their last best hope to repel invaders they perceived were here to destroy them and the Earth.

  But the host would not be deterred nor stopped by weapons made at the hands of mortal men. Harrada upon command of the Lord fell into the oceans and as living torpedoes smashed into submarines. The hulls of each aquatic predator burst upon the angel’s impact and water rushed in to fill the compartments of the vessels. But the Harrada pummeled ceaselessly the underwater nuclear carriers until the ships exploded in undersea bursts of fire sending shock waves across the ocean floor. While other angels simply pushed the giant vessels deeper into the ocean’s trenches until the crushing weight of the water caused the submarines to implode crushing all those inside.

  Metatron and the Draco flew through the skies and as ICBM missiles reached their apogees and released their multiple independent targeting vehicles: the Draco opened their mouths and the sonic booms of their voices disintegrated each warhead into nothing.

  And when men in his stubbornness launched more salvos the Issi fell upon them and as bomb busters destroyed the very mountains with which their silos were built. Warrior angel after Issi angel drilled into the bowels of the earth into the deepest of men’s hiding places and ignited the very air that men breathed and the soldiers that keyed the launch sequences of mankind's greatest weapons of mass destruction. The eruption of flames roasted alive those within. The blasts were such that when the destruction was complete; naught but the shadows of the men remained etched in walls and floors of melted metal and stone. For each angel was fire and heat personified and left nothing in their wake.

  The Lord Yeshua circled the circumference of the earth and where ever His shadow fell, the Host also fell upon the armies of men wreaking havoc until all surrendered or none were alive to fight. For Yeshua had come and his eye was set to descend to the Mt. of Olives. The Lamb now returned in righteous anger: to slaughter all those who would dare lift hands to destroy his people.


  The armies of the world of men were massed at the valley of Jezreel. Orbiting satellite had shown waves of celestial beings descended to the planet in attack formations. Reconnaissance photos showed millions of beings descending on fiery animals and after months of preparatory work the dimensional gate near Meggido surpassed the Korean demilitarized zone as the most heavily guarded and fortified place on the planet. Artillery and soldiers were at the ready to repel any celestial invasion that sought to breach the dimensional rift that had been located by Chancellor Leto.

  Hours earlier the rift had closed. Its prismatic funnel disappeared and no one was able to ascend to lend support to the forces that had crossed. Generals now assumed command had been cut off and prepped for a retaliatory strike by the aliens to come at any time.

  Tensions ran high along the ranks of the men. Local air bases and aircraft carriers and destroyers had been brought into the Mediterranean Sea to provide support.

  General Gao Lei was responsible for troop coordination with General António Rossi. Each had been given reports of the alien invasion that seemed to becoming from the western hemisphere and moving rapidly towards the east. Heading directly to Israel.

  “General Lei to command. I repeat this is General Lei to command. I have lost radio communication with the Americas. I repeat the Western hemisphere is dark. Command DO YOU READ?”

  The static hiss of his radio returned his reply.

  “Colonel load up any television networks and bring up the satellite link for all stations.”

  The colonel assigned to assist the General saluted, turned his back and in pressed several mobile computer consoles. A screen deployed in the air and a holographic projection of the planet with illuminated points of blue lights on a map shimmered into view.

  One by one, red pinpricks of light showed across the earth.

  “Report!” General Lei commanded.

  “Sir…Joint Force command is dark.

  Allied land command is dark

  NORAD is dark

  Allied Maritime Command is dark

  Allied Air Command is dark

  Supreme Headquarters is dark sir.

  Moscow is dark

  Pacific command is dark…”

  General Lei listened to his colonel until the need to listen no longer existed. All top military stations were consistently going dark.

  All destroyed? Impossible! He thought.

  General Lei had fought in the pacific region during the US/China seven day war. He reminisced over the losses that had incurred by both sides when they fought in the Indonesian and Japanese theaters fifty years ago. But never had he seen whole regions of military command go dark. Not like this.

  General Lei looked out of his tent. The sky was bright and the sun seemed to quiver in expectation. A parahelio shown in the sky and what few clouds existed were suddenly pierced by crepuscular rays that now flooded the valley of Jezreel in a thousand beams of light.

  “My God!” the general spoke aloud.

  He watched as the sun was not a sun. For what he saw slowly began to eclipse the sun.

  It was a man.

  Clothed in the brightest of whites and riding a steed with six legs; a man led a swarm of men, women and luminous beings with wings. His initial shock was followed by commands to dispatch. “All units attack! I repeat we are under attack! Fire at will!”

  Black clouds of flack suddenly filled the air as explosive waves of force, concussed through the air. Men in Bradley fighting vehicles and all manner of tanks fired off ordinance, as ships in the sea fired off missiles to track the incoming wave of invading celestials.

  Each ray of light that touched the ground was merely a person who with sword and shield attacked infantry and armored carriers. Celestial amour reflected small arms fire back at the enemy and rifles did no damage. Machine gun fire was useless as nothing penetrated the shields of the troops of Heaven.

  Unredeemed armies were cut asunder as the sword which the saints of God held when swung did not just cut what was immediately in contact with their blades; but waves of energy were unleashed through the motion of the weapons; slicing through enemies up to a distance of one hundred yards. The cadmium weapons cut through depleted uranium and other man made materials as a hot knife through butter. Thus one man of Heaven was equal to a thousand, and two men to ten thousand. Like a tidal wave that brings the storm surge so too did the armies of Heaven obliterate the forces of unredeemed man. As lambs to the slaughter did the men
of the world fight and with reckless abandon did they fall before Christ and the heavenly angels.

  The Lord God Yeshua landed atop the Mount of Olives, and he stared down upon the carnage. Upon those forces that had thought to destroy his choses people. And in Petra were heavens troops deployed to destroy the forces of Leto that had been sent to eradicate the Jews who hid there.

  And the bloodshed and the bodies were so numerous that the corpses began to pile ten feet into the air.

  Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there ever be any such after them, even for many successive generations. …

  Michael looked at the Lord surrounded by several of his brethren. “Lord there is still one who must be dealt with. One who must be apprehended.”

  The Lord looked at his angelic son and replied. “Go, for I have prepared a place for him. Take your brothers with you. David and the rest of your human brethren and I shall remain here.”

  Michael nodded and immediately he the Lumazi who stood by his side vanished in prismatic light.


  Michael and his brethren entered the palace and they walked towards the sealed entrance to the Kiln. Michael motioned to Talus and he tore the seals off the door and opened it. Michael unsheathed his sword and walked in while his brethren waited, peering into the doorway.

  Lucifer sat on a dead God-stone. His face haggard and his body void of the power that emanated from angels. Michael stared at his brother who sat quietly staring into space; this brother whom he had fought to the death: this brother whom he had once admired, and still even loved.

  Michael felt pity for him, but knew what his duty entailed.

  With sword in one hand and shackles of iron in the other. He spoke the words that he knew one day he would have to say to his older sibling.

  “Lucifer Draco, you are under arrest: charged with treason against the kingdom. You are also charged with crafting Abomination and defying the Articles of War. Your actions recorded by the Sephiroth will be replayed before a jury of your peers, and you will be brought to judgment. These with me are here to enforce this arrest. You will comply.”

  Lucifer poked his lip out, and in resignation stood. He placed his wrists out and Michael bound him. His manacles firmly fastened around him. Lucifer finally spoke in hissing contempt.

  “I hate you.”

  Michael sighed and looked his brother in the eye struggling to hold back his tears.

  “I know.”

  The archangel then quietly led his brother out.

  * * *

  Enoch and Elijah walked into the now liberated city of Jerusalem. Many of the Jews who had fled to Petra had returned. All had seen the coming of the Lord. They cheered when they saw the redeemed men, and many came up to them and brought them flowers. And people filled the streets thanking God and singing for being freed from the despot, Leto Alexander. The Messiah had returned as prophesied. Returned in power, and his people were kind but firm, and as the duo walked through the throng of people. A familiar face approached them: a man waving a cell-phone camera.

  “I want the exclusive story gentlemen! I want to know what it was like to die, to be resurrected, I want it all. This could be an incredible book deal!”

  Enoch and Elijah smiled and Henel James hugged the men whom he had come to know and respect.

  Elijah replied, “Always after a story are you, Henel son of James?”

  Look, Yeshua might have taken over the world, but I still think readers will want to know the story behind the story. Look I’ll even split the publishing rights with you!”

  Enoch smiled and when he did he spoke into the air, “Did you hear that Argoth? He desires to chronicle. He is the closest thing I have seen to a human Grigori.”

  Immediately a shimmering appeared next to Enoch, and Argoth appeared. His robes where white and his eyes were the deepest blue. He looked at Henel James and replied, “I know of your story Henel James. I am pleased that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.”

  Henel looked up at the floating angel in awe. “Wow,” was all the man could say…until the instincts of a trained reporter got the best of him.

  “Ok, so what’s your story?” said the reporter.

  Argoth smiled and replied, “Walk with me human, and I will share with you a tale of tales. Of the beginning of creation itself. And of a race of people whom angels could not even see. A house that chronicled the actions of all sentient beings in creation. Does this interest you Henel son of James?”

  Enoch looked at Argoth wide eyed, “Wait, why is he allowed to know your history and I was not?”

  Argoth hunched his shoulder and smiled, “El Pneuma has permitted the human access to this tome.”

  Henel smiled ready to hear this exclusive and set his phone to record. His face lit up, and he listened as Argoth explained the Chronicles of the Grigori.


  Goodnight to Fellowship

  The Lord God proclaimed, “Because of your collusions against thy King, and treachery against the work of my hands, thou art hereby sentenced to the Lake of Fire. See they who were once astonished at thee: a terror hast thou been. Away from my sight and begone from me, for never shalt thou be anymore.”

  Immediately, Gabriel and Jerahmeel each took an arm and Michael walked before them as they escorted the hissing and defeated Lucifer to the edge of the burning inland sea. Flames licked at him as Seraphim warriors sprawled in a blazing wall of fire preventing his escape. Collectively, the Seraphim were towering infernos that formed a fiery tunnel surrounding the would be king’s forced march trail to the loch of flame. Eladrin stood before them as they approached and his wheels spun in gyroscopic fury twirling in great swaths, suddenly all his wheels stopped and synced into one giant ring of connected concentric circles that moved further apart from one another, widening into a great single ring. A flash of light then burst from Eladrin’s body as blues and greens intersected with one another. Thunder followed as a circular portal opened within the King of the Ophanim. The opening flooded the emporium with plasma and voltage streaked in crackling extending arms in front of the three brothers. Screams bellowed out from what was a translucent gateway as wrinkled hands and gaunt faces on strained necks extended through the entryway in vain attempts to escape the sweltering plumes of heat and fire that shot out from Eladrin’s gate.

  The doorway to the Lake of Fire had been opened.

  Michael escorted Lucifer to the cliff ledge of the loch. In the sky was darkness, the Maelstrom was now the new sky for the residents of the fire that was here. For in the moments when smoke did not agitate the eyes, and if it were possible to be still enough to observe that a sky even existed. The howling winds of the Maelstrom was all that was heard apart from screams.

  Michael hated this place. It was truly a place separated from the presence of God. A realm made suitable for those who in rebellion to their Creator thought they knew better and chose the path of Death. So here in the brimstone and flames: Death would soon come.

  It was the bottom of the bottomless pit. The base of the Abyss. It was a prison of prisons, and a cage of cages. A dimension none could escape. And once sealed: blackness would overtake the realm.

  Michael stepped away. The word of God was binding and the seals of Lucifer’s manacles began to break free, as each one did he fell to his knees by an invisible force. A second seal broke and then Lucifer’s hands were free. His wings unfurled, but he was invisibly dragged slowly across the ground. By the laws that governed the Lake of Fire, the sentence would now be carried out and for those who were condemned once they were in proximity to the lake were dragged into its flames. Michael had seen this before. He watched as the False Prophet Abadi and Leto Alex
ander were thrown alive into the Loch.

  And now it was Lucifer’s turn. His turn to be dragged into the flames.

  Some kicked and screamed as they descended into the fire, but for a time Lucifer was not so. He cried out in defiance. Spitting and cursing, until the heat finally licked at him, and his newfound screams now melded into the chorus of those who floated within the flames.

  Lucifer was now immersed, his body writhed in agony and his face contorted in the spasmodic gnashing of teeth. His flesh blistered away only to be renewed with the genesis of new abscesses that burst in sores and ulcers.

  A cycle that would now repeat for eternity.

  Soon Michael could close the gate to the Lake of Fire behind him. Soon he could return to the presence of God. For the Lord had promised to make a new heaven and a new Earth. And everyone was excited and talked of the wonders they would soon explore.

  The Prince of Angels waited until he could see that the dark shadow of Death had entered the realm. Michael watched as the decomposing flesh of the vengeance of God trodded slowly towards the flames. Hell had already been given sanctuary within the Lake of Fire earlier. Her desire to feast now fully unlocked. A diet of affliction she could enjoy for eons. Her caretaker now came to live in the only realm where vengeance was necessary.


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