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Sugar Kisses

Page 16

by Addison Moore


  School sucks per usual, and I bake my ass off all week, so I don’t even pay much attention to the fact that with each passing day Aiden and his silicone squeeze have let an entire student body come to rest between them in our Entrepreneurship and Small Business class. I take a seat in my usual spot, and Aiden has the nerve to plop down beside me.

  “What the hell do you want?” I grunt as I pull out my laptop and reading glasses. For the life of me, I don’t know why he’d want to sit next to me unless he feels the sudden urge to have my boot hiked up his ass. And, believe you me, I would love to arrange that.

  “LeAnn broke things off with me.”

  She cuts a look over to us when he says it and sneers at me for a minute.

  “Crap.” I spike up and trot over to her end of the room before falling into the seat beside her. The last thing in the world I want the teen queen to think is that I stole her boyfriend. God knows she’d take it out on me during the Sticky Quickie baking competition, and Melanie’s ridiculous sexed-up muffins would run away with the cash and prizes. I’d do the same if the oven mitts were on the other foot—hand, whatever.

  “What are you doing here?” She slits it out low, genuinely pissed. “Spying?”

  A huff of a laugh escapes me “Right. Like I would ever side with a low life like Aiden Ryerson. He’s lower than low. In fact, there isn’t a snake lower than that bonehead.” Okay, so I might have laid it on a little thick, but I still think someone like LeAnn needs it painted crystal clear. “We sisters need to band together and steer clear of sewage like him. We should send a mass email to every female in Hollow Brook, alerting them to his slimy ways.” On the other hand, maybe I shouldn’t have painted him to be such an asshole? The odds are still pretty good the two of them will be knocking boots by midnight, and then she’ll be virally pissed at me for cutting down her man. “I mean, if you feel like that. I guess he’s all right as long as he’s treating you well.” Not that Aiden couldn’t “treat her well” and cheat on her, I should know first hand.

  “He’s pond scum. I caught him with Jeanie Waters in his dorm last week, and he thinks I’m going to let him weasel himself back into my life.” Her lips quiver like she might cry. She’s talking a good game, but the pain is right there underneath, bubbling to the surface in a way that I’m all too familiar with.

  Jeanie Waters is Whitney Briggs go-to skank—much like Cole was our go-to manwhore.

  “Don’t even go there. He’s so not worth the waterworks.” I rub her back a moment. “Trust me, I know how much it sucks to have someone cheat on you.” The professor steps into class, and the room quiets down to whispers. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, just find me. I’ll be glad to listen.” And, in an odd way, I mean it.

  “You don’t hate me?” Her eyes round out in surprise.

  “Nope. I don’t hate you.” In fact, I should write her a thank you note for allowing me to make my way to Cole.

  “I guess my mama was right.” She slides down in her seat, her boobs buoying up to her chin like floatation devices. “There isn’t a man on this planet who isn’t capable of cheating.”

  An unexpected image of Cole rolling around in bed with Jeanie Waters comes up uninvited, and my stomach does a revolution.

  Cole would never do that to me.

  Would he?

  The sky churns the color of black licorice while the wind blows over me with its icy peppermint breath. I spot Baya inside Hallow Grounds and make my way over.

  “Roxy!” She gives a brief wave.

  “Hi girl.” I grab a seat while Baya clears half her stuff off the table.

  “No, that’s okay. I have to get baking. The contest is set for Friday. I need to practice making my I Love Cole Brightons.” I wrinkle my nose. I think I’ll spare her the new-and-improved name for now. I’m pretty sure the mention of me sleeping with her brother is enough to make her rethink that cake pop she’s twirling between her fingers. “That’s kind of the name of my signature cupcake.”

  Her features soften as that smile fades from her face.

  Crap. I swear if Baya says one negative thing about my relationship I’m going to start throwing lattes across the room.

  “I heard.” She pulls her lips in a line, no smile. “I also heard you weren’t speaking to Laney or Ryder.”

  “I’ve just been busy.” Each and every time they’ve called. “Okay, so I’m blowing them off, but if someone was trying to tell you that Bryson was just a flash in the pan, you’d cut them off at the balls, too. Cole loves me, and I feel the same.”

  “I get it.” She holds up a hand in defense. “But I also get what Laney was trying to say.”

  “What?” A bite of heat sears through me. This is rich. Now Baya is going to throw her own brother under the bus? Wow, just fucking wow.

  “Let me explain.”

  “Please, do. I’m dying to hear it.”

  “Laney doesn’t really know Cole, and all she does know doesn’t exactly put him in the best light.” Baya leans into me, and I feel a little relief that she went in that direction. “She just doesn’t want you to get hurt.”

  “You know Cole. We could gang up on Laney and yell at her until she realizes she’s being ridiculous about this whole thing.” Cole would never hurt me in a million years the way Aiden did.

  “Yes”—she pauses with her hands stretched in front of her like a cat rousing from a long nap—“about that.”


  “Cole has always been”—she twirls her fingers in the air searching for words—“how do I put this? A free spirit.”

  “I’m a free spirit,” I snip. “Cut to the chase.”

  Baya cringes as if she were fearful, and she probably should be. “Look, Cole has always loved the ladies. I’ve just never seen him with one girl for very long. Quite honestly, he’s impressing the shit out of me.”

  “Wait a minute.” I jump back in my seat. “Are you telling me you didn’t think we’d last?”

  “I never said that,” it speeds out of her. “Cole is just really growing as a person right now, and I’m glad it’s with you. If anyone can tame Cole Brighton it’s Roxy Capwell.” She toasts me with her latte before taking a sip.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means it’s going to take someone special to break him in. And, by the looks of things, that person is you.” Her brows rise and fall. A look of apprehension washes over her face as if she’s not entirely sure it’s true.

  Oh, holy hell.

  If Baya doesn’t have faith in Cole and me, why should I?

  Do we really have any hope of pulling this off?

  I can feel those dark clouds rolling in over my head once again, and I don’t like it one fucking bit.

  It’s five o’clock and pitch dark by the time I finally make my way back to the apartment.

  The scent of onions and peppers permeates the air, and there’s a plume of white smoke coming from the kitchen.

  “Hey, cupcake.” Cole switches off the stove and brings a frying pan brimming with searing vegetables over to the table. It’s only then I notice the surface has been cleared of its usual clutter, and the table is neatly set for two with a candle lit in the center.

  “Wow.” I plunk my stuff down in the corner and magnetize to him. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

  “I wanted to.” He lands a sweet kiss over my lips that I wish all the haters in the world could witness. “You hungry?”

  “Just for you.” I drive my tongue into his mouth and pull his body in tight to mine.

  He moans into me. “Dinner can wait.” Cole wrestles off my clothes, and I do the same until we hit just enough levels of undress to make things interesting. Cole sits down on the chair and pulls me over him with my legs wrapped on either side of his body.

  His fingers flirt with my bra, and I pull his hand up and take a gentle bite of his pinky.

  “Baya doesn’t think we’ll last either.” I sag into him. I don’t know w
hy I brought it up other than the fact it kills me not to have her support.

  “She said that?” His brows narrow in, serious as shit.

  “Not those exact words, but, yes, she said that. I swear I don’t get it.”

  Cole pulls me in by the back of the neck until his lips land over my forehead.

  “I don’t get it either. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” I take the small foil packet from him and roll on the condom. “I like proving people wrong.” I just wish we didn’t have to do it. It would have been great being couple friends with Laney and Baya of all people.

  I straddle Cole and guide him in slowly.

  His head knocks back. His eyes shut tight as he lets out a slow even breath like a train edging its way to the station.

  “Rox.” My name rasps from his lips, and it sounds like heaven—hell, Cole feels like heaven. I let myself slip further down his body and soak it in as he fills me. It feels beautiful, right—and not one part of me is the slightest bit paranoid that this isn’t going to last just short of eternity.

  “I love you,” I whisper into his ear, and, to my surprise, it comes out more of a question.

  “Love you, too, Rox.” He digs his fingers into my hips and guides me over him rough and needy until it feels as if I’m slamming my body over his, and, in truth, I am. I pull my head back and close my eyes. It feels as if I’m on some wild ride, as if I’ve accidently launched myself into space and am being jolted around the universe at a million miles an hour. My insides beg for relief. My heart hammers along with the shock of our bodies gyrating in time. With each plunge I can feel his need, his wanting, his desire to have me harder and faster than the time before.

  A sharp cry comes from my throat as I begin to lose it. I steady myself over his shoulders as he pulls me in. Cole and I throb over one another in perfect ecstasy. We’re in sync, and that’s all that matters.

  He brushes his lips over my ear. “It’s me and you against the world, cupcake.”

  “We can take ‘em.” I tweak my fingers over his ribs and kiss him with a smile.

  I hope we can take ‘em.

  We had better.


  In the morning I wait until Roxy takes off for class before heading out. I give a couple brisk knocks on Baya and Bryson’s door and wait a few minutes. I pound another round with my fist before Bryson shows his ugly mug, bedhead and all.

  “Dude.” I give a knuckle bump before heading inside. The air is stale, and Baya comes stumbling out from the hall with her hair rumpled into a bird’s nest, wearing nothing but one of Bryson’s old Black Bear T-shirts.

  “What’s up?” She heads over and offers me a quick hug. The sharp bite of body odor takes over, and suddenly I want to bolt before I’m introduced further to their bedroom antics. “Why are you here so early?”

  “It’s eight. Don’t you have class?”

  “Not till ten.” She closes one eye as if she’s still adjusting to the light. “Want some coffee?” She heads to the kitchen.

  “Sure.” I sock Bryson in the arm. “You mind if I talk to Baya alone?”

  “Not a problem. I’ll get lost in the shower for a while.” He walks over to Baya and hugs her from behind, lands a kiss on her ear before whispering something in it.

  Baya giggles as they part ways, and Bryson clears out of the room.

  “It’s nice to see you happy,” I say, taking a seat at the counter. “Do you want to see me happy?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She comes over as the coffee starts to percolate, and the scent of roasted grounds fills the air.

  “It means, what the hell did you say to Roxy yesterday that made her so sick?”

  Baya lets out a groan, dropping her head into her hands. “Really? Was she that upset?”

  “Yes, she was that upset, and, by the way, you’re the last person either one of us thought we’d have to defend our relationship to.”

  “I’m sorry.” She bites down on her lip as she slides in next to me. “I swear to you, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “What exactly did you say?”

  “I said that I’ve never seen you so devoted to anyone before. That if there was anyone who could tame you, it was her.”

  “Tame me?” Crap. I grind my eye into my palm a moment. “Look, keep the commentary to yourself next time. Did you know Laney and Ryder gave her shit?”

  She hides behind her hands a moment. “Yes,” she squeaks. “I’ll tell you what. You continue to be on your best behavior, and I’ll talk to Laney. I’m sure we can work this whole thing out. We only want the best for the two of you, and, most of all, no one wants to see either one of you with a broken heart.”

  “I’m not leaving her, Baya. You can relax. And I have no plans on breaking anybody’s heart.”

  “I didn’t say you’d be the one to do it.”

  I blink back, caught off guard. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means don’t forget to give her space to heal. She’s been burned pretty bad by that Aiden guy. Sometimes the next relationship can feel a little like a rollercoaster. I just don’t want to see either of you bottom out. She’s your first real girlfriend, Cole. Take it easy with her. She’s more fragile than you know.”

  Baya pours us both a cup of coffee.

  Take things slow.

  The last thing I want to do is slow things down with Roxy and me. We’re already cruising a million miles an hour into the stratosphere. What could be so bad about that?

  But what goes up must come down.

  Or maybe it doesn’t.

  Baya’s right, this is all new to me.

  I down the java juice just as Bryson comes back smelling like an Irish spring morning and head on out.

  No sooner do I get out the door I get a text.

  Holy shit.

  It’s a picture—a chest shot of a very naked, very cold girl.

  A greasy smile spreads across my face then glides off just as fast when I read the name at the top.

  This isn’t Rox.

  It’s Angel.

  I head over to campus and spot Laney up ahead. Perfect. I whistle over to her, and she turns around just as I glide beside her on my skateboard. If I can talk some sense into both Baya and Laney before noon, this will be a stellar day. Hell, maybe if I whip out my superhero cape, I might even tackle her brother.

  Her eyes skirt the periphery of the student body before settling on mine.

  Crap. This is going to be tougher than it looks. It’s obvious Laney thinks I’m a dick.

  “I want to apologize about last night.” I hear the words stream from my lips, and I’m not even sure I believe them.

  She folds her arms across her chest. “And what exactly are you apologizing for?”

  “For giving you any impression that I might hurt Roxy.” There, something cohesive came from my lips that actually nails down exactly what has her worried most. I know she fears me hurting Rox because, deep down, I did too in the beginning, but I’m over that. Roxy and I are meant to be together. I’ve been with countless girls, and not one of them had the ability to make me feel the way she does.

  Laney slits her eyes into mine like she means business. “You do realize that if you her hurt her, Roxy is going to be the least of your worries.”

  “Got it.” I swallow hard. “I promise I have only the best intentions. I know what my history looks like, and I’m glad you’re watching out for her, especially after what that asswipe did. But I’m not like that, I swear.”

  “Actions speak louder than words.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I’ve been nothing but nice to Roxy.”

  “Nice to Roxy. Nice to Melanie. Nice to Carly. Nice to Jen, and Sophie, and Emma and—”

  “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ve been around the block.”

  “You’ve been around every block.” She throws her hands in the air, and, for a second, I think she’s going to deck me. “Just keep your boy parts to yourself
. Or better yet, restrict yourself to just one girl.” Her forehead creases as she gives a brief look around. “Roxy can come across tough as nails, but the truth is she’s—”

  “Soft as a cupcake. I know.” I cinch my backpack over my shoulder. “Rox and I are good. She’s mine, and I plan on keeping her that way for as long as she’ll let me. I swear to you if I hurt her in any way, I’ll give you full permission to kick my ass. I’ll even bend over and make it easy for you.” I hold my hands up. “I swear.”

  Laney gives a hard sigh as if she were giving in. “Okay. Just know if you blow this, the only one you’re really hurting is the girl you claim to love. Be extra good to her, and I’ll be your biggest cheerleader.”

  “Done.” I hold out my hand, and she gives it a shake. Laney takes off, and I skate over to my first class just as I get a text.

  I glance down. Another picture pops up uninvited—Angel. This time she’s got her wings spread wide, and, holy shit, is this is even legal to send?

  I delete the picture as fast as I can.

  It looks like I’ll have to do something drastic to get rid of my least favorite cling-on. I’ll see if Bryson has any good tips. In the meantime, my non-response will have to be enough.

  What the hell is wrong with that girl?

  What the hell is wrong with everyone?


  Sweetened Condensed Bullshit


  The Valentine’s benefit needs you. I implore you to reconsider—if not for me, for your own future. So many of my friends have inquired about your services. Please respond and let me know either way. Sincerely, your mother.

  I’m not sure which is more ridiculous, the fact my mother probably spent a small eternity composing a text that reads like a jury summons or the fact I’ve just sunk ten minutes staring at it.

  “Oh, hell,” I mutter.

  Cole rolls over in bed and pulls me in. “Oh, hell, right back at you.” He bleeds out one of his sexy grins, and I melt into him.

  “Just a sec.”


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