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Seduction Regency Style

Page 132

by Louisa Cornell

There hadn’t been any pain as she expected, but he felt strange and impossibly large inside her.


  She jarred. “What?”

  He lifted higher on his elbows and looked down on her. “You didn’t tell me you were a virgin.”

  She became aware of the clop of the horses as the coach picked up pace. She sighed. The mood was ruined. “Wouldn’t it be more logical that I would have told you if I wasn’t a virgin?”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t lie to me, in hopes of discouraging me,” he said.

  “Lord, I didn’t think of it. But I doubt it would have worked. I would have tried, though.”

  He laughed. Then he stopped laughing and began to move inside her. The mood, she realized with a gasp, wasn’t so ruined after all. Chastity couldn’t believe the sweet sensations that rippled through her. He moved slowly, which seemed to her some sort of torture. The carriage jolted and it felt as if he’d speared her very womb. Pleasure spiked. He groaned and moved faster.

  “Goodness,” she breathed.

  “Relax, love, and let me please you.”

  How much more could he please her? She felt ready to burst.

  “Do you like this?” He thrust deep.

  She drew a sharp breath.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He thrust deep again and increased his speed.

  Her head began to whirl. Sir Stirling rolled onto the seat, keeping her joined with him, then scooted so that she lay on top of him. Chastity froze.

  “Sit up,” he said.


  “Sit up.”

  He gently pushed her into a sitting position. His cock almost slipped out, but he reached between them and held himself steady as she repositioned herself. Embarrassment washed over her when they made eye contact.

  “No need to be embarrassed,” he said. “Move up and down on me as it pleases you.”

  She yanked her eyes to his face. “That is-is indecent.”

  He gave a hoarse laugh. “Not by half, love.” He grasped her bottom and gently lifted her. Chastity quickly braced her palms on his chest. He lowered her, then lifted her again. After a few strokes she was startled by the pleasant friction between them.

  “Find the position that best suits you,” he whispered.

  She leaned forward slightly and after three strokes had to admit the sensations were amazing. He lifted and brought her down on him faster and harder. His breath came harder. The sounds made her stomach clench. She recognized the oncoming orgasm, but couldn’t believe the feelings originating deep inside.

  Pleasure swept through her. She cried out and dropped her head onto his chest as he arched his hips, stroking, driving deeper inside her as the orgasm rolled over her with more intensity. His fingers tightened on her buttocks and he groaned as he slowed his strokes, once, twice, then a third and fourth time before he relaxed.

  Chastity went limp. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. She felt oddly content and wondered if he felt any of the same. At last, he slowly slipped out of her and she relaxed on top of him. She released a breath, her body strangely weary and sated. Unexpectedly, she recalled his words to her father. "I can deal with Dorring. There is no need to worry the lass." He’d defended and even protected her against her father’s ire. Her father was a good man, and would never truly hurt her. Still, no one other than her father had ever protected her against anyone or anything. Knowing she’d tricked him, he’d put himself between her and her father and he hadn’t demonstrated any rancor toward her for playing him false. Why had he done that?

  His arms tightened around her. “I promise, next time will be better,” he said, and her mind said, Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.

  Chapter Eight

  Chastity couldn’t have been more wrong about married life…and her family. She had expected her sisters to go their separate ways, and had thought that she would be lucky to see them on occasional holidays. Lucy spent at least two days a week as Gledstone. Olivia’s husband worked closely with Stirling on a new shipping venture they’d formed, which meant he and Olivia hadn’t returned to Lossiemouth as he’d originally planned. He’d agreed to give up the rented townhouse, for a twenty minute ride was too much—so the men said—for them to work the late nights they had planned. And Jessica, well, Jessica had taken to running her husband’s estate, Baldain House, with such gusto that she constantly called upon Chastity for help and advice.

  As had become their custom on Sunday afternoons, they all sat in the parlor after the afternoon meal, the men playing chess while Lucy and Olivia watched. Jessica sat with Chastity on the divan near the hearth. Today, a guest quietly talked business with Stirling in the chairs near the open balcony doors. Stirling looked up and Chastity resisted the urge to yank her gaze away when his eyes locked with hers. He had an uncanny way of knowing when she was looking at him. Or maybe he was simply arrogant enough to know she was too-often looking at him. A smile curved his mouth and she figured the answer was the latter: the man was confident. He knew she belonged to him heart, body, and soul.

  “Have you told him yet?” Jessica asked.

  Chastity broke from her thoughts and looked at her sisters. “What?”

  “Have you told him you’re expecting a baby?”

  Chastity started. “What—how did you know?”

  Jessica’s eyes sparkled. “Because I am going to have a baby, too.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “Oh, Jessica.” They hugged, and from the corner of her eye, Chastity saw the curious look on her husband’s face. She forced back tears as she and Jessica separated.

  Jessica said, “I haven’t told Patrick yet. I plan to do so when we return home today.”

  Chastity nodded, unable to speak.

  “Oh dear, here comes trouble.” Jessica laughed.

  Chastity looked up. Stirling was striding toward them. Trouble, was right.

  “I think I’ll leave you to your ogre,” Jessica whispered.

  “Jessica,” Chastity hissed, but her sister only pressed a kiss to her cheek before hurrying away.

  Stirling reached her and lowered himself onto the divan beside her. “Your sister seems in especially good humor today.”

  Chastity gave him a narrow-eyed look, but said nothing.

  He lifted a brow. “Is there an announcement in the offing?”

  Of course, he knew. He seemed to know everything—well, almost everything. He didn’t yet know the topic of her announcement.

  “What business were you and Lord Benton discussing?” she asked.

  “The young lordling is experiencing a bit of a dilemma,” he replied. “He is in love with a certain young lady who seems not to know he exists.”

  “What—never say you are playing marriage maker again?” She rolled her eyes. “Good Lord.”

  He gave a careless shrug, but she glimpsed the twinkle in his eye. “I have come to have a soft spot in my heart for seeing true love prevail.”

  “More like, you enjoy dabbling in others’ lives,” she said.

  “They do make it easy.” He leaned back against the cushion. “Unlike you, wife, who I am still trying to figure out.”

  “Rubbish,” she said. “You are certain you have me figured out.”

  He grunted. “Hardly. Though I have figured out that we will have a child in less than eight months.”

  She started. “But how did you know?”

  His eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “A man notices certain changes in his wife’s body—when he pays attention.”

  To her chagrin, she couldn’t halt the warmth that spread up her cheeks.

  “No need to be embarrassed, my dear.”

  He always said that, but she too often was embarrassed. He had a knack for making her stomach do somersaults.

  “Are you happy?” he asked.

  “That is an odd question.”

  “On the contrary, I think it is a perfectly normal question. Are you happy we are going to have a child?”

p; She was. Chastity nodded. “I am.”

  He smiled and her treacherous stomach did a somersault. “If we have a son, my father will be relieved that the title is safe.”

  “Oh, I think he isn’t the least bit worried on that account,” Stirling said.

  Chastity nodded. “With all of us married, he is certain to have a male heir at some point.”

  “He may very well have a male heir of his own.”

  She frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “There is a certain widow who has taken an interest in the duke.”

  Chastity stared. “What? Who is she? Oh, I imagine she is after his title. I must meet this woman. How long has this been going on?”

  He laughed. “Now, who is it that likes dabbling in others’ lives?”

  “This isn’t dabbling,” she shot back. “My father is a man, and men are easily swayed by a pretty face. If she is a fortune hunter—”

  “I assure you, she is no fortune hunter.”

  Then she understood. “My God, you found him a match?” She couldn’t believe it.

  “I only introduced them,” he said. “Your father did the rest.”

  Chastity shifted her attention to her father. He hadn’t said a word. “I must meet her.”

  “In due time, Chastity. For now, give them a chance to get to know one another.”

  “Are you saying he truly might remarry?” she demanded.

  “Why not? He isn’t old.”

  “You can’t be in favor of him marrying. If he has a son, you won’t become the Duke of Roxburgh.”

  He locked eyes with her. “I never planned on becoming his heir.”

  “But that’s why you married me.”

  He angled his head. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

  “Well—what else could it be?”

  He held her gaze. “Love.”

  “Love? You never mentioned love before.”

  “You wouldn’t have believed me.”

  He was right.

  “Now, I have no reason to lie,” he said.

  She didn’t know what to say.

  “Surely, I haven’t left you speechless?” Stirling teased. “This is a rarity. I tell you what, why don’t you just admit you love me and be done with it?”

  “Love you?” she whispered.

  He gave a single nod. “It’s all right, sweetheart. There’s no need to be embarrassed. Tell you what, I’ll say it first.”

  Her heart began to pound hard.

  He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. Eyes locked with hers, he brushed his mouth against her knuckles, then whispered, “I love you.”

  She stared.

  “It’s all right,” he said. “I said it first. You’re in no danger of losing your heart to a man who hasn’t already lost his to you.”

  “You’re insane,” she whispered.

  “That is a well-established fact,” he said. “But it is not what we are discussing. Can you deny that you love me?”

  She shook her head and he flashed a heart-stopping smile.


  He waited.

  Did she love him? She did. And she said so.


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