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The Devil Duke: A Nobility Love Triangle Romance (The Demon Duchess Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Tessa Bowen

  “Don’t say another bloody word!” he roared.

  With his free hand, he grabbed hold of her filmy nightgown and tore it straight down the middle. She let out a little cry as he lifted her high, pinning her with the unyielding hardness of his body. Her legs fell around his waist as he thrust himself against her. Her eyes widened with shock as his frenzied male lust rammed against her most intimate place.

  “Does that bloody feel like a medical condition?” he seethed.

  Her eyes bulged and she shook her head no.

  Trevor ground himself against her once more.

  “That shut you right up, didn’t it?”

  She blinked twice and nodded her head yes.

  “How dare you mention that boy?”

  She gasped for breath. “It worked, didn’t it?”

  “You’re awfully crafty for a virgin, aren’t you?”

  “I…I’m just trying to get what I want.”

  “You know I’ll do a better job than he would, don’t you? Even if I am bloody older.”

  “Duh—why do you think I asked you in the first place? You’ll do it then?”

  “You’ve challenged me for the last time, Isabel. I’ll give you what you want. And I don’t want to hear another word about that bloody boy. Do you understand?”

  Her insides leapt with excitement as well as apprehension. “Uh huh.”

  “Say you understand.”

  “I understand.”

  He gave her a violent, all-consuming kiss then he picked her up and threw her on the bed.

  She scrambled up on her elbows. “Holy Crap, you’re like really hot when you’re mad. Will you be mad the whole time we are doing it? What if I pass out?”

  He knelt between her legs and gripped her ankles, spreading her legs wide. “Fear not, I’ll see to it you don’t doze.” He slid her panties down her hips and then lifted her, moving them down her legs. “I can see why you’re still a bloody virgin,” he muttered crossly. “You are the most annoying girl I’ve ever met.”

  She was utterly naked now and Trevor stared down at her nubile, young figure in the moonlight. Part of him was angry and could not wait to school her into submission. The other part was flabbergasted by her rare perfection.

  She squirmed as his eyes burned into her flesh. “Don’t look at me so closely. I mean…you sleep with models and stuff. You might change your mind.”

  Her ripe little body writhed for his touch. He placed a hand on her belly. “I won’t change my mind.” Slowly, his fingers moved toward the dark triangle between her thighs. “Just how much experience have you had? Have you ever been touched here?”

  She shook her head.

  “You’ve touched yourself before, haven’t you?”

  Izzy’s cheeks flamed guiltily. She bit her lip, strangling a nervous cry when his fingers found her secret place. Softly, he stroked her with his ring and middle fingers until her body relaxed and her flesh grew slick. He slid a finger into the depths of her womanhood—she seemed to swallow his finger whole. Her wetness and tightness were awe inspiring.

  “Good Lord,” he moaned.

  “What’s the matter…is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing.”

  She twitched on the bed, all wiggly limbs and trembling flesh. He withdrew his finger and bent to kiss her on the lips. She drank from his mouth as though she were a starving bird. As he kissed her, he pushed his pajama pants down and lay between her legs.

  “I want you to touch me too, so you know what’s coming.”

  When he guided her hand down to the instrument of his desire, her eyes widened. Eagerly, she carried out an exquisite and torturous investigation of his male member, running her fingers up and down the length of him and across the head. The Duke’s head drooped when she squeezed his shaft in her palm. He marshaled his strength, drawing in a ragged breath as she stroked him gently.

  “Everything meets with your approval then?”

  “It’s so smooth…and big. You’re like really big, huh?”

  “I don’t make a habit of studying other man’s sexual organs, Isabel.”

  “Haven’t you ever like…measured it?”

  He groaned as her fingers continued their heavenly caressing. “Bloody hell—how do you mean, with a ruler?”

  “I think you would need a yard stick.”

  “Let me go now, you cheeky girl.”

  “It doesn’t seem like it will fit in my hooha,” she whispered.

  “Your what?”

  “Um, you know, my…hoohaa.”

  The Duke collapsed with laughter, gripping the sides of her face in his palms. He quickly recovered. “We don’t have to go through with it if you are frightened.”

  Her body shook with trepidation, but she was sure she loved him. “No, I’m ready. Please….do it.”

  He pulled back and looked at her with scorching eyes. Slowly and with great care he slid into her, shuddering with pleasure as her body surrounded him like a tight, honey-soaked glove. His shoulders sagged for a moment and he rested his forehead against hers in an attempt to collect himself.

  “My God, you are sweet, girl—so damned sweet.” The words tumbled out in his passion. Quickly, he regained his composure. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  Her world spun. She was so gloriously full of him she could scarcely breathe.

  “You’re not too uncomfortable?”

  She shook her head again.

  “Why are you stiff as a board then?”

  “I’m afraid to move.”

  He smiled gently. “This particular act requires a certain amount of moving.”

  “I know…but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “I’ll show you.”

  And he did.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Izzy awoke with a start. She was alone in the room.

  Had it really happened? It all felt like a dream.

  A delicious, toe-curling dream.

  She sat up in bed and looked around, trying to get her bearings. Her muscles ached in a new way and there was a nagging stiffness in her groin—proof the Duke had been there.

  Holy Crap, we did it.

  Memories of their night together flashed through her with shocking clarity. The images were vivid and sinfully shocking. Recalling what had passed between them, made her blush from head to toe. He had been gentle and masterful at the start—part teacher, part lover—rounding out his flawless performance with surprising intensity and passion.

  Izzy’s mind and body buzzed with excitement. She was a virgin no more! The Devil Duke had deflowered her himself! The experience had surpassed all expectation. She could still smell his wonderful scent on her skin. It had seeped into her pores and become part of her, just as he had been part of her for those heavenly hours.

  But where was he? Izzy’s dopey grin gave way to a frown. She ran her hand over the indentations where he had been. It was cool to the touch. She hardly remembered falling asleep. He had brought her to such a state of euphoria that she had slipped into sort of a blissful stupor.

  She caught sight of a note on the bed stand.

  Saint Mark’s Square.

  Why had he left her? She felt a sinking insecurity. Would he go all cold again? Did he have regrets about giving in to her? She felt unsure and nervous about seeing him. He was still a mystery to her, though they had known each other in the most intimate of ways.

  The square was crowded with tourists. She followed the pull within her, knowing she would find him at the café which was positioned at the far end of the square facing the water. He sat at one of the little tables reading a newspaper, cappuccino in hand.

  Just his eyes showed as he glanced over the top of his paper at her. The pages of the London Times concealed the rest of his face. His eyes were expressionless, pale blue just like the scarf he wore. He began to fold the paper, creasing the edges in a nonchalant manner.

  “Good morning,” he said.


  Hey? Had she really just said ‘hey’ after a night like that?

  “Have a seat. I will order for you.”

  She moved toward the table but was stopped up short by a ragged cobblestone. Her toe got stuck and she stumbled against the chair, which in turn slammed into the edge of the table making the china clatter.

  Of course I have to trip in front of him like a total spazz.

  He rattled off something in Italian to the waiter, then leaned back in his chair to regard her with languid ease. Izzy held her breath, her hysteria mounting to unmanageable levels. He took a long, slow sip of his coffee. Was he really not going to mention last night? She couldn’t take much more of this. Her heart felt like it was in her throat.

  The Duke turned his gaze upward. “The sky’s gone rather grey, hasn’t it?”

  “Uh, huh.” She answered distractedly. She couldn’t stop staring at his mouth. He had kissed her everywhere with that mouth.

  Well, almost everywhere.

  He had wanted to kiss her there but she had been too shy to let him.

  “Looks like it might rain. Did you bring your brolly?”

  “Are you kidding!” She exploded. “Is that really what we are going to talk about—the weather!”

  Izzy shrank in her seat as soon as the words were out. She was beet-red by the time the waiter came to set her up with a steaming cappuccino and croissant. She squirmed in her seat. Her insides felt all bouncy. She could not be this close to him without thinking of his naked body all around her and in her.

  The Duke’s eyes warmed over the rim of his cup. He took his sweet time, placing the cup on the saucer with a little flourish. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”

  “Couldn’t you tell!” In utter mortification, she let out a tortured groan and covered her face with her hands. “God, why am I such a spazz?”

  Trevor hid his smile behind his napkin. He planned on drawing this out forever. He knew very well he had brought her to the edge of reason again and again.

  “You found my performance satisfactory? All my parts were in working order—any suggestions for the suggestion box?”

  “Your parts were…amazing.”

  “Not bad for an old chap, I’d say. Good thing my nurse gave me an overnight pass from the geriatric ward or you’d still be a virgin.”

  Isabel writhed in her seat as he teased her without mercy. She fidgeted with the edge of her croissant while heat raged in her loins. She pinched her legs together, attempting to relieve the needful cramp there.

  “Stop wiggling about. You’re like a tick on a stove. Eat your breakfast.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Oh? I am surprised you didn’t work up more of an appetite.”

  “I want to do it again,” she blurted breathlessly.

  He cocked a cool brow. “It?”

  “Can we go do it again? Like now?”

  He straightened his cashmere scarf, adjusting the debonair knot. “I’m not sure my medication has kicked in quite yet, we better give it another twenty minutes or so.”

  She picked up the croissant and lobbed it at him. “Stop kidding around— I think my underpants are on fire!”

  “Oh dear, that sounds awfully hot, doesn’t it?”

  She leapt to her feet and pulled him out of the chair. The Duke’s thunderous guffaws ricocheted across the cobblestone as she dragged him through the square. The first raindrops of the storm fell upon them. She rushed him through the archway under the old clock tower, side-stepping people who got in her way.

  Trevor tugged against her but her little wheels just kept spinning. “Let go of my sleeve, you teensy masher, you’ll tear my jacket right off. What sort of nymphomanical leprechaun have I created?”

  She froze in the streets. “You don’t want to do it again?”

  He reached for her, but she shrugged him off childishly. “I know I’m not gorgeous and blonde and all friggin’ perfect with big boobs or whatever, but you seemed to like it well enough.”

  Trevor pulled her into a private alcove and pushed her against the cool wall, holding her prisoner against the stone. “I did like it, Isabel. I liked it very much, in fact.”

  She blinked up at him. “Then let’s go do it again.”

  His warm breath fell on her cheek as he caressed the side of her neck. “I just don’t want to hurt you. It was your first time and the first time ended up being several times. Don’t you think you should rest your…”

  “My what?”

  “You know…”

  “My hoohaa?”

  Trevor hung his head. “I was going to say lady parts…”

  She broke into a fit of giggles riddled with snorts. “Laaaaaaaaaaady parts. If you don’t start kissing me, old man, I’m going to punch you!”

  The Duke gave into her demands. When their mouths fused together her intoxicating flavor flooded his senses and his body grew thick with lust. She opened her legs around his hips, grinding up against his pulsating hardness. She was all soft, giving flesh—so ready to give into the reckless abandon within her. He wanted to release himself from his bloody trousers right there in the streets.

  “You taste so sweet,” he murmured. “The bees must have made you.”

  “You’ve really lost it, Your Grace.”

  He cupped the damp heat between her legs. “Let me taste you here.”

  Isabel tore away, gasping for breath. “Um…maybe. Can we go get naked now?”

  “As you wish, little duchess.”

  Now it was the Duke who led them in a mad race through the lobby of the hotel and up the winding steps to their room. His hands shook as he fumbled with the key card. Through his raging desire, he realized he had never fumbled with anything before in his entire life.

  This girl was about the furthest thing from an enchanting temptress that he could imagine. Still, his body churned with male hunger as he watched her shuck off her clothes. She was caught up in one pant leg, hopping up and down and cursing up a blue streak. Her hair still had a dent in one side from her pillow while the other side stuck straight up. The women he was used to taking to bed were slow, silken creatures. A strand was never out of place, and even in the throes of passion the removal of clothes was always a tantalizing dance of seduction.

  It was terribly odd that this messy, ill-bred girl could excite him so. He could not make sense of it. Perhaps she truly was some sort of fairy creature who had ensnared him in her enchanted web.

  Charlotte must be right about her. She is not of this world.

  She launched herself at him. Or perhaps she tripped. One could never be sure. She tried to wriggle out of her panties but her fingernail got caught on a frilly lace bit. She let out a frustrated curse.

  “Allow me to help you out of those elf-drawers.”

  Izzy clung to the Duke’s lips as he expertly disposed of her undergarments. Then he bent and picked her up into his arms. They fell on top of the silk sheets together, their limbs tangling in the bedding.

  He kissed her neck which she arched for him. “The sheets are still rumpled from last night’s exertions,” he told her between love bites.

  “Exertions!” she tittered hysterically. “Oh, you talk so dirty, Your Grace. Are we gonna have more hanky panky?”

  She screamed when he flipped her over and smacked a hand down across her backside.

  “This time you’ll like it, you cheeky git.”

  She wriggled into the covers as he fondled her behind. “I liked it the first time—spanky panky.”

  “Spanky panky indeed.”

  His mouth roved down her back and lower. He spread her legs, pushing one knee high to expose her feminine core. When his lips brushed across the crack in her bottom, she squeaked, becoming suddenly timid. She rolled onto her back and looked at him sheepishly.

  “Pity, you would have liked that even more.”

  Izzy reared up, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder, then she straddled him with her little legs. “Weirdo p

  “If wanting to taste you there makes me a pervert, so be it.”

  “I’m too embarrassed.”

  “I hope you will get over your shyness very soon, Isabel.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her nakedness “I’ll think about it.”

  Gently, the Duke unfolded her arms and laid back, taking in the sight of her delightful body. She was slight but exquisitely formed. Her cocoa skin was so smooth and supple he feared he would never stop stroking it. Her lusciously pert breasts stared him in the face. Her nipples were like dark berries. He thought of chocolate cupcakes topped with sugar-glazed cherries and licked his lips.

  Instinctively, she shifted over him. “Are we going to do it with me on top this time?”

  He was not inside of her yet but his male hardness was pressed tight against the opening of her thighs.

  “If you would like to try it that way, I will gladly oblige you.”

  “I…don’t know what to do.”

  “I’ll teach you.”

  She licked her dry lips. “You’re sorta like a professor.”

  “Not the sort of professor who has hair growing out of his ears and stale breath, I hope?”

  “No, not that that kind—the dirty, hot kind.”

  “My lesson plan does appear to be rather…naughty, doesn’t it?”

  The Duke’s features took on a dangerously taut appearance. His pulse hammered against his lean neck as he took her around the hips and slowly lowered her down his erect length. He shuddered as ripples of pleasure shot through him. Her snug flesh stretched around him, squeezing him tight in a moist, velvety embrace.

  “How does that feel?” he asked hoarsely. “I’m not too much for you, am I?”

  She forced the words out in little pants. “Stop… worrying about me… so much.”

  “You’re so small…I just want you to be comfortable.”

  “More,” she demanded greedily. “I want you…all the way.”

  He pushed deep inside her. His fingers dug convulsively into her flanks. The Duke drew a ragged breath, trying to steady himself. He was deeper than he ever knew he could be inside a woman. It was all he could do to keep from bursting inside her. He was an expert lover, a master of control, but this tiny creature had him behaving like an unschooled youth. Maybe this was the way it was when humans mated with fairies. It took all of his masculine command not to drive into her with the force of a wild stallion. His head spun in a dizzying whirl and his heart pumped at a frenzied rate.


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