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The Devil Duke: A Nobility Love Triangle Romance (The Demon Duchess Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Tessa Bowen

  “I don’t know what you meeeeeeeeaaaan.”

  “If you don’t stop messing about, you irksome girl—I’m going to stuff that cloth napkin in your gob and clobber you as well.”

  “Oooooh, promise? I might have to change into knee socks for that.” When he yanked hard on his cuffs she took pity on him. “All right—fine. We can talk about it. How would it work—you and me being together, I mean? You said it would never work. You said we were from different planets.”

  “I know what I said—I was a fool. It would be different this time.”


  “It will just be you and me,” he said with alarming steadiness. “There will be no one else—not ever.”

  A thrill raced through her as his gaze penetrated her very soul. “What about the Baroness?”

  “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t go riding with the Baroness if you’ll stop pulling weeds with the gardener.”

  “But you don’t know how to be with just one woman and I sure as frig’ don’t know how to be with a duke.”

  “We will learn together.”

  “You really think it will work?”

  “I know it will. I was a bit timid when you put me on the spot regarding monogamy before, but I haven’t looked at another woman since I met you. I don’t want anyone else—I only want you.”

  Her wide, disbelieving eyes roved over his perfect features. “You’ve really lost your marbles, Your Grace.”

  “Yes, you’ve already said that.”

  “No, like… for real this time.”

  She swallowed hard when his hand found her knee under the table again. “I don’t want to live in a cold, calculated world anymore. I don’t want to turn into my father—controlling and loveless. You are just what that place needs—just what I need. We can run wild and free together with no one to reign us in. I think you are marvelous and I’m over the bloody moon for you.”

  “But I’m a spazz. I make such a mess of everything.”

  “I like your mess, I like it very much.” His hand moved higher, turning inward and upward. “I’ll go mad without you, Isabel.”

  She faltered, pressing her thighs together. “You will?”

  His eyes burned a bright, blistering blue. “Yes, stark raving mad.”

  “You love me—just as I am?”

  “Yes, just as you are—with pudding all over your face.”

  She wiped her cheek with the back of her sweatshirt sleeve. “Even with all the snorting—you still love me?”

  “Yes, even with the snorting and the tripping and the cursing and the disgusting inhalation of food.”

  Holy Crap. The Devil Duke loves me.

  “But people like you don’t fall in love with people like me. How is that even possible?”

  “The entire world seems to thinks it’s possible.”

  “Yeah, but we know better.”

  “Do we? All right then, you’ve entrapped me in some sort of fairy spell.”

  “But how can you love me? I wear funny clothes and don’t talk right.”

  “I’m not sure how it has happened, but we’re stuck with it now.”

  “You said I was a clumsy, badly dressed ill-bred—”

  “Do you want me to beg, is that it?”

  “No…I mean yes…well, maybe a little.”

  “All of Britain needs you. I need you. My daughter needs you. Come home with me.”


  Emotion knocked the wind right out of her.

  “You want me on my knees—is that it?”


  “You can have me on my knees so long as my face is buried in your sweet—”

  “Your Grace!”

  Trevor was through playing coy games. He rose pulling her with him. The china rattled on the table as she swayed against it. Hungrily, his gaze ran over her upturned face. Tears glistened like diamonds in the corners of her luminous eyes. She was fresh and ethereal, precious to him in every way. He would claim her the only way he knew how—by force.

  He gave her a long, possessive kiss and she flopped against him, going all droopy in his arms. The Duke held her up as she sagged against him. A dessert trolley remnant stuck to his lower lip, mixing with the sweetness of her taste. She had the most undignified rim of brown all the way around her mouth.

  He reached for his monogrammed handkerchief, blotting the tacky mess off his face. “Bloody hell, did any of those desserts actually make it into your mouth? Your lips are covered in chocolate sauce and now mine are too.”

  She gasped for breath. “I told you I make a mess.”

  He dabbed at her chin as though she were an infant. “Say you’ll be with me, you gluey poppet. I want to take you upstairs and shag you senseless.”

  “Holy Crap,” she breathed dazedly. “I’m gonna pass out. I’m like seeing stars.”

  “No doubt diabetic ketoacidosis is setting in. Say it, Isabel.”

  “Wh—whaddya want me to say?”

  He shook her by her little face, imposing his will with another kiss. “Say you’ll be with me.”

  “Yes, shag me senseless. I mean…yes, I’ll be with you.”

  “You’ll have to toughen up, you know. You can’t fall into a swoon every time I lay my lips on you. I plan on kissing you rather comprehensively and I plan on doing it often.”

  Trevor dragged her toward the elevator and poured her into it. He had to hold her up with one hand while he punched the buttons on the control panel with the other. It seemed like an eternity before the elevator doors opened. He pulled her into the penthouse and locked the door behind him.

  “Wow, you’re really coming on strong.”

  “You made me wait too long,” he growled.

  When he came at her she let out a little cry and bumped into the side table. The precious looking vase on top of it rattled noisily. The Duke caught it just before it hit the carpet, restoring it to its proper place. “Shall we ring the front desk and have someone come nail down the furniture? You are like a wrecking ball.”

  “I better stop moving. I just keep crashing into stuff.”

  “You’ll be moving quite a lot and very soon, but it won’t be furniture you’re crashing into. Now get over here—I intend to separate you from your clothes.”

  She took a running jump and tackled him. Trevor caught her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He groaned when her delicious butt cheeks filled his palms. He gave her rump a good hard squeeze.

  “Do you want Professor Barrington to spank you now or after.”

  “After, please.”

  They fell on the bed kissing each other with ravenous abandon. His hand slid between her legs to cup her through her jeans. “Did you touch yourself and think of me when we were apart?”

  She squirmed in ecstasy. “You’re sucha weirdo pervert.”

  “I won’t always be a gentleman, you know, and I’ve been drinking an awful lot. You’ll have to straighten me out.”

  “The Drunkard Duke sorta has a ring to it.”

  He tweaked the end of her nose. “Charlotte told me if I came back without you, she’d emancipate.”

  “I can’t wait to see her.”

  “You will make a good mother.”

  “Holy Crap. I’m someone’s mother.”

  “And someone’s wife. A duke’s in fact.”

  She blinked at him, her hands resting on his shoulders. “I am your wife, aren’t I?”

  “Yes.” He slipped his hand into his pocket and produced the heavy diamond ring she had worn for a time.

  “Give me your hand. Don’t ever take this off again. Promise me. “

  “I promise.”

  “I forgot how pretty you are. I’ve missed you terribly.”

  “Do you really think I’m pretty?”

  “Yes, you’re exquisite.”

  “I do have good bones.”

  Trevor tried his hardest to be gentle, but he hungered so deeply for her it was difficult. He fumbled with the buttons on h
er blouse, cursing against her neck, “Damn it, I’m like a bloody schoolboy.”

  “I’m really nervous too. I kinda feel like I’m gonna puke from all that food.”

  With a laugh, he rested his brow on hers. “That would certainly spoil the mood, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’m just joshing you. I won’t really.”

  She finished what he had started and unbuttoned the rest of her shirt. Shyly, she arched her back and reached behind to unfasten her bra. He feasted his eyes on the sight of her. Her brown skin and perfect small breasts rose and fell as she breathed heavily. He laid a hand flat across her chest, his fingers spread wide, caressing her delicate throat. He stroked his way down to her abdomen.

  “However did you fit all those desserts into this tiny belly? You devoured half the bloody cart. It was truly remarkable.”

  “I was really hungry.”

  The bones in her ribs and chest stuck out. He swallowed hard. “You’ll never be hungry again. I’ll have Archie follow you around with a dessert trolley until you fatten back up. You will have scones at every meal, is that understood? ”

  “I’ll get my scone boobs back.” She giggled as his fingers brushed the tops of her breasts. She wriggled beneath him as her nipples hardened against his palms. “Wait, there is something I have to ask you first—a favor.”

  “Yes, anything. Whatever you want, I will give it to you.”

  “It’s Mr. Lee. I hate to ask you for money, but you have so much of it.”

  He cupped one dainty orb, lifting it against his hand. “It’s true. I’m obscenely wealthy.”

  She covered his hand with hers, stilling his sensual caresses. She had to get the words out before she was lost in passion. “He gave me a job and took me in even though I know he couldn’t afford it. He’s burned through his retirement trying to keep the shop open.”

  He smiled gently. “We will see to it that Mr. Lee is well taken care of.”

  “You have to do it anonymously. He would never accept it otherwise.”

  “All right, my darling.”

  “Thank you.” He dove for her lips again, but she held him off. “Wait! One more thing...”

  “How many more requests do you have? I’m dying to get on with it.”

  “I’m not just going to let you pay for everything. I want to work.”

  “I’m afraid you’re not very good at selling ties and there isn’t much work for professional fainters these days.”

  “I don’t wanna wear all those fancy clothes either.”

  “Right you are—no clothes it is.”

  “And I’m not just sitting around on my ass in your big, fancy house.”

  “I rather thought you’d be lying around on your ass in a bed with me on top of you. Or perhaps you can sit, so long as it’s on top of me.”

  Isabel punched him in the arm. “I’m serious, weirdo pervert! I’m going to plant a big garden, you need to share all that land with other people. Have you heard of those organic farming programs for underprivileged kids? Sort of like me at Miss Shiflett’s. I want to do that at Devoy.”

  “Brilliant—you can do all the work and make me look good, while I prance around on one of my fancy ponies.”

  “No, you’re going to help. It’s about time you did some work.”

  “I do like rolling around in the dirt with you.”

  Izzy allowed him to kiss her then. He pulled back long enough to pull his shirt and sweater off. Love struck, she watched him as he tossed his clothing aside. The sun filtered through the window, basking his impressive form in hazy light. His auburn hair was ruffled and she spotted the freckles on his shoulders, reminding her of the young man he had once been. She was glad he was older now. He would teach her so many things, and she loved him this way—a bit fatigued from a life spent roaming. She loved him so much it made her shiver all over.

  He held her cheek in his palm. “Why are you shaking? Are you cold?”

  “No, it’s not that—you’re just so beautiful. I know you hate when I say that, but it’s true, and the way you care about me is beautiful. I love you so much—you are a really good man.”

  “I’ll be a good man for you, sweet girl. I promise I will. I’ve decided to love you with all my being, and when I set out to do something I’m always very good at it. ” He worshipped her features with soft kisses. “I thought I would come apart when you left me. I didn’t know how to find you…I didn’t know if you were all right or not.”

  “I was all right. Mr. Lee helped me.”

  “Mr. Lee is about to become a bloody millionaire.”

  “That might be overdoing it a little.”

  “I’ll talk to the old girl at Buckingham and get him a knighthood then.”

  Izzy wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him closer to her inner heat. When he pressed his rigid male length against her feminine core her eyes widened.

  “Holy Crap, I think it grew bigger in the last four months.”

  “Oh, dear—you might be right. Trevor ached with need for her—his entire body craved her. “I’m going to remove the rest of your clothes now. I may rip some of them in my excitement, but I’ll buy you new ones if I do.”

  “Okay—then what?”

  “The Devil Duke is going to make love to his Delightful Duchess.”

  “All afternoon?” she breathed hopefully. “And into the night?”

  “Yes, and when we’re finished, I assure you neither of us will be the same.”



  “Damn you Fairy, I’ll catch you soon enough. And when I do, you’ll receive a well-deserved spanking.”

  “Promise, Your Grace?”

  She disappeared around a corner, slipping into the labyrinth. Her laughter filled the air as she led him in a wild chase through the complex network of shrubbery. Trevor broke into a full speed run, vaguely aware that he wasn’t wearing proper shoes for running in the garden. Branches pulled at his fine clothing. When the sleeve of his blazer got caught up, he tore the jacket off and tossed it to the ground.

  Up ahead, he caught sight of a fuchsia swatch fluttering against the lush, green back drop of the maze. Trevor’s heart thundered in his chest and his blood ran hot. He would go mad soon if he did not get his hands on her. He spied the flash of color again— a magenta blur shooting through the air. With a playful roar, he made his move. He threw one arm around her waist and hauled her up against him, crushing her wings against his broad chest.

  He panted against her ear. “Caught you.”

  Isabel twirled to face him and gave him a playful push. Her dancing eyes roved over his disheveled appearance.

  “Why, Your Grace,” she teased. “Your sleeves are rolled up.”

  He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “Fairy catching is serious business.”

  “And is that sweat I see on your forehead? You might need the aid of your trusty hanky.”

  “I’ll show you sweat, you little tart.”

  He lifted her off the ground, bestowing a lusty kiss upon her lips.

  Charlotte’s voice sounded in the distance. “Daddy, stop snogging with Isabel. It’s time for us to play dancing fairies.”

  Izzy scrambled down the long length of him and scampered away, disappearing once more into the web of leaves. The sound of his wife and daughter’s delight led the Duke out of the maze. He spotted them across the lawn and decided to let them have their moment. He had gotten his kiss and there would be more—many, many more.

  He plopped down under a tree to catch his breath and survey the landscape. Spring had come early to Devoy. His gaze ran over the haphazard abundance of daffodils Isabel had planted, a benign smile played on his lips. There were too many of them really, springing up all over the pristine lawn in buttercup shoots. He liked that they would reappear every year and make a mess.

  A bright, sweet smelling mess.

  Trevor leaned back, enjoying the scene before him. His daughter had never looked more joyous and his wife
had never looked more fetching. She spun her stepdaughter in circles across the grass. Charlotte wore a pale set of lavender wings. One side was crooked, giving her a charming lopsided effect. The ruffled skirt his miniature duchess wore fluttered in the shifting wind. It was blush pink with a pale pink bottom layer. She looked like she was wearing a rose petal. If the breeze blew just right, he knew that insubstantial skirt of hers would blow straight up.

  Chewing on a blade of grass, Trevor tilted his head trying to catch a glimpse of her knickers. Izzy caught sight of him watching her and knew just what he was up to. She recognized the lascivious glint in his eyes. Grinning, she tugged on the hem of her skirt. The Duke was grateful that his brilliant daughter broke off and ran toward the pavilion to chase a butterfly. He crooked a finger at his young bride and she ran toward him, laughing as he pulled her down on top of him.

  “I saw you trying to look under my skirt, weirdo pervert.”

  “Skirt, you say? I thought you plucked the petal off some unsuspecting rosebud and wrapped it around your tiny bum.”

  “You’ve gone quite barrrrrmmmy.”

  “How can I bribe you to never use that accent again? It’s quite dreadful, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know,” she laughed. “Bribe me with kisses.”


  He gave her a long one and cupped her bottom, giving it a robust squeeze. She swatted his hands away and drew back to feast her eyes on him. Would she ever tire of his touch or the way his eyes changed from grey to blue when he looked at her?

  No friggin’ way.

  His hands crept toward her backside again, aiming low for the part where she split in two. She wiggled on top of him.

  “I see the Devil Duke is feeling quite handsy today.”

  “The Devil Duke is no more. He has been tamed by a fairy princess—or haven’t you read the papers?”

  He flicked one of her wings and rolled her beneath him.

  She protested as he devoured her neck with love bites. “Watch the wings, fancy pants.”

  “I’ll have new ones made for you.”

  “Out of diamonds and rubies?”

  He nodded obediently. “Anything you want, my darling.”

  “I want wings made out of cotton candy and rainbow sprinkles.”


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