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The Lover (It's Just Us Here Book 4)

Page 15

by Christopher X Sullivan

  “We’re going to an inland lake. Of course they have a beach, and a volleyball pit. Come on, let’s get changed.”

  “I have my gym shorts...”

  “I’ve got you something.” He slipped out of his shorts and bounced his butt at me.

  “Thanks for that,” I said sarcastically.

  “You love it.” He tossed me a plastic bag. “I’ve got you something to wear. I figured—based on your other clothes—that your bathing suit would be atrocious. So I got you something nice.”

  I reached in the bag. There was not much fabric to touch.

  A speedo. It had a tropical, floral design with white drawstrings hanging over the front.

  My mouth was on the camper floor.

  “I am not wearing that.”

  “Just try it on. You don’t have to wear it to the beach. I want to see if it’s the right size.”

  “Mark...” I stared at the tiny piece of fabric. “Mark...”

  “Put it on.” He grabbed my hands and held the speedo across my crotch. “I think it’s going to fit perfect. Might need a little stretching, but I think it’s perfect.”

  “Mark? How the hell do you figure I would wear anything like this. It’s...” I was getting a headache. “This is horrible.”

  “Just try it on, babe. Please? I want to see your legs and those tight abs. Fuck, you’re going to look so sexy.”

  “Fruity. I would look fruity.” I stretched it across my hips. “And this cut is too high. I have stretch marks so bad on my thighs. I can never wear something this revealing.”

  “Not even for me?”

  “Mark?” What the hell are you thinking?

  He laughed and tossed me a second bag that he had kept out of sight. There was a green swimsuit inside with a honeycomb pattern. This also had a drawstring in the front, but otherwise it wasn’t horrible. It covered my mid-thigh, which was a vast improvement.

  I slipped into the swimsuit without complaint.

  “I was going to get you copper, but I wanted to highlight the green in your eyes.”

  “I don’t have green in my eyes,” I said. He pushed me against the camper wall and kissed me. He had busy, eager hands. Then he stared in my eyes.

  “When the light is like this... I can see little flecks of green in your eyes.”

  “There’s only blue in yours,” I replied. “So pretty.”

  “Back at you, stud.” He kissed my nose (something that I always thought was odd). “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Uh... shirt, babe.”

  “We’re going to the beach.”

  “Just put on a shirt. Caleb is already enough of an anarchist. Let’s please not encourage him.”

  We drove to the beach. The sand was half dirt; the water was surprisingly clear. The bottom of the lake was squishy clay. It wasn’t like swimming in Lake Michigan, but it was warm for October. We spent about half an hour in the water before I got cold. My head never went under. Caleb followed Mark into the waves and was shivering in minutes.

  We warmed up on the beach and played volleyball. Gabby loved hitting the ball over the net, but Caleb was not very good and he quickly got frustrated.

  I walked to the shoreline and started to make a sandcastle. A little girl had left her small bucket and other tools so I used the bucket to dig a quick trench and build up an island. Then I made a drizzle castle—building the thin, brittle towers by drizzling a mixture of sand and water onto a packed base of wet sand.

  It was a relaxing way to spend the early afternoon before we had lunch. Caleb was the first to join me. He did not have the patience for drizzling. I told him to build the trench bigger so that we could make an addition to the castle.

  “Like at Grandma’s house,” he said. We added a rough addition, then we paused for lunch. Caleb got upset when the little girl returned and squashed our castle. I told him we could make another one that would be bigger and better, which we did.

  Mark helped us after lunch. He built a bigger trench than I had laid out. I built up the sand into three large piles, then patted the sand and started carving it.

  “What is it?” Caleb asked.

  “It’s going to be gummy bears. A gummy bear castle.”

  “You and your gummy bears,” Mark said, shaking his head. Gummy bears were—and always had been—one of my biggest weaknesses. That and cherries. If you gave me a fresh bowl of cherries I would eat them all. I have no impulse control when it comes to cherries, even though if I eat more that seven or eight, I get a terrible stomach ache. I hate artificial cherry flavoring. Real cherries though... I cannot resist them.

  So yes, our sandcastle became a gummy bear castle built on a bed of drizzled sand. Gabby collected rocks and seaweed for decoration. Caleb helped me build a breakwall to protect our shoreline from the waves. When we were done, we had a trench that was big enough for Caleb to lie in (and he did, which Denise got a picture of).

  After that, we washed up and relaxed on the beach blanket. Mark laid his head on my stomach and Caleb mimicked his uncle by laying his head on Mark’s. I let my hand rest in Mark’s hair.

  I very nearly drifted off to sleep, but it was slightly uncomfortable. I was with a man—in public. Could I really feel safe if I took a nap on the beach? Not only that, but my shorts were so short. I should have been used to wearing tight things because Mark constantly forced me into them, but this was probably the shortest pair of non-running shorts I had ever been in.

  And with that thought, I suddenly realized why he gave me the floral speedo first—because he wanted to shock me so that I would wear this skimpy thing without a fight.

  Mark could be clever when he wanted to. Tricky.

  I never did fall asleep, even when Mark started snoring gently.

  Eventually, we got up and left the beach before the sun baked us completely to a crisp. We retreated to our campsite. Mark and I said we were taking a nap. Caleb wanted to take one with us. Mark said that he would have to bring the bed cushions from the camper and lay them on the floor. Denise said they had a blow-up mattress.

  Mark and I moved our bags so that the second mattress would fit in our tent. Caleb’s mattress was over a foot tall. Ours was only eight inches thick so when Caleb lay on his, he was hovering over our bodies.

  “Are you ready to take a nap?”

  “Yeah,” Caleb said, even though he was full of excess energy. “Then we can go to the beach again. I want to make sure my castle is still there.”

  “We’ll check on it in the morning.” Mark was tired and it showed in his voice. “If we teach you how to ride bikes, then we can bike to the beach. How does that sound?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What don’t you know? Don’t you want to learn how to ride a bike?”

  “Why did you let go of me?”

  “I didn’t mean to,” Mark lied. “You were doing so well. I thought you were ready.”

  “That’s how Gabby broke her arm. That’s why she only rides the third wheel.”

  “Oh. Maybe we’ll have to teach both of you to ride.”

  Caleb didn’t respond. He silently observed me and Mark lying side by side. “So he’s your boyfriend, right, Uncle Mark?”

  “That’s right. He’s much more than my boyfriend, though. Chris is my partner.”

  I think that will go over his head...

  “Does that mean Chris is my uncle, too?”

  Mark laughed. His hand squeezed into the skin on my side. “Something like that. But you should keep calling him ‘Chris’ for now.”

  “Not ‘Uncle Chris’?”

  “No. I think you might kill him if you called him that.”


  Mark laughed. “I don’t know... why don’t you try it?”

  Caleb didn’t try it. He blushed and couldn’t look at me.

  “Leave the kid alone,” I grumbled. “Will the two little boys in this tent close their eyes and take a nap, please? Some of us are trying to sleep.”

“Okay, Uncle Cheese,” Mark said.

  “Yeah, Uncle Cheese!” Caleb echoed with a childish giggle.

  We napped (eventually). When we woke up, Mark’s parents had arrived at the campsite, which was apparently a very unexpected development. Denise later told me that the elder Wolffs never came to these outings.

  We had dinner with Mark’s parents. I was given a very welcoming hug by Mrs. Wolff and Mr. Wolff was equally warm. I felt Mark’s dad watching us as Mark and I did stuff around camp.

  Is he assessing me? Judging me? Wondering why I’m here?

  He wasn’t hostile to me, though Mr. Wolff wasn’t overly friendly to me, either. I got the impression that he wasn't the friendliest person.

  The elder Wolffs left after the nightly s’mores. Caleb claimed that he was sleeping in our tent. I didn’t mind. I didn’t know if Mark wanted to fool around or not, but it wasn’t a pressing issue for me. If anything, holding back my load would make it easier for Mark to pleasure me when we got home. I had learned that if I waited a few days and then Mark got sexual with me... it was easier for me to finish while we played together. And Mark loved it when that happened.

  So I willingly withheld my self-love.

  Whatever his state of mind, Mark didn’t give me any signs that he wanted to fool around that night. So Caleb made his way into our tent and onto the tall mattress. I slept curled up in a small ball with Mark spooning behind me—it was a deep, peaceful sleep for most of the night.

  THEN MARK’S INDISTINCT voice woke me up, like he was trying to talk to me.

  “I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” Caleb stage-whispered.

  “I’ll take you,” Mark grumbled. There’s no escaping the bounces while lying on an air mattress. If I hadn’t been awake before, I would have been after Mark slid past me.

  Mark helped his nephew put on his shoes. I watched them leave with their flashlights and could hear Caleb’s whispers as they headed down the street to the main washhouse.

  I pulled the blankets around me and fell asleep before they got back.

  Mark wasn’t with me when I woke up in the morning. This abandonment was so disorienting that I almost cried. I was up early... where could he have possibly gone? He never got up earlier than me.

  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up from within my nest of blankets. Caleb’s bed was empty, too—he wasn’t just gone... his entire collection of sheets, blankets and pillow were also missing.

  I crawled out of the tent and stretched. Then I pulled out my writing things and set them on the table, but my curiosity got the better of me so I opened the door to the camper.

  Caleb was sleeping peacefully on the bed that also doubled as a breakfast table during the day. And there was Mark, passed out beside him and snoring like crazy. I tipped Mark onto his side so he stopped sawing logs.

  I gazed fondly at the two of them for a creepily long amount of time.

  After that, I sat outside and curled up in my hoodie and sweats. Yesterday’s heat was a distant memory. There could be no doubt that the weather had changed; the morning was light grey and overcast. Some of the clouds were blacker than others. I started the fire for warmth. Yesterday had been too warm during the day for a fire.

  Not the case anymore!

  I typed. My mind was in the zone. My body was cold, but my fingers were typing up a fury. I always typed better outside, and I always enjoyed typing when surrounded by nature. Especially quiet nature, where you couldn’t hear the car traffic.

  The rain came quick and furious. I heard the drops hitting the leaves as the squall approached our campsite. It was musical. At first I thought it was just another wind... because it had gotten very windy about fifteen minutes earlier, then it died down to nothing.

  It was a ‘wind’ alright. The squall was a wall of rain that penetrated my clothes and nearly ruined my electronics. I would have been so mad if that tablet had died. Sure my stuff were all cheap knock-offs, but I did so much typing with that keyboard... and so much voice-typing with that smartphone.

  I ran to the tent to dry off my keyboard. There was a loud peal of thunder from nearby, which shook me to the bones. There was no protection inside that flimsy tent. The walls swished and swayed as they danced with the wind. I zipped the windows as quickly as possible and moved our stuff away from the canvas walls and onto Caleb’s blow-up mattress near the door.

  Mark frantically stuck his head in the tent. “Help me close the car!” he shouted at me. “Bring towels!”

  I ran after him in the lightning-tinged twilight. The fire was hissing and smoking. Mark almost had the car hood closed when I reached him. I snapped the buttons on my side and tossed our used towels in the car, then started wiping the console and anything that looked wet. I rolled up my windows, which fogged quickly.

  “Shit. I didn’t know it was going to rain,” Mark complained. Another crack of lightning illuminated the interior of the car. The boom was loud and ferocious over our heads. He kissed me. I was wet, he was soaking, and his naked chest was glistening. “That’s good enough for now,” Mark said. “Let’s go get changed and wait out this storm.”

  I took the towels back to our tent while he took a detour to the camper. The thunder was passing, but the rain would not stop coming down in buckets. I had a couple clean towels left in the towel bag, which I used to lie on and dry my body. Then I picked out a dry outfit for each of us.

  Mark jumped into the tent and quickly zipped the door closed behind him.

  “I nearly lost my keyboard today,” I commented, looking at my battered device. Mark didn’t care. He jumped at me and tackled me to our queen mattress. We landed on it with a loud poof and he proceeded to wipe his soaking body on our dry bedding. He made out with me and his grasping fingers reached for the hem of my shirt.

  “Shit. Mark! What if Caleb sees us?”

  Thunder crashed, in the distance.

  “I told him to stay in the camper and that we would play games later.” Mark kissed me and struggled to get my shirt over my shoulders. “If you don’t cooperate, I’m going to shred that shirt.”

  You would do it, too. Showing off your strength.

  We got naked. I was very nervous because Caleb was a curious kid. A little rain wouldn’t stop him from visiting our tent. After all, this was ‘the boys’ tent’, as Caleb had informed Gabby yesterday when she wanted to nap with us, too. I was sure the kid thought it would be fun to hide from the storm with the boys.

  “Mark. Caleb could—”

  “Then hurry up!” His mouth slid down my cock expertly. I hadn’t cum in days. Mark had already massaged me until I was hard. He was working on me patiently. My mind was focused so that I wouldn’t deflate. I had come a long way since that first time his mouth touched my dick—it wasn’t as disgusting anymore.

  His hard dick bounced near my face. We were in the standard 69 position. Mark had been gently prodding me to suck his dick for weeks. I almost did it once... but it was so disgusting. Why the hell would I do that? From what little I had tasted (when he squirted on my face or when he kissed me after sucking me off) I didn’t see what all the fuss was about.

  Hurry up!

  “Suck me, babe. I need you.”

  What the fuck kind of thing is that to say? You need me... Get yourself off. I never asked to have you jump on my cock.

  There was another crack of thunder. Both of our bodies were slick with rain, though I had been almost dry before Mark’s attack. I touched his abs and licked them.

  “Lower, babe,” he said, popping off my cock again.

  His cock had a pearly shine on the tip—pre-cum. I touched it with my finger (which was dry-ish). Mark howled.

  “It’s sensitive,” he admonished. “Fuck, you have a foreskin...” He slid his tongue in the slit of my foreskin. I howled. “Now imagine if my tongue was dry!” He licked the length of my dick. “Take it, babe. Try it.” There was another flash of lightning, then a delay before the roll of thunder.

  Against every
shred of common sense in my body, I stuck my mouth over the glistening head of his cock. He was incredibly hard. I never got that hard. It was weird touching another dick—experiencing it first with my hand and then with my mouth. It was not enjoyable.

  Mark slowly humped my face.

  I was not amused. He sucked on me until I was as close as I was going to get. He popped off my cock and begged me to let it rip. He touched my stomach, then he jumped back on my cock.

  I closed my eyes and came for him. Then he pumped his fist over his own cock and it spewed up and down my chest with three impressive blasts.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, laying back luxuriously. His hands were on my body.

  I laid into him. “Dammit, Mark. Caleb could have showed up any second. Clean this mess and act responsible.”

  “He didn’t. We were fine. It’s still pouring.” Mark exhaled deeply. He flipped around so his contaminated face was next to my contaminated face. He went in for a kiss, but I pulled away. “What’s up?”

  “You have my stuff in your mouth.”

  “Cum?” There was a smirk in his voice. “You have mine in yours, too.”

  I guess you’re right.

  I watched him as he luxuriated next to me—so proud of himself. Proud of me? Mark told me how what we did was ‘so hot’.

  I stared at his lips. He was right—I did have dick on my tongue. My mouth was no different than his mouth.

  I gave him a very small, gentle, exploratory kiss on his lips. He didn’t jump at me and let me explore. I pulled back when I felt his cum dripping down my chest. I turned my head away and my eyes fluttered.

  “I love you,” he said.

  I looked up at him and he slayed me. He was just there... watching me. Patiently observing and waiting for my next move. I was overwhelmed with a sudden desire to kiss that face into oblivion... and proceeded to do just that, with our chests colliding and his cum drying in a sticky mess on both of our bodies and in my chest hair.

  “What if Caleb saw us?” Mark admonished. He mocked me and my punch let him know that I was not amused.

  We cleaned up in the big washhouse after the thunder ended. We didn’t dry ourselves for the walk back, seeing as we would get just as wet as in the shower. We dried off in the tent and then made a run for the camper.


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