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Deadly Holidays

Page 16

by Lisa Phillips

  He tried to figure out what had woken him, then heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in.” He croaked the words out, his voice thick with sleep, and then cleared his throat.

  The door cracked open and an older man stuck his head in.

  Steve froze as the man entered. Suit. Tie. He flashed a badge, a real honest to goodness FBI badge. Has to be fake. The eyes, though. That alone would have told him this man was no special agent. The fact he’d seen the hacker’s picture sealed it.

  This was the vice president’s brother.

  Walking toward Steve, he stowed that badge back in his suit jacket. Steve didn’t move until the hand came back out. No weapon. Was he going to kill Steve with his bare hands?

  The older man cracked what was probably supposed to have been a smile. “Don’t look so scared.” He dragged a chair over to the bed.

  Steve shook his head. “Then why come here?” He tried to remember the man’s name, but couldn’t. He should call out to the cops outside. But the blackmailer had flashed a badge to get in, so they weren’t going to believe the man in handcuffs. Was it even worth trying? Or he could just hear the man out. Find out what he had to say.

  He settled in the chair, a slight wince as he shifted his weight. “Bad hip. Has been since I was a kid.”


  “They threw me off a roof. Fractured my pelvis.” No anger, no fire. No inflection. He could have been talking about a static economy for all Steve knew.

  “And now you’ve destroyed everyone who was there, or had anything to do with it.” The man didn’t look particularly upset about the fact his brother was dead. “Did David really kill the vice president?” It seemed weird to refer to William Anderson by his first name, so he stuck with the title.

  The brother’s lip twitched. A snarl. “Weasel. Shoulda known that sniveling piece of…” his voice descended into muttered insults. “Of course he double crossed me.”

  “Not everyone you blackmail is going to do what you ask.” Steve had fired on the feds. Not killing anyone was a given, but the fact he hadn’t even injured a single one was his personal rebellion. The only thing he could’ve done to save Rachel’s life. Still, this man had sent Steve’s own former team after her. “It isn’t like there’s any honor in you. I’m not sure you can expect it in those you’re dealing with.”

  The brother said, “Where is he? Where would he go?”

  He expected Steve to be able to answer that? “He’s probably off for more revenge.”

  “Where?” The word exploded from his mouth. Loud enough it made Steve jump a little in the bed.

  “South America.” He lifted both hands, though the handcuffed one didn’t go far, and then let them fall back onto the blanket that covered him. “He could come back here and try to finish the job of killing me. Or he’ll disappear. Or come after you.”

  “That’s it?” He didn’t seem that impressed.

  Or worried, considering Steve had just told him that coming here made them both targets.

  “He could be anywhere. We aren’t friends, and I’m not privy to his preferences or where he’s been for the past few years,” Steve said. “Don’t you have ways of finding people?”

  “I’m working on a considerably…scaled back operation right now.”

  “I’m not helping you.” Even if this guy only wanted to kill the man who’d killed his brother. Steve said, “Not even if you’re only planning to catch him so you can turn him in to the feds.” He would rather David was free than this man get what he wanted. Not an honorable position, but it was what it was. He’d determined to at least be honest. Even if that honesty kept him from being with Rachel.

  “So this was a waste of time.” He winced again and shifted to get up out of the chair.

  “Sorry I couldn’t help you.” Did this mean he was done terrorizing people? Done blackmailing and hacking, destroying lives?

  The blackmailer said, “I will find him.”

  “I will find you.” There was no way Steve could get out of here and not pursue this man until he caught him. That was, if they let him out.

  The man snorted a laugh. “Enjoy prison, Mr. Preston.”

  “Because I defied you? Because everything didn’t go as planned?”

  “My brother is dead. Explain to me why I should ‘do the right thing’? Wait—” He held up a hand. “Actually don’t bother. Because I don’t care.”

  “You aren’t going to get away with this.”

  “Hard to catch a man who doesn’t exist.” He moved toward the door.

  “David killed your brother because he knew what David did to that woman in Mexico, right? Same with trying to kill me.”

  The man stopped, but didn’t turn back.

  “He’s not done.”

  “Worried about me?” He turned then. “No justice if I’m dead, right?” He looked like he couldn’t care less if he was dead. No will to live. Nothing to fight for. So unlike the people whose lives he’d terrorized. People willing to do anything to keep the ones they loved safe.

  “There will be justice,” Steve said. “Even if it’s just making sure everyone knows who you are, and what you did.”

  “Infamy it is, then.” He smoothed down his tie. “When you write that bestseller about everything that’s happened, maybe you could mention I have more hair than I really do. I’d like that.”

  The door clicked shut, and he was gone.

  Chapter 19

  Rachel twisted the handle and walked into her office at the Rayburn building. It was quiet inside, something she’d never enjoyed. The whole building had an echoey feel to it, in stark contrast to the Senate. This was a retreat. A place to recharge and get work done.

  The nation was mourning the tragic death of the vice president. Not much would be accomplished in Washington today. Everyone was reeling, arranging for flowers and condolences to be sent to Mrs. Anderson. Which was only part of why Rachel was here.

  “Senator Harris.” Ellayna stood. She looked like she wanted to say something.

  The last time they’d seen each other it had been when Ellayna realized her actions almost led to Rachel’s death. And considering Rachel had just killed someone, they hadn’t left things in a good place exactly.

  Rachel unwound the scarf from around her neck and then took off her coat. When she’d hung that up, she removed her gloves. All to give Ellayna the chance to figure out what she wanted to say. She was putting the young woman on the spot. But it wasn’t like Ellayna had to explain anything. The FBI would have charged her with something if she’d been an accomplice to the attempt on Rachel’s life.

  When Ellayna said nothing—though she stood there with her mouth open like she was ready to speak—Rachel said, “Coffee, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Rachel strode down the hall. The girl would collect herself at some point, and then they could have a conversation in her office. She imagined there was a good amount of guilt, though all she’d done was pass on a message. Too bad it had been a message designed to lure Rachel to her death.

  On the way down the hall, she checked in with the two other ladies who also worked there. Both would be headed off for their Christmas vacations soon.

  It occurred to Rachel then that they might come back in the New Year to find Rachel had not returned. She was certain there would be another office for them to transfer to. Or her replacement would keep them on.

  Rachel pulled her chair under the desk and booted up her computer. She ignored email and opened a new document, a letter she addressed to the Governor of Virginia. Mick would be sad about her resignation, but likely more irritated that she blindsided him.

  Rachel just wanted a clean break. After everything, she planned to take some time to figure out what she wanted. Time to maybe talk with Steve, after he got out of the hospital. To wait out whatever happened with him. Time to decide if she wanted to air her side of the story in a book. Alexis was convinced it was a great idea, but writing al
l those chapters just seemed exhausting. And Rachel was tired.

  So tired.

  Ellayna tapped lightly on the door and entered with a cup of coffee. She set it on the desk. “I took the liberty of sending flowers to the vice president’s widow, along with a note offering condolences from your office. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Thank you for doing that. I appreciate it.” She lifted her cup and took a sip, then turned back to the computer. “That will be all.”

  Ellayna stood still in the corner of her vision and then quietly left the room. Rachel typed up her letter. All the while, her stomach threatened to bring breakfast back up. She’d had a single slice of toast, the only thing she could choke down.

  Fear was like a blanket around her shoulders. But this was over, wasn’t it? Steve was in the hospital, and Adrian had said they would get things cleared up. The vice president was dead, which was sad but also a relief. No more plot. His brother would be caught. She wasn’t worried that the man would come after her. Why would he?

  The phone rang. Rachel sloshed coffee on her desk, including her keyboard. She let out an irritated few words she probably shouldn’t have said and snapped it up. “Senator Harris.”

  “It’s Megan.”

  “Oh, hi.” She leaned back in the seat and blew out a breath.

  “Hi. Uh, Adrian wants you to head back over to the FBI office. He says we all need to meet.”

  She stared at the blinking cursor, halfway through her letter of resignation. “Right now?”

  “If that’s okay, yes. Do you need a ride? I can come and pick you up.”

  “I’ll get there. See you in a minute.” Rachel pressed the button on the base of the phone, then dialed Ellayna’s extension to ask the intern to call her a cab.

  The drive to the FBI office was less than five minutes, which she could have walked. But it was seriously cold outside, with fresh snow and everything. She didn’t even know where her snow boots were. All the while her hair stood on end on the back of her neck. The skin of her arms prickled. She wrote it off as this lovely frigid winter weather, even being inside a warm cab. Add to that not knowing what Adrian was going to say, and she was nervous and cold.

  It took her longer to get checked in and screened by security, then make her way upstairs than the entire car ride from her office. She still couldn’t shake the feeling, though. Once this meeting was done, she would be able to move past the fear. The feeling of being watched everywhere she went.

  She found the whole Double Down team—minus Steve—in the conference room. “Always the last one to the party.” She laid her coat over the back of a chair.

  No one smiled.

  Adrian stepped into the room and shut the door. “This is actually good news, so you can all quit looking so sad.”

  Emma said, “Sorry. We’ve become accustomed to bad news.” She leaned against Mint’s shoulder.

  Megan stood in the corner. Bradley and Alexis held hands and sat on the same side of the table as she. Rachel didn’t want to waste time sitting. She said, “What is it?”

  “The vice president’s wife gave us permission to look at his personal computer,” Adrian explained. “On it we found enough evidence to prove the VP was the blackmailer. It lists every victim, though none are ones we didn’t know about. Which in itself is weird, considering I’d expect more than what we already know. But I’m going to take that as a win.”

  Rachel frowned. None of them said anything.

  “It’s enough to clear Steve of all charges, since it explains his coercion. He acted under duress and didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “Really?” He was going to be free of everything and in the clear? Rachel’s heart lifted. “That’s great, right?”

  Adrian nodded. “They’re bringing him here from the hospital now, so he can make a statement. As long as that lines up with what we got from the computer, he’ll be good.”

  “And the vice president goes down in history as a blackmailer.”

  Rachel turned to Bradley. “What?” Why did that statement he’d just made have a tone to it? And one she wasn’t sure how to decipher.

  “His brother is still out there.” Bradley shrugged one shoulder. “He could have planted all that information so the FBI stopped looking for anyone else. He’s still living in anonymity.”

  “The search for the escaped hacker is ongoing,” Megan said.

  Mint shook his head. “That sounds like a party line if ever I’ve heard one.” Megan shot him a look. Mint said, “What if he’s never found?”

  She had nothing to say to that.

  Adrian said, “What we need to focus on is the fact Steve is good. From here on out, it’s just paperwork. He can go back to his life.”

  “And David?” They’d told her that he said the shooter was his teammate.

  “Another ongoing search?” Mint said.

  Emma shifted in her seat. Alexis did the same. Megan sighed.

  Adrian said, “You’ve been privy to the internal aspects of this FBI investigation so far—”

  “Because we were all possible accomplices,” Mint said.

  Adrian pushed away from the wall. “So was I, remember?”

  “Guess we’re all in the clear now,” Bradley said. “A nicely wrapped package of information that’s just enough to close the case.”

  “Exactly,” Adrian said.

  Rachel slumped down into the chair. “Because the VP’s brother doesn’t want anyone looking at him. But you are, because he came here as the hacker.”

  Adrian nodded.

  Bradley said, “And he asked specifically to speak to you.” Her brother shot her a look.

  She glanced between them. “But if he’s smart, then he’ll be in the wind.”

  “He came to the hospital and talked to Steve.”

  She gaped at her brother.

  “You don’t go anywhere alone,” Bradley said. “Not until I’m satisfied you’re completely, one hundred percent safe.”

  She wanted to suggest that when Steve was cleared, he be tasked with keeping her safe. She would prefer that to any other scenario. And Steve would do it in a way she didn’t feel like she was being smothered.

  But it would also be completely obvious to everyone why she was asking.

  She’d just about been convinced they were heading towards the end of this. Now Bradley wanted her under protection again. Still. Whichever it was, she didn’t know. Couldn’t muster the energy to figure it out.

  It wasn’t over.

  Rachel groaned and buried her face in her hands.


  The elevator doors opened. One agent led the way, and he followed. The other brought up the rear. He wasn’t in cuffs, but neither did he have much choice about being here.

  They led him through the office, past a bank of windows. One shoe caught on the floor and he nearly stumbled.

  Beyond the glass, Mint stood. Then Bradley.

  Alexis and Emma were in there.

  Megan moved closer and stood beside Adrian.

  Rachel sat closest to the door, head in her hands.

  One of the agents said, “Come on.”

  But Steve didn’t move. He just stood there and stared at his friends. His team. His family. There was no way he’d have guessed that seeing them again, knowing now he was so close to being free and clear, would feel like this.

  He wanted to hug each one of the women. Shake the guys’ hands, to which Bradley would laugh and pull him in for a hug. Rachel. He wanted to see her smile, not sitting in a chair looking so dejected. Was she all right? Had something else happened?

  Adrian opened the door. He spoke to one of the agents. “Can we have a minute?”

  Steve didn’t know what to do, or say. He could argue he still wasn’t a hundred percent since the drugs had left his system. Things were all out of whack. Maybe when he got his life back, then he’d feel normal again. But would routine even be that? People would always look at him with suspicion.

  There was ple
nty still to do before this was over. They couldn’t have a happy reunion when David—and the vice president’s brother—were still out there. One, or both, wanted him out of the picture. Something didn’t sit right with him. He just couldn’t help but wonder if forcing David to run only meant the man would come back again.

  He’d said no one could live that knew about what he’d done. Steve had remembered that part. The hacker/brother was another story. Would Harlem Anderson simply disappear, never to be heard from again?

  Adrian glanced at him. “Want to say ‘hi’?”

  Steve nodded. Adrian moved back, so Steve stepped into the conference room. He didn’t know what to do. Ended up rubbing his hands on the legs of his pants. Rachel stood, her face pale. He wanted to hug her. Would she let—

  She rushed toward him and collided with him so hard he had to go back a step. Her arms wound around his middle, and he couldn’t resist. He wrapped his around her, and laid his cheek on her hair. Closed his eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Her voice was a whisper against his jacket.

  I am now. But that might not last long. He had no idea what the future would bring. All he knew was that he didn’t want her to be in danger. Especially not when it was because of him.

  He rubbed a hand up and down her back. She stepped away from him and frowned. He shot her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and did the hugs/handshakes thing with everyone else, including the painful back-slapping from Bradley.

  “I’m glad you guys are all right,” he said to the group.

  “And you will be as well, soon.” Alexis smiled and took Bradley’s hand.

  Steve nodded.

  “What is it?”

  Rachel’s question made him clench down on his back teeth. Should have left already. Just excused himself and then got on with making that statement so the FBI would have everything on record.


  He glanced at her and had to resist the urge to wince at her tone. “What?” What did she want him to say?

  “Are you okay?”

  “Things are still a little foggy.” Even though it had been hours since he’d been given the meds to counteract what David had shot into him.


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