Book Read Free

Deadly Holidays

Page 20

by Lisa Phillips

He waited for more, but she didn’t say anything else. “I love you, Rachel.”

  Her hand squeezed his. A desperate grip that gave away exactly how much hope she had. He said, “I tried to give you space, even though I didn’t want to. I hurt for you. I wanted to defend you. To be there for you. Then when I was contacted by the blackmailer, I wanted—more than anything else—to convince myself it was for the best to pull away from you. That not dragging you down into my guilt was the best thing. The right thing.”

  “You’re a good man, Steve. The best kind.”

  “I’m not completely convinced of that. I’ve done some awful things. But who I am hasn’t been totally overridden. I still want to do the right thing.”

  “And what is that?”

  Steve looked down at their entwined fingers. Then he lifted his head. “I want to make an honest woman out of you. And I want you to make me happier than I ever could be by myself.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know.” He smiled. “You told me that when you were bleeding out. I thought you were going to die—” His voice caught. He cleared his throat. “I’m so glad you’re all right. I don’t want to waste any time.”

  She stared at him, love in her eyes.

  “Marry me.”

  She said, “I’m about to be unemployed.”

  “I have pieces of a business and no idea how I’m going to rebuild.”

  “Can I work for you?” She bit her lip. “I could be your public relations director.”

  “I probably need one of those, considering I was a fugitive just days ago.”


  He let the smile fade away. “Yes?”

  “It would be an honor to marry you.” She paused. “Only…”


  “Are you going to kiss me at some point, or do I have to wait for the wedding?”

  He felt the grin stretch across his face. “If we do that, the wedding is going to be tomorrow.”

  She shook her head, mischief in her eyes. “No way, buster. I’m not going to get married in the hospital.”

  “Next week, then.”

  “Next week is Christmas.”

  He leaned forward, using his free hand to touch a finger to her lips. “It can be your present. But you have to act surprised, okay?”

  She smiled. “No one will fall for that.”

  He came so close that she felt the whisper of his lips on hers when he said, “I don’t care.”


  Four days later, Rachel was released. She itched to get out of the hospital, so when they wheeled her out to the shoveled curb where the SUV waited, she had a smile on her face. Steve looked sick.

  “This is insane. They should keep you longer than this.”

  “I’m fine.” Okay, so that wasn’t exactly true. “It’s Christmas.”

  “Not quite yet.” Bradley pulled the back door open. “Ready?”

  “I’ll help her.” Steve closed the distance and held out his hands. Transferring to the car was painful, but she bit her lips together and didn’t let on how much it hurt. He leaned in to buckle the seatbelt for her and whispered, “You aren’t fooling anyone.”

  Rachel was so excited to be getting out of there, she whispered back. “Kiss me, then. It’ll distract me from the pain.”

  Bradley got in the front seat, where Alexis sat beside him on the passenger side. “Are you guys going to be like this forever?”


  Steve got in on the other side and took her hand. “I like that word.” He grinned. “And I’m going to like, ‘I do’ even more.”

  Alexis giggled.

  “Don’t encourage them,” Bradley told her. “It’s only going to get worse.”

  Alexis leaned over the console and said something quiet to her brother. His eyes flashed with warmth. A secret they shared since they’d gotten married themselves.

  Bradley shook his head, clearly exasperated with the whole thing.

  Rachel didn’t care.


  Her friend turned in her seat. “I emailed your resignation letter to the Governor of Virginia. He called me this morning. He’s sad that you’ve decided to leave the Senate, but he understands.”

  “Thank you.”

  Steve reached over and squeezed her hand. Rachel’s leg was bandaged, so it was twice the size of the other one. Her entire torso hurt as well, but the bullet had missed everything vital. It could have been so much worse—a fact the nurses and doctors had exclaimed about over and over again.

  “So where are we going now?” Rachel glanced at Steve. “Wherever it is, there will be cinnamon rolls, right? I was promised cinnamon rolls.”

  Bradley snorted. “You can take the girl out of the senate, but you can’t take the senator out of the girl.”

  “Hey!” She needed something to throw at him.

  Alexis laughed. Even Steve joined in. He fingered the diamond studded band he’d slid on her finger two days ago. Simple, unique. She loved it.

  She was going to love her Christmas present even more.

  Life wasn’t going to be perfect. It might not even be easy. Her past was going to rise up on occasion, like the ghost of Christmas past sending ripples through the present. She’d explained that to Steve, wanting to warn him. She likely was going to have issues with trust and intimacy, even though her therapist had visited her in the hospital. She was never going to be “over” what had happened. But Steve had promised her that he would be there to help her get through it.

  And she was going to trust him.

  Bradley pulled into the parking lot of the Double Down warehouse.

  “I thought we were going to my house?” She glanced around. Who was going to explain?

  Steve said, “I saw your face when I mentioned you going home. I know you’re excited to get out of the hospital, but I also know you didn’t love your house.”

  “Which one?” she asked. “The one I was kidnapped out of, or the new one that I was also kidnapped out of?” No one laughed. Okay, so it hadn’t been all that funny. Still. “Too soon?”

  Alexis leaned forward, moaning. “Yes.” Her voice was muffled, head in her hands. Bradley shot Rachel a look and rubbed his wife’s back.

  Steve said, “We made you up a room here, where we can all keep an eye on your recovery.”


  He ignored her tone, and the look on her face. “And we brought over some of your things.”

  Oh. “Thank you.”

  “Stay there.” He climbed out, came around and opened her door. “Come on. Let’s get out of the cold.”

  She let him help her, because moving hurt. A lot. As they walked for the front door, very slowly, she looked up at the sky. “Where are we at on having a white Christmas?”

  He chuckled. “I checked the forecast, as instructed.” He pulled open the front door and a wave of warm air rushed out.

  Rachel didn’t go inside. “And?”

  He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers in a quick kiss. “Looks like it’ll be a white wedding.”

  Chapter 24

  Emma shifted the cheese plate closer to the apples. Or should the bowl of nuts be in front? Would they be easier to reach that way?

  Mint touched her hand with his. “Everything is perfect. Stop fussing.”

  She sighed. “I just want it to be right when Rachel gets here.”

  He didn’t let go of her hand, but tugged her around so they were facing each other. He pulled her body against his and slid his other arm around her waist. He looked at her with the contented gaze of a man at peace, who had everything he wanted.

  Or, at least, he thought he had everything he wanted. Mint didn’t know what she’d gotten him for Christmas.

  He kissed her. Emma forgot about the cheese. The apples. And the bowl of nuts.

  “Um…you guys. They’re here.”

  Mint shifted, and she glanced over. Megan chuckled, then added, “That looked like fun.” She shot Adri
an a look. He rubbed at his chin with his thumb and flushed. Emma found herself flushing also, completely embarrassed.

  She glanced at Mint. They really needed to tell their friends the news.

  The door opened. Steve and Rachel entered, followed by Bradley and Alexis. Rachel grinned. “You’re all here.”

  “Merry Christmas!” Emma clapped. Mint pulled her against him.

  Rachel leaned against Steve, looking very much like there was nowhere she would rather be. Clearly happy. She also looked like she needed to sit down. He led her to an armchair in the corner, beside the couch where Mrs. Cromwell sat with Megan’s mom. Rachel started up a conversation with them, while Steve poured two cups of coffee.

  The Christmas tree in the corner had a few presents scattered underneath. Small, carefully wrapped gifts.

  Bradley said, “Anyone know what that rust bucket Jag is, sitting outside in the parking lot?”

  Emma said nothing.

  Most of the rest of them shook their heads and looked at each other to see whose it was. Mint strode to the window and pulled down two slats of the blinds. He stared out the window in silence.

  Was he going to like it? This was their first Christmas together. She didn’t want to mess it up.

  “That’s an E type. Looks like late sixties.” He turned back, his gaze zeroed in on her.

  Emma said, “Merry Christmas.”

  Bradley and Steve moved with long strides to the window to look out. Adrian joined them. The FBI agent looked out between the blinds. “Looks like a piece of junk.”

  “It isn’t.” Mint’s voice was low and steady. Then he came away from the window and moved to her. “Did you buy me a car for Christmas?”

  Emma pressed her lips together.

  Bradley called over his shoulder, “Does the thing even run?”

  “No,” Emma said, not taking her eyes from the man she loved.

  “That’s not the point.” Mint grinned, moving closer to her. His arms slid around her. He kissed her, shifting them both so she was bent back over his arm in a dip that took her breath away. Totally worth all the sleuthing, trying to figure out what he wanted. Turns out the answer to that was the “perfect” car, according to him. A project to tinker with.

  When he straightened with her still in his arms, she touched his cheeks. “I love you.”

  Mint let go of her with one arm, but not the other. He clicked his fingers. “Bradley, get me that metallic green gift box. The little one.”

  Bradley huffed, but did as instructed and handed the box to Mint. He brought it between them so that she had to back up a fraction. Emma took the paper off and found a ring box.

  “You guys are already engaged,” Megan said, sounding slightly perturbed. Adrian tugged her to him so they could stand together.

  Emma lifted the lid on the box.

  Mint said, “Because I didn’t get you one when we said our vows.”

  Two silver bands, one thin and small and the other wider and bigger, sat together in the box.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  She kissed him while all their friends gasped and exclaimed.

  “You guys got married!”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  Emma leaned back to find Steve standing beside them. He said, “Congratulations.”

  Rachel said, “When did you guys do this?”

  “Couple of weeks ago,” Mint said.

  “We were together so much, in the car and then separate hotel rooms.” Emma laughed. “It seems crazy to just do it for convenience sake, or so it was easier for Mint to protect me, but…” She felt her face flush again. Whatever their reason didn’t change the fact she was right where she wanted to be.

  Mint and Emma both put on their wedding bands, and he slid the engagement ring on her finger after it. They hugged all their friends, and everyone enjoyed their pre-Christmas dinner. The actual day was coming up soon enough. But why wait to celebrate? They were all safe.

  Emma leaned against Mint. He glanced at her, and she shifted to look up in his eyes. She said, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They kissed again.

  “You guys are gross.”

  Megan’s mother gasped. “Megan! I’ve seen you and Adrian act just as lovey-dovey as that.” She started to laugh. “You’re just jealous.”

  Megan pouted, a smile in her eyes.

  “I guess that’s my cue.”


  Megan frowned, watching as Adrian set his mug on the coffee table and moved to the Christmas tree. “What cue? What are you talking about?”

  She saw her mother shift, out the corner of her eye, but ignored it. She’d much rather look at her boyfriend. Life might be in complete shambles, but there was something about him that gave her peace.

  He stilled her. When Adrian wasn’t there, the past crowded in. She got antsy and didn’t know what to focus on. Maybe when Double Down was back up and running, and she was on missions again, then she’d have somewhere to direct her energy. But right now, there was just Adrian.

  Strong. Calm. Steady.

  She wouldn’t be surprised if one day he was head of the whole FBI. Steve had given him all the credit for taking down the blackmailer, to the end that the president had called Adrian into his office to personally shake his hand.

  Megan was the wild card. A renegade former FBI agent. She didn’t fit the mold and even now preferred to work solo. The bureau would never let her team up with Adrian. She’d finally given up her FBI credentials just to smooth out all the ruffled feathers. She was a free agent. An operative of Double Down.

  She was proud of all her friends and what they’d done, despite what each of them had been through, but this man was the man she loved. She wanted to be in his life any way she could be and hoped he felt the same way.

  Adrian stood and held out a tiny wrapped package for her. Not a ring box, like Emma had gotten. This was long and thin.

  She took it. “What..?” Was she supposed to know what this was? He stood in front of her in silence while she tore into the tape. No sense wasting any time getting to the good part.

  Someone giggled. Her mother huffed. Megan ignored it. What was he…

  Inside the tiny box was a square diamond mounted on a silver ring. From it looped a delicate silver chain. She knew nothing about jewelry other than the fact she liked certain things. Simple decoration. It had to be functional as well as beautiful. Just because something wasn’t flashy, didn’t make it less meaningful.

  “I figured you wouldn’t want to go on missions with it on your finger, so I had it put on a necklace.” There was a note of nervousness in his voice.

  Megan lifted it from the box and looped the chain over her fingers so the ring dangled down. It blurred as tears filled her eyes.

  Adrian crouched. “I’m doing this wrong, aren’t I?” He made a frustrated sound.

  No one else spoke.

  Megan shook her head. Words refused to form. She leaned close to him and pressed her lips to his. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She kept their faces close, noses touching, and leaned slightly against his face with her eyes closed.

  “Megan.” He whispered her name.

  She turned her head slightly and kissed his cheek. Despite the fact they’d said they loved each other, she’d been wondering if they should have talked more than that about their relationship. But how did you start that conversation?

  She wanted to get married. She wanted to have children with the man she loved. Bradley and Alexis had done it fast, but they’d known each other for years and didn’t want to wait. Emma and Mint were engaged. Now they all knew the two had gotten married recently. Another case of not wanting to wait, not seeing the point in delaying the combining of their lives.

  Megan wanted to get to know this man more. To build a life together on a strong foundation, like Bradley and Alexis had.

  “I love you.” She whispered it to him, there in front of all their friends.

��Will you marry me? Soon.” He paused. “But not really soon, I want to give you time to actually plan it. Unlike these crazy people just getting hitched on a whim.” He shook his head. “What is that about?”

  Megan laughed.

  Adrian took the ring from the chain. “Well?”

  There was so much hope in his eyes. She loved it that she was the one who put it there. The possibility, the promise. It was a beautiful thing. “Yes, I’d love to marry you…in six to twelve months.”

  Everyone laughed. Her mother made a Phew sound and looked at the ceiling. “Thank You, Jesus.” She glanced around then. “I love you all, but I’m going broke from these spur of the moment weddings—and Christmas.”

  Mrs. Cromwell lifted her glass. “Here, here.”

  Megan grinned. Adrian slid the ring on her finger and tugged on her hand until she stood. He kissed her again.

  Mrs. Cromwell said, “Are we done with the big announcements, or is it time to eat?”

  Everyone laughed. Bradley started toward the table of food, but Alexis caught his hand, stalling him. She said, “Well…” dragging the word out.

  “You’re already married!” Rachel laughed.

  “Lex?” He didn’t sound worried, but he had no idea why she hadn’t let go of him yet.

  Alexis bit her lip, looking up at her husband with a whole lot of what Megan felt for Adrian in her eyes.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Rachel gasped.

  Bradley’s legs looked like they gave out. He crumpled in front of her and landed on his good knee.

  Alexis choked back a sob as he straightened, still on one knee.

  “I… We…” It was like he didn’t even know what to say.

  A tear rolled down Megan’s face. Adrian pulled her under his shoulder, fingering her ring with his free hand. She buried her face against his shirt and watched her friends.

  Alexis nodded. In a soft voice, almost too quiet to hear she said, “We’re having a baby, honey.”

  Rachel whooped loudly. Bradley hugged his wife’s middle. Steve kissed Rachel. Emma and Mint spoke quietly to each other, whispering married people secrets.

  Megan hugged her mother and gave Mrs. Cromwell a kiss on her cheek. It might seem weird to some that the elderly mother of the man who’d betrayed her, kidnapped her and then wound up saving her life would spend Christmas with them. But Megan had found forgiveness to be the most freeing thing in life. She might not have fully forgiven the men who turned her life around and killed her partner, yet. But inviting a lonely lady to be part of their family meant something to all of them.


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