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Depraved: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 5)

Page 17

by Sarah Bailey

  “Well shit,” came Quinn’s voice next to me. I almost jumped out of my own skin.

  “Fuck, don’t sneak up on me.”

  “You seeing what I’m seeing?”

  “Yeah… I don’t even know what the fuck to say about this shit.”

  He walked forward and skirted around the carcasses. I followed him, both approaching the hanging man together.

  “Do you think he’s alive?” I asked.

  “Fuck knows.”

  I moved closer and reached up, checking his pulse. It was very faint, but definitely there.

  “Help me get him down, I think he’s still breathing.”

  Quinn came over and we both managed to get him down from the hook, untying his hands. His face was almost brutalised beyond recognition, but something about him was very familiar. I looked closer before rearing back and putting my hand over my mouth.

  “What is it?”

  Quinn stared at the man with confusion.

  “It’s… it’s Nate.”


  “It’s fucking Nate, Quinn.”

  It took a few seconds then recognition filled his features.

  “Shit. Shit! This is why we couldn’t get a hold of him… Fuck. What the hell do we do?”

  He was unconscious, but his chest rose and fell in a shallow motion.

  “What do you mean what do we do? We take him to a hospital. He won’t fucking survive if we leave him here. Help me get him out.”

  Quinn seemed to move on automatic as we both held him between us and walked towards the entrance but I could see the cogs turning in his brain.

  “Jesus Christ, what the fuck?” Xav said as we approached.

  “We found our missing contact,” I replied.

  “What? Wait… that’s Nate?”

  I nodded as he moved aside to let me and Quinn out.

  “Is that why it smells so fucking bad in there?”

  “No, that’d be a bunch of rotting dead animals. Fuck knows why they have them in there.”

  I didn’t really care. Xav shut the door and replaced the padlock. None of us spoke any further as Quinn and I carried Nate out to the car and got him in the backseat.

  “Go deal with the security cameras, Xav,” Quinn said. “We need to get out of here as fast as fucking possible.”

  “On it.”

  Xav disappeared back into the restaurant. I eyed Quinn as the two of us pulled off the gloves we’d been wearing and stuck them in our pockets.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “We can’t drop him at some random hospital. When they find out he’s gone, they’ll come looking for him. I don’t like the cunt, but I never wanted this for him.”

  Shit, he’s right. We can’t do that.

  “Then what do we do? He needs medical attention.”

  He rubbed his chin.

  “We do the only thing we can.”

  Pulling out his phone, dialling a number before pressing it to his ear. I had no idea what he meant, but I had to trust in Quinn.

  “Hello… Yes, sorry to wake you, we have a situation… Got someone in need of a hospital, he’s been fucked up pretty badly, but he needs protection or they’ll come after him when they find we took him… Sure, okay, thank you… Right, meet you there.”

  He hung up and sighed.

  “Who was that?”

  “André. He’ll arrange shit at the private hospital where they treated Rory and protection, no questions asked.”

  “It’s fucking lucky we’re in with Viktor.”

  Quinn grimaced.

  “As much as I hate it, you’re right. Ash being his daughter works in our favour… Fuck. This will really set Russo off. Not only have we killed his nephew, we’ve extracted his traitor.”

  “You know we owe Nate this much.”

  He nodded. No matter our personal feelings, Nate had done a lot for us. Putting his life on the line to infiltrate Russo’s inner circle. Pity he’d been discovered. That could be the only reason he’d been beaten within an inch of his life.

  “Why were they holding him here and not at the compound?” I asked as it suddenly occurred to me this was a little odd.

  “I don’t know. Russo is doing all sorts of shit right now and I don’t have the energy to second guess him. Maybe he gave him to Gianni to handle? He no longer has an heir so likely he’s named his brother for the role. We’ve left him with no other options.”

  Xav came out of the restaurant, having finished up in there and walked towards us, ripping the gloves off his hands.

  “What’s happening?”

  “We’re taking him to hospital and then we’re going home.” Quinn swiped his hand across his face. “I need a shower and I’m fucking done with this shit today.”

  “Right you are, let’s get the fuck out of here then.”

  Xav hopped into the driver’s side, Quinn got in the front and me in the back. I checked on Nate, making sure he hadn’t died on us yet. Who knew how bad his condition really was. His hair was matted with blood and dirt as were his clothes. He’d likely been in there for days and days. I shuddered. The thought of being left with all those dead, rotting animals after being beaten made me feel sick. No matter what he’d done, he didn’t deserve that.

  “This is shit,” Xav muttered.

  “You’re fucking right it is… This is going to seriously fuck with our plans. We need to hurry. We have no other choice. If he’s done this shit to Nate, there’s no telling what he might do to Isabella. I’m not letting our girl go through that. She needs her mother.”

  “Then what? We move up the timescale?”

  We’d spent all day planning our attack. It’d been exhausting going through everything repeatedly to make sure we’d thought of everything. Usually, we had a lot more time, but now we’d run out of it. We had to act now. Topple the empire by taking out Frank.

  “Yes… we have to. Tomorrow, we call in all our favours and then we go to war.”

  Xav looked at me through the rearview mirror. I gave him a nod.

  “We go to war,” I agreed.

  “Ride or fucking die,” Xav joined in.

  And I was in no doubt this war would be brutal and bloody.

  Time to end this shit for good.

  Chapter 26

  Vaguely I heard noises coming from the room, but sleep dragged hard at my senses. Quinn had told me not to wait up whilst he, Xav and Eric dealt with Carlo’s body. I’d tucked myself up in Quinn’s bed after Rory had fallen asleep. I think I wore him out after he’d dragged me to his bed whilst the others were downstairs still planning the night’s events. He’d pinned me down on the bed, tore off my clothes and drove into me at a brutal pace. His mouth had been planted against my ear, whispering all sorts of dirty things. It’d been like the accident had never happened. He’d mastered my body even with his broken wrist and I gave in completely.

  The sound of running water pierced through my ears, but still, I didn’t move or open my eyes. The warmth of the covers and the smell of Quinn made me want to curl up in a ball and never leave. My home was right here in his bed even without him.

  The next time I was dragged out of my groggy state, a body wrapped around me, its hand diving beneath my t-shirt and touching my bare skin.

  “Little girl,” came a whispered voice, drifting across my shoulder.


  “Wake up.”

  I shoved at the body holding me, not wanting to be pulled from my sleep. Why was this person disturbing me?

  “I need you.”

  I blinked.

  “Quinn?” I asked, my voice full of sleep.

  He kissed my shoulder, his hand drifting higher and cupping my breast. His skin felt a little damp and I wasn’t sure why.

  “Turn over, sweetheart.”

  He moved and I rolled onto my back on command. Quinn shifted over me, his hands tugging at my clothes, pulling them off me an
d leaving me bare below him.

  “What’s going on?”

  He leant down and his mouth latched onto my nipple. My hands went to his hair instinctively.

  “Quinn, why is your hair wet?”

  “Shower,” he murmured before continuing to lavish my nipple, his fingers brushing over the other one.

  I let out a gasp, desire flooding my veins even in my confused, sleepy state. Quinn always knew exactly how to master me. I noticed he wasn’t wearing anything either. He did say he’d just had a shower. But why? Wasn’t it the middle of the night? The room was still very much dark.

  “Little girl,” he groaned, his mouth travelling lower, dancing across my stomach. “So soft… so pliant… all mine.”

  It registered with me finally. Quinn, Xav and Eric had been out and they’d clearly only just got back. What time was it? How long had they been gone? And why did his voice sound so desperate?

  “Quinn, what happened? Did everything go okay at the restaurant?”

  He stilled, his body stiffening.

  “Yes and no.”

  I sat up on my elbows and stared down at him.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  His hands banded around my thighs, pulling my legs apart before his nose traced down my stomach and lower.

  “It means I don’t want to talk about it right now.”


  He let out a long sigh.

  “We dumped Carlo in the freezer without issues… but we didn’t leave straight away. There was a padlocked room just off the kitchen, some kind of pantry, we broke in and found…”

  He laid his head against my thigh, taking a deep breath.

  “You found what?”

  I knew about that pantry. They stored the dry goods in there as far as I knew and there’d definitely been no padlocks on the door when I’d visited the place.

  “We found rotting animals, the smell was awful… like death… and then we found Nate hanging from a hook, brutalised almost beyond recognition. So we got him down and took him to the private hospital after I called André. He’s in surgery right now and I don’t fucking know how I feel about it all… so I just want you to let me make love to you, little girl. Can you do that?”

  My heart wrenched painfully. As much as I hated Nate, I didn’t want him dead or beaten up. It’s not as if he really deserved that even after he’d tricked me into a relationship with him and lied to me for two years.

  The sadness in Quinn’s voice almost damn near killed me. He sounded so weary and downtrodden.

  “I can do that,” I whispered.

  I’d do anything to make him feel better. Anything at all. Seeing Quinn like this broke me.

  He kissed my inner thigh before burying his face between my legs. My fingers tangled in his hair, listening to him groan in satisfaction as he devoured me with his tongue. Out of all the boys, Quinn loved going down on me the most. I didn’t even have to ask. He went all out and I drowned in him.

  My back arched off the bed. My climax built so quickly, almost as if he was determined to send me soaring. I cried out his name as I shook beneath him, the sensations rushing across my body and making me limber. I was utterly at his mercy, his touch and his needs.

  He crawled up my body, a smirk on those beautiful lips, but there was still despair in his eyes. I reached for him, pulling him towards me, making him cover my body with his. He fit so perfectly to me, our bodies moulding together as if they were made to entwine like this. He stared down at the place where we joined, watching himself sink deep inside me. He let out a little agonising pant like this was everything he needed.

  “I love you,” I whispered, getting his attention.

  Quinn stared down at me, his eyes dark with emotion. I cupped his cheek, stroking my fingers down the rough stubble there. His body shuddered with the touch. Swaying closer to me, he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Little girl,” he breathed. “I’m so sorry for everything I did to you in the beginning. I’m sorry we ever went through that. I’m sorry we started so wrong.” His hand tangled in my hair. “I’m sorry for all of it… but I don’t regret you. I don’t regret this… us… the boys… everything. I might not have found it easy to accept in the beginning, but now I understand. Now, I know it’s right. You fit us in a way no one else ever could. You are our home.”

  A tear leaked down my cheek and he brushed it away, leaning his forehead against mine.

  “I… I want to have what I never had when I was a kid. I want us to be a family… A real family. You… Me… The boys… and a brood of little ones running around. I want all of that with you and them. I want forever with you.”

  My words got caught in my throat. Quinn wanted a family with me and the boys. Could I love him any more than I already did? This man had fought through so much. So strong and determined. But he was vulnerable too. Only with me and the boys. He showed me all of him and gave his heart to me for safekeeping. I’d never let him go. I appreciated him in ways he probably would never understand.

  “You really want that?”

  He nodded, pressing his forehead harder against mine.

  “I have one stipulation.”

  I had a feeling I knew what it was, but I asked the question anyway.

  “And that is?”

  “I get to impregnate you first.”

  I snorted, unable to help myself. It’s exactly what I thought he would say. My king wanted first place and I couldn’t really blame him for it. It was just so typically Quinn.

  “You can fight that one out with the boys. I’m so not getting in the middle.”

  “I plan on it.”

  He pulled his hips back and thrust inside me, causing a moan to spill from my lips. I gripped his back, holding him close, feeling his heart hammering against my chest in tandem with mine.

  “You’ll let me though, won’t you, little girl?”

  “You know it.”

  He smiled such a boyish grin, my heart melted on the spot. Quinn was rarely in this kind of carefree mood where he was fully open. When he let me past his walls, I felt on top of the world. But my joy was tempered by the fact he was sad over what he’d dealt with tonight.

  We said no more as we watched each other. He found a leisurely rhythm, driving us higher in small increments as if he wanted to draw this out as long as possible. Be lost with me in this so he didn’t have to think. He wanted to forget. I gave him what he asked for. Being in the moment with him fully with nothing else intruding on us.

  I felt the shift in him when he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust harder and deeper, shoving my legs up against my chest so he could have the exact angle he wanted. I gasped, the friction between us pushing me closer to the edge.

  “Quinn, fuck, please.”

  “That’s it, little girl… I want to feel you.”

  His words were the spark, lighting the fuse and it burnt bright. I snapped. I shattered. And I cried out his name on repeat, practically singing my praise to him. His eyes were dark with satisfaction and desire. When I fell back to earth, he pulled my legs around his waist and drove into me harder. My hair wrapped around his fist as he held it tight.

  “Little girl,” he grunted. “Fuck, little girl. Fuck, I need you. Jesus, fuck!”

  He bit down on his lip as his body tensed up and he erupted inside me. Watching him come apart, all his worries and cares leaving him for those moments his body shuddered above me gave me heart palpitations. He was like a beautiful fallen angel. Exactly the devil he’d told me he was in the beginning. Except my devil was sweet, kind and caring when he chose to be. He took care of me. Kept me safe. He loved me deeply. He was my king.

  He leant his forehead against mine, holding himself above me as if he didn’t want to leave my body for anything.

  “I love you, little girl. Now and forever,” he whispered.

  And then he kissed me, stealing my breath, locking away any wor
ds I had to say. Quinn didn’t want to talk anymore and I didn’t push him. I let him kiss me and after we cleaned up, I let him hold me close until he fell asleep. I lay there watching him for the longest time, making sure he was still calm. My beautiful devil who’d shown me how much he needed me tonight.

  “I’ll always take care of you, Quinn,” I whispered into the still night air. “You need that even if you don’t think you do.” I stroked his hair back from his face and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be here for you forever. Never forget that.”

  Chapter 27

  We got word Nate had made it through his surgery and was in the ICU recovering this morning. All the boys except Rory got up late, but it was unsurprising given they’d been out half the night. They’d been busy calling in all their favours and shifting up the timescale of our attack on Frank. I’d helped them as far as I could, but there was another pressing matter I had to attend to. Tomorrow, we might not be here any longer. I didn’t want any unfinished business hanging around. So whilst the boys continued to talk in the dining room, I went to answer the front door. Viktor stood with a tense smile on his face. He knew we were in the final stages before we took down Russo. He knew we might not survive it. And I knew he hated it.


  “Dad, come in.”

  I shut the door behind him after he walked in. We embraced, his warmth enveloping me and reminding me I had someone who loved and respected me in a way I’d never had from a parental figure before. That’s why I took his hand as I led him into the living room. It felt right.

  “Would you like a drink?” I asked as he sat down on the sofa.

  “Vodka, please.”

  I grinned and padded out through the dining room to the kitchen, rubbing Quinn’s back on my way. He gave me a kiss on my way back with Viktor’s drink. Next time, I’d get Viktor a vodka without asking. Quinn had brought a specific brand we knew he liked so I was hoping Viktor would appreciate it. I set it down on the coffee table for him before taking a seat.

  “How have you been?”

  “Well enough, kotik. I heard about your… ex.”

  I looked at my hands. We had no idea if Nate would recover completely from the multiple beatings he must’ve taken. His spleen ruptured and he had some internal bleeding, hence why he needed surgery. They’d told André if the boys hadn’t got him to the hospital when they did, he definitely would have died. I couldn’t abide by the thought of it. And it only made me hate Frank even more than I already did.


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