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Ice (Alien Breed 3 - English Edition)

Page 5

by Melody Adams

  I reached for my cell phone and called Teddy. It took a while before he answered in a sleepy voice.

  "Sugar? Do you long for me in the middle of the night, sweetie?"

  I had to grin, despite the seriousness of the situation.

  "I need your help, Teddy," I finally said. "Killer number one is now on my side, but a second is in the game and I have to flee from him. We need to lie low somewhere. Can you help us? I know you have a lot of contacts and ..."

  "What does that mean, killer number one is on your side? Did he talk to you?"

  "He is here!"

  "Fuck! You cannot trust him, Sugar. It could be a trap!"

  "What for? I'm alone here with him. If he wanted to kill me, I would be dead by now. Believe me, Teddy. I know what I'm doing. I trust him. But someone else is after me and he is really dangerous! I don’t have time for long explanations now."

  "Okay, okay! All right. Meet me in the Skater Park in twenty minutes!"

  "Thanks, Teddy!"

  "All right! I hope you know what you are doing! See you soon!"

  "See you soon!"

  "Who is this Teddy?", Ice asked suspiciously. "Your friend?"

  I had to laugh when I saw his expression. He really seemed to be jealous.

  "Teddy is a spotty seventeen-year-old! He is a computer geek and often helps me with my research. He has many connections that can be useful to us," I explained. "I've packed everything now. We should go!"

  Ice nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. We left the apartment and Ice stopped briefly, pushed me behind him and looked around for threats.

  "Stay behind me!" He whispered and walked slowly down the hall to the elevator.

  I followed him with a pounding heart. The wait for the elevator seemed to take an unnaturally long time. My nerves were torn to shreds. When the doors finally opened with a ping, I jumped in shock. Ice grabbed my arm and pushed me into the narrow cabin. I now saw that he held a gun that I hadn’t noticed before. It reassured me a little that he was armed. He was strong and determined, not easily beaten in a fistfight, but his massive stature wouldn’t help him against an armed killer. With the weapon however, things looked better again. That made me a little more confident. Nevertheless, I would be glad if we were already somewhere safe. I wondered what would happen next? Somehow we had to stop Ice's boss and this other killer. I wondered how many more killers there were. A shiver came over me and Ice pulled me closer to him.

  "Everything will be alright!" He assured quietly. "I'll rather die than let anything happen to you!"

  It wasn’t far to the Skater Park and we reached our destination on time and without incident. A lanky figure was sitting on a bench in the dark.

  "That's him!" I said softly to Ice and pulled him with me.

  Teddy heard us coming, looked up and literally jumped up from the bench. With suspicion he studied my unusual companion. I turned to Ice.

  "Let me talk to him first! He does not trust you!"

  Ice looked grim, but he nodded and waited as I approached Teddy alone. I hugged my friend for a moment.

  "Thanks for coming," I said softly. "We urgently need a safe haven."

  "I don’t know if it's a good idea to trust this man, Miri," Teddy said, looking over my shoulder.

  He had called me by my name, which meant he was really worried. I smiled at him, reassuringly.

  "I know, he looks pretty ... intimidating, but I trust him. I am rarely wrong when it comes to judging people, Teddy. If Ice really wanted to hurt me, he would have had many chances."

  Teddy nodded.

  "OK! Listen!" He said and put a note in my hand. "There's an address on it and a code. Go to the address, the door is equipped with a combination lock. The code opens the lock. You can stay there for a maximum of three days. After that I will get you another accommodation. Get your groceries for dinner tonight and what else you need in the store two houses away."

  "Thanks!" I said with tears in my eyes. "I appreciate your help. You are the best friend I can imagine!"

  I gave him a quick squeeze, and then quickly released him when I heard a growl behind me.

  "Did he just growl?" Teddy whispered worriedly.

  "He's ... jealous," I whispered back.

  Teddy looked at me and frowned.

  "Does that mean you and he ....?"

  I nodded. Teddy looked at me incredulously.

  "He's a fucking killer, Miri!" He hissed softly.

  "It's a long story, but believe me, he's a good man!"

  "I hope you're not wrong," Teddy said doubtfully. "Take care of yourself!"

  "I will! And thank you!"

  I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to Ice. The posture of my killer slash savior, now lover was tense and his expression was clear. He was pissed. When he arrived, I put a hand on his chest and looked up at him.

  "Don’t make such a grimace! I am not into lanky teenage boys! He is a very good friend! Not more!"

  Ice snorted softly.

  "I have an address where we can go. We can walk, it takes about half an hour or we take a taxi."

  "Taxi is too risky! I don’t want anyone to know where we are!"

  "Then we walk. Come!"


  I took one last glance at the boy before following Miriam. The boy didn’t trust me; that was obvious. I had heard every word of their conversation. My hearing was better than human hearing. His suspicious eyes held mine. The boy was scared of me, rightly so, but he did not look away, which gave me some respect for the little punk. I turned away and took Miriam's hand. She led us through the park, which was deserted at this hour. I hoped the shelter the boy had provided was safe enough. I had to figure out what to do next. Player was in the game and that meant I had to take him out before he got to Miriam. I also had to take out X, if only I knew how I could find him. I had never actually met him; neither did I know who he was nor where he lived. I was not worried about Strike. He was going to stand by my side, of that I was sure. He was a killer like Player and I, but unlike Player, he did not enjoy killing. And we were friends.

  "Was that really necessary?" Miriam tore me from my thoughts.


  "The growl!"

  "I can’t control that. I don’t know why, but I feel possessive when it comes to you. I don’t like when you touch another man or kiss him!"

  "He is not a man, Ice! He is still a child!"

  "I don’t like it!" I repeated stubbornly and she sighed softly.

  "I appreciate your possessive behavior is part of your DNA. As far as I know, all Alien Breeds are of a fairly ... dominant and possessive nature!"

  "Is that something bad?" I wanted to know.

  "Not necessarily," she replied, squeezing my hand. "I don’t think the alpha male thing is bad! It's kind of ... hot!"

  "Hmph!" I said, not knowing what to make of it.

  We walked the streets, keeping to the darker and deserted back roads to avoid being seen. Finally, Miriam stopped and studied the block in front of us.

  "It has to be this one. There is no number, but according to the other house numbers, this would logically be house number seventy-nine."

  I followed her to the entrance. The house was in a dilapidated condition and the whole neighborhood did not look any better. I didn’t like it.

  "Is this the right road?" I asked doubtfully. "This is ... not exactly ..."

  "It's perfect, believe me. Nobody here will ask us stupid questions. In this neighborhood everyone is involved in some thing or the other. None of them would call the police on us. I know how it works. Everyone takes care of his own business and leaves the others alone. Believe me, it's the perfect place to hide! Come!"

  Miriam tried to reach for the doorknob, but I grabbed it before her and opened the front door to the six-story house. The hallway was dark, musty and littered with filth. Disgusted, I stared at the dirty dark hole.

  "Don’t be such a princess now! I know it’s dirty, but it’s safe. N
obody will come looking for us here." Miriam said, walking past me into the interior of the house.

  I reluctantly followed her. We climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. There, Miriam stopped in front of a metal door. A thick chain with a combination lock closed the door. Miriam turned the wheels on the lock until it opened, and then I helped her remove the chain and opened the door. We entered the apartment and I closed the door behind us. You could lock it from the inside with a bold. I pushed the light switch, though I could see enough in the dark, but knew that was not the case for Miriam. She made a surprised noise as she looked around the apartment. I too would have expected something else. The house and the hallway may be dirty and neglected; the apartment however was clean and equipped with every comfort. There was a black leather couch with a chest as a table, a hi-fi stereo and a large flat screen TV. On a shelf was a CD and DVD collection and on the other side of the room was an open kitchen with brand new appliances. I crossed the room and entered the bedroom. Here was a wide bed with clean sheets and a large closet. A door led into the adjoining bathroom, which was small, but clean. Miriam had followed me and reached for my hand.

  "What do you think?"

  "Not bad," I admitted. "I expected something different!"

  "Me too," Miriam agreed with a soft laugh. "But I am glad that my expectations have not been confirmed."

  "We should go shopping for some things, as your friend said."

  "You heard that?" She asked, looking at me a little startled.

  "Yes, I have good ears."

  "Oh!" She blushed. "I forgot. All Alien Breeds have more sensitive senses."

  "Come on! We quickly buy something and then we go to sleep. A few hours of rest will help us to better think about what to do from here on."

  "OK! You're right. Let's go!"


  The store two blocks down was small and rundown, but we got the essentials and carried our shopping quickly into our hiding place. After we locked the door again behind us and stowed the purchases in the fridge and storage cupboard, we treated ourselves to an ice-cold beer. I glanced at Ice, who had emptied his bottle halfway and was staring out the window. I wondered what was going on in his head. How would this with us continue now? There was undeniable something between us. Something intense; like I had never experienced before. He was a killer, and another killer was after us. He was an Alien Breed! I took a sip of my beer. How were we ever to sort this mess out? We had a three-day break here to think about our next steps, but I had no idea where to start.


  He turned to me. His gaze pierced mine. I felt a tingling in my stomach and my pulse quickened. He put down his bottle, took mine and put it next to his. Then he pulled me to him without breaking his gaze. I held my breath. He pressed his mouth hard on mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth. His kiss was hungry. Possessive. There was nothing of the gentle lover from our first lovemaking in him now. But that didn’t bother me. I wanted him so much that it hurt. Desperately, I pressed myself against him and returned his kiss. A growl vibrated in his chest. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me onto the table. I wrapped my legs around his middle and he pushed me backwards until I came to lie on the tabletop. With hasty movements, he pushed my shirt up far enough that my breasts were exposed. He took one aching nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. Exquisite pain shot through my body like lightning and I groaned.

  "Ice! Please, baby, I need you. Give me your cock. Now!"

  "Easy, sweetheart," he muttered. "I want to taste you first."

  He straightened and tugged his shirt over his head, then opened his pants and let them slide down. Impatiently he fumbled at my jeans, opened the clasp and pushed the pants down my hips. I loosened my legs, which I had wrapped around his middle and helped him take off the damn thing. For the panties he finally seemed to lack patience. He just tore them up and threw them carelessly to the floor. With a growl he spread my thighs and bent over my exposed pussy.

  "So wet for me, Baby," he whispered and I felt his hot breath on my damp flesh before his tongue drove between my swollen folds and targeted my most sensitive spot.

  I screamed as he tortured my clit with his tongue. One finger slid into me, then another. While his fingers found and stimulated my G-spot, his tongue feasted on my juices. I bucked under his onslaught and felt my release approaching fast.

  "Don’t stop, baby!" I pleaded and pushed wantonly against him. "Oh God! Yeees! That is so good. Yes! Yeeeees!"

  The climax tore through my body like a tornado. I screamed as ecstatic waves rushed through me, setting every nerve ending alight. Ice’s growl vibrated through my pussy and intensified my orgasm. Then he was above me, entering me with one hard thrust. This time he gave me no time to get used to his size, but my body was more than ready for him. It felt so good that tears came to my eyes.

  "Ice! Oh, yes ... Yes, Ice!" I sobbed, embracing him with my legs and arms as he nuzzled into me.

  He growled and grabbed me roughly by the hips. I had roughly two hundred and eighty pounds of untamed male above me, and the feeling of being completely at his mercy increased my excitement.

  "Miriam," he whispered hoarsely.

  I could feel how close he was, and my own orgasm was approaching fast, too. My nails dug into his back as he drove harder and deeper into me. I felt almost boneless. My cheeks flushed with heat, my nipples were over-sensitive. With each thrust, Ice's upper body rubbed over the sensitive tips of my tits and the touch was bordering on painful. Then I felt his fangs scraping alongside of my neck. That was enough to catapult me over the edge of the cliff. I screamed. My twitching pussy milking Ice's cock, as he came with a loud roar and his sperm shot in hot jets deep into me.

  He stayed with me for a while, our bodies slick with sweat. I could feel his violent heartbeat against my chest, just as fast and irregular as my own.

  "We should try to get some more sleep," Ice whispered in my ear.

  He straightened up and I missed his closeness instantly, but he was right. We needed rest and we could not sleep in this position. Which was unfortunate, because I had enjoyed being so close to him. When he withdrew from me, I sighed, a little disappointed. I had managed to remain a virgin for twenty-four years and now suddenly I could not seem to get enough of sex. I grinned and he looked questioningly down at me.

  "What's so amusing?" He asked roughly.

  "Nothing! I was just thinking that I can’t get enough of having you inside of me. If it were up to me, then we could do it all day."

  His eyes sparkled.

  "A tempting idea! Unfortunately not an option at the moment."

  I sighed loudly and sat up slowly. My limbs ached a bit from the uncomfortable position on the table, but the little bit of pain had been worth it.

  Ice got rid of his pants, which still hung around his ankles and grinned at me.


  I followed Ice into the bedroom, where we crawled under the blankets together. I was really tired, though the recent events were still making me a bit anxious. I was on the run and even if I had a man at my side, which really got under my skin, it didn’t leave me unaffected, that my life as I knew it was taken from me almost overnight. I might never be able to return to my home or my work.

  Ice pulled me into his arms and I lay with my back to him, wrapped up in his warmth. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him. A growl sounded behind me.

  "If you rub your backside against me like that, we'll never get any sleep," he whispered in my ear.

  A tingling sensation in my belly told me that my body would not mind another round of hot sex. I grinned and rubbed my bottom provocatively at the growing hardness behind me. Another growl sounded, this time more threatening. Pointed teeth sunk into my shoulder and I froze, my breath catching. A hand slipped between my thighs and played with my clit. I groaned softly, trying to move, but the pressure from Ice's fangs increased and I froze again.

  Ice pushed his hard cock between my thighs and slid slowly in
to me. This time he loved me agonizingly slow. Every time I started to move impatiently, he bit down harder. The thrill and the slight pressure pain increased my lust and I moaned loudly. Ice finally increased his pace and thrust harder. His fingers manipulated my clit until I exploded. I screamed Ice's name. The fangs on my shoulder vanished, then he let out a dark growl and I felt him come inside me. Had it really been just tonight that I lost my virginity? I could hardly believe it. I felt like I had been waiting for Ice all my life. I had always expected that I would someday marry a journalist, photographer or news anchor. Someone with similar interests. I certainly never thought of loving a not-so-human hitman. Moment! Love? I hardly knew him. A little early to speak of the big L, but it seemed to come down to it. I would lose my heart, I was sure. To an Alien Breed no less. I smiled and closed my eyes. Ice stayed inside me and I finally fell asleep, still deeply connected to him.


  Her steady breathing told me she had fallen asleep. My cock was still hard inside her narrow channel. It would stay that way for as long as I was inside her. It was pure torture, but I didn’t want to leave her warmth. I could not sleep anyway. I racked my brains over what I could do to ensure Miriam's safety. We could not go to the police. Even if I told them everything I knew, they wouldn’t catch X, nor could they stop Player from getting to Miriam. They were just too incompetent and there were also people in the police who were on X's payroll. That they would arrest me would be something I would have put up with to save Miriam, but it would be a useless sacrifice and I certainly couldn’t protect her from a prison cell. No! Somehow I had to get the mess sorted by myself. I could try to get Strike on our side. But there was a catch. If I wanted to contact him, I had to go back to my apartment and that would be dangerous. There just didn’t seem to be an option that wasn’t risky on way or the other. I was less worried about myself than about Miriam. Without me she would be lost. Player would find her sooner or later and I had to prevent that at all costs. The thought of her dying was bad enough, but if Player were involved, her death would be slow and a lot more painful. I wouldn’t rest until I took Player out. Then there was X. How should I get to him? It seemed impossible. What if X had other killers besides Player and Strike I did not know about? I could not completely rule out the possibility. There was so much that I obviously didn’t know. What I really was. That there were more of my kind living on another planet. I had only learned that through Miriam. How much more was there that I didn’t know? The more I pondered the questions, the more tiered I became and contrary to my expectations, I fell asleep at some point.


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