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Darkness Falls

Page 24

by A E Faulkner

  I nod quickly, thrilled that he thought of this.

  “I’m also writing down my last name and my home address. If you end up staying here for a little while, you can still find me when you get back home. If you want to, that is.”

  The smile blazing across my face must say it all. When I snatch the paper from his hand, his eyes meet mine and flash to my lips. I forget to breathe as I anticipate what’s coming next. I let my eyelids flutter closed as his lips sweep toward mine. He pauses there for just a moment and plants a gentle kiss.

  Much too soon, the warmth of his soft lips dissolves. My eyes flit open and land on Aidan’s back as he retreats to the door. No! My mind screams what my mouth can’t verbalize. Tears threaten to spill as he disappears through the door and out of my life.

  I hadn’t really thought too far beyond what would happen when we got here. I knew I had to find Riley, but I didn’t think that meant I had to give up everyone else. I swipe the tear trails off my cheeks and turn on my heel. I need to find Riley and get the hell out of here.

  Maybe, if luck feels obligated to make up for some of the crappy recent developments in my life, we can actually catch up with the guys at Jasmine’s house. We can say our goodbyes to her and then head north together.

  It’s all riding on one person, and I’m counting on him to find my sister, so we can get out of here.

  Chapter 70

  Sergeant Bowen clears his throat as he opens the door. He’s probably trying to ensure he doesn’t startle an emotionally unstable teenage girl. I desperately try to pull myself together in the mere seconds it takes him to walk around the desk. He sits and faces me, again motioning for me to sit.

  “Now, young lady, what is your full name and what is your sister’s name?” he asks.

  I take a steadying breath. “Quinn Whelan. My sister is Riley.” He jots down my words on the same notebook Aidan used to write my note. As that thought crosses my mind, an urgency surges through me. The faster I can get Riley, the sooner we can catch up with the group.

  “And when do you believe your sister arrived here?” he asks as if we’ve got all the time in the world.

  Before I can stop myself, I rise from the uncomfortable chair. “Sir, uh, Sergeant, I don’t mean to be rude, but do you think we can hurry this along? If I can just get my sister and go, I’d love to catch up with our friends that just left.”

  He raises an eyebrow and motions with his pointer finger for me to take a seat. So much for making my case. After what feels like hours, but is probably only about twenty minutes, he finishes asking me more questions than an attorney doing a cross-examination. After I answer all of his questions, he turns to the computer and starts typing away.

  Why the hell did he use pen and paper if he was going to type it all in a computer anyway? I sigh in frustration. When he glances over, my confusion must show because his fingers cease moving and hover just above the keyboard. “Call me old fashioned but this won’t ever run out of electricity,” he says as he taps the paper.

  When he turns his attention back to the computer, its white screen reflects on his glasses. I can’t decipher any images or words, so I study him. His brown hair is close-cropped but not buzzed. His chin is clean-shaven, but he sports a tidy mustache. I didn’t think military guys were allowed to have facial hair. Who knows?

  I glance around the messy desk, barely containing my impatience, as Sergeant Bowen continues entering information into the computer. Besides the random piles of papers and sticky notes, a single frame sits next to the monitor. A blonde woman smiles at the camera, her arm wrapped around a chubby black dog with a white muzzle. Just as I’m about to question how much longer this will take, he turns to me expectantly.

  “Alright, we have three Rileys on the base right now. I’m guessing your sister is twenty-year-old Riley Masters.”

  Goddammit. I’m going to wring his weasely neck. “My sister is Riley Whelan, but the slimeball who took her is Jim Masters. He must have said that was her last name when they came here. And she’s not even eighteen yet.”

  At the realization that we’re both minors, he asks about our parents. My vision blurs as I once again fight to suppress brimming tears. Everything would be so much better if they were here. I choke out the only words I can form. “They’re gone.” I know he understands my meaning because he abandons that line of questioning and focuses on something else I said.

  “So, you’re saying she was brought here against her will?” he asks, eyebrows raised again. I wonder if they will be thin brown lines by the time he goes to sleep tonight. They’re getting quite the workout today.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” I cross my arms. I know it won’t help my case, so I fight the urge to stomp my foot and sulk until he believes me.

  “Well, let’s see what she has to say,” he states simply. I knew Jim took her, but to say that she has his last name? I’m seething as he picks up a walkie-talkie and powers it on. He depresses a button and instructs the person on the other end to bring Riley to the Family Readiness Center. He starts to gather paperwork from his desk when the walkie-talkie emits a clipped beep.

  Releasing a sigh, he answers the call with a simple “Go ahead.” This time the voice on the other end demands the sergeant’s attention.

  “Bowen, clear your schedule for a meeting at sixteen hundred hours. Location to follow,” the voice says. After a quick, “Yes, sir” response, the voice continues, sternly asking, “You alone?” With no hesitation, the sergeant replies, “Yes, sir.” He turns his back to me, but that does nothing to shield the words coming through the receiver.

  “Seems we may have a situation out west. The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory reported increased activity that could lead to an eruption. That would directly impact aid currently diverted to this side of the country. We’ll discuss this further at the meeting.”

  Glancing my way, silently willing me to keep my mouth shut, Bowen responds, “Understood, sir.” He sets the walkie-talkie down and looks to me. “That conversation does not leave this room. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I reply confidently. “I really don’t care what’s happening out there. I just want my sister back, so we can go home.” Pleased with my answer, he gives me a sharp nod.

  As he rises from his seat, I mimic the action. “Ms. Whelan, I’d like you to affix a bandage to your upper left arm,” he says, completely confusing me. “When you leave this office, you will act as if I entered your name and last known residence in this computer.” He jabs a thumb at the monitor before continuing. “If questioned, you will confirm that I vaccinated you.”

  My awkward nod returns, and I pray he doesn’t mistake it for a seizure.

  Gathering his papers and walkie-talkie, he leads the way to the door. Just as he opens it, the clipped beep sounds again. With a bigger sigh than the last, he answers, “Go ahead.”

  “Sir, the lady you asked me to retrieve, her husband is demanding that he accompany her,” the solider says uncertainly. Since arriving here, my moods have ranged from sadness to rage to diluted hope. The pendulum quickly swings back to rage.

  “No,” Bowen says confidently. “Just her. If he can’t follow our orders, then I will personally explain what is expected of guests on this base.” I like the way this guy thinks. With that, the conversation is clearly over.

  “Thank you,” I say quietly as he leads me out the door.

  “I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” he says tiredly.

  “Well, I appreciate your help. I know this is probably the last thing you have time for,” I say.

  With that, he stops walking and turns to me. “If someone is being held here against her will, we’re going to remedy that.”

  While I have his full attention, I take a chance. “Sergeant, can I ask you something,” the words spill from my mouth quickly.

  He gives me a tired nod. “Why didn’t you vaccinate me?” Caught off guard, his eyes widen with surprise. Glancing around, he pauses momentar
ily and then leans toward me. “I am helping you because it’s the right thing to do.” He releases a deep exhale. “And, if you’re going on the outside soon, I may need your assistance with something,” he says quietly.

  My questioning eyes meet his gaze, but he responds with a subtle shake of his head.

  I’m not going to get any more information about this right now.

  Sergeant Bowen slows as we reach a nondescript gray building. The stark white sign bears the words Family Readiness Center. Each step feels like I’m trudging through waist-high mud. Now that I’m this close to what I’ve fought so hard for, time moves in slow motion.

  My eyes wander as we enter the building. Does paint come in any other color than gray around here? We continue to the door at the end of a stark hallway. Bowen pulls it open and gestures me inside. “Just have a seat in here. We’ll bring your sister to you in a bit.”

  I pace the room. I’m not sure if time stands still or spins out of control. My jumbled nerves tingle. Finally, the door slowly swings open. Sergeant Bowen escorts Riley into the room. Other than an angry red scar on her right cheek, she’s exactly as I remember. It’s really her.

  Riley’s brown eyes swell with tears. Other than her hitched breathing, silence pervades the room. A single fat tear tumbles down her cheek before she springs forward, crashing into me. My God. My sister. She’s here. Home isn’t 300 miles away in a boxy brick structure. Not anymore. Home is my sister.

  Author Note

  Dear Reader,

  First, THANK YOU. Thank you for sticking with an unknown author’s cast of characters through their debut journey. The gang will be back again in book three of the series – Devastation Erupts. While there is not yet a release date, I will share updates on my website and a soon-to-be developed e-newsletter. Visit to learn more.

  In the meantime, before Darkness Falls was even back from final edits, I began writing Anguish Unfolds, a novella featuring Riley. Anguish Unfolds begins at the campground where we last see Riley in Darkness Falls and it concludes when she reunites with Quinn at the end of book one. Watch for that if you’d like to find out what she’s been up to before Devastation Erupts releases.

  Again, thank you for giving an indie author a try. If you enjoyed the story, please leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  Creating a book takes an enormous amount of time, energy and effort. But I was not alone in this endeavor and I cannot express enough appreciation for the following people who inspired and supported me through this process. Warning: more THANK YOUs ahead.


  Michelle Preast of Indie Book Cover Designs, your talent amazes me. Somehow you took my nonsensical gibberish and turned it into the exact logo and cover I had no idea I wanted! My characters look forward to future designs you create to package their story!

  Beth Suit, my partner in crime and editing! I cannot believe how lucky I am to have you in my corner. You are a master at what you do, and your feedback and insight helped me more than I can ever express. Many, many thanks for your kindness when sharing input!! Your mastery of the English language and the makings of a good book are invaluable. And, you connected me with Michelle, the most amazing cover designer!

  Michelle Warren, thank you for the author-to-aspiring author feedback. Your suggestions early in the process helped to shape the story in ways that made much more sense and upped the tension! You really impressed upon me the value of a “cliffhanger-ish” chapter end!

  Emily Angeline, Robin Asick, and Beth Suit, thank you for serving as beta readers. Your feedback made this story approximately 400% better than it was before you took the time to scrutinize it. While some edits were painful, all were necessary, and your input was invaluable. By the way, have I mentioned that I’m working on a novella??? I’ll be in touch.

  Vanessa Anderson at Night Owl Freelance, thank you is not even close to enough. You provided me with just the right amount of encouragement and tough love at just the right times. You have been an amazing coach and guide throughout this process, and your wicked sense of humor made every step in the process better. I’m so glad fate brought us together. I would have given up before I even truly started if it wasn’t for Wild Bill!

  Friends & family members, thank you for your support through this process! Carol, Cindy, Diane, Robin, Bob, Christie & Katie, thank you for your encouragement every step of the way. Several times I envisioned your faces all scrunched up asking, “Why? Why would that happen?” as I was writing. It really helped—or at least I’d like to think it shows in the final product! Alyssa, thank you for inspiring my main character, Quinn. She proudly displays your strength and persistence. Here’s hoping you never have to face anything like what happens in the story.

  Aidan, Jeff, Dylan, Eric, Cindy, Robin, Emily, Rose, & Stacy, thank you for lending me names and personality traits. I hope you enjoy reading about your fictionalized selves and situations! Diane, even though she doesn’t wear your name, your kindness inspired parts of Riley’s personality.

  And, last but not least – Scott, Landon, & Aidan, thank you for sharing your vast scientific knowledge and storyline feedback with me! Bouncing ideas off of you helped keep details a little more true to fact – even though this is fiction! I appreciate your input along the way! Thanks for joining me (and putting up with me!) on this time-consuming journey.

  About the Author

  A. E. Faulkner was born and raised in Pennsylvania. When she’s not lost in a book, she loves spending time with her husband and two sons, especially while hiking, biking, or exploring nature. She loves ALMOST everything about nature—ticks excluded, and one of her biggest fears is the repercussions we will face when nature can no longer tolerate human destruction. As such, she never tires of reading dystopian-themed tales. Stories about the end of the world absolutely fascinate her.

  Follow Her Work

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  on Facebook @authaefaulkner

  & on Instagram @authoraefaulkner

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  Darkness Falls by A. E. Faulkner.

  Further Reading


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

apter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Author Note


  About the Author

  Follow Her Work

  Further Reading





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