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Hannah's Holiday Wish (Home for Christmas Book 6)

Page 12

by Sophie Mays

  “Happy New Year!” she said excitedly.

  Hannah and Rafferty returned her effusive greeting and her hugs. When she stepped back from them her gaze flickered down to where Rafferty had grabbed and was holding Hannah’s hand. She blinked and then her eyes went wide.

  “Wait, did you guys finally officially get together?!” she squealed.

  Hannah raised an eyebrow at her sister. “Finally?”

  “Yes, finally,” AJ said rolling her eyes. “Rafferty has been flirting with you since day one. You’re just too oblivious.”

  Hannah looked at Rafferty, expecting him to refute this, but he was already staring at her with an extremely amused expression.

  “Wait, really?” Hannah squeaked.

  Rafferty and AJ laughed. AJ turned around and left the kitchen, yelling in a sing-song voice, “Guess who got kissed at midnight?”

  “AJ, seriously?!” Hannah yelled.

  There was laughter and teasing from the living room. Hannah shook her head and turned to Rafferty. “Are you sure about what you’re getting into?” she asked.

  Rafferty laughed and pulled her closer. “As long as you’re by my side, I can survive anything.”

  Hannah could feel herself blushing. She stood on her toes to give him a swift peck on the lips, then pulled him to the living room by their entwined hands. They wished everyone else a happy new year, ignoring all the winks and knowing smiles.

  Rafferty didn’t let go of her hand until everyone was heading off to bed.


  The next morning, they met early for horseback riding.

  Hannah was a little uncertain despite herself. A declaration of love wasn’t quite the same as getting caught up in the magic of a kiss at midnight, but maybe…

  Rafferty lit up at the sight of her and pulled her in for a tender kiss. Hannah returned the affection, her worries assuaged.

  “Good morning,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “Good morning,” Hannah replied.

  They mounted up, using a casual pace on one of their favorite trails. Hannah decided that since Rafferty had been brave enough to take a chance with her the night before, it was her turn to start off a potentially difficult conversation.

  “I’m really happy that we talked last night. That we got how we feel about each other in the open,” Hannah said.

  Rafferty tensed and his horse danced a little. He relaxed his muscles and then addressed Hannah with only a thin undercurrent of worry to be found in his nonchalant tone.


  “I guess I’m just wondering where we go from here,” Hannah said. “I’d like it if we were together, officially. I’m just not sure how that would look.”

  “I would love it if I could call you my girlfriend,” Rafferty said with a blinding smile.

  Hannah grinned back. “And I would love it if I could call you my boyfriend.”

  Rafferty sidled close enough to her that their knees brushed.

  “Girlfriend,” he said lowly, leaning in.

  “Boyfriend,” she sighed, meeting him halfway,

  They pulled apart and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes before Hannah’s hesitant voice broke their comfortable silence.

  “I was also wondering whether you had to go back home any time soon.”

  “No,” Rafferty said immediately. “I will have to start doing work during the day, but I don’t need to go back unless it’s urgent. Though there will be some annual things that I can’t escape. As long as I have a stable internet connection, my job is more flexible than you might think. Which means I’m all yours.”

  Hannah didn’t really like the hesitation on his last few words. She pulled up, waiting until Rafferty did the same, turning slightly in his saddle to look at her.

  “I love you, Rafe,” she said. From the way he smiled, Hannah was tempted to leave it at that, but she didn’t want Rafferty to doubt whether he was welcome just because he would be doing his own thing instead of following her around all the time. “I know that you have your own work to do. I would never begrudge you that, or feel like you were taking advantage by sticking around even if you’re not helping me with every little thing. I value your input, and I appreciate your support, but we’re on different career paths.”

  Hannah walked her horse closer until they could lean in and kiss again. Absently, she wondered if the little thrill she got when their lips met would ever disappear.

  “If you’re happy to have me, then I’m happy to stay,” Rafferty whispered.

  Hannah grinned at him, and he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, looking serious.

  “I will have to do my own work, but when I’m free, I’d like to help you with the cabins as much as I can. It would mean a lot to me if I could play some small part in helping you realize your dreams.”

  Hannah shook her head. Some small part? Rafferty was the catalyst for this endeavor in so many ways, and yet he insisted that it was all up to her own intelligence and drive that any part of this dream was even coming into fruition. Every time he showed such faith and pride in her, she felt so happy she could hardly speak.

  “If you’re happy to help, then I’m happy to accept it,” Hannah said, putting her own spin on his words. Rafferty laughed.

  “I love you so much, Hannah,” he said.

  The way he looked at her in that moment, with his hazel eyes so filled with love, affection, and something a little like awe, would be seared into her mind forever.

  They kissed in the early morning light of a new day, and Hannah had never been so happy.


  Hannah stepped out of her car and stared at the renovated cabins. A long rope of loosely braided hair slipped over her shoulder as she bent to pop open the trunk. The front door of the cabin she’d parked in front of swung open. Rafferty stood there and she raced around the car and jumped up the steps straight into his arms.

  He laughed loudly as he spun her around.

  “Missed me, did you?” Rafferty asked. Hannah nodded against his chest.

  She understood his need to go back to England for things pertaining to his family business. Not everything could be done over the phone or on Skype, after all. However, just because she understood didn’t mean she missed him any less when he was gone.

  They spent a quiet moment embracing, reveling in being in each other’s arms. Rafferty rocked them slightly from side to side and they savored the moment.

  “Want me to get everything out of the boot?” Rafferty asked.

  Hannah chuckled. Rafferty still insisted on using his Britishisms. It amused him how Carson would always bicker with him about the correct way to say things.

  “Sure,” she said. “If you want to get my bags, I’ll bring in the games and activities I brought to occupy us.”

  “You know we’re going to just end up talking all night tonight instead of playing anything,” Rafferty said with a chuckle.

  “I know, but we’re going to be here for a few days. Once we’re all caught up, we’ll need another way to occupy ourselves. Carson and Jake need constant stimulation,” Hannah joked.

  “So are we going to the main house, or is everything happening here?” Rafferty asked.

  “Everything is happening here. Since this is the area we’ll be using once we actually have guests, we want to get used to the flow of the space. I don’t think everyone is sleeping here though. By the way, I thought Rosalind was coming with you?”

  “She is with me, but she decided to stay in the guest apartment above the stables,” Rafferty said.

  Hannah raised an eyebrow. “Meaning she wanted easy access to a morning ride without having to go very far,” she said.

  “Got it in one,” Rafferty said. “I always laugh when I think about how you got to know Rosalind in the same way you got to know me when you thought you were getting to know her.”

  “You make your impersonation of your sister sound so complicated,” Hannah teased.

  Rafferty laughed and pulled her
into another hug. He dropped a kiss on top of her head. She tilted her face up and he complied by placing another kiss on her lips. Hannah wrapped her arms around him and snuggled closer. She really had missed him.

  They got the bags and activities out of the trunk, and moved them into the cabin. Every time she walked in, Hannah felt a little bit of wonder at how much they had changed, how much of a difference all of her hard work had made. The cabins were cozy and homey now, with rustic touches and comfortable furniture. The interior was designed as a space for relaxation and feeling refreshed and Hannah thought it completed its purpose quite easily.

  She followed Rafferty up to the room they’d claimed for the time being. Hannah spun thoughts about potentially making one of the cabins a bed and breakfast, or doing something similar on another parcel not too far away so that any guests in that establishment could join in on activities with families that might be there for reunions and things. That was a possibility for another day, though. They still had to get all of their ducks in a row for the family reunion ranch resort before they started contemplating branching off in other directions.

  That was the point of this trial run. Everyone had come back from wrapping up loose ends with their old lives. The Wyatt clan was going to attempt to work out all the kinks in exactly how this ranch resort idea would work, with everyone taking point on the aspect of the business they were in charge of.

  Carson and Emma were catering all their meals. AJ and Jake had a slew of activities that included horseback riding, visiting the sanctuary to nurse some animals, wine tasting, cultural lessons, and art classes. Hannah was in charge of the hospitality aspect, making sure that everything went smoothly and everyone was having a good time.

  Hannah was excited about it, excited about the idea that in the near future she would be directly responsible for helping people reconnect with their family. Not to mention excited to be seeing her own family and Winthorp siblings too. She was glad that the next time Rafferty had to go away, she would have more company.

  Hopefully, that company would include new guests, not only family though any time she spent with them was fantastic.

  Hannah and Rafferty set up the activities in the living room of the cabin and headed over to the cafeteria. Emma and Carson would probably show up there soon, if they weren’t there already. They’d chosen to stay at the main house so they could get Mimi’s opinion on some of their recipes. There were a few things they’d specifically come up with for the trial run, hoping that it could be placed on a menu for the future business.

  Sure enough when they got to the building with the big kitchen and cafeteria like space, Emma was using the mixer while Carson brushed sauce onto some meat. They both looked up when Rafferty and Hannah entered.

  “Well if it isn’t the princess and the street Raff,” Carson teased, while Cooper ran to greet them. Hannah stuck her tongue out at her brother as she dropped down to give the dog his scritches.

  “Here and in the flesh. That better be as delicious as it looks, Army,” Rafferty said. He delighted in giving Carson nicknames. It was only right since he was also an older brother and therefore had supreme older brother rights.

  Carson laughed as he put the tray of meat into the large refrigerator to marinate. “How was your flight back?” he asked.

  He and Rafferty discussed the neverending irritation of airports while Hannah made her way over to Emma.

  “Wash your hands before you try to sneak some batter,” Emma said, with hardly a glance at her little sister. Hannah giggled at the warning, but went to wash her hands.

  “What makes you so sure I’ll try to sneak some,” she challenged, making sure to get underneath her nails.

  “Knowing you literally your whole life,” Emma said, leveling her with a look over the top of her glasses. “That’s what makes me so sure.”

  Hannah outright laughed at that. “You know Rafferty has a bigger sweet tooth than I do.”

  “And Rafferty will have to wash his hands, too,” Emma said calmly.

  Rafferty kissed her on the cheek on his way to the sink. He bumped hips with Hannah, smiling when she beamed up at him. She was always so happy to spend time with her family, and there was little Rafferty loved more than seeing Hannah happy.

  They talked and joked around until the rest of the family arrived. Jake and AJ arrived with much noise, as always. Mimi and Boone were quieter but no less noticed. Boone gave Rafferty a questioning glance to which Rafferty nodded. Rosalind was the last to arrive and she had a look about her that had Rafferty teasing her about almost missing out on a fun night to sleep. Rosalind claimed, with much dignity, that she had simply taken a short nap to refresh herself. Rafferty teased her that she was quickly losing energy in her old age.

  When he pulled her in for a hug, she whispered, “Everything ready?” She gave him a pleased smile when he nodded.

  They all sat around a large table to eat. The conversation flowed with laughter and happiness. They were just glad to be together. Once the plates were cleared, Emma brought out the dessert. Everyone received a piece of decadent chocolate cheesecake.

  Rafferty stood, clearly intending to make a toast. He held up his glass, his free hand in his pocket.

  “When I first accepted Hannah’s offer to come to the ranch for Christmas, I had no idea I would be so welcomed and accepted. From the moment I stepped foot on the grounds, you Wyatts made me feel like I was family. It felt to me like I had found something I’d been missing for a long time, and that was in no small part to Hannah.”

  He turned to her.

  “I thought I knew you after the countless messages we exchanged, but meeting you in person opened up a whole new universe of things to learn about you. You were kinder, quicker, more earnest, and more beautiful than I ever could have imagined from reading your words on my computer screen. If you hadn’t sent that original letter, I would never have gotten to know my best friend and confidant.”

  He knelt on one knee, and pulled out a black velvet box. Hannah gasped, both hands flying up to cover her mouth as her eyes sparkled with tears. Rafferty opened it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.

  “Hannah Wyatt, it would have been a tragedy to go my whole life without knowing you and I want to spend the rest of my life falling in love with you every day the way I did from your words alone. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” Hannah choked out. “Yes! Yes!”

  She allowed Rafferty to place the ring on her finger. He pressed a kiss to her knuckles and stood, sweeping her into his arms.

  “I love you,” Hannah said. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” he whispered.

  They became aware of the excited cheering of their family.

  “Whoo! You’re officially going to be my brother-in-law!” AJ shouted excitedly, jumping up and down.

  The happy couple accepted all the congratulations, hugs, kisses on the cheek, and back slapping that was their due. The rest of the night passed by at an even more fevered level of excitement than ever before. By the time Hannah and Rafferty got back to their cabin, it was so late it was early.

  Standing on the porch, Hannah looked at her ring under the silver light of the moon. Warm arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned back into Rafferty’s sturdy chest.

  “Messaging you back really was the best decision that I ever made,” Rafferty said quietly in her ear.

  “And writing that first letter was the best decision I ever made,” Hannah concurred.

  Rafferty brought her ringed hand up to his lips.

  “And now we’ll make wonderful decisions together, for the rest of our lives.”

  Hannah tilted her head back and kissed him, feeling the familiar sweet warmth in her heart at the exchange of affection. She loved this man so much. And she would be able to lean on his strength, support, guidance, and love for the rest of their lives.

  Under the light of the moon, Hannah and Rafferty celebrated their bright future.

  Read the
Entire Home For Christmas Series!

  Alice’s Arranged Marriage by Joyce Alec

  Mistletoe Magic by Rose Pearson

  Minne’s Mail Order Joy by Bethany Rose

  Hazel’s Mail Order Joy by Annie Boone

  Clara’s Mail Order Joy by Natalie Dean

  Hannah’s Holiday Wish by Sophie Mays

  Her Second Chance Cowboy Billionaire Christmas Secret by Hanna Hart

  Books by Sophie Mays

  Enjoy all of Sophie Mays’ wonderful books!

  Magnolia Harbor series

  The Magnolia Harbor Starter Collection: Hope’s Bakery • From New York, With Love • When Hearts Collide

  Hope’s Bakery

  When Hearts Collide

  From New York, With Love

  Unexpected Events

  The Vacation Cottages

  Sweetwater Island Ferry series

  The Sweetwater Island Ferry Collection (Book 1-3)

  For Love…and Donuts (Book 1)

  To Love…and Renovate (Book 2)

  With Love…and Reality TV (Book 3)

  Holiday Books

  Christmas Wishes & Heartwarming Kisses: A Sweet Holiday Romance Collection

  A Girl’s Guide to Creating Christmas

  A Whole Latte Christmas

  Key West Christmas

  Scottish Holiday

  Santa Baby, Maybe

  Love Light Faith

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  About Sophie Mays

  Sophie Mays is a bestselling contemporary romance author who focuses on inspirational and heartwarming stories with a little bit of humor and a lot of heart.


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