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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Posey Parks

  Thirty minutes later we sat outside her dorm in silence. I was breaking inside. I intertwined our fingers. My lips melted against her soft skin. “I’m going to miss you.”

  She snatched her hand away, grabbing her duffel bag off the back seat. She rolled her eyes, jumping out of the truck, slamming the door, storming off toward her dorm.


  Standing in my Uncle’s study, I peered out of the window bright and early on November 1st. The temperature dropped to thirty-three degrees overnight. Even though the house was warm, my bed felt cold last night without Nadine.

  “Tony!” I turned to the voice.

  “Hey, Uncle Mick.” He gripped my shoulder. “It must be serious if you called a meeting.”

  “Yeah it is.”

  Uncle Sergio walked in pulling me into a hug. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Our guys poured into uncle Serg’s study.

  “I’ll explain.”

  I believe someone is hunting my woman. I’ll always protect Nadine.

  I turned to our men. Gio stood by the door. The rest of our men sat in various seats throughout the room.

  “We have important business to discuss.”

  Uncle Sergio sat behind his desk. I sat on the edge of the desk unbuttoning my gray suit jacket. Uncle Mick sat to my left.

  “I called everyone here because I have reason to believe someone is hunting my woman, Nadine Barlow. She’s informed me several restaurant owners have told her they know she is my woman, and she doesn’t have to worry about a thing.”

  The guys looked perplexed, “What’s wrong with that?” Lincoln asked.

  I stared at him blankly. “It’s my signature.”

  The men grumbled.

  “I would tell the owner to greet the girlfriend of my mark. Inform them everything is on the owner. The women are so excited to feel valued, they can’t wait to tell their boyfriends. I follow the girlfriend around until she leads me back to my target. I then sit on him until I whack him. Nadine informed me the owners gave her their business cards. I think the business cards are a warning.”

  I placed the four business cards on the table. “Go through their records and tapes to see who was at each restaurant while Nadine was there. Here is a picture of Nadine.” I placed the photo on the table.

  I paced back and forth. “If it turns out to be one of our own men…” I turned to them, gazing at them coldly.

  “I will torture you then kill you in front of everyone here!” I roared.

  “Wendel was one of ours and he betrayed the Magarelli’s. He is no longer a problem. If you are not a rat or a thief than you have nothing to worry about.”

  “We got it, Tone!” the men chanted.

  “All right, fellas. You all are dismissed,” Uncle Serg said.

  I nodded to Gio to step over. Gripping his shoulder, I guided him to the corner of the room.

  “Tone, you are stressed the fuck out.”

  I gripped my hair tight. “I’m ready to rip someone’s throat out.”

  “I knew Nadine was different. You allowed her on that job with you on your first date.”

  “Yeah, I broke it off with her only because of what is going on. By no means am I saying she’s not my woman. I need it to appear that way so I can flush this motherfucker out. Give me a cigar,” I stated, tapping Gio’s black suit jacket.

  “I need a smoke bad.”

  Gio reached inside his jacket pocket retrieving a cigar, placing it in my hand. Resting the cigar between my lips, Gio lit the cigar.

  The smoke released from my mouth, giving me a sense of peace.

  “Do you want me to watch Nadine?”

  “No, I have Cruzo on it.” I glanced at Gio. “I need you to check into Mannie’s whereabouts.”

  His eyebrows rose. “He was just at the club with us.”

  “I know. I’m keeping him close. Last month Nadine and I were out to lunch and I bumped into Mannie. He was too interested in what was going on with Nadine and me. I told him Nadine was a friend but I don’t think he bought it. He may be the person watching her.”

  Gio squeezed my shoulder. “I got your back, Tone.”

  “I know. Thanks, Gio.”

  He turned on his heels walking toward the door. “Sergio and Mick, talk to you both later.”

  “All right, Gio.” He disappeared out of the door.

  “I have assigned Cruzo as Nadine’s detail. I realized his brother Cruise is on your detail Uncle Serg. I believe Cruzo is a strong choice. He’s keeping a low profile. I don’t want the motherfucker to see me coming,” I stated walking across the room.

  I plopped down in the chair in front of the desk. Resting my elbows on my knees, I gripped my head. The smoke from the cigar close to my temple filled the air.

  “I need you both to promise me if anything ever happens to me, Nadine and her family will be protected.” I placed the cigar in the ashtray.

  “Come on Tony…” Uncle Mick’s arms fanned out before him. “How do we know this is serious?”

  “We perform hits together.”

  Uncle Serg shot out of his seat. “What the fuck, Tony?!”

  “I trained her. She shot Wendel and we cleaned up the mess together.” I stared into their eyes, placing my hand over my heart. “Nadine loves me. She would do anything for me.” I swiped my hand through the air in front of me like slicing a cake in half. “I would kill anyone to protect her.” I roared.

  “I try to keep my relationship between Nadine and I light, because she is studying to become a doctor. I can’t be the reason she doesn’t make it through medical school.

  I thought about it long and hard. I’ve been beating myself up telling myself I don’t deserve her.” I glanced between them.

  “There isn’t another woman for me, only her. I know I’m young and I could change my mind. I’m not ever leaving that woman. She has my back. She’s the good in me. Nadine is my family! Being away from her is going to kill me.” I roughly, brushed my fingers through my hair. “When the time is right, we will get married. Whenever that is.”

  I leaned forward running my hand across the back of my neck.

  “Hey Mick, you remember that kind of love?” Uncle Sergio snickered.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  I stared at my uncles.

  “She will be protected no matter what,” Uncle Sergio confirmed.

  Uncle Mick walked over, gripping my shoulder. “Cruzo, will remain on her detail.”

  I dropped my head in my hands and exhaled.

  “For the time being, I have ended me and Nadine’s relationship. I’ll be watching from a distance to see who’s watching her. I ordered Cruzo to dress like a college student. He’s young so he’ll blend in with the population.”

  Uncle Serge rocked back in his chair. “I hope you get this situation under control before Thanksgiving.”

  “Yes, it will be handled. It also won’t hinder me from handling the other problem brewing in the garbage business.” I stood.

  Uncle Mick smiled. “Your old man would be proud.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Mick.”



  I don’t have an appetite today. It feels like people are moving at the speed of light around me. My dark, sad eyes roamed the school cafeteria. Students smile and laugh at one another over the tasty food. Today the food taste like cardboard. Losing my non-man fucked up my life. Stupid is what I am. Why did I think I could have sex with a man like Tony and not catch feelings?

  I closed my eyes. Maybe if he didn’t eat my pussy like his life depended on it, I wouldn’t be in this predicament. My legs slammed shut at the thought of the earth-shattering orgasms he gave me every last time. Why did I have to bring up marriage and a baby? Tony told me we would only have sex. Shit, how did I know the sex would leave me drooling afterwards. Two more fucking classes, then I can go back to my room and continue crying. Luckily, Laina wasn’t in the room last night. She was with Gio. Laina’s the smart one
out of the two of us. She said she knows what her and Gio have is only sexual.

  Tony has made it impossible for me to get under another guy. He has threatened any future hook-up or relationship. Who am I kidding, I don’t want to have sex with another man? A single tear escaped my eye. For a minute last night, I thought us going our separate ways was destroying him as much as it was tearing me apart. I was wrong.

  “Hey, how you doing, beautiful?”

  I glanced up at the tall guy with steel-gray eyes staring back at me, holding a tray of food.

  “I’m not in the mood to talk. Please let me eat in peace.” I pressed the fork into the mashed potatoes repeatedly.

  The guy removed the red baseball cap. His golden-brown locks fell flawlessly all over his head. My mouth dropped open, I quickly closed it.

  “If you value your life, you’ll run as fast as you can the other way. The guy I was involved with has threatened to kill any man who talks to me. He has some guy watching me. So, leave.” I motioned my hands.

  He chuckled, placing the tray on the table, sitting across from me.

  I leaned forward. “I warned you. It’s your funeral.”

  He smiled, then bit into a chicken tender. Women clutched their notebooks, walking by, staring at him. “Hi.” They grinned.

  He smiled and waved. “Fuck, the women here are endless.” His brownish eyebrows perked up. His face has to be chiseled from stone. He’s picture perfect. I’m not sure he understands how gorgeous he is. I don’t have time for this shit, either. “All right.” I forced a smile. “I’m going back to my dorm room.” I began to rise.

  “Not so fast. Have a seat.” He smiled.

  I sat, rolling my eyes. “What?”

  He leaned forward, reaching his hand toward me. “My name is Cruz Carzezi. My older brother’s name is also Cruise like cruising for a bruising,” he chuckled.

  “My father thought it was funny to give us the same names. He nicknamed me, Cruzo to distinguish between us both.”

  My face dropped. I folded my arms. “I was told you were supposed to be with me at all times,” I grimaced.

  “I am and I was. I waited outside until you finished your classes. Tomorrow, however, I will attend every class with you. Don’t worry.” He smiled. “You won’t even know I’m there. I’ll sit in the back of your classes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know why this is even necessary. I don’t see him anymore. Now I have to see you every day and be reminded of him.” I dropped my head in my hand. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  He leaned in again. “It’s not an option.”

  I dropped my hand, glaring at him. “Fine. Do your job and stay out of my way.” I fled the table, discarding my food into the trash can. I scurried out of the building, never looking back.


  For two weeks, I walked around campus, bodyguard following at a distance. Sometimes, I wondered where he slept at night. Did he leave the premises? Or did he honestly watch me around the clock?

  “Gio, I need to see you,” Laina grumbled.

  You could hear the longing in Laina’s voice. Was she as bad off as I was?

  I hadn’t told Laina Tony and I aren’t together but I’ve caught her staring at me with sad eyes. Gio probably told her.

  I rolled over in my bed, gawking in Laina’s direction. She was under the blanket again with a flashlight. “Can I come to you?”

  “…Why?” she whined.

  “Ok, take care of me over the phone again,” she purred.

  “I’m ready.” You could hear the smile in her voice.

  Third time this week, I would have to listen to her moaning and groaning. I have to get out of here. Peeling back the covers, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, sliding into my fluffy red slippers. I exited the bedroom, pillow in tow. My red flannel pajamas would keep me warm on the couch in the den downstairs. Popping down the stairs, I scanned the room. The moonlight spilled into the room reflecting on the tall figure standing by the window.

  “You actually stay here around the clock?”

  “No.” He continued staring out the window.

  “Gio or…” He turned to me. “All you need to know is that someone is always watching out for you,” he grunted.

  “Even Tony?”

  He sighed. “Yes, of course, Tony.”

  My heart fluttered.

  “He feels responsible.”

  Then my heart tanked. The thought Tony was watching me not because he cared but because he felt liable. It hurt.

  “What does the Den Mother say about you being here all times of day and night?”

  He smirked. “Nothing. She and this school knows who Gio and I represent.”

  “The Magarelli’s.” I whispered.

  He nodded.

  “I will fall asleep on the couch. My roommate is having phone sex with Gio again, tonight.”

  “I’ll talk to Tony about that tomorrow. He doesn’t want anyone or anything to interfere with your education. I doubt he’ll be too happy with me if I let you sleep on the couch. Would you like to check into a hotel? Better yet, I’ll call Gio and put an end to his shi-. Stuff.” He retrieved his phone from his pocket.

  “I’m not fragile. Cruz, be yourself.”

  I grabbed his hand. “No. The couch will be fine. Let it go for tonight.”


  I climbed onto the couch and snuggled up to my pillow at one end. I remember feeling a sense of calm before I dozed off.


  “Damn it, Nadine, are you trying to get me fired?” Cruz grumbled, banging his fist against the elevator wall.

  We rode the elevator to the top floor.

  “No Cruz, I am not. Tony told you to follow me everywhere. You are still doing your job.”

  “Fine, I’ll be patrolling the building.” We exited the elevator walking in opposite directions.


  My fist pounded twice against the door. My heart was making its way up to my throat. A flush of heat flowed through me. I clenched my clammy fists, repeatedly.

  The door swung open. The inside of the apartment was dark. The only light shining through was daylight fading to night. It was around 5:00 in the evening.

  The look on his face was one of irritation. “Hello, Nadine. Why are you here?” he asked coldly.

  “Hi, Tony.” I felt the tears trying to burst forth.

  I pushed past him, stepping into the entryway, flipping on the light switch. “I left my favorite Princeton T-shirt here. I don’t care if you have company.” I stared at the floor.

  “You haven’t been here in a long time. Are you sure it’s not at my house?” His eyes squinted.

  “No, it’s here.”

  “Nadine, you don’t have to stare at the floor. I don’t have company.”

  “Oh, ok,” I breathed.

  I glanced up at him and those tropical island blue eyes stole my heart all over again. Tony’s hair was longer, a head full of curls. He sported a full black mountain man beard. His pecks poked through the black T-shirt. He wore beige khaki pants and bare feet. Not sure if he recently got in. I forced Cruz to tell me where Tony was or we were going for a drive to Sergio’s house. No way did Cruz want that.

  Maybe Tony was staying at his apartment because it was closer to my school. I reached up, running my fingers along his bearded face. His eyes softened and his jaw twitched in my hand. Tony jerked back, turning away.

  My eyes widened. “I’m sorry.” I stepped back, fiddling with my fingers. “I’ll grab the shirt.”


  I walked into his perfectly kept bedroom. Yes, I have clothes at his house and his apartment. I’ve wanted to see Tony every day, but I remained strong as long as I could. I thought maybe if I saw him in person I could finally move on. No such luck. Seeing him only reminded me I was deeply in love with him. I mean how did I think I could fall out of love with the man I killed for.

  There was a knock at the door. Shit, it’s probab
ly Cruz. I inched out of the room.

  Tony stood with the front door ajar. “What are you doing here?” Tony asked.

  There was a brunette, tall, pale, slender, attractive woman standing at the door. Everything became a blur in an instant.

  “I should have sent Cruz to pick up my shirt. I’m sorry I stopped by.” I pushed past Tony, fleeing the apartment.

  “Nadine!” he yelled.

  I ran down the hall, never looking back.

  “Nadine, stop!” The sound of Tony’s voice was closing in on me. He grabbed my arm, pulling me against his hard body.

  I leaned forward trying to break free. I felt my body lift off the ground.

  “Nadine, listen,” he stated against my ear.

  My feet slammed into his legs again and again.

  “Fucking stop!”

  “Put me down.” All my twisting and pounding his arms with my fists did nothing. The barbaric, sexy giant had no intentions on releasing me.

  “You never cared about me!” I sobbed. “You’ve been sleeping with me and other women all along. Fucking let me go!”

  Tony’s neighbors popped their heads out of their apartments to watch the spectacle.


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